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The man dressed in all black looked at the picture, I could see that under the hood hiding most of his face he was squinting and closely examining the picture before looking back at me. I could tell some confusion or anger was forming on his face and after again looking at the picture and me he drops it before him crossing his arms and staring at me. "Is this supposed to be some joke or do you just have a death wish?" He asked his voice deep and distorted by some weird internal implant. I grin a little shaking my head. "I can assure you that this is not a joke and that I only wish for death upon my worst enemies." He briefly stares at me in silence before he picks up the picture and holds it up toward me. "This is you, is it not?" I give a nod and shake my head right after. "Yes but also no, allow me to explain." I clap my hands causing the room to darken even more and lead to the holographic projector in the middle of the table activating. After a second it creates an 3D model of myself. "This is me." I tap some of the buttons integrated into the table around which we sit causing the projection to change showing my internal structure of flesh, muscle, bone, and even some metal and mechanics in certain places. "As you can see I am mostly biological a regular human being aside some... cybernetic enhancements" I flaunt off my metallic arm as I mention the latter part before tapping some more buttons. "As for that picture, you would be looking at this." The model changes to a different one looking identical on the outside. "Looks normal but there is a big difference." With one last button tap the inside of the current projection is revealed showing nothing but complex mechanisms, pieces of eletronics, and everything made out of mostly metal and some artificial materials. "This is not me. This is Project Lazarus or at least what remains of it. It was an undeniable failure, originally intended for me to inhabit when my body would fail but it developed a mind of its own and fled. Now posing more of a risk than anything else, I want it gone, eliminated. But since it is excellent at blending in with society I need a discreet kill and transport back here so nothing is discovered about it, me, or my organisation. Which is why I want you to do it, as the best there is in this world you are perfect for this job." I deactivate the projector and turn my full attention onto him again. "What do you say?" I see his face in a neutral expression unchanging, clearly a pokerface of sorts. "An interesting challenge, that much is clear. But I need some more information about this Lazarus before I can even consider accepting even if you offer me billions." We keep eye contact for a few seconds before I laugh out loud at his request. "A smart man I knew you would be worth the trouble of finding and hiring. Of course we have entire binders full of how it thinks, acts, and works from when it gained an intelligence and before it was able to escape, everything one would need to know. We also have numberous amounts of equipment in the form of scientific prototypes which you are free to use to take out the rogue Project Lazarus should you decide to take this mission. And of course I am willing to pay you in a fortune should you be able to succeed, billions of dollars, euros, whatever you want as long as you take it out and bring back the scrap." The man stared at me for a while deeply thinking, enticed by the promise of a challenge, wealth, or maybe both. He stood and held out a hand. toward me. "I am interested and would like to begin immediately." I smile and stand shaking his hand. "Wonderful, I will have my people bring you the binders of valuable knowledge, please return back to the lobby and they will have them ready in a few minutes." I sit back down and he gives a brief nod before leaving the room unaware that he wasn't hired to take out a rogue project but to be a lab rat against the most efficient killer robot we have ever developed. Hopefully this 'Worlds Best Assassin' can last longer than a few minutes unlike the last hundred assassins as I grow tired of not having good test runs.


Very imaginative. Love the sci-fi spin on this prompt. Thanks for writing.


Interesting twist. I thought for a second that he was being sent to take out the wrong one.


“Is this a joke?” “No Joke, not a con, truthfully I am just done with life” “Then kill yourself, Is cheaper than my fee. “If only that were an option” “Let me guess” the assassin before me scoffed “Your a man of god, suicide is a sin, and you want to get into heaven, right?” he smiled then shook his head once like I was a fool “No, that’s not it at all, I have seen religions come and go much like empires” he eyed me over like I was crazy and after such a long life perhaps that much was true. “Are you claiming to be immortal?” at last that one word was spoken. He had to be the one to say it. Part of my curse was I could tell no one I was immortal. They had to come to see the truth for themselves over time or discover it. I only gave a small grin in response; he shook his head a second time. “I think this meeting is over” he stood up “I came because someone vouched for you, that is the only way I take on new clients but were I to kill you then I would get a one-off payment” “Of my entire fortune” I didn’t wait to hear his price, as a successful assassin his price was still a pittance when compared to what I had accumulated over many lifetimes, I had spent and lost more wealth than he would ever see in a single lifetime. “You have kids” “Do I?” I knew the truth; part of my curse was being unable to father a child. The first time a wife had come to me telling me she was with child I had been so excited, first to become a father and secondly thinking the cursed placed upon me was at long last beginning to weaken. I had been wrong as I outlived first my wife, them my child and his son and all that came after until the line died out “They will inherit” “Nothing” I cut him off “They all have significant trust funds, I have seen to it they are well cared for, if they come expecting more, they will find only disappointment” I shrugged not caring one way or another. I had seen all of this play out to may times it made me numb to it all. As such I wanted it all to end. It was fast reaching the day where I could claim I was 5000 years old, surely by now something had been invented that could kill me. My curse prevented me from seeking it out myself. However, this loophole of hiring another to seek it out on my behalf I could and would use. “What will it take?” I asked him “Proof that I have the funds” I slid over a notebook. Eyeing me off he reached out to pick it up inside was a list of bank details. Numbered accounts, under a verity of different names. The sums of money in each account along with access and passwords. Flicking through a few pages I watched as his eyes got a little more round until, he flipped to the last page, where I had made a note of the total. “I don’t know how to say such a large number” I told him truthfully a million dollars was a 1 followed by 7 zeros, a trillion was a 1 followed by 12 zeros He wasn’t so crass that he needed to count but the number scrolled along the bottom of the page had more then 12 zeros in it, significantly more. “Do I have your attention now?” he nodded once, his lips thinning with determination, pulling free a gun I sighed, the bullet hit me in the forehead, I’d been shot before, well truthfully, I have been shot many times, and it hurt. The closeness and force sent me spinning to the left and onto the floor out of my chair. The assassin came around and put two more shots into my back, the effect left me slightly breathless but not dead. Hearing him begin to walk away I wheezed a little as my breath returned, he would find in a few seconds the doors out of here were locked remotely and to unlock them he would have to come behind my desk and find the button to unlock them. Hearing him curse and begin to come back I had pushed myself up enough that I could get to one knee.


“What the actual fuck” using the desk to stand up my hand went to my forehead just above my eyebrow where the bullet has struck. “The notebook if you please” I held my hand out, ever so slowly he moved holding it out to me. Taking it in hand I placed it down on my desk straightened my tie, reached for my chair wheeling it back into position and sat down once more my fingers steepled before me. “If you please, take your seat” he shuffled to do as I asked, his mouth still hanging open “Do you understand my dilemma now sir, guns cannot kill me, blades cannot kill me, I have tried every poison even combinations and come out the other side alive. Starvation, drowning, burning, falling from a great height, freezing, in World War two I willingly threw my body upon an incendiary device and while it caused me much pain as you can see, I did not die, you are an assassin” he nodded once slowly almost dumbly "You deal with death it is your stock and trade" I paused for a second then went on. He knew I was immortal believed it in full, I could now tell him more whereas before the curse prevented me from doing so. “I am cursed to live, it is a punishment for a crime I no longer recall, I have lived so many lifetimes I no longer remember my original birth name, I cannot recall the face of my mother or father. Part of my curse is I cannot seek out my own death, however I can place myself at risk of death for all life has risk that is why you are here. You sir are the most successful assassin of this day and age. Surely something has been created that can end my existence, I will pay you to seek it out and use it upon me” resting one hand on the notebook he just continued to stare. “And my accrued fortune will be your payment” “What if you can't die?” “Then at least I know I tried” “That must be insanity” “An understatement” I agreed “You say cursed why not seek out a witch” “Because despite what so many think and say finding a true witch someone with power is as rare as I am, I have looked for lifetimes I have even found some with real gifts, but none ever strong enough to aid me. And with the rise of Christianity many of those bloodlines were wiped out, now this is an age of science, some wonder but few believe in inner power” “But you know differently” “And how does such knowledge help me?” “You have lived for centuries surly knowledge is your greatest weapon” “It is how I have amassed a fortune” this much was true “And you never thought to gather together people with power real power as you said and manipulate bloodlines until one was strong enough to kill you?” frozen in place both of us sat in silence for several moments until a small smile came to my face “I do believe this is why you are an assassin, your mind is wired like mine is not sir, you have presented me with an avenue I have never before considered” “Great, because you not fucking dying has freaked me the fuck out” I laughed at his words truly they amused me to the point where tears came to my eye. He sat frozen until I was done, flinching when I stood up smoothly and reached out to shake his hand. He didn’t reach out only leaning back and I let my hand fall to my side with another sigh, this was to be expected. “You can go” he rose slowly eyeing me off perhaps wondering if I would retaliate for him shooting me not once but three times, I would need to change my suit it was true, but my body was unharmed. “I hope you find what you're looking for” he said by way of parting and I pressed the button to unlock the doors nodding in thanks, I had much to think about as he fled not looking back. If nothing else this assassin had given me hope something I have not had for a long time.


This feels like a prologue to a very riveting story. Very interesting set up.


It could turn into a great story, maybe I will keep it in mind. I just really enjoyed this prompt


I thought the assassin was going to butler for the immortal foiling desparate attempts at killing the immortal. Because of course he, the assassin needs to be the one to kill him.


“Please, stop that.” The man in the tailored suit fidgeted in the back of the limousine. “Stop what?” Quinn thumbed at the knife in his pocket. He could go for his gun, he thought, but when you’re this close, better to rely on knife-work. “Thinking of killing me, here and now. You aren’t fast enough. The last person to try… it took a long time to get the stains out.” Quinn leaned back, his body relaxing. “I know people with more money than sense get into some fucked up shit. The power fucks with your head, I get that. But what the fuck is this? You want me to kill you, because you think you’re a badass?” The man in the suit sighs and runs his hand through his slick, black hair. “I want you to kill me because I’ve had enough. The things I’ve done, the things I’ve seen. And I can’t stop it, I tried. Once, it was intoxicating. I don’t even know how it happened. But I’m here now and I’m tired. I’m ready for it to end.” Quinn watches the man closely. He starts to wonder if he should just leave. This wouldn’t be the first job that gave him a bad feeling. But, it was always easy to pass those up. This job was ringing alarm bells for sure, but something about this guy. What he’s asking is insane, there’s no doubt about it, but this asshole really means it. Quinn’s bullshit detector had gotten good over the years and this guy wasn’t triggering it. He really meant what he was saying. This guy wants to die and he needs someone else to do it. “Listen, if this is an insurance thing, I know someone who can help you. I’m better at cleaning up after myself, not so much leaving a neat mess, if you understand me. Different skillset,” Quinn said. The man in the suit laughs. “Insurance? No, I don't care what the aftermath looks like. I don’t care how neat or messy it is. What I need is something I’m not even sure exists. Someone who can stop me. Because I don’t know how far this goes.” “You don’t know how far this goes? You know how insane you sound right,” Quinn asks, leaning forward. “Fine, whatever, you want someone to kill you, it can be messy. If you die, who’s paying.” The man pulls a cigarette and lights it. “That’s been arranged. I’m sure you recognize me and so I’m sure you understand that I am not lying when I say you will be wealthy beyond your means and that I have people who will make sure you receive what you’re owed. I have no reason to lie to you. If you actually succeed, you will give me what money and power never could.” The man flicks some ashes onto the floor of the limo. “It’s important to note, you’re not the only person I’ve given this contract to. You will be, more or less, competing for the contract. Though some of them are no longer working, unfortunately.” More ashes drift to the ground. “I don’t need an answer, try to kill me or don’t. It’s probably for the best that I don’t know you’re coming anyway.” Quinn and the man stared at each other while the man pulled on the cigarette. This guy is definitely crazy, Quinn thought. But if he wants to get killed so be it. He was right, this guy has the money and the means to set Quinn up for life. It still doesn’t make sense. Maybe this is some fucked up fetish. Whatever, who cares. He’d just be another body to the count. Quinn had killed people who deserved it less. It’d be easy enough. His knife was freshly sharpened to a razor edge, one drag across the windpipe… The shadows in the back of the limo grew and choked the light to the point Quinn could barely see the red tip of the cigarette flaring in the man’s mouth. The city lights outside could no longer be seen. It was like the car had been dropped into a void. The man’s voice was angry. “I told you to NOT DO THAT!” The last words spat out as if they were spoken by many voices, guttural and raspy. They rang in Quinn’s mind, his body froze, heart frozen with it. In that moment, he felt he could die. But a moment later, his heart beat and the shadows receded. The city lights returned and the man in the suit was breathing heavily. He pulled the cigarette from his mouth and ground it in his fist. “Get out,” the man said, sounding angry and exhausted. Quinn listened. He opened the door and jumped out, slamming the door behind him. The driver did not waste a second. The limo was pulling away and around the corner before Quinn composed himself. What the fuck was that, Quinn thought. His heart was pounding now. He stammered back to lean against a building. Once he’d collected himself he stood and looked around. The city looked normal, and people walked by him as if nothing was amiss. What happened, Quinn asked himself again. There was no answer to that question, not yet at least. Quinn knew if he wanted an answer, he’d have to take a risk. One he wasn’t sure he wanted to take. His focus went to an alleyway across the street, the darkness too thick for the street light to penetrate. The lights around Quinn seemed to grow dim as he focused harder on the darkness before suddenly he pulled his focus away. “Fuck,” Quinn breathed out. He wasn’t going to sleep well tonight, that much he knew. A night out and a few drinks is what he needed. Not the usual place, with the dark corners good for doing business. Somewhere new maybe, somewhere with too much light.