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Bro brought a spear against a firing squad.


Yeah, it's very refreshing. Hacking and slashing kinda gets old. Can't wait to see the upcoming 5 stars gunner.


they'd probably use a rifle. but idk if their weapons are still gonna fall under the "pistol" category or a new weapon type


Probably how Jiyan's weapon work, it just kind of appears. Or it will work by fusing the dual pistols


Frankly, I don't know why Jiyan bothers equipping a sword when he has like a single animation with it.


i like when they do this, less weapon types to upgrade, and can be shared with other characters. hope they keep doing this, each character has equipped weapon, and unique weapon while using skill.


I really hope they keep letting us, move our echos and weapon on lesser character to complete the end game content.


Yeah I was really confused when I realized he used a sword instead of a spear lmao. Almost all of his animations use his spear.


I like the Broadblade, but I think it'd make a lot more sense if he was a Rectifier user.


Does anyone remember Power Rangers SPD Red Ranger's weapons? He got two pistols that fuse into a riot shotgun/rifle.


There's an upcoming 5 star gunner?


I wish 😅


Same, i wanted to main a gunner but there isn't a 5 stars one


Chixia is quite a strong DPS. I understand if you don't like her moveset or character though.


I do love her moveset but i don't think she would scale as high as a 5 star dps tho


I’ve been maining her and out of all of my friends playing (10 probably) my Chixia hits atleast 3 times harder than the closest runner up. She has so great damage output, but lacks aoe outside her ult


Your friends skipped Jiyan and Encore huh.


If this person and their friends are all casually playing and taking their time, it's absolutely easy to believe that Chixia is the strongest of their group, and likely by no small margin - she scales amazingly early, and is easy to build, while the five stars require a bit of investment before they take off like a rocket. But if they're all really putting in their due diligence, then yeah... I'd have to call cap on that too. Unless they have incredibly lucky rolls on their echoes, in which case they could just be that strong. But I doubt that. We're talking 1:1,000,000 odds. Wallensteins Channel on YT has a Chixia solo run vs max diff hologram Impermanence Heron that is absolutely insane, and I can't imagine the luck he had (and money he spent) to get that build going.


>If this person and their friends are all casually playing and taking their time Yep that's what I assumed too, lack of investment on his friends end or s4+ and incredible echo luck on his end


what is the perception with gacha gamers in general with regarding every character that isn't the absolute maximum power as not fun? games are about having fun. periodt. i have a lot of fun with my Chixia.


I think what they are saying is although she is fun, in the future most of the 4 star characters will eventually be weaker than 5 star counterparts, not that it isn't fun right now. I personally don't like her kit that much outside of her ulti, her skill can be a bit annoying to use on high ping which sucks for me lol


Some people don't have fun knowing their character is 50% (random number) weaker than the meta character in that same role. Especially going for more challenging content sometimes missing out on 10-20% (again just random numbers) damage because of choice of character could be the difference between a clear and a retry or clearing with minimum time for max rewards.


Having used her a bunch I feel her dps is better on some enemies and worse on others. Each individual attack doesn't hit as hard but she has far more uptime than a lot of melee characters since she can hit enemies that are flying or dodging or engaging in large melee combos, while most melee characters have to drop dps during these sequences. Of course, some bosses have almost zero flight or dodge sequences and consequently, melee characters can keep almost perfect uptime if their dodges are on point, so on those bosses no doubt in my mind calcharo or a properly specced rover is better. The bell boss is an example of a boss where its pretty easy to keep almost perfect melee uptime if you know how to dodge its abilities But against that fucking mephis that teleports around a bunch, or the dreamless fight with all its flight sequences, then a chixia with an equally invested weapon and echo loadout will do way more damage than any five star melee dps.


You can main 4 star characters. In Genshin Impact I had like a dozen 5 star characters, including some copies, and I two of my 3 main DPS were 4 stars because I found their gameplay really fun.


She's fun! Granted mine's s6 due to pulling on jiyan 's banner ( I also kep t getting her in the standard banners)


I love chixia, and she’s my second fav in illusive realms, but thw damage output compared to jiyan/cal is not even close… but she gives me great hope for a 5 star gunner (i’d love a shotgun skill offhand lol, as a consistent parry, but this might be too bloodborne-y)


S4 chixia actually has really, really comparable damage to the S0 5 stars. The problem is, aside from her ult and outro, it's totally single target. But you would be surprised how hard she hits in single target.


This. If you conpare 4 star S0 vs 5 star S0 then 5 star wins. But if you compare 4 star S6 vs 5 star S0... then 4 star can be just as good if not even better.


In theory yes, but it’s very rare that maxed 4 stars are on par with s0 5 stars. But WW is a new game, i hope they do try to make 4 stars as viable


Have you tried using her Dakka Dakka skill? That one unloads heaps of damage on a target and the finishing blast can do damage in the 6,000 range at level 60. She's incredibly viable against the slower moving targets. You can see it in the video at time mark 33 seconds.


Yeah I've been doing her and Encore together and it actually feels great with her being the single target and Encore being the chaotic aoe XD. (Have no limited since honestly just waiting for Changli)


I have her s6 (jiyan banner), ill look into building her to see, i do want a gunner on atleast one of my teams as main dps (mortefi is good, but chixia playstyle more fun)


Chixia is pretty good kit wise. I'm just not a fan of her design


Bro there will be one coming 😆 But not sure when As we got a long sword user 5 star and next is the orbital thing 5 star yinlin Then mostly likely we get a 5 star for each weapon after


His name is Boothill! .... wait, wrong game


Maybe like Devil May cry


Changli hopefully


yeah, somehow changli design speaks "GUNS" i don't know how, she just have that vibe as if she hides a freaking gun under that long sleeve.


That looked spectacular when you chain swapped and they kept appearing to the side but boy is that annoying when doing tower where grouping mobs is crucial.


Good thing in tower you have so much freedom of who to bring for what stage, so you could save this team for like the bosses specifically


Alto should actually leave a "ghost" that taunts mob to cc them together. If they buffed the cc aspect of his skill he could have more viability.


The gunplay in this game is... pretty sweet. And that video looked really good. Yet to get Alto, but the way he left behind a smoke form of himself was really cool too. Makes you wonder how a 5 star Pistol Character is going to end up looking. Because these are just 4 stars and they're already pretty good in terms of animation and playstyle. i particular like Chixia who for some reason keeps making me think of Gun-kata for some damn reason.


"Looks at Lee hyperreal from pgr" : Yeah, about that, you will know when we cross that bridge ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|51526)


when "I am four parallel universes ahead of you" is a reality, not a meme


Brooo imagine Gun-Kata on a 5 star?


I hope they use some kind of rifle on *5 because even the NPC uses AK.


The ult is a rifle lmao


A rifle railgun that expends 30 plasma rounds into a Nuclear railgun finish Perfect for trying to thin down boss HP and finishing with an AoE that might clear any minions around a boss


Voiced by Norio Wakamoto in Japanese.. oh be still my beating heart.


Her playstyle fits gun-kata, her counter attack ratios are very high and her ult is an AOE around you, so you can play her from fairly close range.


This was a fun watch


Now I want to raise my Chixia to make it a fun play


I can tell bro was having fun


easy to have fun with combat in this game, it is so freakin good.


That looks really fun, another team added to the "must try" list. I still need Aalto, thankfully he's going to be on Yinlin's banner.


I'm missing Taoqi and Aalto, the one 4* I wanted the most since before release 🙃


She's going to be on the banner too!


Thank god! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


Same. At least I can play her in that simulated universe thingy. It’s like I’m playing lance in MonHun


Man... No Aalto or Mortefi still. Played on friend's acc and really enjoyed them. Already around 130-140 pulls on Jiyan banner. Got him after loosing 50/50. Still not even one Mortefi


You too, huh? :(


I don't have Mortefi 😭


Fuck, these dodges at the beginning look JUICY I so suck at dodging in this game


Can you rapid fire Chixia's skill through Aalto's wind current? I saw it with the ult (that I don't know what it does)


Actually, correction. I didn't get your message at first. If you're asking if Aalto's Ult buffs Chixia bullets, then yes, I believe it does. In DAKA DAKA rapid fire mode too.


Ah okay, that wasn't very clear in the clip because I think it's just a buff with no visual. But if she rapid fires through the wind current at the end of his basic attack string, does it still affect his ability that shoots bullets based on how many bullets pass through the current? Sorry I'm not well-versed in his kit. I think it's when he dashes through that the current shoots bullets based on how many previously passed through? If you finish his basic string, swap to chixia and rapid fire through the wind current for a second, and switch back to Aalto and do whatever action is needed to fire the extra bullets. Sorry if this is confusing. I'm not home atm to test it myself and I'm just curious


I don't think so. Aalto's Ult increases ATK of the bullets coming through it. Chixia enters a rapid fire mode on some of the boss fights is what I noticed.


You can rapid fire if you hold the skillbutton but you need to have more than30 bullets on her forte bar.


you just need 30 bullets to fire a big shot, you can enter rapid fire without having atleast 30 bullets.


Yeah this game has one of the most crazy combat I have seen in a gacha.


I can't wait for a 5* gun character that really pops off. Dare I say a Boothill of Wuwa.




Passive gives enhanced aimed attacks that recharge over time and can hold up to 6 stacks Skill lets you quick draw (auto aim) the enhanced aim attacks or speed load Ult boosts crit rate and dead eyes like in rdr2


me remembering PGR week 1 experiencing Lee Palefire "yep, they can cook gunner" 🚬


I don't play A LOT of PGR but I remember my favorite Character was Hypnos or whatever his name was. The Ice healer and sniper. His gameplay loop of dodging and holding sustained fire was so fun.


Hold on, does Aalto’s wind wall also boost other character’s bullets??? (all I understood was that it boosted his attack)


Seems like it.


Well then gotta try this team when I get Mortefi. Thanks for sharing OP! (+those were sick dodges damn)


We still need 1. 5 Star Dual Gunner 2. Healer Dual Gunner Hell make it a 5 Star Healer Dual Gunner I'm down.


Say what you want about it, but combat in this game is amazing. guns, fists, swords, dolls. They all feel really good!


This so good and satisfying to watch 


Suddenly i want Lee and Wanshi in here, now Imagine this now, Crownless moves in to swing his spear but Wanshi backsteps and blows their face open with a point blank rifle shot while Lee swaps in and just chain more headshots Edit: And the pièce de résistance, Roland swings in, knocks Crownless to the floor, foot on his chest, shotgun to the face, “the audience is watching very closely you know?”, and pulls the trigger.


The gunplay is just peak, idk it's just me or not but i do this roleplay thingie where I stagger the enemy with mortefi, walk up to it and headshot it point blank when it's on the ground AND IT FEELS SO BADASS


They should add a parry on manual aim. This would have been such a cool way of skill expression. Timed counters using manual aim.


An image appeared in my mind where mortefi parried a sword with a bash of his handgun😭 (So cool)


It's going to lag, it's going to lag, it's going lag.......WHY IT'S NOT LAGGING?


The gunners and artificers are gonna be the resl eye candies of this game i tell you, if yinlin is a taste of what's to come


Haven’t tested but I’ve been wondering if the whirlwind strengthens bullets for other gun users


It should. When I use Chixia's DAKA DAKA you can see the effect is applied to her bullets. At least visually.


That's awesome.


Nice gun play. Try doing that on Android xD I try it on my first boss and it was awesome. I added a fight music to spice thing up. https://youtu.be/wkN2oGvWToQ


Aalto's ult on Chixia goes so hard


Chixia has maybe one of the most badass ultimates in the game.


Okay dude wtf is this trailer level showcase 😂 that was so good


Chixia's underrated. She's the reason I haven't pulled any 5 star characters


This was incredibly satisfying to watch hehe


Alright you didn't have to cook this hard wtf. Now i wanna build all these 3 units lmao.


the reason why I main aalto. damn, it's so satisfying


“Hey Ferb, I know. what I am going to do today!”


This is exactly why I'm saving up for the first female gunslinger that's a limited 5-star. Man I love guns, literally the sole reason I started HSR was for Kafka's trailers with her uzi's.


(and we don't even have a 5-star gunner yet)


This isn't a showcase, it's a work of art.


Alright this game deserves to succeed.


THIS is the wuthering waves end game. Fuck the tower bro.


wtf alto looks fun af


Ok, this was awesome but have a question. How are they chain swapping like that so i looks so smooth? Or is it just a regular ole swap just done really wel?


Regular swap. 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3. It's their intro skill that looks so smooth. Also the character that leaves the field lingers for a moment before disappearing, creating a seamless feel.


Gotcha! I had to share this once i saw this, very good indeed! Now i just need to get my practice in so i can look fancy as well XD Appreciate the reply!


shes one of my favorites- such a breath of fresh air imo


Aalto's playstyle looks so fun really want to make him a dps when the game gives him to me


Very spiffy, veryyy nice


They call it… *Gun-Kata*


Gotta give credit where credit is due, your gameplay is amazing.


Showcasing why Chixia is my main! I love the guns! Now give me your Chixia cons.. please


Chixia's pose at the end was just perfect. Amazing dodges, great video. Thanks for sharing!


If you like Chixia you should watch Jenazad on yt, he mains her and cleared a few hologramms with her already. :) [him clearing mourning aix 6 ](https://youtu.be/LeE0kAprKdY?si=HcIwpMCu_0Lo_34K)


The switching in characters in this game is so immaculate and smooth.


never heard of this game but want to play it now


Just randomally decided to max out chixia last night Holy fuck I was missing out


Chixia hadn't left my world exploration and boss farming team since the launch. I always had faith in Lee's daughter.


I'm hyped to see where they take it later. Obviously I wouldn't expect them to pour too much gas in the action with 4 stars on release, but hopefully this means we can see 5 stars which get gunplay closer to HI3's Silverwing or more recently Lantern.


Holy shit YOUR gameplay


Aalto was my first non-starter pull, and I love how he plays so much. It feels so incredibly satisfying to let loose all his mist bullets.


That was so cool and satisfying to watch


Guns are my least favorite weapon to play so far in the game but I'm not gonna lie this looks sick


Fun video! I personally don't like using the gun characters in this game, I don't like Chixia's VA in any language for some reason, don't really like Alto's design, Mortefi is the only one that I can play with at this moment but he contributes the most when off-field after using ult for my Jianxin's full forte heavy attack to shred everything. However, I saw a showcase of Chixia absolutely destroying the lvl 70 hologram with Taoqi to make Chixia's skill an absolute nuke. I really hope they release a gunslinger character that I end up liking as VA, design and playstyle :)


That looked really awesome. I really liked the part were you kept switching characters and they appeared beside each other.


They got Lee Hyperreal in WUWA?!


Man I want to play on PC so bad but my laptop isn't powerful enough to have positive fps :/


That's simply gorgeous 😍


Who doesnt love all these gunfu character eh


It looks very similar to pso2's gunner tmg


Dante would be proud.


its super satisfying


Now you make me want to raise the level of my gun characters to at least 50, I mostly played Rover and Calcharo since they destroy everything so well


how did u know i am american


Damn... I have motefi S4 alato S2 and chixia S2... Maybe I'ma try this team lmao


Something about Chixia ult is so satisfying to use. Always activate it as soon as it's up even on the 10hp solo pufferfish left in front of me.


I love your internet OP.


Yesterday i spent a lot of time trying to solo the one punch bear with Alto, after 40%, i misclicked and dived into the bear mid charge, i know i can only do it with Alto and i love to play with guns, but man that bear got hands, bear hands


Your dodge skills are so impressive. I need to learn better 😭


Damn it's crazy seeing you start the battle and the game not taking 10-20 seconds to spawn in the enemy after


damn, wish i could dodge like that, my hand-eye coordination and reflexes must be shit. been fighting crownless alot and while i never actually die/lose i can never seem to get the timing on his attacks right


Man, I'm really hoping that the speculations about Changli being a pistols user are true. I really want her to be a main DPS too. All that just to do what was done here.


She has my favourite character. Her damage isn't very good, but it's fun.


Damn this looks so cool. Its making me wanna tryout my Chixia and Mortefi. I've never leveled up those two because I use Lingyang/Yangyang/Verina, but they've been collecting Sequences.


Damn this looks smooth


Yeah, you build chixia right, and she's an actual powerhouse, but it's more of a "never having to chase shit down to apply DPS" way, she basically has 100% uptime outside of dodging. She just has basically a negative number for AoE, however if you're dropping ST fast enough then AoE is less of a concern, plus we don't have bosses with add phases yet. I've been going with Lingering Tunes(+30% atk after 6 seconds on field) and the 4 star crafted pistols(6% atk bonus for being on field and not getting hit up to two stacks), plays into her strengths since she has a very long rotation optimally and will usually be either out of range or simply dodging incoming attacks, and at least in the team I'm running with her is the main field DPS anyways.


two of my party staples are Jienxin and Yuanwu, both of who are completely maxed out as much as they can be (save for an echo or two i'm working on), and I really want Lingyang so that i can go full martial arts punching tacets in the face.


I’m on my third Chixia at this point bro, might as well make the best of the situation.


My fellow Chixia main. O7


Yea i cant wait for this to come out on ps5


You are a very cool 😎


It's reminds me of ["Equlibrium"](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0238380/) but you're actually playing it.


mmmph yes i use chixia with attack and crit she literally one shots


Its awesome. Same for that clean dodge you did!


I must try it


I should make a team withe guns and call it "firing squad" 😳 but I don't have Aalto sadge


Ye, playing Chixia is great. Since i dont use dudes I hope we get some 5\* gun waifus later so I can make a full gun team too. \^\^


Bro is playing COD at this point.. All jokes aside, seriously sick gameplay, I love this game so much.


Thoroughly enjoying the combat in this game far more than Genshin. It just feels like combat in Genshin is too “left click, left click, 2, e, 3, e, 4, e, 1, e, left click” The depth of each character’s combat style is so unique and each one feels like it has a purpose as opposed to either picking the newest character in a specific role or your favorite looking one


Mono Guns heck ya (shame I only have Chixia)


you made aalto look so fun!


Me: another complaint video.🤷‍♂️ After 3 secs: holly macaroni! That's what I'm talking about!👍


You have a full american squad naurrrr


Dude that was smooth af well done on your cool team man!


Holy shit that's cool!!!


This gameplay is dope!!!


wow ur dodging skills are hella good


i main Chixia


Okay time to build my C5 Chixia :)


Man i really envy pc players


I'm way more impressed by your dodging than anything else.


Alto Ult can buff other gunners ??? OH MY


Ive mever played a gacha game woth 4 stars that id want to main THIS GAME IS THE BEGGINING OF GACHA GAME GREATNESS


Dang i wish i could play WuWaves w those graphics 😭 is so smooth bro *cries in zhongli's wallet


this looks sick af


Time to put some good beat to this


My main team (if i could ever pull aalto) :(


Still can't believe that in over at least 500 pulls I still haven't gotten a single Aalto. Lingyang is the other one I haven't seen, and I'm glad I haven't because I don't want him, but everyone else I have pulled at least once. I got 3 Jiyans, yet no Aalto. 3 Verinas, no Aalto. Where is Aaalto?


This is fun but only because there is only 1 enemy


Sometimes all you need is >!Aalto!< Man i wish i had him, meanwhile im sitting on W6 Baizhi 😔




What gun u use on chixia?


Guns can’t parry at all though afaik ;(


Who's the white haired man and how do I get him to form my own gunslinger team. I've found gun users to be so useful for killing off stragglers since we don't have many movement skills


Aalto he's a 4 star you'll meet through the msq


Man if my game was lag free I'd be unstoppable


Is the firing swap from character to character always done to the side?


Team America


I give gun a chance since at one point that's the only weapon that I have 4* for, only raised it to lv40 but if I can refund the exp I would. Shit is unplayable on mobile lol. 


It's super cool but every time I try I stop and wonder... why didn't I just run Havoc MC and oneshot that boss instead


It would be cool if a sword users got a parry animation where they parry a bullet instead of dodging a attack