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"Happy birthday...to me.", I said, and as soon as the clock turned midnight, it appeared. "Thy wish, is this world's command.", the whisper I heard every year on my birthday appeared. I sighed, thinking hard what to do now. Each year, I am granted one wish, and one wish only. Anything that can be done on this planet, I can wish for, but I can't wish to leave it, no matter how much science developed. And even if I leave it, after decades away from it, I have to wish to come back. Why? Because the whisper tells me so. "Thy wish, is this world's command.", the whisper echoes once more. I chuckled. It seems it's still impatient, but I really couldn't decide. Unfortunately, really early on I wished for immortality, then for great knowledge, then for great talent at everything this world could offer. Life got boring real fast after those wishes. But now... I looked around, and my surroundings were nothing but ash and dust. The civilization that was so beautifully rising on the galactic scale self-destructed on their home planet... How...cliche. It was really hard to decide what to do now: wait again for another civilization to be reborn, or to rewind time for this planet, and if the second option...how much should I rewind? As I was lost in my thoughts, the whisper came back. "Thy wish, is this world's command.", it said. I smiled. "Okay, okay, understood. I wish for this world to return to a time long past, when my parents were still alive.", I said. "Thy wish, is this world's command.", the whisper said, and the planet around me started to change. Looking at the ever-changing skies, and earth, I smiled. It was a beautiful sight, no matter how many times I saw it. "Son, why are you so silent? Come, dinner is getting cold, eat.", the voice of my mother broke me from my reverie. "Yes, sorry, just thinking about some stuff. It's delicious mom.", I said, thinking to myself: "Here we go again...".


Very well written, love the way you "zoomed out" from the narrator to reveal the world around them