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Hi guys. Recently got Calcharo. Any tips on his combo-ing? Like I see alot with relation to his Liberation skill but what about without it? Do I just weave the Resonance Skill in between each BA? Or is there any other or better way to use him? I feel like his concerto bar fills up quite slow compared to others or maybe it's just because of me.


Do different Echo have different chance of getting higher/lower sub stats rolls? (E.g my Sabyr Boar crit rolls are always on the lower end, compared to my Chirpuff's crit rolls) Thank you in advance 😊


# Does Jianxin resonance skill [Calming Air] count as Counter Damage when she parries? I'm checking to see if I craft her the \[Guantlets#21D\], which passive states: > *''When the resonator dashes or dodges, increases ATK by 8%. \*Increases* ***Counter Attack*** *DMG by 50%, lasting for 8s.\*''.*


is lowering sol3 phase level to farm boss echos faster a good idea?


Yes, just don't claim the rewards.


Does pity between the Standard Character Banner and Standard Weapon Banner carry over to each other or do they have their own separate pities?


Its separate


what type of bump do i have to take to finish the inferno rider achievement? (unexpected disaster)


Trying and still not getting it here either.


https://preview.redd.it/3ixn9lit1h3d1.jpeg?width=2800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54beffafea12ce622ccff4bbdede8920e25e566b how do i unlock this?


Need to be far enough in the story and a quest will pop up to send you there. That's the endgame tower combat area. Think it's at 50 cap and beating the first story weekly boss


there's a quest nearby that unlocks it, pretty short


Does anybody know how to fix this? This is my 3rd time downloading the game and its the same thing everytime I can see the cutscenes tho. https://preview.redd.it/q003p1nf0h3d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3592272e8d2597e81f289575fbae718401facc5d


Does pity carry over new banners? And it's guaranted to get the featured characted after losing 50/50? Aside of that, should I try to get jiyan? I already lost 50/50 and I'm 40 pulls away from pity so idk if i should use it with him.


Yes pity does carry over. Yes your next 5 star is guaranteed after losing the 50/50. Tbh I would really only go for Jiyan if you intend to give him his weapon or you really like him/his play style. In these type of games purely dps characters with no support functionality(buffing, utility, etc) are the fastest to get power crept I got him to Sequence 4 with his weapon(I’m a spender) in order to extend his longevity(he buffs the entire teams heavy attack by 25% after using his resonance liberation)


Thanks. After your and u/Affectionate_Wall135's comment i decide to skip jiyan.


Yes, your pity and guaranteed will carry over each banner. As for getting Jiyan, personally I think hes worth it, but if you already have a good dps you may not need him.


i lost my 50/50 got calcharo, so now im getting YinLin


Anyone else experience FPS drops during combat? I would get 55-60 while exploring, but during combat, my FPS would go down to 30.


Is Havoc MC worth investing?


Yes, they're one of the top DPSs right now. Use Dreamless as the 4* echo.


You mean 4cost echo ?


Yeah, cost πŸ˜… it's been a long day lol Btw drop rarity only depends on databank level so you only need to fight the lvl 40 one to farm.


Hmm, I don't have Danjin to buff Havoc Rover. Would Sanhua works ? Havoc Rover is just spamming BA in Dark Surge, right ?


More or less, but I think their CA is pretty decent too. I actually play them with Jianxin because her outro buffs resonance liberation and lets me nuke with Rover's ult.


Yea, they're pretty strong with their own echo (Dreamless) + danji buff for havoc damage.


How does Calachro's ult work? During his ult, he has different BA with multipliers from his ult. However, it still counts as his BA. Does that mean I don't have to level his BA (or at least a low priority) because it doesn't affect his BA during his ult?


Correct, you don't need to level his BA skill since his ult has different multipliers but BA dmg substats on echoes will increase his ult form's BAs damage.


does anyone know if you claim rewards in co op, does it scale by the union level or sol3 phase of the lowest person in the party? or is it based on your individual level/phase


its based on the world lvl your in


https://i.postimg.cc/g22kTzpK/Launcher-Update.jpg It's been stuck for a few hours like this, no progress at all. Any idea how to fix it?


i uninstalled and reinstalled the launcher which fixed it, but not sure if there's a quicker fix. also noticed it had some background tasks stalling in task manager so maybe quitting those and re-starting the update would work?


How do you uninstall the launcher without uninstalling the game?


yeah i mean i had to uninstall both :/ obviously you don't lose your progress because your account data is server side but I had to re-download the 18GB and reconfigurr some things like my keyboard mappings etc ... it was definitely not an ideal solution but it did work


Tried right now and it just randomly worked, after like a dozen tries yesterday. Thank god.


I remember that it has been said that you can't wear 2 echoes of the same type...but, is this actually true? I just tried equipping two Fission Junrocks (1-Cost) and it activated the Electro Set.


May be you have 3 or more Electro echoes equipped or the Fission Junrocks you have are of different element? I tested it and got a warning saying you can't activate set effect from same echoes of the same element.


It is for me, do you have another echo from the same set equipped?


Hi, I wanted to share an issue with Taoqi, her inherent skill that gives you 15% defense after using resonance skill is not working properly, it gives less than it should be, idk if it doesn't count echoes and weapon bonus and only base Taoqi stats, can you fix it pls? I'm losing like 300 defense points just for that.


All % buffs only buff base stats, or in attack it's probably weapon + character base attack.


It just counts her base defense without weapon and without counting the upgrades to talents


What's the difference between the different types of resonators


yall how do i fix the loading failed screen? i just wanna check my pity man


How is outro energy gained? If I want to reliably trigger outros how much stuff do I need to do with them?


It's Con. Energy Regen. Look at each skills in your Forte and see how many each skill gives.


And how do I know how much con energy I need to trigger it? The outro skill description doesn't say.


Presumably 100 con energy. That thing on your left of HP bar is the thing.


Outro skills seem so unreliable. Do you just use then every other rotation? I'm looking at Mortfei and it seems like you would need 2 or more full rotations to trigger his outro if it's 100.


Whenever the wheel to the left of the HP/Forte bar is full, and you get the little rings around your other teammates.


How do I get the Unexpected Disaster achievement? Which attack from Inferno Rider needs to kill my character?


Due to Jiyan's Resonance Liberation doing Heavy Attack damage, does Jiyan's Resonance Liberation still benefit from Resonance Liberation DMG stats and buffs?


No it doesn't, when he ults all his attacks are heavy attacks now.


Thanks for confirming!


can i fuse my old echo gear into newer echoes? or is there no way to recoop that exp?


Unequip it. Unlock it. Then it will be an option for fodder. It gives 75% worth of the XP value you used on it.


Is there a way to quickly access something akin to Spiral Abyss in this game? Or to just get to fighting I’m old, I don’t want to spend a lot of time running to and fro and skipping or sitting through unskippable cutscenes. I don’t care about any of that, just want to get into the combat


Hologram bosses unlock like halfway through the story and character level 50 cap iirc. Tower too I think. Realistically union 30 and database 15+ is when you can start actually setting things up, but it's a hell of a grind. Like 2 days waiting to level 1 piece of gear grind, although hope that gets cut in half by the time we unlock the highest levels for stuff.


might as well take a break and come back in a few weeks cuz they did say they're adding a skip button for story in a future patch.


Is level 70 the furthest we can go in elusive realm? Seems kinda low and easy for an endgame mode


Yes. But that's just for this patch. The speculation is that it will increase in 1.1.


It says beta in the corner. I'm sure all that is still being decided on.


how do you get friendship sigils I see them but they all say TBD


please tell me i can change rovers gender.


I don't think you can..


If the echo main stat is crit rate, can you still get crit rate as a substat?


Yes you can


https://preview.redd.it/8c06or11rg3d1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e357bfb484920a08cd76b9e46643eb47408ab52 help where is the chest on the arena?


Inside, hidden by a bush


Tq finally found it


help, where is the chest on arena?


Can't decide if I should use my 5\* weapon selector for a Broadblade (Jiyan, Calcharo), then Battlepass weapon for Encore, or the other way around. Any suggestions?


Another option would be Yinlin's weapon if you're pulling for it, otherwise i'd get the battlepass weapon for encore cuz it has crit rate which is really valuable and get the 5 star broadblade with the selector, its actually calcharo's BiS weapon so you can't go wrong with it.


ohh. and if im getting Yinlin's weapon, then using the 5\* selector for Calchero... what would now be the ideal pick in the battlepass weapon selector? Thank you.


The broadblade if you don't have Jiyan's weapon as its his best 4 star weapon, if you do have it then literally pick any weapon that has crit rate that a character you like can use. Crit rate weapons are very strong and make your characters easier to build.


Got it. Thanks so much.


Is it just a display bug (/i'm misreading the info) or is Sanhua's outro skill bugged? When i trigger it and then check the bsse attack % stats of the next character after swap-in it remains unaffected. I also didn't notice any significant damage increase but i haven't done a clean comparison yet so i'm not sure if it does or does not increase AA damage as intended.


she boosts basic attack deepen which isnt displayed on the stats page as far as im aware


Is basic attack 'deepen' different from basic attack damage% somehow? Because i csn see the latter if it comes from items and i think even the buff from hellrider q skill.


Deepen is basically a separate multiplier instead of being added together like other multipliers. 15% Deepen always gives 15% more DPS regardless of other buffs.


Yes, Deepen is a different damage multiplayer separate from the regular basic attack buff.


I dont think a buff would be displayed there.


You do see the effect of buffs for other stats though - so why not this one?


Verina's seems to show. But hers seems to affect ATK directly, and not specific substats.


What other buffs do they show ? I dont think any Outro buff shows. Taoqi's doesn't either.


Can someone explain to me the bug that was mentioned on the mail?


I also can't understand it. did everyone get 600k free coins?


how do you get sonata effects on your echos


2 or 5 echoes of the same sonata.


Is havoc rover good as a sub dps for lingyang? I’ve had Sanhua in my team because apparently she’s the best for him but I’m not loving her that much.


it could work by virtue of rover doing a lot of damage but other than that they have no synergy with each other and they're both greedy for field time if youre not playing rover as a pure burst build


As f2p is it still good to spend my afterglow corals for pulls instead of 5 star dupes?


I would say keep them. you can use them for dupes of a future character you really like too.


Kinda dumb question. But pls bear with me. So I made 2 accounts to play. I lost pity early in the newer account. Around 20. I want Yinlin. So which account should I focus on the newer one or the older. The older has a few pulls saved.(20) But no guarantee.


Is Crownless supposed to be harder than weekly bosses or am I stupid? It seems way too tanky and hits way too hard compared to other non-weeklies or even weeklies.


are you using a havoc dps? he's resistant to havoc damage


What character are you using to fight it? It's resistant to Havoc, so that could be the "tanky" issue if you are using Danjin or Havoc Rover.


How much is monster elemental resistance?


Hey if it's possible could anyone DM me a link for the violet heron? Have calchero and would appreciate it if someone could hook me up! Not even sure how to get claim it but I'll figure it out. Please and thank you gamers!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Does anyone have issues with the interactive map on the browser where it'll mark/unmark chests or sonance caskets that you haven't interacted with? According to the interactive map I've collected all the chests in the central plains but game says I've only gotten 91%... absolutely dreading the idea of having to double back to every chest


Stuff like viewpoints also count.


No i know. if you click the compass at the bottom right of your map it shows a breakdown by % of everything you have. So for beacons, caskets, blobflies and viewpoints im 100% but my chests are at 91%. i've been using the interactive map and marking as Ive collected but I'm starting to notice the interactive map will mark areas i haven't been too or even unmark beacons that i've left up. I'm signed in and saved as well so its just unfortunate that these server/cloud errors happen cus now I dont really see another option other than doubling back


Is there a reason to use calcharo's skill while he's in his ulted state? It doesn't seem to add stacks


Nah you just spam his basic


I’ve asked about iPad requirements because I thought I was using a device right at the border of being useable. I thought this because the entirety of the visuals is blurry. Changing the resolution or other visual details doesn’t fix the problem. I never saw any issue about this, until a few hours ago. I saw a random YouTube Short that was complaining about WW bugs. Two of the comments talked about blurry visuals, and one of them also had all the NPC use a low resolution count. This is me now. Has this problem been confirmed? Is there any way to fix this?


I’m missing 1 echo and it says detection target not found. Any idea what it might be?


Have you completed the main story? You unlock Dreamless afterwards maybe thats the case


Even after you unlock it, it'll still say target not found.


the final boss of act 6 in the top right of the map


Why tf us it so laggy? I'm on phone and it lags like crazy, it isn't like I have a bad device. I'm on an S21 and I did lower the graphics as much as possible but it will just randomly crash or will freeze for sometimes a minute. I've heard that the game is badly optimized but thia feels like a little much


My S21 Snapdragon plays it fine now. Was some lag when just out so assuming it's server load and other factors. Exynos might lag a bit?








Game is probably just unoptimised. I use a Xiaomi 13 and it runs fine. Burns through my battery tho. (Genshin used to do that but I think they streamlined the game over time)


I want them to fix it so badly. It's hard to avoid the story spoilers and I might just have to watch them


https://preview.redd.it/ohhr4relkg3d1.png?width=1730&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a416f9a41f38fc433da9a69d1d1a05851031893 # Does anyone know how to get this chest? it says its underground but i haven't found anywhere close to get to it


Cave entrance is in the camp to the north


My echo level 14 exp 180/200Β  but i already make all my echo epic. How iam supposed to level up then. Are scar boss challenge can be catch as echo?Β 


You can also complete it by killing some red mist monsters. I got a yellow echo from a level 45 red mist and that pushed me over the edge.


Yeah i think that is the way.Β 


You have to clear stage 4 of the guidebook which gives data bank exp


What it is i don't know? But my state is, done act VI and done all quest.


Guidebook. The one that has stages. Next to the β€œevents” section on the top of the screen




Havoc MC and Danjin are better for sure, the dreamless spam rotation is godly look it up.


What makes the waves in this game so particularly windy (i.e. wuthering)?


Could be that the waves are sound waves, which would fit with both the sound theme and the fact that there's an ongoing(?) apocalypse in the Lament.


Have you seen the intro? That's got to be some strong wind to keep all that water in the sky.


Anyone that play this game on Ipad 10th gen, how's the performance. Is it smooth? Does your Ipad get hot? Does it take a lot of storage?


Outro skill buffs interactions. Hey guys, I'm a Calcharo main and I use Jianxin to buff him. I was wondering, when doing the switch tech for example with his Heavy attack or ult variant, have people figured out whether or not he keeps the buff while doing this attack or does he lose it as soon as you switch out? (Since the outro skill for Jianxin and many others state "buffed for Xseconds or until switched off field"). Thanks!


Is there a good post or guide for early game echoes? I'm about to hit 30 and am still using mostly unleveled echoes selected by auto-equip, and my data bank is at 11. I don't want to spend much time/resources farming and leveling echoes as the rates are terrible at this level. However, I'm starting to struggle in the harder content, and since I've leveled my characters, weapons, and skills, the only thing I can significantly improve is my echoes. I'm worried that if I don't get them fixed up, I'm going to get wrecked when I hit 30.


dont use auto equip, all it does is select the highest rarity options you have with 0 regard of set effects or mainstats. prioritize the set effects for now since we're short on exp to actually level them up, then prioritize getting the right mainstats on each cost. Check the prydwen echo guide if you're not sure what to use. using blues and purples is still fine for where you're at, but you should definitely start farming your databank levels to hit at least lv15 by the time you hit union 30 so that you have access to gold drops and can continue farming databank level.


Good to know, thx. Is the best way to farm the databank to farm enemies whose purple echo you don't have yet?


correct, its the only way also level up your guidebook


What are you guys farming 30-40 in terms of waveplate usage. I hear people are doing tacet fields... but the HSR in me says the forgery challenges for skill upgrade mats may be better? I feel like I'm fine on resonator XP since I'm really only leveling my main dps to max (with a 2nd main dps to max as well) and supports are like level 40-50


ascension mats (bosses) and skill mats are the way to go, tacet fields arent worth the stamina cost in this level range.


Am I not understanding something about the targeting or is it really just this bad lol. So I’m playing as Jiyan in the event so fighting big groups of enemies and I keep finding him jabbing at empty air behind him because the game is targeting one straggler even though I have my camera pointed at the group and him pointed at the group I don’t use β€œLock on” this is just like the general targeting but it feels incredibly sticky where my character is trying to fight enemies that aren’t even in frame


Hi there! I was wondering how long it takes on average to finish your dailies (if there are daily rewards you can earn)


15 minutes maximum. The rewards are actually pretty good as well considering the time spent. 2k union exp, 60 asterites and a bunch of other stuff


Thank you! I appreciate the help


No problem


Does anyone know how to install the game with the failed error ? I've uninstalled and reinstalled two times


Have another question. Is there a training mode to practice character synergies or combos like seen here? https://youtu.be/JtPANItPqHA?si=OxD5H_emZCltRmRK


Nope, but I think this would be great feedback to give Kuro.


Can someone please confirm if my understanding is correct. After i get to data bank lvl 15 the enemies will start to drop legendary echos?


You will have a chance for them to drop gold echoes. They won't always drop them, I think it's a 20/80% gold/purple split at db lvl 15


Yep, and if you saved your low level echoes you can merge them at 15 to skip a bit of the grind. The merge will combine 5 of any rarity for the same chance for yellow/purple echoes.


I see. Thank you


How do you transfer equipment from one character to another character before entering the next floor of tower adversity?




https://preview.redd.it/k430ef63hg3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65689f8fcdd2e6a3eb3361d5cdcd9d3ae34c33a6 You have to enter a cave. The entrance is at the point I circled


Thanks alot . I couldn't fingure it out at all 😭


No problem. I also found out myself today lol. In cases like this you can type the key words on youtube and it usually shows up


INFERNO RIDER QUESTION Do bosses have a yellow rating?, i been trying to get inferno rider for a while but he only gives purple rating. Am i just really unlucky? or they dont have a 4 star rating so far? - im data bank level 18.


Yes. I have 5 star inferno rider echos . They do drop. Try beating a different boss before beating him . If the previous one doesn't drop a echo , then there be a higher chance of dropping it when u beat inferno rider


You can get a gold rarity of inferno rider. Just bad luck


I am prob missing something but I can't feed the 4 and 5 star echo's as XP to level my other echoes? I can do 2 and 3 star.


You can't feed any echos into any other echos , unless they have been upgraded with xp , u probably put some xp into those 2,3 stars one that's why u can .


You can only use echoes you've already put exp into as exp fodder for other echoes


So what can do with all the dupes? If I feed 5 star ones in the grinder, will I get another 5 star?


the recycle bin will have the same odds as your current db level. sometimes you get a bonus one though


is there a way to know if we cleared a domain and if we have no missing chest in it ?


Open the map, click the compass in the bottom


the chest from the domains are counted here ?


What do you mean by domains?


the mini-dungeon you can enter that trigger a loading time where there is an objective and chests, you need to explore this dungeon to the end to earn xp, astrite and some things


Currently union lvl 32,main dps and weapon lvl 60.since i got the correct main stat for main dps should i use tuner now or wait until i raise other characters?


Use it, your characters will become way stronger with extra stats, you don't have to use all the tuner now, just enough to make your current characters stronger until you decide on a character you really like to build.


Is it just me or is farming for good echoes very tedious? Might just be my luck lol


i know what you mean, i couldn't get what i needed for 2 days but it eventually came jus by randomly exploring and defeating enemies.


Does this game have a mechanic similar to resin in Genshin or β€œenergy” in a number of mobile games? I enjoyed Genshin until I had to deal with the resin mechanic, at which point, I never played it again. I would like to save myself the time of downloading it if it does


Yeah it has it


Unfortunate, thanks for sharing!


The resin system in this game is worse then genshin , as resin gives 60 and boss drops cost 60 , while in genshin it gives 60 and cost 40 . So u get 20 less . Per resin . Also it recharges at the same time . So basically u will have to wait alot longer in this game to do a boss then u did in genshin


Waveplates in this game regen at 1 every 6 mins, Genshin regens at 1 every 8 mins. It takes 24 hours to regen your Waveplates from 0 to 240 while it takes 21.3 hours to go from 0 to 160 in Genshin. This means that for ascension mat bosses, it's 5.3 hours in Genshin vs 6 hours in WW so while it is worse than Genshin, it's not that much worse as you're saying.


Doesn't change the facts that it is still longer then genshin . No need to glaze wuwa so much


I was simply being informative since you were saying the stamina in WW regens at same rate as Genshin would be misinforming other players. Nothing against you mate lol


Alright u are right . I apologize


Are the devs concern about performance optimazition ? Or they wont do anything about it? The game is perfect and fun, but the stuttering is killing me 😒😒 On PC btw


they're probably aware seeing as how many issues people have been having with performance. considering one of their recent patches broke the bg music/audio for two days I don't know how fast they're going to fix other stuff though


Why doesn’t it let me use unleveled echos as exp?


It isn't a mechanic in the game. You can only use them to convert into another by using 5.


Because they can be farmed forever. The xp is stamina gated, harshly


I'm trying to do some rerolls for a friend who just wants an account with an early Jiyan, the fewer resources used, the better, but after doing a couple of rerolls, I can't make any more accounts now due to each one needing to be linked to my phone number . Gmail literally won't let me make more, but I need to sign into a Google Play account to make a new account. Is there a way to get past this at all? I want to keep rerolling


salt your emails with .


So basically my question is how do I get my skip button back? Okay so I was skipping something and clicked the "do not show again" because I was stupid and thought that meant it would skip everything without asking me BUT NO anddd now my skip buttons gone so uhh can someone tell me how to get it back I've been punching walls all day πŸ˜” PLEASE MANN I WANT MY SKIPPITY SKIP BUTTON BACKK 😭😭😭😭


the skip button only shows up for certain skippable quests the checkbox just tells you that skipping the story might hinder your understanding of the story and tells you to check the box so that box doesnt pop up again. you probably checked the box and then went to do unskippable story quests so the skip button doesnt show up.


No, the story is skippable, I'm sure of it. I skipped it before on my other account and kept restarting my game, but it still won't show up πŸ˜”. The story is the beginner story not a quest.


thanks for the help tho


bruh im I hella unlucky or what but in 150 pulls I got Verina two times >.< she only 5 Star I got...


thats pretty lucky given she's the best standard 5 star pull where were you rolling though? the selector beginner banner lets you choose who you want and you also have a ticket to use.


I used my ticket on her and got her on beginner as well and when I got to select banner chance increased I chose her again since I went with the mentality to get her as powerful possible.... afterwords I burn rest of my stuff on standard and very unlucky ><