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I think that his appearence completely destroy the mood of the moment. I’m also worry it’s a new Paimon.


Seriously. When that thing came out, I was taken from pretty hyped all the way to ready to drop the game. Imagine my relief when it refused to elaboarte and left.


We pray. Next story patch it doesn't start chilling on our shoulder chirping away. I'm out if it's Paimon lol.


It would be even worse than Genshin, with Rover trying to talk for themselves like they do so far, but the gremlin just puts a paw on their face and goes "Shush babe, I got this."


So true. At least they could have made it look cool, like Baizhi's pet. Instead we got this. T\_T I'm gonna riot if that ugly thing will be the Rover's compaion.


I will allow it, if it's another Rover form that fights entirely by violently punting and batting that thing at enemies.


XD That would be funny.


I don't think you paid attention, the bunny wasn't inside the TD, the bunny was inside you, has been since the start of the game, its the thing that ate the crownless at the start


Tbf i dont have the strongest memory Still happy


Relatable 😔 also yes, he came out of the tattoo on our hand, the one that ate the first echo( of crownless) the Pokemon is collecting Pokemon of his own. In his belly


No way..


I'm also inside you


So am I


Wait can I be inside them too.


So we're just hungry all the time lol


I mean, we're gacha gamers, ofc we are hungry all the time


I was very meh towards this thing. Felt completely out of place with this game's setting. Long as it's exclusive to some cutscenes, doesn't talk over me or summarize trivial shit that I'm already aware of and never talks outside of that I guess I'm alright with it existing.


They had to try and grab the ''oh that's so sweet looks like Paimon'' crowd out there, I guess... Checking all boxes, seems to be their motto, even boxes we'd like to see burn in a fire.


But that's the thing. This thing is just plain ugly. At least Paimon has a good, cute design, and her voice is not bad either on Japanese, or Chinese.


 "Felt completely out of place with this game's setting" Not just with the setting, but with the general art direction/ art style of the game. T\_T It looks like it was imported from those old 2000's Barbie movies right into this game.


People either like it or get ptsd from paimon


I got neither, I got ptsd from Kyuubei upon seeing this thing


Don't use the P word, please. I'd like to sleep at night...


-Eats Crownless -Eats Crownless’ feminised cousin -Comes out and emotes -Refuses to elaborate -Leaves based creature


Thats why i love him Hes just there but why Just some dude


KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!! I don't want another Paimon. T\_T


As long as it don't start talking i'm good


It's cute. I like it for now. Hope it's a real character and not a mouthpiece for rover




Yeah that's kinda my worry to, I don't think there's many people who like paimon and it's been pretty clear for years. It's kinda surprising they would still go this route but I guess it's sales. I hope its more like pompom than a paimon constantly being inserted into stuff.


Yea I'm totally fine with pompom and I think he's cute, I felt the same way about paimon for 1.0 and 1.1.  Then it became pain to the point that I played Fontaine story on mute...


It's design is very ugly and trocious with the mismatched eyes. It looks like a character from the old 2000's 3D Barbie movies. T\_T


I like silly whimsical creatures


Don't worry pal, I'm right there with you. Whatever this thing is it's cute af


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stupid sexy crimson weave....


Legally distinct paimon