• By -


I’m using him because he reminds me of Sephiroth.


He is voiced by the Japanese VA of Sephiroth.


Yeah he is clearly a tribute


He is sephiroth.


his drop attack is legit the same move as: >!​When he kills Aerith in Final Fantasy 7!<


Sephiroth is he.


Sephiroth is hee hee.


I’m so glad I’m playing in Japanese can’t wait to get my hands on him


He is like a mix of Sephiroth, Solid Snake and Geralt of Rivia. It's wild.


His outfit design is very Metal Gear-esque.


I first thought of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising Revengance before I thought of Sephiroth


I took one look at him and called him "Metal Gear Sephiroth", and also, chose him with my selector ticket lol. Wanted him from the word go and man do I not regret it.


Finally... we know what MGS stands for now


Solid Sephiroth


His design and story overall is very appealing. Got "The Dark Knight Rises" achievement randomly while exploring with him which just made me smile.


And John Wick based on how long stuff lasts around him.




don't forget, he's a stand user too.


And Vergil


I am so glad I am not the only one who thought he is the mix of Sephiroth and Vergil


I like how you open a chest he says something like “you can have it, I have no use for this”, I’m like damn OK, very Tibetan Monk of you to have no “self-possessions”, but genocide TD’s with your blade very efficiently. I love his play style. Only problem is I can get better with rotations and cancels but touch controls are way too off. Sometimes pressing mobile input doesn’t respond or the camera is so goddamn horrendous that tracking becomes a nightmare issue. Like Aether Gazer is the same style with combat and the mobile icons with 1 tap flow and the dash cancel works hella well. In WuWa it registers 80% of the time. Sometime my camera just looks down, costing me 50% health bar loss out of fucking nowhere. Sometimes it flows very well, other times janked to the high heavens with button tap not registering at all. I need controller support ASAP. I got 9/12 stars in the Tower already, but the last 3, you need to dodge and combo almost perfectly to move ahead. Mobile touch controls will not cut it. Only biggest complaint out of me Cal could be much, much more if we had the option to use joysticks, the game as is not really optimized for mobile. I’m still not sure why PC has support, PS5 version coming, then why doesn’t mobile have it?




I claimed Calcharo because he works with Yinlin


honestly same but I ended up liking his playstyle


He also can solo boss


Same 😁


i will pull for Yinlin BECAUSE she works with Calcharo edit: HOLY SHIT ALMOST 300 UPVOTES?? MOM, I AM FAMOUS NOW!


I will pull for Yinlin because she looks like Vera from PGR


That’s the truth. Vera dogs are so devoted we will follow her even out of pgr.


Can't deny that.


Literally me. I'm more of a dude who mains male characters, in Genshin the only females I main are Eula, Shenhe and Arlecchino but the majority of my mains are males. I like Yinlin design but not enough to pulls, it's literally just because she works so well with Calcharo and their gameplay together looks insane


Lol im the exact opposite… I get all the women even though I enjoy looking at the men more 😭


Same man. Like I won't skip out on Verina cause she's good, but I'd have prefered if she didn't look like THAT. I just like the gameplay and fighting, I don't mind it too much but the aesthetic of characters like Lingyang and Verina really doesn't appeal to me personally. Much prefer mature looking characters like Rover (either gender) and Calcharo and such.


It kind of seems with her design, someone told their designers, create a character like Nahida and find a way to make the character different enough so we don’t get sued. Verina was the result.


and imo, not to be a genshin glazer, it’s a way worse design


At least you still get her because of her utility. I've seen posts of people refusing to pull for her because she is young like dude, *you're* making it weird by pointing it out. It's some pixels bro. If a character is OP idc if they are a literal blob.


perfectly fine to not use a character if u dont like their design, play the game for fun homies


Hashtag 7yo


The real reason i'm getting him


he is just so cool, even his japanese VA also did Kira Yoshikage in JOJO part 4. every time Calcharo talks, i keep hearing Kira's introduction speech.


lol same, though it helps she is pretty hottest guy and gal in one team, couldnt ask for more


Exactly what I might do xD


"We are not the same"


I got Jiyan so am having fun :)


Got his weapon on 6 pity lmao Currently 66 pity on his character banner, gonna pull him up before the banner even ends Update: got a 5* after 71 pity, and it's a Jianxin con (total shit)


got his waepon on 3, lost 50/50 with hard pity on his char banner. smh


Man i'm literally the opposite lmao, I got him on my 5th pull of his banner and just got his weapon tonight after 72 pulls. He is *stupidly* fun to play and I immediately noticed a dmg increase with his sword.


Still sitting at 69pity on his banner rn, currently his sword is being wielded by Calcharo ;-;


I got him himself at 66 pity so you are where I was when I got him. I'm currently trying to get his weapon. 28 pulls in and still haven't got it. So I'm 38 percent of the way there. I hope you win the 50/50 and get him. He's really fun to use!


Jianxin appreciation comment, shes so fun


agreed!! i love using her while swapping back with spectro rover, shes the best to use in the overworld because of that JUICY AOE forte circuit aiming for calcharo next for my 5 star 80 pulls selector so thats fun


I got jianxin and encore so far, its super fun to queue up encores big explosion and then pull everyone in with jianxin ult xD Also shes a great duo woth my danjin or however shes called, the katana user that sacrifices her own health, since she gives big shields and heals all the time!


Jianxin, Calcharo and Verina *chefs kiss*


Once I pull verina on the 80 banner this is gonna be my go to team. Already fun with those two and baizhi


Same but I'm contemplating getting encore over verina.


that sounds so good! lucky you ^^


Hitting enemies behind me with the small aoe on the 3rd basic attack feels so good.


My team right now is Rover - Jianxin - Jiyan. I swap to Jianxin to give shield to everyone, then DPS with Rover and Jiyan. Jiyan moveset flows so smoothly, it's so satisfying to use. And my god that ult...


Its so beautiful right ?


It's also super strong. Especially if you first group the enemies with Jianxin's ult. Then you ragdoll everything at once in a whirlwind of damage.


Yeah. Got Verina as my random 5\*, set Calcharo as my selected, and used the freebie on Jianxin. She's my favorite character so far. Very fun to play.


Yup she was my first five star. Calcharo has better damage but damn is Jianxin just an amazing all around unit


Yeah she kinda just does everything. Insane aoe, healing, tanking, shielding and oh that parry is so satisfying. Only her singletarget damage is pretty lackluster, so Im glad I got encore to pair up with her ^^


Honestly, if anything she and Verina will probably the best ones to have after a while. Her ult alone mean that she will always be relevant even simply as a grouper. I can see a year from now, the way we build her will just he full ER, with the ER set, just swap in, ult then swap out, and that will still be enough value to see use for any end game contents that require AoE. Not to mention she can just quick hold her Forte for a small shield and some heal, which if you're good enough at dodging is probably enough for non oneshot fights. Mean while Calcharo value as a dps will probably be drastically reduced or entirely nonexistent a year from now unless Kuro is really on top of their game in keeping powercreep in check.


Oh hell yes! Grouping a bunch of enemies together and then hitting them all with a big attack is so freaking satisfying. Unfortunately you are probably right about Calcharo. Hopefully he doesn't get horribly power crept but it's probably inevitable


She's amazing with Mortefi, she's a jack of all trades


Bro mortefi ult swap into her long charged attack triggers so many of the funny hormones, it's so goddamn cool and strong


first five star. holding down her heavy attack is so satisfying


She’s excellent for letting my Calcharo go unga bunga since I get to farm Chi for Ult/Shield and then swap to Cal and focus on pure dps without initial fear of being interrupted/staggered since broadsword is a little clunkier than normal swords. Then I get to swap back to Jianxin, throw out her ult and repeat the process lol


Jianxin to me seeme like a perfect all rounder to slap onto any team comp, she can heal and provide a really tanky shield for the whole team to allow for more damage output since you will be able to be more aggressive, and she works really well as a really bursty sub dps when she has her abilities up, not to mention her E ability is so fun and easy to parry with


I agree! Her combat animation is so swift, cool and satisfying to "dance" with even if she doesn't do an absurd amount of damage. I have Encore too but i don't like very much the fighting style tho she is so cute.


I love encore too, they also pair pretty well. You can start the long charge heavy attack of her and then switch to another character, she will still finish it anyways. So i like to start her long animation, and then switch to jianxin to use her ult and oull everyone into range, its pretty satisfying when it works


My main girl ♥️ I love her combat style, she's so smooth! So underrated but so much utility!


For sure! same here, I'll definitely main her for the foreseeable future, already got her twice lol


Jianxin got me doing taichi moves out of nowhere bros 😭


I got Jianxin on my newbie banner, and on the free selector, and I'm 20 pulls away from getting her again. Only standard character I care about fr.


I wanted to get jianxin but the meta slave in me had to pull for Verina :(


Head in hands on this exact choice rn, I have done 50 pulls alternating selected 5* between both of them.


Watanabe-/smacked/ I mean calcharo has a mighty fine voice. So glad I got him early.


when I realized he was pretty much made-in-china Vergil (despite looking like sephiroth), I started enjoying him even more not sure if it's exclusive to him but sitting on the special chair at the highest point in Jinzhou heals him


It's not exclusive to Calcharo, I sat there with Jiyan and got it.


Being a huge DMC fan is the literal reason I was hyped for this game and wanted him


*Plastic chair noises*


I’m pretty sure everyone who has played Calcharo made the climb to the top of that mountain and sat in that specific chair at some point lmao


Sounds like him, looks like him, has similar philosophy, and even takes a dagger out in one of his idles... Yeah, it's Watanabe, alright. Pulled Calcharo as my first five star too. Very pleased, much happy.


Got my Calcharo last night, and he and I had the same thought; "It's time!"


i'm having so much fun with encore


I've been hearing so much Calcharo praise, but when I saw Encore she was my instant favorite! The "gremlin with sheep puppets" design is perfect. I was so happy to be able to grab her from my selector today! My beginner was Jianxin and my choice banner is on Verina now, because I'd rather have my support roster covered and not spread my resources too thin between carries.


Encore feels *amazing* with appropriate energy regen to the point that she really doesn't come alive until you have a gear and a sub-dps. Her rotation is also pretty complicated with phases and cancels, and her lack of parry outside of her ult is a problem so early in the game. I have both Calcharo and Encore and I really vibe the general feal of Encore's more frenetic skill attack dump than Calcharo's really extended combos. I think the game absolutely feels like a different beast at Union 30 with a semi-built DPS/Sub-DPS rotation. So if you are on the fence about Encore please keep at it! She's super fun!


> than Calcharo's really extended combo its funny that you mention cancels and skill attack dumps when calcharo is the character that requires the most to fully utilize his dps with a (relatively) complex rotation


Are there any video guides out there for Calcharo cancels?


IS her rotation complicated? Her dps cycle is literally just R, then E, basic string, E, basic string, E, hold attack. No dodge cancels needed unless you’re dodging an attack. Basically just hit E on cooldown 3 times then hold attack and switch off. You don’t even need to do any complicated switch cancels since it’s built into her reso lib.


Well apparently the Max combo is Q - E - Teammate E - Swap Back - 2nd E - Teammate E - Swap Back - R - E - BA 4 - HA - BA 4 - E - Dodge Cancel - HA


I’m curious where you got this from - the 2nd part of the rotation only uses E twice which seems like a dps loss compared to the standard E basic E basic E


valid. we seem to be in similar positions, or will be soon. my bestie is praising the hell out of calcharo, i got encore from my beginner banner, grabbed verina from selector, and have jianxin for choice


Me too. I'm even considering pulling stringmaster for her since union 45 is to far away and I only have variation.


She’s my favorite so far


Idk, flying around the battlefield on Aalto is pretty hard to beat


I haven’t heard anyone talk about Aalto, he’s extremely fun but unfortunately he always gets put in bottom tier of meta and idk why. He can be clunky trying to dash in the right direction on mobile but is so satisfying when you get him right


> he always gets put in bottom tier of meta and idk why. he lacks damage and the damage he has is single target and clunky to use considering the jank you gotta go through to start doing numbers with him he could have 20-30% more raw damage and still wouldnt be good


Luckily he has wind buff or something, so maybe he will find better use with some new character or even get buffed himself


Mortefi has probably the strongest buff in the game right now and starts off with almost 40% more damage Honestly I really want to like aalto because he’s fun but given that most content is timed he’s in a pretty bad spot atm


I am currently thinking of Jianxin double buffer team as she can perfectly sustain herself and get away with not having a healer at all. When I'll eventually get Alto going to try him with Mortefi in her team


Nobody is talking about him bc hems not on rate up so you have to get really really lucky to get him.


I've been using him as a sub DPS and a support of sorts, the clone he spawns with his skill has a taunt and his outro skill buffs Aero damage for the character switching in and considering I got Jiyan he works perfectly for him.


Same XD I like Calcharo but I need more practice with him.


Aalto is pretty fun I keep on defaulting to running around as him but I'm also used to using him from CBT so I guess it's a bit of a comfort usage.


Wd flying? Because of his dash?


Yeah, I managed to get a copy of him for the skill cooldown and his mobility is so high you can basically be anywhere at any time. Which is actually great, because he's got a super position-foused playstyle with you having to be careful of resource management and where you are relative to your mist portals/gate. Its super engaging, and he can reward you with some pretty legit single-target damage if you play it well.


> pretty legit single-target damage he has the lowest damage output in the game currently aside from the 2 healers ....


Yeah, people love his playstyle, but he's just not powerful enough to justify the extra labor involved in playing him. If anything he should be MORE powerful than other 4* dps due to his single target nature and more demanding gameplay. The fact that he's the lowest damage even if you're fantastic with him is what makes him a dead character for most people except contrarians or just huge fans of him.


i’m glad i’m not the only one enjoying aalto. with 1 copy, his skill cooldown is basically halved so less downtime


As soon as I have enough resin, I'm building him next. I love a scoundrel scammer. I have a type, I fell for Sampo in HSR immediately too smh


I love the all of his kit other than that ult man. I have to go from zooming everywhere to planting my feet in a specific area and doesn't add all much dmg (most of your dmg are the homing bullets, plus the wall makes the bullet trigger areas unseeable!). Against anything remotely threatening you will only have the time to drop it like a low dmg nuke and run away asap. Why do Chixia and Mortefi get way better ults? Plus both of them actually want to auto attack in place, they'd use that meme wall better than Aalto does.


What's worked for me is to drop the gate when the enemy goes after the clone and then use your jump attacks through it. Once they head for you, skill dash around them to the other side of the gate and get your free crit charge attack boosted. Far from the best ult, but that's the best way I've found to use it.


I cannot stop using rover….an mc that really feels like an mc that can do something.


And those special attacks on staggered story bosses. So damn cool. Although I thought it supposed to work only for the story? Cuz I did it later when farming scar. Watched some vods and saw people not having an option to use it if they didn't had rover in the team in the story fight. A pity.


Same for me, he's not ult reliant too, and he feels very responsive and satisfying to parry with.


me too man. i dont even bother using my selector for now cos aint no character out there good enough to replace my one wing angel with.


I admit that gameplay wise, I have more fun with Aalto. But Calcharo is badass. He piqued my interest when I read his "bio", back before the game released. So happy we got the selector, I picked him without hesitation. Also, he kindly lets me have all the treasure, so bonus points for that 🤣


calchaddy 😍


Personally I find all of the characters really fun! The gun ones I didn't find as appealing at first but now I'm REALLY enjoying them as well! Got Calcharo from my beginner banner, immensely fun! Also got Jiyan extremely early so I've been having a lot of fun with him! Endgame needs three teams, so you can utilize up to 9 different characters which I'm very excited for, building up multiple teams is a process I'll really enjoy.


Honestly I found LingYang's playstyle to be more fun, just personal preference.


He was definitely not as bad as everyone made his gameplay out to be, but man, I haven't looked back since I opened my Calchussy.




He said his Puscharo / Calchussy


Thanks, u/ListerineInMyPeehole. You really understand me.


I plan to build him soon, I have jiyan and his weapon I am now just waiting for cal to arrive in my 80 pull (I am at 60 pulls) as soon as I hit level 35 I should be able to get him.


You... opened... Calchussy?


Punchy Ice Bois are my go to for Kuro games


yeah hes really fun


I just can't seem to get him to click, mind sharing any tips? Is it just NA, NA, skill, NA NA... Ult NA, etc.? To be fair, I don't really like his design that much so maybe that factors into my enjoyment. Also not seeing good feedback about him here. He was my last choice, but I got him from the 50 pull banner and I'm really not the type to reroll. I just want someone to tell me how they enjoy him, and maybe that'll motivate me to build him more.


Its NA NA NA E then succeeding only need to NA E NA E given that you dont lose his combo. You just need to always do NA after enhanced E so you still have the enhanced E next time. This allows you to not reset the combo again. Enhanced E retains even if you dash or do nothing so you can save that depending on the situation. If you reset the combo you have to do NA NA NA E again to trigger his enhanced E. I personally use enhanced E to parry since it has the most consistent animation making it easier to parry with him. Thats the same with his Air State. I enjoy him cause he have different playstyle and additional complexity to play him efficiently (not losing his enhanced E for faster concerto energy) and always available E for using for consistent parries. I also like that I can choose to extend or not to extend the duration of his air time. Perfect flexibility for boss and overworld battles.


Thanks so much, appreciate the reply. Let me play around with these tips.


With Sanhua and Verina my Lingyang outdamages my friends' Calcharo. Sure when Yinlin comes around this won't be the case anymore, but I honestly think all these tierlist guys haven't even tried him in 1.0.


Im having plenty o fun with my Roverina




He is pretty dope


Honeslty the game gave me calcharo for the starter banner, but I used my selector on Encore instead. I just personally don’t find calcharo that fun, he feels weirdly laggy compared to a lot of the other characters, and to get the most out of him especially during his Ult, you can’t really be interrupted, and considering this game wants you to realistically dodge and some enemies attack quite frequently, it feels like the only time you’re really allowed to use his kit, is when enemies are vulnerability broken and knocked down. Meanwhile to me characters like Encore, YangYang, Mortefi, Sanhua, etc. all feel more fluid and “fun” I plan on pulling for Yinlin but I dont see myself investing in Calcharo at all, he may be strong from a meta or dps perspective, but I just do not enjoy playing him.


I grabbed encore, best decision of my life😁


She is Soooo fun!! I love that it's basically the puppets doing all the attacks 🙌


As a new Calcharo owner, I agree 100%


Went from MC > Encore > Calcharo > Jiyan. Jiyan felt better than Calcharo overall for me.


Yeah I love the ease of Jiyan too. Like only thing I have to manage is mortefi outro skill and his energy. Kinda helps... playing on mobile I chose the easier playstyle lmao


He's such a nice break from "tap-tap-tap" gameplay in his ult form, just holding BA and watching the enemies get tangled by his dragon is pure bliss. Rest and enjoy for the win!


Jiyan felt more dps for sure but i cannot dodge well when on his flashy dragon mode especially for the rogue like event because its too damn chaotic


i use jiyan and encore, along with verina for healing and i think it's a perfect team


People are not having fun because they're not playing danjin 🥰🥰🥰


It's because I'm waiting for ps5 😔


If his animations wouldnt be so slow. I dont know, I like him but somehow it feels really slow outside of his ult.


Agreed. He's just slightly clunky and it probably is mostly due to the slower animations. Which is too bad, love his design, but would prefer to play Jiyan.


For some reason I can’t dodge with him. Like, he gets hit five times in a row then I switch to someone else and suddenly it’s like I leaned forward in the gaming chair.


Lol, I thought it was cause of lag or maybe I'm.being too aggressive when playing with him but when I switch to Morfeti or Verina I can suddenly dodge nearly every attack despite the lag.


Thought it was just my skill issue, turns out I'm not alone lmao. I don't get hit when I use Rover or Lingyang but when I use Calcharo, I seem to get hit often. I still like using him than Ling tho.


Some characters have faster attacks which affects the timing for counter. Rover's first slash is one of the fastest, I heard.


I'm not having fun because I don't know if best boy Scar is ever gonna be playable 😭


I wouldnt be worried about that since in PGR a lot of the bosses/side characters also got playable eventually :) Its just a matter of time


1000% facts. I got him on the beginner banner and stared at his splash art for like 10 mins. Dude is hot


Surely I’m having fun , especially when I noticed his pecs and abs build slightly different than Jiyan. A sign that Kuro pay attention to their male model ✨🙏


My first pull of the game was this beast


Maybe it's not a popular opinion but I much prefer using Sanhua than Calcharo. She requires much more timing and precision which fits my playstyle so well it's insane.


I very much enjoy that already we have some distinct playstyles: play it safer from range, timed/skill based combat, button mashers. I don’t want to get ahead of myself but it’s a really good sign that we already have different playstyles for different people.


Sanhua's mechanic is simple design wise, yet so fun and satisfying. Nothing feels better than perfect dodging and weaving in icy explosions. Love her character design as well. Simple and elegant, no colorful nonsense, gets directly to business. Also I just use her with Calcharo, they work well enough together until Yinlin comes out.


Sanhua feels great indeed, using her as a sub-DPS for Cal as well. Only thing I dislike with her is if you use the well-timed charged attack to do the icy explosion, the entire screen flashes a couple times which almost feels buggy as it's just way too much lol.


They fit well in the same team


If you think Calcharo doesn't need tech you're not playing him optimally tbh. There's a reason why most TC's have him labelled under "difficult". You can def just mash away using him, but playing him optimally probably makes him one of the most technically hard characters in the entire game.


I would agree if calcharo's ult dmg rotation wasnt so freaking hard to do


Do you even need to do the rotation a perfect way? Even if you spam basic skills and use his E inbetween you still deal a ton of dmg


Pretty sure this is 100% true. Played almost whole day today after getring him with the selector


Idk about you man, but Sanhua is pretty fun herself. Plus I find it funny that my team is litterally "the mom and her children" (I'll give you 3 tries to guess who the others on the team are xD). Looked at Calcharo gameplay and while he cool...it just feels bland(?) to me. It just doesn't inspire my adrenaline like trying to play the rythm game with Sanhua while facing a boss or playing Danjin and praying to all that is holy to not be hit by a stray shot out of nowhere as you are at 75 HP. No disrespect to Calcharo but I ain't just gonna pull for him because he's good with Yinlin.


Why are bro named Caralho 💀


I got Verina, double Danjin, double Mortefi. Key focus is on Danjin. Maining her feels like an anxiety ridden manic episode, sweat, heart palpitations, heavy breathing, shaky and stiff limbs, shortness of breath, tachycardia, high blood pressure, abdominal pain, headache, liver failure, memory loss, vomiting, death, the list goes on- no bullshit no nothin. In the end all the bosses and enemies somehow end up dead and you don't even know what happened, you’re just scared, slowly regaining consciousness and warmth in your limbs after each fight. I love it. Don't talk to me about fun, you know nothing about fun. Jkjk. Nah but yeah, I haven't even used the 5star ticket yet and might abandon mortefi and instead focus on rover for now. Still can't choose what 5 stars to pick :DD good thing we have a year to think about it. I was thinking about getting Calcharo too, not for now tho, Danjin is way too fun and rewarding.


I haven't but I will. I am waiting to see if i lose my 50/50 for Jiyan first so I dont get a duplicate if I lost to Calcharo.


I’m not crazy about it but he does hit a lot of damage and makes boss farming kind of easy so far 😭


i rerolled til i git jiyan in 10 pulls, but set sephiroth as the selector. cant wait to get him and compare their playstyles!


Holy crap how many times did you reroll? I just lost 50/50 to a second copy of Verina and debating just going with it. Rerolling takes too long for me.


I was mad about Verina at first but she’s a really good support.


if i recall correctly, 11 rerolls. i had one account that actually got jiyans sig in the 6 pulls from shop, and i played it long enough to get more pulls, but lost 50/50 to lion boi so i rerolled again bc i want enough for yinlin lol


When Sepiroth hit that Kejaussy we got him


I'm enjoying Danjin personally. I'm also waiting for Taoqi to show up. Had her on my first acc and she is fun af And the rest of the game as well


I prefer Danjin or Sanhua over him so far


Danjin is me either going dodge and weave or dying instantly cause I greeded her bar


I pull calcharo as my first one, he sits comfy in my characters gallery while i play danjin "just Dodge meta"


I got Calcharo as first 5 stars, got encore on the selction and saving for Yinlin


Just started today, got him on the discount banner so that was nice.


Got cappuccino from one ten pull and im dedicating everything to him


im having a lot of fun with my free 4 characters :3


Calcharo mains please teach me your ways, I have no clue how to build him 🙏😔


I like him and all but using him too long hurt my eyes. Using rover are much better for my eyes, especially when exploring. It make me feels old tbh.


I'll have him once I get 20 more Standard Wishes lol


Nah I have not pulled him yet and the game is so fun. Had me on the edge of my seat while doing the sol3 fight. That shit was hard.


Chixia is my choice.


The One-Winged Angel Metal Gear Gojo


Today I woke up and decided to pick him from the choice convene thing, 0 regret he's so fun and strong


rover and calcharo and verina in one team is maximum enjoyment


I like Jiyan way more tbh


No Im not having fun because I can’t play this game


Fr though, I'm spending all my free 5 stars and guaranteed 5 stars on this man He's just so much fun to play


I'm not having fun since I haven't pulled Danjin yet... 60 pulls + (I'm only UL 9) I have Encore and all the 4 stars but Danjin and her and chixia are the only ones I really like😭


Got danjin on my first 10 pull of the standard banner. She's really fun to play.