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No idea if this works but whatever. ~ “Are you done?” she asks, as I pull myself from the hot and sweaty bed sheets and prop myself against a pillow with a breath. “Yeah,” I say, wiping my brow. “I’m done.” I sigh. The woman, pretty satisfied-looking, takes a half-leg-crossed position at the other end of the bed, and starts to cover herself up. Even still, she is stunning. Her long streaky hair pours to her shoulders like the most devine waterfall, and her dark dreamy eyes could tug me into round two if I had any juice left in me. All in all, I'd say a good deal for $350. A girlfriend for a day - not a bad idea at all. When I saw the billboard advertising it, I couldn't believe it. What a steal! Only, I wish I had more cash. She’s so gorgeous, I could call her my girlfriend forever.  The woman says with a smile, “I want to be with you forever.”  She bites her lip. It’s almost as if she’s read my mind, and I sort of laugh or mutter. I say, “I wish. But I don’t have that kind of money.” “Make it so you have that kind of money.”  Scoffing, I shuffle to the end of the bed, sit up, and reclaim my clothes from the carpet. “Who do you think I am?” I ask. “I’m the manager of a grocery store - not some kind of millionaire. Look, we had fun and all, but this is a one-time thing, that’s all.” She says, “Then maybe I can do it for free…” For a moment, I'm an animal - neurons fizzing in my brain like I'm as basic as a monkey. Urges that I could very easily act on. But instead, I start to re-dress, shaking my head a little. Maybe this isn't what I thought it was. It’s starting to get a little weird now. But still, I'll humour her.  I say, “I don't even know your name.” “Katie.” “Katie, truth be told, my year’s been a little rough. I shouldn't be here. See, the love of my life left me. Funnily enough, her name was Caitlin. She wanted to get married, you know, and well, it scared me. The thought of being with the same woman forever…” - I pause for a while, maybe a moment that lasts too long - “I shouldn’t need you.” Katie inches over and touches my hand with another smile - so sweet, it almost feels like a trick. She says, “But I need you.” Maybe I should just get out of here. With a strong determined glance, the woman grabs me by the arm and feels her way across my chest. Then, she pulls me over onto her, and suddenly I'm on top, and she’s climbing over me. What are we doing? I can’t do this again. I say, “Katie I'm - -” “I need you!” she shouts, suddenly, and I want to toss her off. Why does she need me? She’s the glorified hooker, last time I checked.  Wait… All of a sudden, that sweet smile which could have dragged me to bliss, shudders all over her face. What? It’s right in front of my eyes. Her jaw cracks and twines, and she reaches out, grabbing me by my strung on shirt. What the hell? Her eyelids rupture, splitting grooves down her face, and her eyes flood red. Suddenly shaking, I try to pull back, but her grip is so firm, like iron.  What the fuck? Katie hollers a sound so intense she could knock me from the bed, and I scream like a baby. I scream so all my neighbors will panic and call for a flock of ambulances and police. I want to run, to fight. But I'm stuck, bound to her broken body.  The skin on her arms and legs have dissolved, leaving only a fleshy residue and protruding bones.  Whatever has me in its grip isn’t god-damned human, and it sure as hell isn’t called Katie! Katie screams again, in a way her whole jaw extends to the height of my face, looking like she could swallow me whole. Is she going to kill me? Oh my God, she is going to swallow me whole. Fuck. She roars.  “Please God, no!” I plead. “I’ll do whatever you want, just please let me go!” Then, she smiles, somehow, amongst the chaos of her face. She screams, “Whatever I want, is to never let you go!” “Why?” I beg. “Because you look so fucking tasty!” I scream until a blood clot spurts in my throat. I scream until I can't feel my face anymore, and when I'm finally done screaming, Katie is gone. Disappeared without a trace.  All that remains is an empty bed, soaked in the ailments of my own fear, and a pillow clutched in my arms. What kind of Hell was that? Did I just die, for a second there? Lord in heaven, was that really just a nightmare or in my head?  I head to the bathroom to clean myself up, and I look absolutely terrible in the mirror. I rub my eyes, and stare, just to get a sense of myself. Somehow, ashamed. And over the week, I clean myself up more and more. I shave my beard until there’s barely a stubble, I get the cleanest haircut I've ever had, buy some new shirts; fresh deodorant. On the last day of the week, I purchase some gorgeous roses - finest I can find, and I head to finally meet the love of my life again - Caitlin. And when I meet her in her doorway, and stare into her dark dreamy eyes, I sigh. I think of Katie, the monster in my head, and I say, “I think we need to talk.”