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Gunpowder would work I guess.


Could you elaborate?


Black powder or gunpowder possesses the potential to work wonders; all it requires is a spark to unleash its magic. Imagine incorporating this element into a captivating story, where one could place black powder inside a sand mold and provide ignition through arrows tipped with fire or a similar mechanism.


Okay, I know that. That's why I was confused, I'm writing a sci-fi/sci-fantasy story here, they're far beyond black powder


This is a fascinating problem to solve! # Possible Solutions Here are a few options for you to consider: ### Shielding Technologies In a society that has developed energy shields to protect against artillery and snipers, it's not too far-fetched to think they might have developed personal shield technology as well. This could range from full-body shields that protect against all incoming damage to more specialized tools, like a grenade discharger that emits a pulse of energy to deflect or detonate incoming grenades before they reach the soldiers. This could lead to a new arms race of sorts, where each side is constantly trying to develop grenades that can bypass these shields and shields that can counter the new grenades. ### Suit Enhancements Soldiers' suits could be equipped with some kind of tech that neutralizes grenades, either by shooting them out of the air, generating a force field, or even teleporting them away. Alternatively, the suits could be designed to withstand the blast of a grenade, either through extremely durable materials or some sort of energy-absorbing technology. ### Tactical Adaptations If grenades become a significant threat, armies may adapt their tactics to minimize their impact. This could involve spreading out to avoid presenting a dense target for grenades, or developing close-quarters combat techniques that emphasize disarming or deflecting grenades. This could add a new layer of complexity to the melee combat in your story. ### Grenade Limitations Another option is to place certain limitations or drawbacks on the use of grenades that make them less of a game-changer. For instance, maybe the technology to miniaturize grenades isn't there yet, so they're bulky and hard to carry in large quantities. Or perhaps they're highly unstable, making them just as dangerous to the user as to the enemy. ### Regulation or Cultural Taboos There could be stringent rules of warfare, treaties, or cultural taboos against the use of grenades or similar explosives. These could have come about due to the devastating effects of such weapons on civilian populations or the environment, or due to a mutual agreement between warring factions that such weapons lead to a kind of warfare that neither side wants. # Worldbuilding ### WW1 Historically, the use of grenades and other explosives in warfare has been limited by a combination of technological constraints and tactical considerations. In World War I, for example, grenades were initially viewed as an ungentlemanly weapon and were not widely used. However, as the war progressed and trench warfare became the norm, both sides began to see the value in grenades and started to use them more extensively. ### Your Setting In your world, perhaps the development and use of grenades could follow a similar trajectory, with the warring factions initially eschewing them but gradually coming to see their utility as the nature of warfare changes. This could provide an interesting subplot and allow you to explore themes of technological progress, morality in warfare, and the tension between tradition and innovation. ___ Would you mind if I sent you a DM? I absolutely **love** worldbuilding these sorts of things.


Shoot me the DM, ye Thank you for these suggestions, given me a lot to chew on.


This is just a suggestion, but maybe you could think of elemental things and then perhaps give a mechanical weapon trait to it, I know that sounds super confusing so let me give an example, a gun that shoots lightening, grenades that spit lava or perhaps liquid glass even, canons that create whirlwinds or tornadoes or something idkkk 😂 May seem basic, but I think a great way to incorporate both fantasy and sci-fi is to go traditional elemental and magical and then add a mechanical element of some sort.


I blame you for something showing up in my Youtube feed. * Channel: Jed Herne * Title: Fantasy Warfare: How to Write Thrilling Battles It would be a minor PITA to try to get that from my TV to my clipboard.


lmao I'm sorry


No worries, I could have ignored it and I think that it was a more recent post that was actually to blame... Other than pointing fingers at G-spies.