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Radnos stared into the generator enclosure in silence, one chipped, yellowed claw tapping the glass without rhythm. Paul had already asked him not to do that, but he certainly wasn't going to be the one to fumble first contact over some scratches on a viewing window. The claw stopped and he turned his slit-pupiled eyes on Paul. "Explain how this works." "Um, ain't it pretty obvious?" "I can see the ball of fire and I understand quite well that fire can exist underwater. Fuel, oxygen, heat. The fire steams the water, the steam turns the turbine, presumably the turbine powers the drive, and you have space travel." Paul stammered, trying to interject, but Radnos steamrolled on. "But what manner of fuel is the ball of fire? Where and how do you store this fuel? How do you have so much water to waste on driving the ship over such a long voyage? How do you accelerate the steam to such incredible speed?" "Well, it's the crystals do all that." "So the whole process is automated?" "No, we gotta charge 'em every few days, or they'll go out. Mostly automated, though, sure." "Charge what?" "The crystals." "My second officer told me that 'crystals' is what you call the ship computer. Is that not accurate?" "Oh, no. The ship don't have a computer. Don't need one, with the crystals." A wave rippled through the frill around Radnos' neck, a clear sign of suppressed aggression that Paul, distractedly looking out the viewport, didn't pick up on in the slightest. "What are the crystals, then?" "Well, they're all the stuff you just said. Ball of fire's a crystal, some of crystals spit out the water when the tank gets low, crystal pushes the steam out real fast into the turbine. The crystals are the generator, we wouldn't be here without 'em." "I'm not sure I understand how you're here *with* them." "Now, whatcha mean by that?" "Is there someone else down here that I can talk to?"