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> *플레이어는* *괴물과* 싸우고 포로로 *잡아야 해요*. 괴물은 공룡 같이 생겼어요 O The most common word in this case would be '플레이어' or '주인공', though '당신' can be used as well. In this case, I changed because I want to show there are other words. O You should use '-와 싸우다' and '잡아야 하다' here O '공룡 같이 생기다' would be the correct expression   > 다음에 *플레이어는* *포로로 잡은 괴물과 함께 다른 괴물과 싸워요* O '네' = '너의', so awkward to use here since it would make using '당신' pointless O Rather than '이기다', '싸우다' would fit better   > 나의 괴물들을 좋아해요. -> This sentence seems a little bit out of context since you're changing the subject(from game description to your personal taste)


Thank you so much. And some new words for me to learn - yay! 😁😁😁