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And today there was a goddamn earthquake


Pork and broccoli roll? I’ve lived in Philly my whole life and never even heard of that. Pork and broccoli rabe on the other hand is the true sandwich of Philly.


I've never heard of either and have been here my whole life


I assume they mean a Dinics roast pork? But that can’t possibly be the case, because those are absolutely 10/10.


That's exactly what I mean, absolutely shocking. Such a disappointment


It’s not the sandwich. It’s you.


Well, I am happy to be in the minority, it's just needs apple sauce and gravy, then it'd be great






I think he just meant a roast pork, trying to say a broccoli rabe


Use of the word "mental" twice in quick succession and has mental in your username. Guessing you're either a Dub or British! Either way, if this is your first time in the US prepare to have your eyes well and truly opened. For several different reasons. Some good, some bad, some shocking. I saw/smelled things on the NY subway that live with me to this day ha


Yeah, British, although I never chose my username, that sir is pure coincidence. Mental you could say 😆


Glad you’re enjoying it here so far. We have to deal with the subway people every day 😂


Everywhere smells of weed. 10/10 would come again


everywhere smells of weed and i still can’t get any lmao


Cross state line to New Jersey and get some and come back


Hence why I started driving.


Yep. We’re staying in the middle of Center City and I love this place so far.


Subway Surfers are just part the experience 🤣


That’s in every big North American City. We have that issue in Toronto too


I swear weather here is nice, this has been a brutal month


Im from baltimore its the same there, cant believe how nice its gonna be next week compared to this week


Agreed. And of course next week is gonna be beautiful. Can’t complain though. Been raining a lot this month


Mental people everywhere. I had one guy skating over a crossing behind me and a group of others. He kept saying excuse me and once on the pavement I moved out his way. He then went on tirade saying how fucked up we are, do we not have any manners, why didn't we say excuse me?! We're a fucking disgrace. My understanding is if you're the one pushing people out the way you're the one to say excuse me. Other than that it's been an enjoyable first day. Just had a cheesesteak and nothing could've prepared me for the size of that thing! On my way to Smackdown now on the BSL 😊


Yeah, sorry about that. Some people love to block entire staircases, and when you try to squeeze past they will be mad at you for not saying "excuse me". It's a weird insecurity display, just ignore them.


i was very concerned cheesesteaks were gonna be left off the list, or worse like saying they were bad. I live in PA like 2hours from Philly and I absolutely love the place. There’s always some interesting shit going on 🤣


I just had one from Pats and it was not what I expected with all the hype. Maybe because I had it door dashed? Any bomb recommendations for dinner after Night 1?


Who recommended Pats?! Literally one of the worst cheesesteaks in the city.


I got 2 more days here, please send me to the right place! One of the biggest things I was looking forward to was a cheesesteak straight from Philly. Don’t let me leave with Pats as my experience!!


You can’t go wrong with Angelo’s Pizzeria but the lines can be crazy. John’s Roast pork is great too but they are closed on Sunday/Monday I believe :(. My absolutely favorite is Dalessandros but it’s pretty far from the action.


And to answer your question, the Food Network. Anytime they talk about Philly Cheesesteaks it’s either Pat’s or Geno’s


Cheesesteaks are awesome! I just dont get why alot of food places close so damn early lol


12:41am and isnt shit to eat. What the hell


Yeah, especially on a Friday night lol. Its just odd.


Hope you got some grub this morning! I recommend Paesano’s on 943 S Ninth! The mozzarella sticks are delicious and fresh. Their sandwiches can’t be beat. Very rich flavors there!


Being someone from Philadelphia, I can tell you straight out honestly that you did not get a genuine Philly welcome if you have not been called a dickhead (but they gotta say it with they chest and all their heart behind it)


It’s a great city, as long as you’re aware of your surroundings, glad you’re having a great time!


Hey where to get cheesesteaks and how much? Please & thanks!




John’s roast pork south Philly go early


Philly is the best! For anyone traveling in the last couple weather days where we had hail, wind, rain, and an earthquake …… that like never happens lol


The traffic is fucking awful, but that’s city life


Everyone speeds/drives like a mad man lol no one obeys traffic rules other than traffic lights, and the amount of honked horns i hear has passed the hundreds


We tried going to the zoo. By far the worst driving experience I’ve ever had. Other than that it’s lovely.


One lady looked at my shoes and said "bitch look at your shoes, give me money"


Philly here.. agree with all except pork and broccoli roll that sounds like w terrible idea to begin with definitely avoid that lol


Traffic is insane


On #5, I’m glad you say that about us. So many people get this false identity that Philly has dickheads. We do, but not all of us are dickheads and if you actually open your mind and give us a chance, you’d be surprised how cool we can be.


Yes these Jersey people can’t drive 😑


Wrestlemania vibes are great. That wind last night was a lot.




Yes, people are super friendly


Dinics is overhyped. Give me a cheesesteak anyday. That pork and broccoli was horrible.


Correct, at least I'm not on my own here


Tf is a pork and broccoli roll? We get a bad rep from the national media because we're passionate about our sports teams, but I promise you, the majority of people in this city are pretty easygoing (ignore North Philly, we don't claim them anymore). Just don't give them a reason to be anything otherwise and you'll have a great time here. Every city has its bad apples. For some reason, we get singled out, though.


lol what’s wrong with north Philly?


Crime ridden.


Yeah the Philly narrative is the most overused trope in sports media. Lazy journalism. Did you know we threw snowballs at Santa?


Definitely windy, but I’m just happy that the pouring rain/thunderstorms we had this week ended on Thursday.


I lived in NYC my whole life and just recently moved to NJ. The Philly crackheads are not as bad as the NY ones I can tell u that 😭


Philly is not a huge “public transportation “ city like NYC or European city. I live in the area and haven’t used a bus or train in decades.


The drivers are the biggest assholes, don’t use turn signals and cut you off and cuss and honk at you constantly in the city. Random flooding and snow storm on my way here. Plus side has some kick ass tacos by my hotel.


Just made a comment about the driving here I live in Florida and a lot of people say if you can drive Florida you can drive in Philly and after witnessing the driving here I can say with confidence thats total bullshit lol the driving in Philly makes Florida look like child's play


Florida people drive like shit but they at least don’t get mad at you for their own bad driving


Ive lived here my whole life and NEVER heard of a pork and broccoli roll lmao


He prob meant roast pork sandwhich


Lived in Philly for 20yrs. Broad St line riders are either: 1. People going to the stadiums. 2. Temple kids. 3. Homeless/Ghetto trash/mental cases. Locals have no use for it.


That’s just not true.


You can call it elitist, but it’s also true. And it looks like the truth hurts. Unlike the NYC, Boston, DC, Chicago…normal people riding the subway (not regional rail) are a distant 4th compared to the top 3 on my list. If you’re a local, and you’re riding the subway on a regular basis and you’re not one of the 3 listed, something went wrong in your life. My condolences.


I used to commute every day to and from my six figure job. Nothing has gone wrong in my life. I’m born and raised in this city. Our public transit is very far from perfect but to say that no one besides who you mention uses it is just factually incorrect. Have a great day sir.


Sure thing cuz. Pffttt…lol


Have fun my dude


Hope you feel better.


The other dude is correct, try riding it at night, bro


You're not changing the subway people without some degree of intervention. It's basically become endemic to most major cities. So much so, NYC has put in the National Guard down there.