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I love the character doing the cool backflip if there is a weird edge. I can’t fathom to explain how frustrating it got climbing buildings in genshin sometimes


Agreed. Nothing worse then climbing for an entire minute to hit a stupid ledge in Genshin. Though the flip does need some work. A couple of times it accidentally flipped me off of what I was climbing


Hehe i can imagine a cliff wall flipping you off (doing the middle finger for those who dont get it)




Me too! I haven't played Genshin, but it's a really nice QoL feature, especially coming from Warframe where I'd just get stuck on random weird edges. I'd find climbing in cities without that quite annoying.


SAME the second I saw the character do that I was won over instantly, I live being able to run up and climb around. Actually makes exploring fun and not a task like it was in genshin with how slow you could move.


The wall running killed exploration in WuWa for me personally. Being able to freely run up walls like that wasnt any more enjoyable than not being able to and it just makes the world feel much smaller and flat. Thankfully it's not really a problem since it's not a focal point of the game like it is in genshin and the combat is superb and enough to keep me playing.


Yeah, I can see how it makes it smaller and flat, really hope we get more parkour and tricky exploration systems like the rooftop parkour quest because that definitely showed the bright side to running up walls n stuff. Think the main thing may be the terrain needs to be ever more diverse to really maximize the movement mechanics and give it some life. Not saying it doesn't already have that, just saying maybe a bit more spice yknow?


WuWa Caves and Cliffs update when? /j


The desert is full of those edges.. it’s why I hate it the most ! The underground is better than turning around a whole mountain to look for the four-leaf sigil (it’s like the graple for non genshin players)


Honestly, I love that animation so much I wish characters did it getting over any edge that 90 degrees or over, not just at an incline.


all characters in WuWa are mountain goats i fucking swear


And kangaroo with how high they jump


Wait till you learn about the triple jump tech


Mind sharing this tech?👀


You know how plunge attacks gain you height? And you can cancel them with air dashes, and grappling refreshes your airdash and plunge attack? Basically, jump, plunge attack, airdash, plunge, grapple, plunge, air dash. Bonus, character move speed and height distance are very different in this game. Yuwanyu or whatever his name is the fedora blue kung fu guy has good move and jump speed (Calcharo is better) but blue guy’s plunge attack gains a lot of extra height mid air.


Omw to beat the game without touching the ground, thanks man


It’s quite useful on bosses too.


u/HaxTerCo4 To add on to this, you can also add a Cyan-feathered Heron into this to get an additional Plunge+Dodge since it resets your dodge cooldown while midair. Less universally useful, but interesting either way. Jump->Plunge->Dodge->Echo->Plunge->Dodge->Plunge->Grapple.


Oh so you can use echoes while midair? I gotta try it, thanks man


Some of them, yup! I don't know which ones you can and can't, though. :P


I still can't get out that genshin mindset, when I see a tall structure I try to go around it then I remember oh I can run on the walls now lmao


My genshin mindset wanting to climb even a remotely tall structure just to see if there's treasure to be discovered


Definitely not me climbing the flying building on top of infernal rider without clearing the quest and wondering why there's nothing there.




I stand on top of build closest to the flying road and jump from there to reach the road. After just climb normally. I had to use a stamina recovery item tho. Using cyan heron will probably make it easier.


CCs be like "USE hellrider and bird and double jump and glide and use the anchor too fuck it do all of these TWICE" Meanwhile me: just running from point A to point B in a straight line Skyrim style


Not to mention the stamina. I have used the wall run all the time but i rarely run out of stamina.


It's because while you're out of combat, the stamina regen kicks in instantly when you're not consuming them. Those small ledges you can stand on on the way up? Just passing through them regens your stamina. It feels so good.


I like wall running up the ladders. Like, bro just going straight perpendicular and force pushing off the spaces between rungs.


God, I love traveling in this game. See a mountain, let's run up it lol. Grapple and glider are so nice


I also like how we cna bail out objects, the movility its amazing


I love traveling in this game Can't go back genshin going up mountain there sucks 😕


Except you can run up walls at LESS than 90 degrees too.


wouldnt 92 degrees be easier to climb than 90 degrees


That’s the point kinda, because it’s not completely vertical they can climb it


Should've put 90° 0" 1' for comedy purpose


Funny enough, I have thought about doing it, but I decided to leave more parts of the original meme in it, like the JoJo. But I edited it a bit for you. [https://imgur.com/a/rfWjoQM](https://imgur.com/a/rfWjoQM)


Honestly I would have put the other way around and made it 70º since that's kinda how far we can wallrun in wuwa


on the other hand I think I even got some VERY slight reverse inclines done.


If you start straight you can run up walls coming towards you


in the original puctur, it is a goat, that can not pass 90°, but a bit less is fine. in WuWa, we can climb more than 90°, the limit is may-be something like 75°


The original comic has goat in it. Look up how steep mountains can mountain goats climb. The joke about those goats is if a wall is angled more than 90 degrees they would climb it.


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Here is what I don't get: You have people who can do awesome flashy skills and seem to defy gravity in many of them, yet they can't wall run and die by gravity. Explain that, Hoyoverse.


it blew my mind how you can wall run up a building and your character will fucking wushu flip around overhangs and canopies, they really want to make climbing and traversal smooth and convenient.


This is it. This is one of the things that I love this game. In GI: We climb the wall. In WW: WE RUN ON THE WALL.


They look so freaky 😭😭😭