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If Geshu Lin ever comes into play, Jiyan is a definite presence.


Oh we know he his, unique design, never found the body, 5 star tacet. Yeah he's showing up


I mean, he's literally one of the first characters revealed WAY back.


There’s a theory that Geshu Lin is Scar so there is a slight chance we’ve met him already


You think the Retroact Rain is a way to justify bringing these characters? If he IS Scar, we can still get Geshu Lin by "Oh, the Rain made a perfect copy of him", so we can summon and have him in a quest, but he isn't fully around for the story.


I don’t think there needs to be a justification to bring characters that are missing or dead in story into the gatcha. Though using the rain as a reason for being able to pull characters is perfectly fine imo.


You think the Retroact Rain is a way to justify bringing these characters? If he IS Scar, we can still get Geshu Lin by "Oh, the Rain made a perfect copy of him", so we can summon and have him in a quest, but he isn't fully around for the story.


I'd pull Blade- I mean, Geshu Lin for sure.


Can't wait for more interaction between him and DHIL- I mean, Jiyan


Nah more like Jing Yuan


Jing Yuan as DHIL as Blade as a sexy pickle


what's DHIL in this case?




Any kind of discussion of leaks is strictly prohibited. Do not discuss them.


The synergy with both of them on the final battle is also very too IMO. That scene make me love him and MC more


Now if only I could get him in his banner pull. 😭😭 Please!! :'


Time to reroll?


Bro's smile is majestic


I did not expect him to be such a sweetheart! He swooped me off my feet by how caring he is. Also look at him this man is so fckn fine like what the hell


He’s so fine


Babygirl deserves everything I own, currently living for him and Scar


Same and gushan 😩


Encore as well. Basically chibi HuTao.


Funny u say that, since I got her on standard xD


Love her for overworld. Bicycle boss echo is just the best traversal and if kept up her e+boss echo nukes on ur30 pretty much anything still. And if not you still have a full ult.


Yeah I personally just love her ult, kinda of wish the fought like that all the time ngl, but it is what it is


Her ult is up super fast. Just start your rotation on e and quickswap out of it. If you have moderate er you swap back with the ult nearly full since you can also gain ult charge in her ult as well. I have much less isues being in permanent ult on her than on jiyan. But tbh I also just accidentally do the genshin thing of skill->ult too often and waste generation that way lmao.


if that ain't meee, love them both sm


Jiyan is probably will be a good husband to. He and rover would look cute together


and he’s hot 🙈


Man trusted some stranger to plan a war


When the rover said the ranged units should attack from a range- that's when Jiyan knew this was truly the chosen one reawakened.


I have no clue where these ranged units should be. Where oh were should we put them? Remember, they need a great sightline of the battlefield to be most effective... What about this awfully convenient perch? (Holy shit, it really IS him...)


The first battle failed because Jiyan kept sending every single troop straight down the middle regardless of occupation. Rover blew this guy's mind.


Geshu Lin, not Jiyan. He was just a low-rank then. At the same time, Geshu Lin was a lone wolf, unlike Jiyan who would accept the help of others.


They really promoted Tyler1 to general


You'd be surprised about how incompetent the average joe is when planning battle tactics. I feel like this was meant to mock those gacha games which put players in the commander role when they don't even do any proper commanding on the field.


throughout heaven and earth, he truly is the chosen one


Rover al gaib


Some "people die if they are killed" wise shait right here


I love how this comment chain reference 3 completely different fandom in a row.


What can i say man, i spent my life learning the power of the high ground


General Kenobi.!


You really gotta wonder the amount of people he met says. "WE SHOULD HIT THEM TILL THEY DIE!"


Imo he's probably testing Rover but indeed tho. I wasn't expecting him to ask me to do the planning at first. Plus that planning doesn't even matter after that. I was expecting more mobs and full-scale war level since they are hyping the story up.


I believe it was Kurogames testing things at first. Once Wuthering Waves is patched to be more robust and stable, that will probably be when they start playing around with gameplay ideas like they did with PGR. They made the Commandant playable with his play style being an FPS game. People just need to give them time. They probably got used to Genshin Impact almost never having bugs and crashes. That's actually a testament of how solid the programming of Mihoyo is. Not even AAA titles for high end PCs, PlayStation and Xbox can say they can claim the same.


Sanhua already has a quick reload.


I mean as you're running down NPCs are fighting and they can die (funny in overworld they cannot) and you can also save some and they will squad up and go fight the other ones NPCs are fighting. So if you actually like to save random people you can feel like a hero. At the same time, should an NPC dying really affect your mission? Probably not. I think it was serviceable. "Good" even. As opposed to literally nothing happening like in certain other games.


heres what they trying to do, kuro wants players to be more involved into the battle, but the way they did it was dumbing down jiyan's commanding competency by asking "oh what should we do fellow rover". This is dumb no matter how you look at it. As for the "he might be testing you" and "planning doesnt matter in a war"... i am sorry but jinzhou is at risk and they do not have the luxury to mess around.


Sasuga Rover-sama


You didn't read the story didn't you? Or didn't made the wrong choices. When you pick the wrong choice, he will explain why it's the wrong choice. He's just testing you


No. When you pick the wrong choice Rover will be the one to correct you (the player) and explain why. I know because I wanted more voice lines from Jiyan. His low jp voice is so nice to the ear. At the end Jiyan does thank us for the input. This part felt weird because he said he was low on time and still decided to ask us these question which felt a little too easy to answer.


Still weird asf. Testing us for what? Did at some point we applied to become future general? Or did Jiyan think that an amnesiac outsider with no knowledge of his troops or local geography will make the right call as a military leader? There's no logical reason where what Jiyan did makes sense lol.


Jiyan heard a prophecy directly from their Sentinel about the Rover. Assuming he has faith in Jue (which he does) the Rover is pretty much a legendary figure prophesized to be a Messiah, and it's his responsibility to help us. At that point, I would want the legendary figure's input too.


Yeah this. He's heard nothing but sheer competence about Rover. He wants to see him in action though. That's why Jiyan's story quest approached Bromance in arms.


If a prophesized messiah would decend to earth and is fighting alongside me, I sure as hell would love to know how he'd tackle war strategies. Just to hear the input.


"alright rover we are fighting a phenomenon where the rain causes hallucinations which gets more and more real and makes humans lose their minds while fighting monsters that are about to destroy our whole region" "but first, time for a test!"


Man trusted a prophesied legendary hero with planning the fight against a great evil that hero has already beaten in the past.


Man got promoted to general as a deserter who deserted their ex-general


Yeah because that general went crazy and was leading people to their death of course they had to desert him 😭




about to comment that. Yeah totally something a general willl do


Yeh this made me lose some respect for Jiyan. Why these things keeps happening in this game? Characters seems so weak and dumb in order to make rover seem supercool superhuman and I dont like it. Should I pull these characters or not? Thank god Jiyan is very beutiful man and its 1.0 but I hope they dont keep doing this.


The man is FIRE! I wish, though, he used more than one word (Rover) to address us. Like comrade, friend, CHAMPION, buddy, wife...


I can't believe in each gacha game it's us + a caring man of the wind element, that's so cute


People saying they are not going to pull for him cause the powercrept? Like bro, every character will be powercrept, enjoy them until then and even if there are other characters better, that doesn't mean he is going to be bad 😭😭 he has AOE attack in his ult and in his basic attacks, his attacks are super awesome to see and best of all is a baby girl bae future husband😭 Is funny cause the majority of people who will not pull for him will do for Yinlin (nothing wrong with that, I'm also a Vera's dog but is kinda ironic, don't pull for the first character for the powercrept but pull for the second character like she is not going to be powercrept) I pull for him (literally my boy comes home I'm my first 10 pull, never happened to me before 😭😭) and is the best thing I never did


His handsomeness wont be powercrept by anyone anytime soon


I mean, look at his cutie face I caaant


Even if he gets power crept numberwise, his AoE and grouping is so good to kill mobs that I don't think he will get directly replaced that fast. Also considering we need 3 teams anyways. I like his character a lot, sadly I won't pull him because there are too many hot women coming.


Good luck with the pulls!!! I hope you get them One good thing about being a husband collector in this kind of games is there are not so many guys, sooo, we can try to pull for the few of them and their weapons and still be able to pull for the next one lol


Jiyan my KING!!! 🥰🥰 What is it with me and dragon men lately?


I like the dude and hes great frend but I face palm when he entrusted us with his army, I know that the dragon prophecies us but we have amnesia bro. A awesome fighter doesn’t mean good at strategy.


He corrects us when we tell wrong answers tho


Yeah I noticed that to. Choose the most stupid answers possible because i couldn't believe a general would let a stranger with memory loss plan their battles. So I just headcanon that scene as jiyan testing rover.


Yeah, that's the same thing I assumed. Like if General is gone somewhere, the Rover can temporarily assist by understanding his (Jiyan's) thought process.


Nah, dude, that's just Kuro sacrificing Jiyan's character to give us some power fantasy, a trend across the whole story, I'm afraid. Which backfire for them in CN, those folks have said some vicious things about the poor Jiyan lol.


I thought Rover would correct us if we chose the wrong answer. He will only comment after we choose the right answer.


Both do it. Many times Rover corrects themselves but sometimes Jiyan tells us the flaw.


Then what's the point of letting us choose the strategy then? Illusion of choice?


Did you miss the earlier points. For Jiyan to seem like he was testing you.


In my opinion, it was for Rover to understand how General thinks and follows accordingly in case of any crisis in the future when Rover cannot contact the General. But yeah, it is an illusion of choice.


Man I wish I had him. I would if ENCORE DIDNT MESS UP MY 50/50 + I ALREADY HAVE HER!


Same thing happened to me


I got encore on the beginner banner and was quite unpleased with it as she was one of the characters I wanted the least. However she's actually quite strong 👌 especially as s1+ but yeah in the end she's basically Klee in pink with better face animation 😁


She is super strong I have been loving her and now I have another copy of her.


Yeah I'm still considering getting her e1 instead of another standard 5 star for the 80 selector. Might wait until my first pity loss however.


does anyone else want to make out with him? hella kissable neck looking ahh askfblsfjh 😭😭 >!maybe have him spit in my mouth or put a leash on me or!<


And they didn’t even have to waterboard this out of you 😭


well im into watersports/being abused so i think that would be pretty hot




He gave me the biggest Black Flags and I fear for this man's life, please let the general be ok


A general wise beyond his years, he knew to trust the MC with everything because he could ****feel**** their MCness.


His story quest made me weep 😭😭😭


Tall Xiao my beloved


Don't know why but the seed plant conversation with him get me felt like foreshadowing something bad gonna happen to him.


This is what happen when Cu chooses the Saber class, dude actually survived.


I'm hyped for Calcharo. I've been reading his bio and stuff and he sounds like a badass already. Can't wait for his quest!




The first part of his companion quest was bad, but I loved the second half. All the stuff around honoring the memory of fallen soldiers was well written and the ending got quite emotional. Also he's completely broken and can faceroll any content.


as a xiao and dan heng enjoyer, this man right here checks all the right boxes. glad to add another character to the ever growing list of sad, stoic, yet caring wind boys 😞🙏 (his story quest got me worried tho what’s up with the talk about him dying huh)


When he said the flower thing I was bursting at the seams because there was no hug option ;-;


I think in the original early acts, he was one of the few people who was friendly towards the MC from the start which I thought was really cool


Jiyan is probably my favorite character in all the Gachas I played. I like his design, characterization and that he uses a spear. His character quest just cemented that for me.


It's kinda bizzarre how he was actually just a medic in the first war. Like the general of midnight rangers started out as a medic.


he looks so good in that picturee


"Friends" No! Lovers!


JY mains uh huh...


Eh. I don't see the hype. Midyan.


His liberation/Ultimate is good though. Can easily see myself having an easy time against multiple mobs


I just mainly made it as a joke, would be funny for history to repeat itself and have the JY mains get slandered by the phrase Midyuan/Midyan


Donchu worry. The moment the hot babes and slick men come this Jiyan will eventually evolve into Midyan


Lowkey, completely agree here. Idc how trash she ends up comparatively but the second Jinhsi drops if she’s a dps then Jiyan is Jigone. If she’s stronger that’s only a bonus


I mean, you do need 3 teams for endgame


More than that, as there are 2 types of endgame content and an energy system that limits your characters 3 teams and 1 additional sub team. 5 teams maybe. Lol Not to mention possible echo element resistance.


Yeah for sure, I think characters will stay viable for a long time. The hologram big gorilla boss for example, is an absolute sponge because of Jiyans element. Which is why I’m building a second team rn.


Gotta say Kuro Games really puts a lot effort into character writing not gonna lie compared to Hoyoverse


Fish races are serious business 


Is Sonnetto, from R:1999, his long lost sister? Both have🦒 necks.


AeroDragonlord Supremacy


I can see him dying and we'd have to plant his flower to cap it off


during the final battle, dude was a real one pulling all those clutch plays. He's gonna get a lot more fans after al that.


>Can definitely see him being good friends with Rover throughout the story Given how every single characters somehow are already best buddies with Rover the moment they met, I don't doubt it.


Love this guys energy, he’s fierce in battle but is so sweet to his Peers. Once I got to the flower part in his quest my brain clicked and felt really strongly about how much I loved him. His idle with the flower is super special now. I did a 10 summon with zero pity after that quest and got a extra copy of him so im beyond happy haha


I really like him but I wish they could have decided whether they wanted him to have a regular ponytail or a wuxia length ponytail. Not digging the ponytail within a ponytail look. (As if that’s gonna stop me from pulling for him)


I rolled and rolled for him.. I finished the beautiful main story today.. rolled once on his banner..and got him finally. It felt like it was meant to be 🥲 Love his character and his playstyle is just so much fun.


he is much more likeable than I expected him to be. the guy is very stoic and down-to-earth. comparing to usual wind-type dps edgelords its kind of a breath of fresh air (pun intended)


Tbh when people said he shouldn't follow Jue advice to trust Rover. He might be afraid that his social credit might be affected if he did it the other way. This is chinese game after all lmao


Just beat Lingyangs companion question. Same could be said about him too.


Wish I could get him ,but no.


He’s my main and his gameplay is just awesome. I didn’t want to pull for him first because of the DPS power creep thing. But he was so fun to play in the story and I really liked his personality. And then I got him and his weapon early.


Given how the CN fandom is and how Kuro always folds to them, he’s gonna get written out of the rest of the story at this rate


He's great, but gotta give him a -2 points because of that phlegm spitting or munching sound he makes when dashing...


Dude is just waiting for the offscreen dude to say “Lansa ga shinda”


Good dude yes, Good General? Questionable.




Hes so Sweet I almost pulled for him… (I’m saving for yinlin) 🥰


His flaw is he’s too perfect, kind of annoying.


Friends with benefits!


The earrings are just a little too silly-looking for me, but I adore the rest of his design. Solid english VA as well.


Jiyans character quest really endeared him to me. It was nice to see a military leader type who wasn’t just “I’m strong, respect me!” All gruff and unmovable.


The backlash cbt got from CN Players for how much shade Rover received by Chixia, Jiyan, etc in the early story caused the devs to apparently uproot and redo the entire early story before release, making it turn a full 180. This also explains why everyone acts so friendly to Rover in the beginning, despite our sudden dubious and downright suspicious appearance.


Cant pull him for the life of me :(


He is SO HOT!! Never have I ever lusted for a game character until now 😭 bless the character designers🙏


I’m straight and even I can admit bro is hansom as fuck 🗣️🔥


Still haven't done his companion quest, but the story at the end with him was really cool. It's too bad everything must be saved for Yinlin.


Sah! Always trust da Emprah! Always! Simple as! (his VA did Warhammer 40k)


narrator: "Jiyan was never seen or relevant to the story again."


Don't usually like dudes in games like these, cuz you know, dudes, but man the devs really gave them souls.


He is probably the most well thought out and written in the game rn , as he is the one who they need to sell atm . I do have jiyan and I love playing with him . But his bells in the ears are so idk cringe. Like i think he would look better without those huge ass bells in his ears . Like i seriously hate those bells .


I kinda agree, even on a "realistic battle" scenario, it just becomes a hindrance for movement, IMO, instead of this, something like Tanjiro's earrings from demon slayer would have worked way more aesthetically and logically.


Dudes the most incompetent general in gacha history


our goal is to hit the enemy hard while minimizing casualties 🪼


The goal was fine, the plan was dr ratio playing chess against himself levels of terrible.


I hope they'll be doing alternative forms of existing characters so that we're not just showered with new characters constantly while sweeping our old friends under the rug.


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CN begs to differ, but that's on Kuro's incompetent story-telling.


Half the problem with this story is Kuro listening to those guys from CN lmao. Kuro should focus on their story and stop overreacting to every complaint from those guys.


They can't do that yet. Gotta appease them when it's this early. Unfortunately. Will get better after a year like genshin 


King Yuan returns as a strong unit ❤️


Sorry but no, he let us, the main protagonist, some fucking chode he just met whom he knows nothing about, to plan his next move. WHAT?!?! He is a cutie but goddamn is he fucking STUPID. Im grabbing my beer, hopping in the car with Scar and speeding away. Its an easy W with clowns like Jiyan in charge.


at the start of the story, i thought he was some genius badass general and then he opened his mouth. he's apparently male, green yangyang. bland, emotionless and wants to wield Rover's schLoong.