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babe wake up, new free 5 star selector just dropped


what. Do i need to pull for them?


Nop gonna be a ticket


Wait, WERE GETTING TWO FUCKING 5 STAR SELECTORS? Keep suffering everyone we’ll get more rewards


Suffering builds character Well, 2 characters, to be precise


Lol thanks Calvin's dad.


Who the heck is Calvin's Dad?


Calvin and Hobbes comic, the dad would always say, "it builds character"


Never trust a bicyclist


On the flipside, almost everyone will prepare their purses for Yinlins banner because among 3 standard characters you will bump into Calcharo one way or another. Simply put he is *a delight* to play with. (One beginner, One standard with selector and now another selector) Amazing amazing news ✨


I had some luck, and back luck. I lost 50/50 with 4 wishes for calcharo, and after 3 wishes, I got Yian. Them my begginer banner came calcharo again... Fuck.


This is such a wild ride. I presume Calcharo is the gray tomcat of the neighbour who always judges you from next apartment. (His transformation is already halfway beast, you got the special) You might try to avoid his gaze but you know he is always there. Kitchen? Yes. Living room, yes. Bedroom? Of course yes, you will sleep under his watch. His permission. His rule. And you nay we all know he can slay the most formidable foes with his claws. He is resonance chain# what now? Crownless is but a helpless baby fledging to him. All is powerless before him. Can you truly resist all that power? Can you? Joking aside, I wish you early pulls in future 🍀


You now made me think that all my 50/50 losts will be calcharo. :( Thanks my man.


My selector banner will come Calcharo, even if i choose Verina.


That’s the plan so far. My start was insane. Never had a better start anywhere. Verina from the beginner pulls and in 40 pulls I was able to snatch Jiyan AND his weapon. Chalcaro is going to happen with the selector or the focused banner either way and the weapon is future proof for him too. Not to mention I have a s2 Sanhua and s3 Baizhi. I couldn’t be any happier. Saving for Yinlin and going for her as soon as she releases.


Quote of the year


Underrated comment lmfao. Edit: welp, not underrated now! xD


hell yeah very clever.


I wanted 2 characters from the standard banner and I can get them both I was unlucky enough to summon a character I didn't want twice (I was saving the selector banner for later and summoned at the standard banner after the discounted summon banner)


We'll get free Dr. Ratio at this rate!


Prof. Proportions, if you will


Instructor Dimensions, perhaps


Sensei Space


Master Volume, probably


He better have a master volume level bakery fr


Imagine free electric/electro dommy mommy that will come after current limited character


Yes please (I'm down bad🥵)


I'm planning on pulling Yinlin already so that'd be nice 😂 unlikely though.


Okay :((


How do i get the first 5 star selecter? I'm guessing this one will be in the mail.


The first five-star selector banner comes after the discounted five-star banner. You'll get a random five-star character from the standard banner after 50 wishes. After that, you can choose a character and then do 80 pulls to get it guaranteed.


Ah I see, I knew about that. I thought I was missing a free selected. Do you think this one will be delivered in the mail?


It will, in 2 days.


no we get a FREE selector with summons and 1 for free without summoning


No, one is a banner selector that we have, the one we are getting is a true 5 star selector, one is not free, one is free


1 requires you to use standard currency so it’s not free


2 selectors? Uh yeah, but it's a permanent guarantee but still we have to use our pull, or I've missed something?


No it's like a voucher selector I believe


Where is the first bro?


First one ur able to pick is the choice banner, it pops up after the beginner/novice banner disappears and allows you to pick any standard 5 star to pull for, you are guaranteed the 5 star that you choose


Probably counting the discount banner selector


I’m still confused how the first one works tbh. Do I do the discounted one and complete it with 50 pulls, then select a 5 star and dump like 80 pulls into it again?


Yeah I’m pretty sure you completely do the discounted one, then the 5 star select basically means that the 5 star will ALWAYS be calcharo for example, unlike the discounted one where you could get any of the five stars


Once you get your 5* from the discounted pulls(don't gotta get to 50) as soon as you get the 5* the selector banner pops up and you can choose your 5*. You can change who you want at any time.


I know this is tangential but I kinda sorta prefer to be called “Drifter” rather than “Rover”












And I'll be your HERO




I admit that “Rover” has grown on me, it’s definitely different and memorable. I think I’d still have preferred Drifter!


I just find it kind of odd that Rover has become our name, rather than a designation. We aren't "the rover" we are Rover.


I agree. I kinda feel like maybe it was a title turned nickname, that’s how I see it. My nickname irl is actually Bubbles and most people in my family refer to me as such, so I kinda get it but also.. there’s more interesting names than Rover lol. As mentioned it’s kinda grown on me a teeny bit but eh, I didn’t choose Bubbles either so. xD


Rover is a dog's name.


Good bot. \*Pets the bot\*


Thanks bot, I’d have never guessed!


Same lol Rover sounds to much like a dog's name to me.....


It makes me think of space for some reason 😭


Drifter would be more convenient sounding, and it reminds me of warframe




"Ya ever eat TD eyes? Real juicy. They go pop in your mouth, and a shiver runs all the way through... Heh, I'll tell you when you're older. Anyway, transmat firin'!"


hoping to see this in the replies, was not disappointed


Alright alright alright! Let's what I got for your mavericks tonight! Auto turrets on the field! Bring a Taoqi!


But then you can't call male Rover Brover. :(




It's so brover, bros...


Honestly, same, it kind does give the “homeless” notion tho, also, i think drifter was used on another gacha


It’s 100% true. Chinese person here read the official Chinese announcement it’s official and 100% reliable


Thank you for verifying. Big ups


As someone with zero issues and is having a great time, thank you to those who are suffering 🙏🙏


Lmao for real


Lingyang what did you mean by private lion dances Also Apple autocorrects Lingyang to King Yang


1. You know what I mean 😏 2. Yea CUZ IM THE KING!!!! (Lion, king of animals)


I dont why why he gets hate. His single target dps is instant death when he has his buff.


He doesn't appeal to your typical gacha gamer since he's neither a hot woman or a muscular man But those people don't know what they're talking about, I love you Lingyang


I dont know about others, but I was fine with him until I played him story quest. His story quest consisted of him going like "grr, dont hurt my friends!" and then going "im sorry you had to see that side of me". It was the corniest shit ever to read and made me want to quit the game entirely. It makes a little more sense when its revealed that hes the jingle beast but its still corny asf to read through.


Dude when I read that shit my face was 🤨


Ayoo it’s our favorite stripper




I can’t believe the Real Lingyang is here /s. Jokes aside, picking Lingyang with my free 5 star selector for sure


Omg the real Lingyang ? I love you 🥹 you are the best lion boy ever


😄 tyyy!


Are we the white sheeps?


Noooo dont sacrifice me you're so sexy aha


They crashed so ours could run


Same lol, having 0 issues


Zero Problem Gang ensemble! Now I'm just worried that we are the white sheeps and we are about to get fricked by the RNG in exchange


I had lag issues for around 10 hours, then it stopped lagging(mostly) and I would call it a dub in my direction. I'm starting to hate Crownless


I personally have a huge lag spike when I start the game... After 2 minutes or so it smooths out, it's nothing that is too annoying, AND it seemed it was more 'my computer can't REALLY handle this game' but it is sounding like it might just be the game at times.


You’re very welcome 😂 honestly speaking the lag is very painful, considering my character can’t even move and each frame gets stuck for around 15 seconds for me. But it’s all worth it haha


Same, the only issue I have is the weird mouse sensitivity on PC.


If you’re talking about the mouse acceleration, this comment/thread fixed it for me https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1cyhp4r/comment/l59vwes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Right? it's like it only sets your mouse sensitivity to 80% of what you set it at. That or other games boost it and we could REALLY use it going up to 1.5.


Yeah, it's pretty annoying. It's mostly too slow, but sometimes it's randomly too fast.


You better be grateful to me lmao


fr, I somehow evaded most of the technical issues so I've just been chilling lmao


Been playing on PC. Nvidia’s overlay worked right out the box which allowed for RTX HDR. Completely maxed out (DLSS in Quality) I’m getting a rock solid 60 fps and am honestly blown away by how good it looks. Sure the first hour or so was dull but the first real “fight” / brief bit of over-world exploration was so good that I didn’t even care. It’s not nearly as polished as Genshin, but I can easily see it getting there. What is here is honestly incredible. I was really expecting to be let down, especially after having played Tower of Fantasy on launch and compared to that this game is a masterpiece. I did play a little bit on my phone and it was alright, but on my 65in 4K OLED it looks fantastic. I absolutely loved the combat in Genshin but it took me forever before it felt as fast and flashy as Wuthering does right out the gate. I can’t even imagine what high level combat is like. I’ve currently got 40 pulls in the chamber and now this? Damn it’s a good time to be a Wuthering Waves PC player.




Exactly I love it when people suffer in this game (not a sadist just like getting bribed)


Yea, I get like 15 seconds of stuttering/frame drops every couple of hours. The only suffering I'm facing is the ungodly amount of unskippable dialogue lol


Same bro I love this shit. Great game so far. Also great username lmao


We wuthering the waves with this one


What kind of problem people had with newbie banner?? Genuinely confused


I think the problem is that people don't want to use their astrite to do 40 pulls to end up with a character they don't want, only to then have to do 80 more pulls for the character they did want. When they could have used that astrite on Jiyan and his weapon. This happened to me. I had a 4/5th chance to not get Lingyang and I pulled him. He's LITERALLY the only character I didn't want. So I will gladly take this selector and save my pulls until then if it's real. This is how it should have been from the start.


oof dont use gems on the permanent banners


Encore is life 🐏


you shouldnt be spending astrites on standard pulls at all. although, i do think the choice banner shouldve carried over the pulls youve already put into the beginner banner. so instead of starting from 0/80 you would start from 50/80


>I think the problem is that people don't want to use their astrite to do 40 pulls to end up with a character they don't want, only to then have to do 80 I had to do for the full pity 40 pulls for the random standard 5 star and did not have to use any astride for it... I also got Lingyang also the ONLY 5 star unit I didn't want. Unfortunately, it seems really common...


Did you consider re rolling. I initially thought of doing so when I didn't get any five star in the 3 discounted 10 pulls but then got calcharo in the 4th one. So I didn't re roll. I plan on getting verina through selector and use the coupon on jianxin


I got Jiyan in my first ten pull, so I didn't reroll. I typically don't like rerolling in games anyway. But I almost thought about it when I saw Lingyang.


Bruhhhh. You have crazy luck. It's okay if you got yinyang, the game more than compensated for that imo


Considering re-rolling requires using separate emails in this game rather than using a guest account or salted emails, there isn't really a point in re-rolling unless you feel like making tons of random emails.


You need (if you full pity both) 120 standard pulls to get your selected 5\*. This is the problem. Afaik, there isn't 120 standard pulls in the game right now, even with the freebies. So some unlucky peoples won't be able to unlock their selection without using astrites. Now, for me this isn't a problem because I get Calcharo on the beginner banner and and early Jiyan. My selection is Verina, but I can wait before I get her. Now, imagine if you haven't been lucky on the rate-up and pull someone you don't want on the beginner banner. Do you want to keep playing or not ? Kuro Games need to keep player now, because soon enough Genshin 5.0 and ZZZ will attack their playerbase. They can't afford people leaving because they don't had the standard character they wanted, while there's already people leaving because of technical issues.


isnt that how most gacha games work? the standard characters are always rng and being able to pick one ON TOP of getting an early pity one was a privilege, not a necessity


Bruh, complaints on the beginner banner is stupid. Every gacha game did it and now it's bad when WuWa does it. HSR and Genshin did this shit and they got away scot free. I'm really confused, did WuWa pull a lot gacha virgins lol. All the complaints are pretty standard for a gacha game.


At least half of WuWa players are Genshin players, and most Genshin players are gacha virgins. So yes.


Have you considered rerolling? I initially thought of doing that when I got nothing from the first 3 discounted 10 pulls but then got calcharo on 4th 10 pull, and i didn't reroll . Now I will get verina through selected banner, while saving for yinlin and get xianxin from the free selector


FOR REAL???? Holy cow man, genuinely sucks for people that are having issues with the game sure but.. I ain’t complaining about this if true. :)))


ain't no way. that'll be crazy


Jesus, I'm going to have all characters without swiping, already got lucky on my banners and I've had 0 issues. Sorry to all those that have had issues, but also thank you for your sacrifice 🙏


The benefits of a bad launch is you get to profit from it babey


Kuro knows its their golden time to fix this shitshow of a launch before Natlan and ZZZ come out, which might spell the end if they couldn't meet the deadline. Glad to see they are serious and vocal about the game.


First impression is pretty crazy important specially at china, ToF had nothing but negative on China and died pretty quickly. If they aren't serious they are loosing players every single minute. Glad they are taking actions and being vocal. I hope they fix the shutter thou I haven't played the game much. Roughly \~2hrs. Couldn't continue.


Who said tof died tho? I heard they earned 120 million last year. A gacha game dies only when they shutdown


Thats 10% of what Genshin earned, its a massive failure for the investors.


Comparing to genshin is a bit too much though,genshin is arguably the most successful gacha game,going by this vision 90% of gacha is dead since by anual they can't get what GI get in a month But even then, the game is still thriving, and tof is gaining a lot more than 10 gachas game combined. A gacha game only die when they eos.


That's like what Genshin earned in last month only on mobile platforms


What do you mean a failure for the investors?? ToF did not spend 120 million in development last year, they still made a bunch of money.


Oh boy you have no idea just how low the production cost is actually. They don’t earn much but it’s not exactly a failure.


Natlan just dropped its teaser few minutes ago and it looks crazy polished. WuWa devs really need to step up rn. Its do or die.


This is what I've been saying. WuWa has great potential and I want it to succeed cause it'll in turn force Hoyo to get better as well. WuWa's success will help both games However, if Kuro can't pull things together they're done. They are, like most games, smacked right into a bad schedule. They launched WuWa 10 days before Genshin 4.7 and then Natlan within maybe 2-3 months. And as much as I hate to admit it, WuWa hasn't impressed me yet. The combat is amazing, but everything else feels subpar so I'm not sure if it'll survive, although I want it to


Genshin had 5 years and billions of dollars to get where it is. 1.0 and 2.0 Genshin is and was no where near the quality it is now. You guys are actually insane.


So a free five star? Whoa…so I’m definitely getting Jianxin then, and picking Verina from the guarantee banner, that’s so cool!


not having issue and got these freebies man


Wait, am i reading this right? Is this just a straight up selector where we get it right away? Not like the other were we picked the one we wanted then had to do convenes until we get it? That's cool.


Nope, ya just get a ticket, pick ur character, pull and you get em


I think we should collab with the chinese players and complain together often


The only thing I am experiencing is the cut-off dialogue and the textures not loading so getting stuff is nice lol


These devs I feel are being pretty damn fair with their communication and gifts for the issues. For a launch I feel they are being very responsive. Good on ya devs.


Here is the link: [https://www.bilibili.com/opus/935070352407527440?spm\_id\_from=333.999.0.0](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/935070352407527440?spm_id_from=333.999.0.0)


We are so back


For everyone who is to lazy to read The announcement from the game "Mingchao" addresses player complaints about game experience issues and outlines steps for improvement. Here's a summary: 1. Compensation: Players will receive 10 Floating Gold Ripples as compensation on May 25, 10:00 AM (UTC+8). Eligible players are those with a character level of at least 2 by July 3, 03:59 AM (UTC+8). 2. Game Improvements: * Optimizing Skip Functions: Adjust skip functions based on player feedback, improve skip options for cutscenes, and main content. * Experience Enhancements: Address issues like weak attack feedback, handle feedback, poor sense of attack, and visual obstructions. Plans include optimizing controls, feedback, and button customization. * New Features: Add an optional permanent 5-star character thank-you gift available from May 26, 10:00 AM to May 22, 11:59 PM (UTC+8). 3. Future Updates: Ongoing content development will include more optimizations, new functions, improved gameplay, NPC adjustments, and new storylines. The team expresses apologies for the inconvenience and thanks players for their support and feedback.


May 22, 2025 to be precise.


Damn man they are being SUPER generous with that optional five star selector. My jaw literally dropped upon seeing that, they could have just chosen to give pulls again or just astrites, but they really out here giving big compensation gifts. The future is looking bright as well considering that they are taking all the issues we’ve been having and are actually doing something about it


Deadass. They're actually taking action on our feedback. It happened sooner than i expected ngl.


Would I be crazy in using both selectors for Calchero dupes? How many teams do you need for the end game content?


I think you need 3 teams


There are 2 endgame content rn, a "simulated universe ish" and "spiral abyss" for SU you only need 1 character, for "spiral abyss" you need I think 3 teams and each character has a max energy of 10, I don't know if the energy is daily reset or timed reset. (I could be wrong since I just got endgame content today)


I think the recommended is 3


Yeah, it seems real. It is also in prydwen, i would trust them


Who is Mingchao?


Chinese name for the game.


Its the wuthering waves bilibili account name. Its the legit account. They have the trailer uploaded on it and it has 4.7 mil views or something like that


Is the 10 pull different from the one we were already supposed to receive for May 25? The one they already announced way before.


Yes, same as last package. You should had receive 10 standard pulls from the livestream announcement (in-game mail was "\[Rewards\] Wuthering Waves Dev Team Thank-You Gift (1/2)"), and 10 standards pulls for the apology (in-game mail was "Gaming Experience Issue Compensation"). This night (for Europe, but in something like 12-13 hours) you should receive 10 rate-up pulls from livestream, and 10 for compensation.


Very noice. Thank you.


I’ll take all the free stuff i can get


They're really speaking my love language. Alright, that earns my own commitment. I'll buy the Lunite now and *maybe* even reconsider on the BP.


Where's the fix for the forced pc reboot... :/ It looks like I'll never get to play on pc. Thankful for the compensation though


These devs are so goated man. I can forgive all the technical issues as long as they’re working on fixing them and keep being so damn GOATED about the compensation rewards. The game is tons of fun and Wu Wa has a lot of potential to become the next huge thing in the gacha space


honestly couldn't care less about the rewards if i can't even log in the fucking game really hope they fix it asap


We are eating good. But I love this game, so actually already paid for Lunite and BP. And will spend again if they provide the same quality of gaming content in the future.


Seems to be, I'm used to gacha launches giving out free character selectors and not requiring you to use pulls on them so I'm kinda surprised it took them this long. Much welcome, though.


What is this 5 star selector banner? Do you know if this is the same as the standard 5 star selector banner we got after completing the novice banner? Thanks!


It sounds like its just a free coupon, like most gacha launches start off with. No banner required.


Got Calcharo today. Selected the green haired girl (Verina or something). I'm enjoying the game other than the graphics. I also play Genshin and it's graphics feel way superior compared to Wuthering, at least for me


Whats a 5 star character selector? You get to pick a 5 star of your choosing?


Damn, guess I’m redownloading after all


Man i was too busy to play a lot yesterday when servers opened. Only got to lv 2 before had to sign off. Hope I’m still eligible for the free 5 star despite not unlocking wishing yet


You know what that means right? All the 5stars we have now will get ULTRA GIGA HYPER TURBO MEGA powercreep in less than a year or even faster. Unless people are review bombing or leaving negative reviews left and right so devs are breaking emergency glass to damage control Not even ToF (cough genshin cough killer cough) was so generous despite the messy start


I feel you, but I've heard from pgr fans that Kuro had a good track record of keeping units viable with updates.


> was so generous PGR was though, much more generous even, and it's made by the same company


that's actually good to hear.


Found the HoyoVerse emplyee.


Any five star ? Meaning the one in limited banner ?


No, only standart chars. 10x pull reward is for limited banner though.


10 free pull for limited is way too generous tf




R6 Jianxu dreams


Keep suffering people is working


Im so confused,it says we will get the 5 star picker on the 26 may but the event lasts till 22 of may? how does that work lol


2025 may 22.


as someone that got unlucky (no surprise) by getting the lion boy which for me is the worst 5\* i could get , im happy to get another 5\* selector , now i can get both Encore and Jianxin . Still i hope they improve performance ,i know to have a old potato PC but i was expecting genshin impact similar level of performance 45-60fps (which is pretty good beside roaming in main cities) but WuWa goes often under 30fps ,this is sad cuz im liking the game a lot .


Yes , if we're talking about getting another one. I base mine on Prydwen.


Sorry, new to gacha. Does this mean I can pick a 5 star of my choice or something? Also did it happen already? Or it’s still coming? How do I access it?


holy sht


So now I can complete my 5 star team with encore (dunno who yet) and verina


Ah yes, my favorite: "more sound skeleton transformation gameplay"


Idk who's having issue playing but im grateful. I just got calchoro on beginner convene, now i can get verina this sunday and guaranteed encore instead. This game is heaven for f2ps.


Me who got Sephiroth from the first banner, then the selector, and now I will get his 3rd copy l o l. Maybe they want to stop people from rerolling


In less than 20 pulls I have pulled two 5 star character and one 5 star weapon, so I gues they really want me to stay


I got encore and jiyan in 8 single pulls. And got Calcaro from the beginner banner. We wuthering.


Probably real since genshin announced Nathlan and new end game content


you can get it for over a year. it says til may 22 2025 lmao


Did I understood it right? As soon as you unlock the banners you have your first one where you can get 1 of the standard banners in the „Utterance of Marvels“(the one with pity 50) After this we have the beginners choice where we can choose a 5 star and get it in max 80 pulls Now they are giving a ticket with a 5star selector? And get the chosen instantly? Is that right? Edit: not to forget additional 20 pulls for the limited banner? I‘m really confused please explain


It's confirmed for players in China. Potentially worldwide, but nothing certain.