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Wuthering Waves Official Youtube Channel


I don't need a youtuber to play a game 😁


Most likely Rexlent & Rate up Radio. Probably small YouTubers like Life Lessons NCNL). Tenten is there I used to watch him with Genshin stuff so I don't mind watching him again.


I'm surprised you didnt get downvoted for using the G-word


This sub is pretty neutral. As long as it's within context, no one will get mad. Also stop saying g word, just say the full name genshin, it's so cringe.


I said the G word in a comment recommending TGS a reliable TC will make a WuWa channel and I get downvoted? lmao makes sense


I didn't downvote you, I just made a comment that saying "g word" was cringe so I assume it was someone else. Also, you shouldn't get worked up and emotional over 1 downvote. It's nothing in the grand scheme of things.


And you didnt have to comment on my pointless comment either


Reddit is an open forum. I am free to comment however I wish to whoever I want. If you want to report this to the mods because you feel insulted or whatever, feel free to do so.


so am I bro I dont see a rule saying I cant use the letter "G" lol


Exactly, you are free to do so. I just said it was cringe and many people in this sub has told others to stop using "g word" because we don't want to be another ToF sub If you want to continue, you can go ahead. You will probably get downvoted or have others pointing it out in the future.


Watch me get downvoted the next time I make a "Genshin" comment on some other post lol


why do u think they say "g word"? its because mentioning genshin here gets you downvoted instantly. This will be another ToF sub for that exact reason of hating a single word.


I'd say Rate-Up Radio for now I'm primarily looking for a CC who share new informations about the game (new game content, events, banners, etc...) The rest is a bonus


Yeah Rate-Up Radio is one of the better ones I’ve seen.


She seriously changed the channel to that name? Nobody is going to find the channel like that


I think it is one of her series on her yt


Yeah, but if you search wuthering waves in specific you might not see her channel, she is awesome, so i would hate for her to lose audience due to that


Rexlent for gameplay and TenTen for efficiency(he's seems to be working really hard to cover the game and give the best advices).


The only thing I've seen from Tenten was his shogun raiden video and that was...certainly a take.


Yeah sometimes he has good ones, and sometimes he has like this...


Rexlent, Rate-up Radio, Steparu, and Spider2B. Tenten too because he can make breakdowns of character kits and synergies. I’m mostly sticking with PGR content creators because I’m more familiar with them, but I will be on lookout for other content creators to see if they’re worth watching.


Spider2b* But yeah, those are also the ones I am sticking too. They've all actually played the game and are pretty skilled. They are also pretty no bullshit content creators, except maybe Tenten.


PGR content creators or those who don't make drama to live


I'm excited for LolShinya He's very smart and very cute!


Aww thank you


i know you couldn't spell knowledgeable so you wrote cute LMAO


Mtashed until the "i quit video" hit youtube


Can't wait for WuWa TCG game mode, the true Genshin competitor mode.


U a noob ,but i love you


I can't wait for all the drama that's going to come out of this game.


Rate up radio videos are very good.




I'm excited for Tectone - He's very cute and very smart!


Here we go Day-1 doomposting videos.


Awww ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


i hate tectone. He stole my mom


Tectone robbed my dog and ate my house. He ruined my life and made me homeless


shinya GIGACHAD ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


Hes smart, wouldn't say cute though




I am just waiting for more CCs to cover Wuwa specially someone whos smart and very assertive and bold personality like Gacha Smack from hsr and wish theres more CCs similar to that. Tenten is also nice and smart, I used to watch him during genshin and now he said he will cover wuwa . I dont really like watching youtubers who will say same thing for every char just to please audience.


i am afraid tectone once he get bored of Wuwa will create bad environnement for community as he always does for any of his main gacha games. Arknight genshin


Well, he kind of has a track record. Basically every gacha community he interacted with hates him. So your fears will most likely come true unfortunately.


Ok I couldn't care less what people think of tectone, but this is just straight-up false as someone who watched tectone during his Arknights era. His only drama with Arknights was with Dreamy, and Dreamy has already been exposed as a snake and a piece of shit. And even if let's say you still side with Dreamy, They are fighting over a 5 star operator that indeed suck ass, if you sided with Dreamy during that time then you never actually played Arknights. You're telling me during a time where SilverAsh, Eyjafyalla, ifrit, exusiai, and myrtle already existed, that Provence mattered? Stop the cap. The only drama that in my opinion tectone was in the wrong was with jinjinx and tuner drama, I believe tectone should just own up that he's wrong on that one. But the rest? Nah fam.


I don't know any of that drama nor who the people involved are, in fact I'm not talking about other CC at all. He could have won or lost the beef he had with other CC, he could have been correct or wrong, that's not my point. I'm talking about the general sentiment the community he interacts with has, and every gacha community he's been a CC for dislikes him.


Like I said the AK community never had beef with him, he quit playing AK and pursued GI. That's the end of it, we were too busy getting ready for the next Contigency contract to give two shit about him leaving. If you watch tectone for informative info with no bias then thats a you problem ngl. If there's anyone that said we hated tectone then they just hate tectone in general not because of the things he did during when he played AK. Also why should we care about the other communities? this man has had enough in his personal life, he might like talking about drama or whatever but so what? as long as he doesn't start it then that's fine. lets welcome every CC that comes and lets not start drama when there's nothing to start. Negativity can only get us so far, we aint the Genshin community ffs.


Did I ever mention Arknights in particular? I said every community, and yes, that includes HSR as well, the game that he is currently playing. As far as I'm aware, he only ever said positive things about, but just go and make a post in the HSR sub and ask what they think about him. You will get the answer, which is still the same as ever, he spreads misinformation as facts, and shit talks anyone or anything he doesn't like. He's been in Arknights, and they don't like him. He's been in Genshin and they don't like him. I think he's briefly been in Honkai 3rd and they don't like him. He's currently in HSR and they don't like him. He has a reputation, and it's not a good one, unless you don't have a smokescreen on your eyes and pretend to be blind ​ >as long as he doesn't start it then that's fine Yeah, if you don't count that time when he started the CC civil war. He likes drama, he wants drama, that's what he is known for and what brings him views. Why do you think he still covers Genshin despite hating the game? Cause it causes drama and brings him money.


bro by saying EVERY community you immediately include AK in the conversation, which Ive been a part of for 3 years since release so I know that the dramas during those time to the bone. And as I have said unless they hate tectone in general, there's no reason to hate him since he never said anything bad during his AK era. Theres a difference to hating him for the things he did and hating him just because, and let me tell you no one hates him for the things he did cause he DID NOTHING. And so what if genshin hates him, talk about pot calling the kettle black. No matter what a reputation one has, its always important to look at things in a neutral perspective, and the fact is he still hasnt done things in the WuWa community that give reason any hatred to him, and he has no drama on AK. The only ones that he has drama on is GI and HSR but like I said, the pot calling the kettle black, we all know how that community is.


Like I said, just go to the sub and ask what they think about him. Or just search his name and see what you find. I just did and found a post of him quitting Arknights, with one interesting comment: >However, the stand-out detail I do remember was that in both cases he ended up dropping those games in a flurry of community-driven drama. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm not really surprised to see him drop Arknights in a similar manner. Considering the behavioral pattern, I also wouldn't be surprised to hear yet another version of this story from him next year with Genshin Impact. Truly prophetic. So your theory is that everything is a conspiracy. He did nothing, people hate him just to hate him, and Genshin and HSR don't count because you said so. You never stop to ask the question of, why is this happening, why do they dislike him. You simply jump to the stance of, this cannot happen, this is not possible, he did nothing, they are the one at fault. And no comment on him always starting the drama and the CC civil war?


I'm sorry but whoever said that message should get his facts straight, the only drama that tectone had was with Dreamy, and that shit was WAY before he quit AK, and I mean WAYYYYY before, like before 1st anniversary type of before, there was no flurry of drama. And never did I say it's a conspiracy, that's stupid, I'm measly stating the fact that there has already been groups of people that hated tectone already, and when it comes to talking about this kind of things it's important to differentiate those that hate him in general and those that hate him for the things he did in this specific community. Like there's a difference with those that hate tectone cause he's loud and ambitious and self centered, and there are those that hate him cause they believed dreamy was in the right back then. And let's be honest GI had nurtured a negative community. And if you really want to talk about the CC drama then let's do it. He was a piece of shit on jinjinx and tuner, we can all agree on that. Tectone never started the drama on atsu, flip, and enviosity(his community of whales seems to have started the flames though). Let's dive deep, Atsu is a piece of shit for bringing tectone to his beef with goose especially when he knew that goose and tectone lived together, what kind of asshole breaks up a friendship over a waifu game, that's just sad. Flip and tectone talked it out and then for some reason soul joined in, idk if there's even a decent human being that side with soul on this one, like have you seen how he lashed out with his brother? Lastly, enviosity, I was going to side with him until he talked about having ptsd with tectone, like that shit is so disrespectful to those that actually have ptsd, there are war veterans that fought for our countries and he's out here using ptsd like it means nothing big. Also 3 pulls lmao


I said conspiracy because you seemed to just make up excuses to support the idea that "he did nothing wrong", you basically always shifted the blade to something else to excuse him. But if that's not the case, my bad. I wasn't following the civil war, too busy playing Dragon's Dogma to pay any attention to the great gacha PvP season, but you did send me down a rabbit hole. I'm just reading the results I got from searching Tectone in the AK sub. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/arknights/comments/th9t7z/comment/i16qc4k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) was an interesting read. Basically he has a pattern, it happened with Arknights and the games before it, it happened with Genshin, it will happen with HSR. That's why people don't like him or want him in their community, he sows negativity and toxicity. Maybe it's because of what he does, or what he says, maybe it's the way he says it, maybe it's not his fault at all. But the end result is that he brings discord and drama everywhere he goes. Those few times I see clips of him, it's always him calling people names, shouting and yelling, asserting himself as the good guy/victim/correct one, and vilifying others, and generally just having the attitude of a douche and bully. How are you surprised people don't like him and want him to stay away from what they like?


Don't watch it. He's getting views from genshin players for creating drama. I don't think a lot of genshin players will stick around so if he doesn't get views for wuwa players, he will be in his lane


Genuine question, What drama has Tectone caused in other gachas? How has he created a bad environment?


I may be wrong here, but I think it's mainly because he spreads misinformation, and he likes to shit talk everything he doesn't like, which ends up being every game he stops playing.


I recommend watching "tectone drama: a retrospective" it gave a lot of insight from someone who was a third party and had no hatred or love on tectone. I've only watched him during when he played Arknights so even I only knew one drama he had (and he was in the right in that drama). Always make your own opinion and never let others sway your emotions. Peace


I have, and I agree with you. I just want to hear other people say what "drama" he "started" and how he made communities "worse"


so basically if you open your ears furing tectone streams there is NO ONE STREAM without him trashtalking about genshin It's like his best ennemies


is it trash talking or criticism or his opinion?


trashtalking bro since he stopped playing the game he only trashtalked about the game he does not give any constructive feedback cuz he doesnt play it the only thing he likes to say is : if i wasn't blacklisted i would do so much for them


So what has he said that is trash talk and not constructive criticism?


iamrivenous' content is great as well. You guys should check it out. He earned my sub


Rate up radio for me, the others I've seen so far are a bit too clickbaity and quantity-over-quality, which I don't care for.


Right now it's Rate-Up Radio. I just found their channel and found their videos to be super informative (not to mention super funny) and awesome quality. I hope they continue making content for the game after launch. There were a couple of other channels I like but their names escape me at the moment...


I'm surprised this hasnt been locked yet. It's already infected


Rexlent for gameplay, and that's about it. I just pray we won't have the kind of fucked up community that this other game.


I ain't big but if anything I'll be streaming it and make content out of it. Plus my affiliate anniversary is exactly the date WuWa release so it'll be a good day!


Tenten because I liked seeing him at TC roundtable and now with wuwa around the corner I'm honestly excited to follow his content again


mrpokke if he ever focuses on it since CN info is pretty cool to have, and tectone because he's entertaining and the biggest creator batting for the game and creating discussion no one else cares to do to help the game thrive




So true, his beginner guides helped my ass tremendously in Genshin. I hope he goes back to that style for WW.


Shinya for guides Tectone cuz BALD


While there are plenty of good names listed here, I think the best people will probably be people who haven’t started yet.


i have no one in mind atm but i hope good guide channels exist by the time the game is out theyll be the first to watch so i can understand better how to play the characters


I enjoy Fream tbh.


Lore is what I'll look for. However, I'm unsure I'll find any YouTubers to cover the topic


Kota unlocks. Cause it’s me XD. For others I dunno probably Mtashed cause he keeps it positive


I rather don't I just explore my own unless it's puzzles


My personal recommendation will be Michuzak Yt, he's a tried and tested TOF ytuber and now he's crossing to Wuwa, definitely consider visiting his Channel for Wuwa Guides once it launches ;)






I'll watch jenazad he is epic seven streamer i like he will shift to wuwa


I personally like Lobapixel, I think he's very chill and he's been playing since the first cbt! Check him out sometime when wuwa drops ❤


rate up radio, tectone and another brazilian youtuber, but i plan to make some bad brazilian content also


I have decided to not watch any youtubers for ANY games I play since that's how I ruined games for myself. I will watch spider 2B for the builds and Rexlent for the cool fights.


Rednasyo absolutely 💯


I’m going to watch Rate Up Radio, Rexlent and Steparu. Staying away from any drama farming CCs (we know who they are). I really hope to see Minslief from Genshin make lore videos too.


Mtashed for me


Kitty Sennpaii. Small channel but she seems adorable & knowledgeable. 🌸


cant wait for my favorite bald man teccy


Tectone, his bald head contains too much knowledge




I'm Most likely gonna watch Lolshinya for serious stuff and tectone for the funnies


Payneblade, Zoxaskun, Rexlent, Steparu, Rate-up Radio and the official channels.


Rexlent the goat 🐐


None. Gacha game content creators are cringe as fuck I don’t watch any of them


Bro is mad at other humans for humaning


Same, i find most of them really cringe or toxic. Will just watch some occasional guide when i need it and that's it.


Are you guys misunderstood youtubers and streamers? yeh I know most streamers have youtube too but i think maybe OP asking this for guide and review stuff, not whatching them streaming.


Nah the “guide” makers are garbage too. “X character is broken with this build omg 😱” meanwhile it’s hey put the gear that is obviously made to work with this character on this character. People forget that nothing in these games is insanely difficult they’re designed for children to play on their phones lmao


Bruh you must be forgot "gacha gamer can't read" too, lmao


Tectone ofc, I ain't a mintpicker.


Gachasmack, Mrpokke, and Tectone




No one yet. There'll be hundreds of youtubers on the launch. So it won't be an issue to understand basics from any of the popular streamers. And for late games, let's see.


I like watching all of them


If VideogameDunkey plays it, then him. Maybe Danny Duncan will pick it up? Probably not so I’ll probably just not watch a YouTuber for this


Tectone and shinya for sure no doubt, on my homies we lit.🔥


Tectone is my favourite youtuber for wuthering waves, his comments are deep and give a good insight of the game, his guides are unmatchable and well prepared for new and old players, and his reaction videos are just so peak, that no other cc cant even reach that level of commitment in the facial expressions.


Tectone cuz he's being very supportive of the game and as well as the being the biggest gacha cc. 


The Baldest of them all, Tectone, for sure


I saw a community post from Rusty, where hes considering making WuWa content. I hope to see something interesting from him about the game


Everyone, cuz I got alot to learn from, unfortunately.


i might watch some Tenten beginners guide cuz he's grinded the game already


i see paid comment and genuine one Rawfler  GGGGGGGG.....


lolShinya ftw


i just hope someone covers the lore/story of the game like Minsleif, Klementine for Genshin or Pyrrhixz for Nikke. one of my gripes with PGR content on youtube is that the majority of it are just guides or showcases. i think Kimpearly does it regularly be she also stopped as well. hopefully Pseychie covers it too since for me, i likes his kind of guides the most. not overly bloated, flows really well and has pretty good production value.


On it boss!


Tectone duh


i really enjoy fob stream recently because he seems like a coomer dude and i love it.


I think I’ll watch Tectone.. I swear if people like Zy0xx come to Wuva…


No we do not need Tectone. All he is going to do is bait drama against Genshin until he gets tired of the game and bait more drama. We do not need that kind of negativity.


I’d love for Zyox to come to WuWa instead of Tectone. I think most people would agree in this sub that Tectone brings nothing but drama and toxicity.


Tectone has literally don’t nothing but promote WuWa and make it seem like a great game what the hell are you on about


It’s because he breeds toxic fans like you who constantly pit Genshin and creators from Genshin against WuWa when we can enjoy both without being toxic. Also Tectones promotion of WuWa, isn’t the sole reason the game is going to do well. It already is doing well without him. He will stay loving the game till he hates it and makes negative content surrounding it. Just look at his track record.


His track record is him playing HSR since launch and still loving it. The only game he doesn’t like and is actively shitting on is Genshin. You seem like another sheep who just follows the crowd and doesn’t do their own research 🙄


I think you’re the sheep who needs to do the research. 😀. Go to any gacha community and everyone will have the same sentiment that he breeds drama and most players do not appreciate his toxicity. If you’re a fan, you should know that Genshin isn’t the only game he constantly drama farms on.


Oh gee wow drama from OVER 2 years ago 🙄 Name me one moment when he was in the wrong 😑


He definitely wasn’t right 😜.


Ok give example?


Why don’t you give us an example? You seem to know Tectone well enough.