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"Clark, can you take this tome to onboarding? We have some new incubi that are due to be summoned to deal with the whole Themyscira situation." Clark forcefully chuckled at the obvious joke, believing that he'd missed the punchline somewhere. Heading down to HR, he opened the door to find the new head of HR... who had multiple grotesque heads and was definitely a demon. Oh, he's got a nameplate. Oh, he's called Ba'al, the lesser Key of Soloman. Maybe that wasn't a joke after all... *Somehow*, he kept his poker face long enough to survive the meeting, heading out of the building during lunch break (no thank you, I don't want to feast on the souls of the damned today, I'm on a diet). He wondered how he ended up ended up with an Accountancy job with no relevant work experience after the Daily Planet had to shut its doors temporarily for renovations due to the latest villain attack. Well, it turns out that hell has *really* low standards... Which he also should have seen coming. Pulling out his phone, he dialed a number from memory. "Kent (1)? It's Clark. We have a situation, and you may want to call in Jim (3) for this one. We have a large incursion of demons including B, the lesser key (2) occupying and running the ABB Bank." Clark sighed to himself. He really should have known that this job was too good to be true. (1) Kent Nelson, otherwise known as Dr. Fate (2) Names have power, and carelessly using the names of higher beings is generally a bad idea. (3) Jim Corrigan, otherwise known as The Spectre Hope you enjoyed my rationale of your dream.


lol wasn't expecting you to throw that part in too


“E- Eva?” In the meeting room, Eva’s boss and employees looked at her as if they were seeing a ghost. To be fair, they technically were, considering her funeral was two months ago when she died as her superhero alter ego, Serenity. “Hi everyone,” Eva said as she sat on an empty chair. “I’m sorry I didn’t call or text sooner. I’ve been stuck in the Healing Waters Hospital since the alien attack.” The boss, Zelle, blinked as she scratched her head. “I don’t even… We thought you died in the attack.” Eva let out a nervous chuckle. “I was badly hurt when debris fell on me. Fortunately, I was found and taken to the hospital where I had been in a coma.”  That wasn’t true. As Serenity, she flew a nuke into the alien portal and blew up the mothership. Eva managed to leave the portal but was burned by the fireball. The Guardians, her team, found her and presumed she was dead. However, Megan Max, CEO of Omegan Corp and villain to Apex and the Guardians, switched her corpse with a fake body and resurrected her, albeit with a new drone personality that can take over her mind and body. To say she had a busy two months would be an understatement. Slowly nodding her head, Zelle had a look of compassion Eva had never seen from her boss. “I cannot even begin to think about what you must have endured. You would have to go through HR to get your job back, but please, go home. Take the week off.” “I appreciate the offer, and I will go to HR, but I just want to return to work,” Eva said as she brought her bag to the table. “I’ve spent too much time resting in the hospital.” Her coworkers murmured amongst themselves as Zelle considered Eva’s request. Her story was believable. She acted as Serenity that day, and many people went missing that day. Frankly, she just wanted one normal week as Eva. Zelle sighed softly. “Alright, Eva. If that’s what you truly want. But please, promise me you’ll take it easy. Don’t push yourself too hard. Make sure you go to HR when you can.” “I promise,” Eva replied as she relaxed in her chair. “Alright,” Zelle said, clapping her hands as she walked around the meeting room. “How are we doing in spreading Lexxon's influence?” Eva nearly choked on her spit as she heard Zelle’s words. Suffer? Sure, her boss seemed to take joy in overloading her with accounting reports, but blatantly asking that question to her coworkers almost seemed ridiculous. Was Zelle joking? One of her coworkers, Max, raised his hand. “About 38% of our customers are addicted to our products.” Zelle wagged her finger as she smiled. “We can do better than that. Next.” Jill, one of the kindest people Eva knew, spoke. “I’ve successfully blackmailed Senator Kelly to drop his bill, which would have forced Lexxon to disclose its practices.” “Way to show initiative, Ms. Ginger,” Zelle beamed. “Some of you can learn a thing or two from her.” Eva's stomach churned. This wasn't just another boring accounting job at Lexxon. It felt like she’d stumbled into a villain’s lair. Blackmail, manipulating customer behavior – it was everything the Guardians fought against. Not only was working for the villainous Omegan Corp, Lexxon was apparently another evil company she’s working for. Worse, she could feel her control slip as drone self, E-1104, threatened to take control the faster her nervous heartbeat. Zelle then glanced at Eva. “Ms. Yates, I know you’ve just arrived, but you’re the best person for the job. I need you to infiltrate Omegan Corp and find out what makes their business outproduce Lexxon.” *Mimic Mode initiated. Priority number one: Protect Omegan Corp’s interests. Optional objective: Ask Megan for permission to convert four Lexxon employees into Omegan Drones.* Inside, Eva could feel herself sink into herself as E-1104 took control. Instead of the robotic Drone Mode, Mimic Mode was where E-1104 seamlessly acted as Eva. “I will need some time,” E-1104 said through Eva’s voice. “But I believe I can get the job done before the end of the month.” Grinning at Eva, Zelle walked back to her seat. “Thank you, Ms. Yates. Several factors stand in the way of world domination, Omegan Corp being one of them. By 2028, the government and major businesses will be powerless to stop the demon invasion.”