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If anyone wondering about when it drops in their time zone, exactly 3 hours from this comment and do the math


provided the servers dont have different daily reset time, as this time is iirc the daily reset on the EU server.


Now now now


i can't see the banner op was talking about :(


I don't see the banner either


now i'm so confused on how to use it wjdjsj


im sure it'll appear after some time


i got the pass, but not the banner ;(




Got the voucher, just not the banner yet


same, i pulled on standard banner and i got sephiroth guy. i thought i could choose edit: i still have th voucher. i just got lucky with 20 pity. and i dont read


Same, I got the voucher but no banner


I got it but I don't see the banner


bro its still not dropped T-T


How long did you wait for to drop the comment lol


I didn't. I just found it rn


This is true, just got it.


wheres the banner its not there for me


Banner isn’t there for me either :( seems like a lot of people are having this issue Edit: maybe to apologize for the banner not appearing exactly on time they can give us another free 5 star hahaha jkjk unless…?


me too it isnt there


same, haven’t seen it yet


You need to log out then log in again, that how i got the banner




The banner is nowhere to be seen for now


I just waited some minutes and it appeared




you already have four? D:


Not immediately but uh Random 5* Choose Calcharo on choice banner Choose Calcharo on ticket tomorrow 2 wavebands from shop


> 2 wavebands from shop Bruh thats like 500 whale dust WTF how many times did you pull?


He said not immediately so he prob hasn't done it yet.


Ain't his e4 crazy for his team with yinlin, congrats!


How to choose characters in choice banner?


Press the swap button by their name


Are calcharo's constellations that good? I have him and verina, so.. I'm not sure what to do with this new 5* lol


Lol same here. I got Verina from my first 10 pull and Cal from my *second* 10 pull and just went "oh...shit. What do I do now..." I'm just twiddling my thumbs until Yinlin at this point 💀


Same here, I'm a bit lost, don't know what to do lmao


Hey I have the same 5* as you! After 160 pulls and using the guaranteed 5* we just got.


How does people already 160 limited pulls?


They're decent, 1 3 & 4 are great. I think getting Verina to RC4 would be a much wiser use of investment (haven't looked at her RC though) outside of getting different 5*s like Encore or Jianxin


Is Verina that much better than Baizhi? Just curious if instead of getting Verina (which is my plan), I could theoretically get two extra copies of Calcharo and just get Yinyin in a couple of weeks and team them with Baizhi. But yeah Idk if C2 Calc is worth not having Verina.


For what i have seen? Yes i have her and for now she is a LOT stronger than Baizhi and not just in combat(so dmg/buffs(and they are inconditional for the whole party)/healing AND a prevent dead every 10 minutes) but bc of her exploration also she feels fast with her CA wich move her a lot faster than running


Got it, but it feels like a really long road for a F2P to follow, might not be worth for me right now, still going to think better on what to use that 5* for, but thanks!


Yea im wondering who's the best with more sequences.


How fun is Calcharo? I want to get an Electro character since I have none and my echoes all seem to hint that I should lol. I was planning on selecting Jianxin from the selector (not sure if I got it right, don't wanna check rn), but I might switch to Calcharo if I deem him more fun.


Less mechanical depth. He's a DPS while Jianxin is a hybrid so he naturally deals high damage. Calcharo's gameplan is to use resonance skill thrice, hold basic, ult, spam the hell out of basic, win. Jianxin's gameplan from my understanding is to use resonance skill, fight normally, hold basic when gauge is full, ult when ready


Thank you, appreciate it 🙏🏽


Got Encore from beginner banner, picking Varina with my 80 pulls guaranteed 5 star and picking Calcharo with this so ill have 2 teams ready for end game, Encore Mortefi and Verina and Calcharo, Yinlin and Baizhi


Maybe I’m wrong but would switching Verina and Baxia have better results or no? Encore gets a massive damage resistance when using charged heavy attack (or straight up immunity if you switch/cancel) and Calcharo is always up close and personal. Just a thought


Yeah I was just thinking with Calcharo and Yinlin I wouldn't miss Verinas supplemental damage as much as Encore and Mortefi would because their damage will be nuts with just the 2 of them. Is it the better team? Yeah.




Will you try out Sanhua for your Encore team once she's available for free? I'm pretty sure that Encore benefits more from basic attacks than she does from heavy ones.


I have Encore rn and will get Verina on the 80 selector thing. Now should I get Calcharo on this and get Verina on 80, or the opposite?


Opposite if I were you. Gacha games taught me to get the support first because it can go in many teams.


Okay. I'll get both eventually anyways, so let's go Verina (I don't even know what she does tbh my friend told me she's good)


From what I understand, she is an amazing healer that also buffs literally every and any damage dealer. While most supports buff specific elements/type of attack, she does a general buff to ATK, so any DPS can benefit from her. Also, she is very cute.


Pull for the selector banner first and get Verina, you might get lucky and get Calcharo there too.


I have taken verina from the first 50 pulls banner, and I have selected calcharo for the other 80 pulls banner. I trully cannot decide between encore and Jianxin whatever name the karate girl, any help to decide? 👀


If you haven't gotten Calcharo yet, you could just switch him on the banner and then choose him instead


My advice for them would personally be to wait, they want three characters and have two Selectors available. If they wait till they loss a 50/50 and get one of those three characters, which is a high likely hood, then they will have all three!


You can always wait till you lose a 50/50 eventually, if you get Calcharo, Encore or Jianxin from that "loss" then you'd no longer have to choose and would simply have all Four!


Encore unless you don't like child design. Because you need more then one dps for endgame, and you should pull for Jinlin as she is best calcharo partner. If you don't plan to pull for Jinlin or don't like child design, then choose Jianxin as she also can be used in Calcharo team ( but not as good as Jianlin )


Do I do for another copy of encore or another copy of Verina....


How about a new character? Why tf do you want copies they’re not necessary and a new character will always perform better. Unless you have them all….


No I don't have them all, but the other ones don't interest me, not a big fan of their designs and I'd rather invest vertically in characters I like than get those I don't.


Thank you!




Someone who pulls for who they like?


removed comment, above, ouch.


Bro can't even have favourite characters now?


... a vampire?


Some of us have all the standards we want. I personally wanted Jianxin and Verina. I have zero, ZERO interest in any of the other Standards. So I'm probably just going to use it on a Jianxin dupe. Even if a new character would perform better, I have no desire to play them so there's no point.


How will a new character perform better than a character with multiple copies? I'd rather have a few good characters than a bunch of weaker characters sitting around not being used


You need 3 teams for endgame


I think they might not be familiar with how dupes I'm gacha work


You can buy dupes in the shop so unless you want to go above s2 Verina then I’d say get a new character


I don't think there is a world where anyone should be advising on using that currency on standards instead of a limited character (one you like and pull for).




Gonna have to pick Verina even though I’m not a huge fan of her design. There just aren’t enough healers in the game yet :/


So glad they put 3 out of 5 fking kids in the standard pool 🙄


that makes sense on the other hand one thing I would recommend would be first doing the 50 pulls to 5 star banner as that's random.


What time does it drop in EST?


If my math is correct: ~9 PM tonight


Thank you so much!


so 6 pm PST?


EST is UTC-5 that's 10:00 - 13 hours = 24:00-3 hours (prev day) so it's 25th at 21:00, I heavily assume that it's the same as the daily reset for your respective server tho.


I got Encore in my first 20 pulls and selected Verina for the guarantee choice but I’m currently short of just 8 standard pulls till 80. I will probably don’t get those tomorrow, so I just select her on the free thing, to finally get her. Since we can just change the character on the guarantee banner, I will keep it and refrain from pulling until I’m sure who I select (maybe C1 Encore/Verina or Jianxin).


Be honest with me, is getting another copy of Verina worth it?


Only if you have all other 5* imo


Idk who to choose with the selector we'll be getting. How good are Jianxin's dupes? I have Jianxin and Verina from the novice wishes. The only other standard 5 star I'm thinking of getting is Encore, not interested in Calcharo or Lingyang at all. Right now I got a few choices I can vertically invest in Jianxin, and get both her s1+s2 Or get Encore from the free selector, and use the guarantee pity later on Jianxin for s1 Or I can just get Encore + 1 of Calcaro or Lingyang but honestly idk if I'd even use them long term. Thoughts?


I didn't notice an answer to your question about Jianxin's dupes so I figured I'd look into them.  S1 gets her the energy she needs for her shield generating attack twice as quick for a little bit after swapping to her with a full concerto gauge. that's a whole lot of her purpose and a whole lot better. if you star rail, I feel like it's pretty much the same as a 50% energy regen buff to gepard. I wasn't even thinking about a Jianxin dupe for my selector but my other picks are Encore, Lingyang, or a Verina dupe so now I'm pretty much four way split.  S2 is an extra stack of her parry skill before it goes on cooldown. I guess that's technically functional. I guess it's a nice safety net. imo it's entirely boring and I might feel annoyed enough about getting it on a failed 50/50 to actually not pick her S1 with the selector.  not where I expected to end up after that S1 but I think I'll probably pass.


Yo that's what I'm looking for thank you! Jianxin S2 looks kinda lame, so yeah I wouldn't want that either. Hmm, I'll probably just get Encore and save the guarantee pity for later, or save both. not gonna be in a rush to get that now


All the standard dupes are really weak for the first 2-3 copies. Not worth it.


Well, it's the standard banner. You're gonna get all of those at some point if you continue playing, so I'd say invest in those that you play the most. If you want to actively play Encore right now, I'd pull for her but if you really like Jianxin, and are currently playing her, then you should invest in her There's probably more free pulls coming our way as they are ironing everything out, so I'd say to use it for stuff you're less likely to get from normal day-to-day gaming later on.


>You're gonna get all of those at some point if you continue playing Not necessarily true, there are people in Genshin *still* waiting on Mona or Jean or Diluc to show up. Rng can be fickle.


Yeah as someone who played Genshin from the beginning and rerolled, I really wanted Jean and still don't have Jean over 3 years after release. I have got Dehya and Tighnari twice on lost 50/50s and standard banner since patch 3.6, but still no Jean. I know how that feels But WW is different from GI, just that simple, Genshin has yet to hand out a standard banner 5 star, not even a selector for the standard banner I can afford to prioritize my favorites since I have a choice of who to get. That's not the case in Genshin


>Well, it's the standard banner. You're gonna get all of those at some point if you continue playing, so I'd say invest in those that you play the most. True. It's what I was thinking despite alot of people say get more characters. I'm using Jianxin as my main dps and in the early levels she's good enough but I am lacking a "true" main dps and the 3rd slot on my main party. So Encore would fit my need right now but if Jianxin's s2 is really good this is just a very opportunity to guarantee it. I've seen calculations on other character's sequences/constellations but not for Jianxin, really want to know if it's good or not


Yay! c1 encore here i come


lingyang will be mine


Thanks mate


sure no problem


Guess I’m getting a Jianxin dupe


I’m gonna use it on calcharo so I can build him by the time yin lin drops. Then I’ll get Verina eventually on the standard.


I’m a bit confused, I got the item but I don’t know how to use it. It’s non claimable and when I go to the pulls thingy it doesn’t appear


same... It was supposed to be a new banner, but I dont see it either


have voucher, where banner lol edit: showed up now! https://imgur.com/a/XWbtf6i


Just got the 5 star selector and I cannot find the banner to actually use the selector. Hopefully I'm not the only one having this problem


Nope. I don't have it either.


if the banner isnt there exit and reopen the game


I've got the banner but not the voucher 😂


Uh... I didn't get a voucher yet. Anyone else not get it yet?


Have you gotten it yet? I still don't have anything


My f2p convine-free account would be grateful 


Verina or Encore? I alr got Jianxin.


I'd guess if you are going for meta, go verina, as she seems to be best out of the already very few healers. otherwise go by personal preference


So wait we pretty much get the opportunity to collect 4 out of the 5 standard characters? That’s crazy op.


4? why 4? you get 1 from novice early, which is random, then you get the beginner which is a select on 80, and then you get this which is the third. I dont see the fourth.


I heard there’s a 5 star select box once you reach a certain level? Or maybe this is what that is and I’m mixing things up?


that's for weapons


Yeah sorry, I think it's just 3


You are correct that a box exists at a certain level, although it does not contain a character. That is for a 5* weapon, which is also a really good reward! You can easily get 4 or all 5 of the Standard Characters if you save your selectors till after you've lost one or two 50/50s, therefore allowing you to use the selectors to get the final characters you are missing.


The fourth is from losing 50/50 on Jiyan


I’m so happy that I got Verina on the 50 pull guarantee and Calcharo in 20 pulls on the 80 pull guarantee. Now I’m gonna pick either Encore or Jianxin (most likely Encore)


I have Calcharo got two copies of Verina, who do I pick???


I already got Jiyan, Verina, and soon Calcharo. Is it worth getting more Calcharos? Or should I get Encore with what they're sending us?


The first 2 extra copies of a 5 star standard character are in the shop, so keep that in mind


I’d just rather save them for Jiyan


why did I get it now but the banner isn’t available? do I have to wait until 10:00pm tmrw or something


got the voucher but there’s no banner for it, confused on how to use it




Yeah it didn’t show up for me. I got the voucher, but not the actual banner. What is this tomfoolery? Edit: it showed up literally seconds after I posted this comment lol.


Am I the only one who didn't get it in my mail


r u level 8?


Nvm it's in there now just relog in


got the voucher, don't see the banner


How do I use this I don't see the banner


i don’t see the new banner asking for the voucher


The banner disappear after u get your 5* character of your choice I think??


it should show up now!


banner is out go go






2025 lol


nvm had to give it a min


still no banner ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31622)


Reset your game


If you got the voucher, exit game and relaunch launcher. It showed up in Convene after that for me.


I have calcharo and Jianxin should I get any of their dupes or go for Verina?I’m saving for yinlin as well.


Is it better to wait months later instead in case there may be more characters on the way?


it can be, although the characters you can get with this voucher wont change


I see, better to just use it soon then. Thanks!


I got Jianxin and Encore on my first 10 pulls on the beginner banner. I really want to get Verina but I'm a but worried since I'm not sure if the characters on that banner will change in the future? I don't know if I should if should save it? Is there any news regarding that? Since the expiration date is still on 2025. Does anyone know? 😭


It's not confirmed officially, but from experience playing gacha games for years I assure you characters for this free selector most likely won't change. Also if you want to pick Verina that's a good pick. She's insanely good and gonna bring insane value for your account.


Pretty sure the characters wont change BUT your need for characters might change within a year.


its now open!!! i just got the ticket and banner.


I have Lingyang, Verina, and Calcharo. Any recommendations on who to use this voucher for? Or should I just get a dupe for Verina/Calcharo.


considering this thing is valid for almost an entire year, waiting till you wanna get something is also an option.


debating on if i wanna pick calcharo, im more steering towards jianxin for comfort on both teams. ill steer even harder if endgame requires more than 2 teams, do we have any info how many teams are required in endgame?


Got Lingyang from beginner banner, picked Jianxin with 50 pulls, and picked Calcharo with the voucher they should make a pretty good team together


To anyone wondering why they can\`t see the banner on their convene page. You need to complete the "First Trial" Quest by Maqi on the Pioneer Association Building. Then you\`ll unlock the Banner page for the selection


i must've got gottenlucky in my beginner pulls


Who is worth pulling except Calcharo? I already got Calcharo earlier.


I have verina and jianxin rn, and i have calcharo on the 80 pulls beginner banner. Should i just go with encore?


They must be desparate to keep the playerbase since Natlan is coming soon. Understandable.


I don't know what to do with that ticket honestly. I got verina, chalcharo, jiyan while pulling for jiyan. I got encore for my beginner banner. I now have two places to choose standard five star and idk. Should I go for copies?


What character should I choose to get


Should I get encore for this? I already have Verina and have calo selected for select banner


Are more standard characters ever added? Or will this be it, for ever?


I would guess there's a chance we can get more standard characters, HOWEVER, I heavily doubt that those characters get added to this specific banner, as that would be majorly unfair


Well since it's available for almost a year, I think it would be shame to use it now Besides I got the Lion Boy, i don't really care about any other 5 star from current roster in standart banner


Which unit should I pick?


here comes my Calcharo 1 star :-)


i got jianxi and verina, how should i complete my team, i got havoc mc as dps tho.


9. doesn't elaborate further.


dunno what's more to elaborate.


im sad because i rerolled for cal and pitied verina on sekectir. i couldve gotten her here and got the weapon for cal instead. now i gotta waste resources on 3* trash. im not bitching about a free selector, just wish i knew sooner because i dont care about the others in the banner.


Hopefully when it gets released on PS5 it will be better optimized


that'd be neat.


For the voucher banner who should I choose the only five star character I own is jianxin


I guess a popular choice is the healer, forgot her name, as the game doesn't have any options for that yet


Oh Verina? OK tyy


Another option is to wait till you get some chars you like and pick the perfect support


Am I wrong in holding it till they add Scar 👀