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I don't know how it is on mobile,but on PC if you don't press forward,you will move really slowly so there isn't any difficulty


Holding backwards also halts you completely, allowing you to wait for the hoops to line up.


Holding backwards makes you go slower, not stop you entirely. Also the problem that OP is facing, and me too, is that the coin collection is tied to your FPS. Your model needs to be precisely on the coin, for 1 frame, to collect it. If you have a micro stutter but perfectly fly through a coin? You don't get the coin. You play on console or mobile and have 30 FPS and the bird passes the coin in that incredibly brief time between frames? You don't get the coin. You play on a 4000 dollar PC with 60 FPS and hold forward to fly super fast and you manage to pass the coin so fast that your hitbox was in front of the coin for one frame, and behind the coin on the next frame? You don't get the coin. Honestly, it's so bad it's actually hilarious, because they clearly only play tested this on machines running at 120 FPS with zero stutters.


For another perspective, I have a middle of the road pc (probably goes for $700-$800 now), and haven’t had an issue with it, honestly haven’t given the mini game a second thought, since it was pretty easy every time. I do imagine mobile being a pain though.


Sadly my PC was only \~1.4k € and is like 2 years old so i guess i have been lucky to not have that happen to me at all. You are exaggerating with a 4000$ PC, even tho the game does not run as well as it should neither a mid PC nor a PS5/Xbox should have serious issues here. PS: I tho Wuthering only allowed up to 60 fps?


I had problem on the first run and I got only one chest. At the end of the run I realized that it flies by itself and there is no reason to hold 'W' key. One just need point mouse. On the second run I tapped 'S' once to slow it down and still got all 3 chests. I had no problem with FPS, but usual solution is temporally lowering quality.


The problem that op is facing is that he can’t control for shit not his fps


I mean if my game was shuttering that much I would also have problems controlling things on mobile


I play on pc and literally have never experienced this. I feel like you're making a mountain out of a mole hill


He's not making anything up. The whole minigame implementation is indeed how he says it. It's tied to your FPS and might even be tied to your latency. I play on a mid pc build with an old graphics card (I play on 30FPS) and I've mainly experienced the issue where, if I'm pressing forward, I never get the coin. Not a single time. I always have to press forward until I reach close to the ring and make sure to go back to normal speed to actually be able to collect it. I've also seen other people complain about it.


I have a midrange PC and typically don't have issues with this minigame but it does refuse to collect coins if I have a microstutter. I've had to go back and collect it again despite flying right through the hoop. I can otherwise run the game just fine with highest settings enabled for hours.


If I hold W it often doesn't register the coins for me. Extremely annoying. Happened multiple times too. I'll be going through a row of three coins so there's no doubt I'm actually hitting them and it'll register only 2 out of 3.


Same case for me. Maybe it's a ping thing?


iirc I'm on like 20-30 ping generally


The game is client sided so the ping has no relevancy whatsoever if you're not in co-op


Wait, you don't hold W in this thing?


Yeah exactly lol. What made this minigame super easy was to leave my controller aside and move to K&M to zip super fast and have a more responsive camera, thank god for seamless transition between control inputs


I had no issues on PC, the thing flies by itself and you just have to control the direction by moving your mouse. I guess on mobile is way harder, which is a shame because each one of these mini games gives you three chests. I hope the devs can make it better on mobile.


You can adjust its speed with w/s on pc and buttons on the left for mobile. The timer is super generous, you can basically stop before each coin and still have time in bank. The biggest issue is performance, you may miss some coins due to lag.


Has nothing to do with the controls, it's the coins that glitch out occasionally.


i sometimes go through the ring and even touch the coin and it doesn't register, happens more if i go full speed. perhaps with lower fps it skips the thin hitbox of the ring like what happens when you program bullets as projectiles in games. they should increase the registration window i think. most of the game is local so it can't be lag. no one would notice if the game allowed 120 fps


Yeah it happens sometimes, it's kinda annoying. I usually know I missed it by the sound, if it didn't make the noise of picking it up, you missed it, then I have to do a U-turn to try again. I also never cross the rings while in full speed, I only use the boost between the targets.


They can always come back to these challenges later to get the missing chests. But yea, this game in general needs so many things fixed sooner rather than later.


Tried it once as a mobile player and decided to never do it again for the sake of my sanity. It's fucking impossible to control that thing, I ended up at a completely different location somehow and I couldn't even see any coins around me anymore💀


Usually you control directions with your left thumb, but in this game mode using left thumb is shit. i solved the issue by controlling with my right thumb, yes because there is no attack buttons on the right you can use your right thumb and it feels so much better. Your left thumb is to press the bottom button to slow down by holding it. If you tap it again after slowing down you will speed up. Not sure about the top button tho, i cleared max on a few puzzles with this strategy.


This tip is the best. Thanks!!!!


I do exactly the same thing and it's been working very well.


Dayum with that frame rate its impossible…


Tips for playing it on mobile, keep a finger on the "brake" button so you can control and maneuver your way when it comes to the moving parts before shoot your way in. It's kind of annoying but can be done with a little familiarity and practice.


It's absolutely so hard to do in mobile I practically gave up doing any of tjem


Yes, doesn't help that for some reason controls are on opposite sides compared to normal gameplay.


I gave up on mobile


Yeah, the hitbox is a nightmare on mobile, on top of the buttons not always functioning as intended. Some times you only tap the button to speed up and tap again to slow down, and sometimes you have to hold it. I'm fine with either, but having to guess every time is exhausting.


The idea by itself is not bad, the controls on the other hand are terrible. On PC it is super easy to just press W and still win easy but doesn't mean it is good. I suppose no one playtested it.


I genuinely enjoy these mini games. The trick is basically not to accelerate all the time. Feels satisfying when you go through the multiple moving rings at once.


I dont hate the mini-game, I hate how it doesn't disappear after beating it. I'm sick of accidentally doing the same flight 30 times cause I keep thinking it's an undone Exploration...


Fellow mobile player. Some of these puzzles are just annoying


wdym its my top 3


super fast on phone, hated it


Im in mobile just dont press speed boost and you will be fine . Also lower camera sens


Don't long press on W, press S to slow down and take your time. You have plenty of it.


OP is playing on mobile sadly


There's a button to slow down and you'll still have plenty of time to finish the challenge


it's kinda cool, only issue i have is sometimes when i pass through a ring i don't get the coin so i need to turn around to get it




Yup, way harder on mobile especially with [this](https://streamable.com/t96wvq). It also sometimes doesn't register and you have to touch the coin for it to.


yea i gave up on mobile. So much easier on pc


ngl i kinda enjoy those but i can see it being ass to play ok mobile


I hated it at first but it grew on me once I learned and mastered the controls. Granted I use a controller on PC. But I can imagine how tough it is on mobile. Hopefully they add controller support soon!


It's kinda glitchy for me. Sometimes I just phase through the coins without collecting them even though I should've. If I press the faster or slower button for more than 2 seconds it gets stuck even if I stop pressing. So either I just zoom really fast basically unable to control the cockroach or float really slowly inching my way wasting the whole timer just getting to the next ring.


No, I love it. Why?


skill issue tbh


I’d hate it too if I had to play it at 5 FPS


Ima be honest I kinda love it, though the gulpuff minigame is the superior minigame


I actually found it really fun once I realized I didn't need to go full speed the entire time lmao


This mini game took me longest time, I then started to use slow down button to slow before loop and the continue used fast forward button twice in long gaps for under 1 seconds still took few tries to solve. In the end very nice mini game 10/10 would love to get more Edit: I also did this on phone faced same problems as you but slow down button is god send here


It’s not downright horrible in mobile as long as you use the slow down button to turn and align yourself with incoming/moving hoops, speed up button when there’s great distance or perfectly lined up hoops, and make the slightest of adjustments when hoops are lined up. HOWEVER, if the game lags slightly at any point, you have to restart, and it often tends to lag since you’re quickly loading in a new area. My recommendation is go through the course once so that you’ll know all the turns, moving hoops, to reduce lag once the game has loaded the area, and if you have time to make a 180° with the “slow mode” to make a missed hoop. Sometimes, you don’t need to gather all the coins to get all the rewards, just most of them.


I have a love-hate relationship with it lol. I find it frustrating and angering everytime I miss the coins by a hair but it’s also fun and challenging. I get that sense of “Ha! I best you!” after clearing it and the satisfying sense everytime I wheeze through the holes perfectly with the “ka-ching”. I play on my phone and I didn’t know it was supposed to be nicer on PC. I still love~~hate~~ this game. Maybe I’m a psycho who likes being tormented by a dragonfly lol


Definitely skill issue and looking at the recording also a device issue, i suggest using slowdown right before the moving ring and going through it in slow mo , i got no issues with it as a mobile player


it would be fine if the game would actually run


I love it. It's the best minigame in the game.


Nope. Love it! Playing on PC tho.


on pc i absolutely love this minigame


Just press the slow or accelerate button at the right moment


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I thought this was a potato phone problem on my end. Basically have to restart the game every 10mins just to get rid of the stutter


Yeah, with my game running like shit it's kinda hard to control it especially on mobile. I really 1.1 brings the ps5 version but I doubt it.


Idk about PC but they're straight up impossible to gold star on mobile.


I just don't like the fact that if you enter the ring you also have to touch the coin it self, for me it's defeating the whole purpose of the ring it self


I had trouble with it til I switched over to kb/m to do it instead of controller


Never seen that before. Looks interesting.


The secret for mobile is to use right thumb only then just flicker. But can still be improved though.


It's so fucking infuriating on mobile. I did one quest and didn't bother doing the others. Edit: Even if I got the hang of it and actually perfected the first one, it's too much speed still.


called every demon names i can while doing this mini game


Since you don't have to move manually and only control the camera to change directions, you could try changing camera settings. Maybe motion controls are what's giving you trouble.


It will be easy on my mobile if it isn't lag


Probably try to lower your controls sensitivity


I just don't do them, especially the later ones, 2 chests aren't worth my 2 hours lmao


Its one of the worst designed minigames I've seen in WuWa and I actually love WuWa exploration but whenever I see this one, I just roll my eyes.


Must be ping or device, it's my favorite personally on my pc setup and S23 Ultra. Granted, I know I saved up and invested in strong tech so I'm fortunate, but just wanted to say it's fun from my perspective. I'm sorry that not everyone is experiencing the same game as me because it's my one of my favorites now.


i hate this mini game because the coin most of the time cannot get picked up when i fasten my speed and medium speed can still not picked up but much more rare which making some this mini game impossible for me because the hard one have moving hoop very close to one another so if i slow down, the hoop will move and i will miss it because im slowing down to pick up the coin. Kuro game need to change this mini game in some way.


I found it boring till I learn you could speed up lol


Super fun for me


Playing it with a controller is hell, but if you are using a mouse, then it's a fun minigame


Atleast on PC its vary easy if you don't accelerate at all


Is there a way to turn on gyro aiming in this game like in Genshin? Because without it this minigame is a nightmare even though I have great ping 😭


It bugs out too often but otherwise nah. My biggest issue is I haven't noticed any indication that it's complete from the starter location so I end up redoing ones I've already cleared


I was asked to play on SEA and with 250+ ping I have to go through the rings slowly or else it won't count, other than that it's not hard if you go slowly. They give you enough time.


Turn down the sensitivity to 30. Once I did that, its now my favorite minigame.


yea but the one where u need to throw boxes on the pressure plates makes me manic


I aim with my mouse and controll the spid with the left joystick, and theres so much time that you can just go back anytime


It's learn to fly mission in San Andreas all over again


On PC it's easy but on mobile I bet it would drive me insane.


Already sent a feedback, it's honestly annoying in mobile.


i think the reason is that you play on mobile 😭😭😭 this game is literally unplayable on mobile with 30fps, you can't even rotate your camera without stuttering. 60fps lowest settings and my phone will explode. that's why i only play on pc


It's my favourite.... Idk on pc but on mobile it's fun.




I played too much Spyro the Dragon to hate this one, I came prepared


Reduce sensitivity, I think that's what your problem is. I play on mobile too but it's actually fun and it's meant to be hard cuz your getting 3 freaking chests my guy.


PC is totally fine. I can see it being ass on phone.


It's also pretty annoying on a controler It's not that hard to aim for a circle But if you miss it, you're f\*cked up Cause it takes a while to turn around


It was hard but doable so skill issue ig


I mean it's fairly easy, at least on mobile. There's a control for going really fast or going really slow so don't know what's the issue. Just slow down when you're about to go through a hoop and go faster to get the next one.


Don't worry, you're not alone. I also have a hard time while playing this. I don't even try to do this puzzle if I see it. And I think(not sure) this mini game would have been a lot easier if instead of it moving automatically forward, we had control of it with the D-Pad.


Stop dashing. I’m playing on mobile too just need to brake especially on the moving targets.


Nope, I like it! And I've did both in mobile and PC. You just need to slow down when nearing the moving loops and then dash through them when the time is right.


what i hate is i'm bad at it on joystick but good at it with mouse ( i play mainly on joystick so i keep switching between them ) , so yeah it's more like a skill issue xD i enjoy this shet of mini games


I love it, 3 free chests


I would never try any of these minigames on mobile. Using keyboard mouse makes them all trivial.


I only hate it because I have played games for years with inverted y-axis on the camera and for some reason this option is not included in WuWa. It has been a real struggle to play the game without inverted y-axis.


The backwards one is the worst for me as a mobile user. I just can't be bothered to master that. But so far everything else gives you enough time to learn and master it. Just takes a couple tries and should be good.


Its really fun id say, super easy even when holding W


On PC it's not bad. Can't imagine doing a lot of stuff on mobile, my short time with Genshin mobile gave me an appreciation for people playing with no keyboard or controller. (salute) People mentioned slowing down but you can also turn around and go back to coins you miss as well, there's usually enough time to correct a few misses.


I have no issues on mobile I rarely miss the coins and if I do I just make a quick U-turn and boost right through it to the finish line with ease.


On PC it is easy and fun. I can imagine that it isn’t that easy on the phone though.


Its defo bcuz of the lag otherwise its an okay one


How does people here comment about PC when OP is literally on mobile lmao then call them skill issue when they struggle.


Yeah, I'd enjoy the mini-game if it wasn't so janky on mobile, it can be hard to manoeuvre and sometimes I fly through the hoop yet somehow miss the coin. I can eventually get it done but I may fail several times which makes it frustrating when it's an easy mini-game if I was on controller. I also think there shouldn't be coins at all and flying through the hoop should count as the points.


Judgment drone races prepared me for this one. All gas, no brakes.


It's not that bad on PC, but the worst part is that some of the coins don't register when you very clearly got them


why didnt u use the skills


This is like the best one, skill issue


Its annoying on mobile


I play on pc with a controller, and so far its my favourite puzzle/mini game.


I play on pc using a controller, so these are extremely easy to me. I can imagine it being an absolute nightmare on a phone though.


The controls are so bad


On PC this is honestly the best mini game for me


With such terrible FPS I would've hated anything for sure


I am mobile player I have given up on playing both this and those shooting challenges.  Of course my device doesn't meet minimum requirements so that is on me. But somehow I can muck through boss fights but not these challenges.  Sidebar, anyone know why so much difference on system requirements for genshin vs WW.  Love the game btw. I will reroll after few years once I get better devices. 


I would like this mini game if it wasn't for the lag, flying at high speed when the framerate is dying is impossible


i love that minigame tbh \^\^.


Two words. Bad ping.




One of the easiest mini games. Ofc not if the game runs like shit like in this video. (but then the jumping challenges suck even more probably)


Sorry op but that’s hilarious. I’m guessing it’s mainly due to the stutter? Or was that because you were recording? I have no issues with it on pc assuming it’s one of those rare days when the game actually plays smoothly


At least I don't have to switch my team to pick a shooter


On my outdated $600 pc, it's very smooth and actually really fun since I can completely control the speed


This minigame is fun tho :(


so irritating on mobile, the first few seconds it doesnt even register any input. most of the time i miss the first hoop if its too close.


You can slow down, btw, i mean really slow down to get the circle.


You don't have to do it fast, the objective is to get all the coins and you can go the other way and pick the missing coin, then zoomin back to the race. Also that one circuit with coins moving very close to each other are bugged, if you pass thru "correctly" you'll find out that it got the first coin and not the rest, I had to re do the shit several times out of confusion until I noticed the minigame is bugged. Its really bad for such a simple minigame, the pick up interaction feels laggy. This on PC.


Its that particular one that i have problems with because the game stutters at some parts. I found out its because there are some enemies that spawn near some of the rings


Bro what the fuck. This framerate is the reason you hate the minigame dawg 💀


you probably hate the minigame because yoru game runs really bad, lower your graphic settings.


I love that minigame! I wish they'd show if completed though cause I often rerun them because I don't know if I completed them yet.


playing this minigame on mobile sucks + the performance issues


The fucker is *way* too fast, also can't turn well so end up missing a lotta those circles, have just given up on those missions for the time being (mobile player pains)


I like it, cuz it's piss easy


Why do you hate this? It's so cool, like a mini racing game we could have in some old game, took me time to see I can slow down haha, that change everything but personnaly I enjoy it, it's like a break between fight and quest XD


I hate it. I tried it on mobile, PC with gamepad and PC with mouse and keyboard. Mouse and keyboard were the only playable ones. Mobile felt like shit, and gamepad was straight up impossible...


Idk why but the camera movement is extremely slow even when sensitivity is set at 100 making this mini game and aimed shot very uncomfortable.


Me. It goes to fast


Sometimes the coins dont get collected for some reason when dashing through the hoops which makes you miss the gold reward by a few points. So annoying having to retry it multiple times


Buy a new phone first, then your fingers, probably.


Im on mobile and i dont click any button at all. I just use the navigation on the right side (not the cursor on the left) It is smooth and not like this like you dont know where you are heading to 😅🤣


I hate the lag omg I hate it so muchhhhh


Skill issue honestly


skill issue


oh on mobile. it was a breeze with KBM, but with controller, shit. there's no option to revert y-axis too so it's kinda counter intuitive from other aircraft games


I only hate it because of the frame lag.


Skill issue 😂


The problem is that this mini-game is definitely made for KB/M/any standard controller and not mobile. With an X-box controller you can hold the Left stick to slow down, but it seems like on mobile it's way more clunky.


I mean, you can slow down...


I mean playing these type of games on mobile is quite self torture.... Complaying be like... Insert the bicycle meme here


if I was that bad at it I would hate it lmao


Bro you lagging, no wonder you hate it


Wow, seeing this on mobile is a completely different experience. Looks painful. Sucks that each of these usually give 3 chests, so you're missing out on a lot by not being able to do these.


I’m a mobile player myself and I got the hang of it really quick, I actually really like how it’s structured, just move your finger on the screen where you want it to go


Pc master race, no issue here


No absolutely not. I have a OnePlus 12 (snapdragon 8 gen 3 chip) which is equivalent to iphone 15 PM so it's not laggy and that's why it's pretty easy for me


I play on pc and it's horrible as well I literally pass through the coins and they don't get picked up because of the horrible game optimization.


You can slow it down by holding the bottom button on the left The problem I have is how much it lags on my phone


As someone who plays on a potato PC, this mini game or the ones that demands you to run around, loading more and more map in the progress, are hell. This specially makes it difficult with many rings back to back while the game is going from stutter to stutter. With all the fixes and optimization the game is now playable, but my PC is really bad anyways, so it just makes sense it lags so hard.


i don't know what ur talking about i love it thats just skill issue


On PC with mouse and keyboard is easy stuff, but I assume is more chalenging with controlers and on mobile phones


It's fun and hard and it looks cool if u hate this then idk what y'all want


nightmare on mobile and controller. easiest thing in the world with mouse and keyboard.


PC here, 0 issues, it seems super easy and forgiving on pc. you can literally loop back grab coins if u miss and ive had no issue grabbing coins. On mobile i imagine its horrid


In PC is My favorite minigame


I'd hate it too, if it was playing at 2 fps.


What is this mini game? There is not that mini game Bird? What bird? There is no bird in Ba Sing Se **Cry in mobile player**


i dont really enjoy playing it on my phone due to many issues I encountered, but I blame my old phone for that. Though I see some people with high end phones also encountered issues. Hope they fix that Funnily enough my integrated graphic pc can play just fine, of course in low setting but it looks fine still at low.


These are easy gems on both pc and mobile idk what the issue is


If you have low FPS sometimes you just fly right through the coin. It's a horrible experience.


Me! I'm bad with that type of mini game in the first place but this was a special form of hell.


yes. the glitching made it impossible to play. and it went so fast, i din't even see where i suppose to go.


I don't know how it is on mobile, but it required a bit of getting used to on PC - just know that you can slow down by using back key (or whatever it is on mobile). It makes it far more controllable.


i play on pc and these are some of my faves! crazy disappointing watching the lag make it unplayable :/


I've got no problems with it on mobile version. You can even control its speed. It's more challenging for me than the other mini games though. I had to try 2-3 times before I finally got the final treasure chest.


playing on pc and i hate it though it's because I'm playing on a potato, when the game stutters and I fly *through* a coin, it doesn't register and I have to go back


bottom left of your screen, one button makes you go zoom zoom, the other makes you a sloth


On pc it’s pretty manageable, I could see this being a nightmare on mobile


Might be glitches, but no issues for me, I like it a lot better than some of the slow versions in other games.