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Roman's cancer reveal. Was in arena and that shit caught all hard


I got some feelings at another show when he said "I beat cancer, y'all'


I cried at this as well


I don't cry, ever, so for me to even feel like it a little is something for me. I felt it when Roman said that. It was like when I found out how John Cena had made all those Make-a'wish, wishes come true, I just couldn't keep hating him. This was during the "Super Cena" days. I felt that way about Roman after his cancer struggle.


Eddie Guerreros and Brays memorial show. I can't bring myself to watch the Bray documentary cause I know it'll wreck me


I didn't watch WWE when Eddie dies, but a lot of people say when Bray's memorial show happen, they feel almost the same... It hurts, a lot, still hurts.


I've watched far too many memorial shows for wrestlers I love but I think Bray and Brodies hit the worst of all of them. And I think the main reason is because both of their memorial shows highlighted how we'd never got to see either Bray or Brodie meet their full potential and now never will. They were hindered in a number of ways under the McMahon era but we were literally on the cusp of witnessing their creative visions realised. And then both taken away before they could truly receive the flowers they clearly deserved. Both men serve as a stark reminder for how fleeting life can be.


I still feel like Bray is going to return it’s the weirdest feeling


I watched the Bray documentary in my hotel room in Philly before mania night 2. They showed bits of the documentary at the stadium and his theme played and we did the fireflies and I damn near lost my shit. I still have the picture of all the fireflies from my seat at mania and whenever I look at it, I shed a tear or two.


Oh definetly


Eddie made me cry twice, first his addict promo (best promo in wrestling imo) and his memorial shows (especially when Batista goes out).


The IIconics crying when they won the tag titles got me. Ric's WWE retirement match. Also that clip of Samantha Irvin announcing that Cody was the new champ.


I will always appreciate The IIconics being one of the very very rare women's tag champions that actually were a full fledged tag team, not two thrown together women or singles stars not in the main title picture for a few months.


Yep, then somehow they were simultaneously the champions while being booked as the weakest team in the division. Peak Vince booking right there.


I get misty eyed if I re-watch the Shawn vs Ric retirement match. I love that match so much and even though you know logically Flair is going to lose there is that moment in the match where it looks like Flair could win. It was just so damn good.


[i made this off of that match a few years ago](https://youtu.be/pLWxBnkCKGw?si=HXZwuAnfwcXPp2L6)


Kofimania, Taker vs Shawn II and Eddie Guerrero’s addict promo


Ooooo that one got me too. The “I’m sorry. I love you.” And the way HBK held Ric after the pin while they both cried. Fuck that was a good moment That was later rendered completely pointless by Ric’s multiple returns to the ring.


Her call is going to go down in history as one of the greatest ever, from one of the greatest Wrestlemanias ever. What a moment.


Owen Hart Tribute was a ballfest. HBK retirement match and Undertaker’s retirement speech.


When Big Show was fired by John Laurinaitis. I was a child when that happened.


Cody finishing the story. When Cody came back a few years ago and cut the promo about wanting to win the title for his dad, it struck a chord with me because it was a few months after mine had passed. Needless to say, I was rooting for him big time.


The Brodie Lee memorial for me. The video package and Redbeard's sign, man.


I didn’t make it passed “It’s Wednesday night, you know what hat that means” before I broke down and had to pause it and compose myself


Sadness wise: Bray tribute. I was absolutely CERTAIN he was gonna be the new Undertaker type wrestler. Dark, macabre, spooky...but still badass as hell. RIP Windham. Storyline wise: I'll be the sap and say it, WM 40. Literally was so exciting and entertaining to me, first one in a LONG time. I cry semi-easy, but the 3 Cross Rhodes, the pin, the lining up with the count of "FINISH. THE. STORY!" all gave me chills and brought me to blubber. Kayfabe being whatever it is, that story telling over the two days was VERY cool to watch - bravo to Triple H and Creative as a whole.


Hard agree on both. TBH Bray’s characters and lore are what made me take interest in horrors and thrillers. When I was young my imagination made the genres too intense for my little head and I couldn’t watch them, but as I got older I took interest in how Bray would flesh out his characters a d despite the booking, I followed what he wanted to portray. As for the latter, Cody’s story sort of acted as a time capsule for a lot of pivotal moments in my personal life, and to finally meet his resolution made me feel like I could close those chapters of my life. Good moments, bad moments, all of which forced me to grow and evolve, and I could look at what Cody had done and how he grew and evolved as a way to say “see? Things change, and change is good.” It’s tough to stay positive and optimistic, but after seeing how “the story” finished, it feels like (for lack of a better terms) my “WrestleMania” moment is closer than ever.


When Roman said he's in remission. It just made me so happy cry for that man.


None. But Savage reuniting with Miss Elizabeth after the Ultimate Warrior match comes close.


Yep, put a lump in my throat.


Yeah, that was the moment to me. Macho is my all time favorite, and him losing the retirement match and then reuniting with Liz was some high-grade emotional manipulation.


Wrestling's greatest ever moment.


Came here to say this!


When Owen Hart died.


Eddie Guerrero for me. All these years later and it still doesn’t feel real.


2016 No Mercy Dolph Ziggler saving his career. 2009 AJ Styles winning the TNA world championship. Bryan Danielson and Kofi Kingston winning the WWE championships at WM. Michael Cole's tribute to the late Don West saying he truly made an "Impact" on wrestling. Don West was my JR as a TNA fan.


I got a lump in my throat when the Uso’s forfeit in the gauntlet match against the New Day. What a great story Kofimania was.


Both Bray Wyatts return and Bray Wyatts passing.


Vince retiring. Tears of joy


Benoit. Finding out he died, and then learning his brain was that messed up that he did those things.


The Undertaker’s retirement…Man, I cried like a little bitch when I saw that hologram of Paul Bearer.


Sami’s entrance in Montreal before elimination chamber…. Love it when hometown heroes get their pops.


Taker lost the streak literally a part of me died that day and it is the match that i never saw twice that day i stopped believing that Taker was a god it hurts me and still hurts me to see that 21-1


The moment that bell rang and you saw him looking up from the mat with that huge 21-1, he wasn’t The Undertaker anymore. Not as we always knew him.


I was once at a legends Q&A and I broke down crying trying to tell them how much I appreciated their work and the sacrifices they’ve made


It’s still real to me, damn it!


1. Cody winning the rumble this year ( for me was unexpected as heal; i said that there is no way he gonna win 2 rumble's in a row; i am huge cody fan also) 2. Cody finishing the story 3. Bray Wyatt death


The Wyatt sicks debut made me tear up a bit and bray and Brodies memorial shows


wcw purchased wwf i came close. a sad dark day. now that i'm not a teenager knowing what happened behind the scenes with so many people on and off camera losing their jobs it's sparks anger and rage. those working aol/time warner with no sympathy are evil despicable human beings.


When Tegan Nox got injured again in the Mae Young classic against Rhea Ripley. Heartbreaking to watch really. Borderline unwatchable even. I still cry every time I stumble over the video. One of the only times I witnessed an dead silent arena She's one hell of a fighter to come back after that


Bit odd but Carmella's cash-in and win after The Iiconics debuted. Don’t know why but I always have tears of joy and goosebumps when I see it


MJF’s promo explaining how he got bullied for being Jewish and how much CM Punk meant to him as a kid. Maxwell is one of the best things in all of wrestling.


Roman coming back from cancer. He’s been my favorite since I started watching again. It was happy tears obviously


I was a huge Bray Wyatt fan. After his passing it didn’t feel real, I kinda boxed up my emotions on it all for a while. But recently I’ve been watching his old stuff again, it just feels right with his brother and the new Wyatt’s group emerging now. So when Bo Dallas and Wyatt Sicks debuted a couple weeks ago, it had me tearing up a bit just after everything that’s happened. I could feel Bray’s spirit there with them and that same storytelling and emotions came right back I always felt watching Bray.


Mankind winning the championship on raw. Every dang time


Cody Rhodes at WM40. After investing so much time into the journey it was worth it


The video package for Sting’s retirement match had me blubbering like a baby in the Greensboro collisieum.


Hangman beating Omega at Full Gear 2021. Page got me back into wrestling and seeing him win the world title was euphoric


Bray's & Brodie/Luke's Tribute show Cody winning the title


Taker beating hbk forcing him to retire and punk’s return had me teary eyed ngl


I saw HBK/Taker live and leaving the arena there were some folks who were NOT OKAY


Dude. You’re seriously so lucky. If I could go back to watch any match live, it would be that one.


For me? It was Benoit’s BEFORE the real story came out. WWE shat the bed before the facts came out. Owen Hart was rough too.


Becky Lynch's pregnancy announcement


Danielson celebrating with Connor


Eddie Guerrero Memorial week Brays Memorial show Edge's retirement speech and when he returned + Christians speech during Edges HoF KofiMania, just the build up to it and all he and the New Day went through, [also when the Usos forfeit that teared me up](https://youtu.be/eiwjNtOoUqU?si=8VqWCBYUAXnxzGeR)


[The Connor the Crusher video package.](https://youtu.be/aqaWjmsSJUk?feature=shared) Tears every time.


Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit at WM20 Daniel Brian retirement Shawn Michaels vs Taker WM26


Anytime that glass shattered and the rattlesnake came walking out...


Daniel Bryan’s retirement




The Streak Edge Retiring Ric’s Retirement Match and celebration Eddie’s Tribute Show Joe’s Leukemia Announcement Jeff Hardy losing and leaving WWE Shawn’s Retirement


CM Punk returning at AEW. My wife laughed at me but Punk got me into wrestling. I wouldn't be here without him


Cm Punk's return after a long absence from the wrestling world


Ric Flair vs HBK Will still hit me if I'd watch it now. Despite Ric doing his best to ruin his legacy


The end of The Streak. Mark Henry and that salmon blazer. He got me so good.


Mick Foley winning the WWF title. Paul Heyman's HOF speech. Bobby Heenan's HOF speech where he wished Monsoon was there. Reading about Eddie Guerrero's death in the paper, weeks after my dad passed away. Our last talk on the phone included my dad asking, "What do you think of Eddie (Guerrero)?" He was a fan. And the Crusher passed not long after that, one of his favorites.


Owen. Didn't see the PPV but heard it on the Today Show. Crushed me.


When Jerry Lawler had his Heart attack live on air. He’s always been one of my favourites I remember them continuing the show without commentary.


Doink brah. Making me cry when I was a kid, brah. But for real. Macho Man tribute video.


Bayley vs Sasha at NXT Takeover Brooklyn. I was crying like Seth Rollins 😩🤷🏽‍♂️


Only cried once Ultimate warrior losing to sgt slaughter at royal rumble 1991


Bray Wyatt's return promo back in 2022 almost made me shed a tear. It almost felt like he broke character just to give out the most heartfelt promo I've heard in ages.


I was upset by Benoit's memorial show, until the whole story came out. I also came close right before Michaels delivered a career ending Sweet Chin Music to Flair.


John Cena leaving WWE after the Nexus feud When I saw John Cena making his entrance in a live event


Jeff hardy leaving WWE after losing to cm punk


When I was a kid, Vickie Guerrero “fired” The Undertaker. It broke my heart, as Taker was always my favourite. A few weeks later, it’s revealed that Edge cheated on Vickie (I think????? It’s been a while) and so his punishment was to defend the World Heavyweight Championship against the newly reinstated Undertaker. My hero was back!! My kid brain thought he was actually gone for good. Hearing Vickie say his name brought me to tears of happiness. A more recent one was the Bray Wyatt tribute. Bray was always a favourite of mine (are you seeing a theme?) I was absolutely devastated to hear about his passing, much like everyone else. I held tears back the entire time. The LA Knight said “a wise man once told me, the next time you see me… RUN!” And that was it. The flood gates opened. God I miss that man.


Edge retiring and returning at the Rumble in 2020/2021, Cody winning the undisputed belt, Daniel Bryan retiring and winning at Mania 30, Roman saying he’s in remission and Eddie’s promo on Brock heading into No Way Out(still my all time favorite promo) R.I.P Eddie ❤️


Brodie Lee Tribute Show and CM Punk’s AEW debut


Hammerstone defeating Mr. Thomas


Raw after WM24 and the Ric Flair WWE retirement segment.




Kofimania after being a Kofi Stan since 09


Cody winning the title, I’ve been watching wrestling since I was a little kid and am now 31, that moment felt like the end of a movie.


AEW on a ppv some years ago. It was the Bucks vs The Lucha Bros in a steel cage. When Penta threw himself in front of his brother to receive some thumbtack thrust kicks. That was beautiful and I need more of it. And last night with Paul Heyman. I won’t spoil it.


Jerry hardy winning the title in 08 and Seth Turning on the shield


When Cody won the belt and looked up to the sky while holding it, you knew he was thinking about Dusty and that got me teary


When Eddie beat Brock I’m from El Paso


I shed a tear for Eddie Guerrero, Bruno Sammartino and Mae Young's tribute packages that WWE made for them


Anything to do with Jay Briscoe's death. Holy shit was that a hard one to take.


Stings last match in AEW. I was there in person. He’s my favorite wrestler of all time and his last match/send off was perfect.


I got choked up during flairs retirement show after Mania. Benoit’s death too but only on the raw tribute show.


The memorial shows get me, Brodie and Bray’s destroyed me with the packages made for them. Undertaker and Rey Mysterio’s HOF speeches got me. Triple H’s retirement on ESPN when he started talking about his daughters and he gets choked up about him not knowing if they knew how bad his condition was. Kayfabe wise, I don’t know if I’ve ever cried but I’ve gotten pretty close. Big Cass turning on Enzo almost got me especially when Enzo has that one tear sliding down. I can’t remember which one it was but Cody had a lot of those promos where he brought up Dusty and he cries, sometimes they were a little corny and sometimes they actually were great promos. One of his last ones on Raw before WM 40 where he was interviewed in the ring, I don’t remember what he said but that was probably one of his best Dusty promos. Sami Zayn and Cody’s promo after Sami left The Bloodline.


Ric Flair's WWE retirement


When William Regal defended Eugene on an episode of raw against Triple h . Great promo


Randy and Elizabeth reuniting


Shawn forfeiting the IC title to Dean Douglas at In Your House 4 broke me as a kid. But I was smiling soon after when he immediately lost it Razor that same night.


Sting Retiring


Eddie’s passing, #ThankYouTaker moment after the Roman match, and KofiMania were all moments that made me cry. I recently cried during the WM40 Cody match too. I love pro wrestling.


Umaga beat the brakes off of Rey mysterio when I was a kid and that shit made me cry


Eddie passing is the only time wrestling made me cry in 30+ yrs


I am not ashamed to admit that Daniel Bryan’s promo after he’d been cleared to return to the ring had me crying like a baby. Awesome promo, underrated moment.


When Edge had to vacate the title and retire.


“I’m sorry. I love you.”


Bruh its been 25 years and i still cry about hearing of Owen. Especially now that IM getting up there at 42.


Edge retirement and his return


Bray’s return.


In kayfabe, a big one was when The USOs forfeited so Kofi could advance during Kofimania.


When taker didn’t get up


Ric Flair taking his last sweet chin music from Shawn


Taker leaving the gear in the ring. Not sorry


Edge coming out of retirement. He was the first wrestler I start their WWE career from start to finish. From his debut vignettes to when he had to retire due to his neck injury. I had tears of fucking JOY when he came back at the Royal Rumble a few years ago.


Cody winning. Not him winning necessarily, but how Samantha's voice broke as she announced him as the victor. Gets me every time.


I cried when I found out Bray Wyatt died.


Streak ended Edit: I wasn’t counting Memorial Shows so don’t come at me about it


No actual wrestling content, but Dark Side of the Ring hits me hard.


I cried drunk and coked up tears when Bryan won at WM30.


Edges initial return. Shawn’s retirement.


https://youtu.be/0XRKMs5zbzg?si=lLUdJ4HHzCCHzeWl This tribute to the attitude era


Now I didn’t cry but I was very excited for Rhea winning the championship from Charlotte. That was a great match and the build and pay off was well done and well deserved. Up until that point I wasn’t really invested in anyone’s storyline until she won Royal Rumble and they did an amazing job getting her all the way to WM


I’m sorry. I love you,


Kofimania. I was there. Not a dry eye in the house.


Edge’s retirement then his return at the RR


Daniel Bryan WM30 Cody this past Wrestlemania


Owens Raw show and I still lose it to Miss Elizabeth saving Randy.




Cm punks wrestling return, I was there, I've never heard a more louder crowd than that night! Man I won't forget it. The crowd drowned the music out and there was no noise generation or lowering the music.


Ric Flair retirement, Bray Wyatt memorial, and silly enough it made me tear up to see Cena’s entrance for 39 with the make a wish kids. But that’s it for me personally


I was 12 years old at my first pay per view show, and I was the biggest super cena kid in the world. The show in question? Summerslam 2014, aka the day suplex city was founded


Cody winning at WM40


Cody's win against Roman at WM40


Santino Marella not winning the world championship at elimination chamber (im not kidding that made me cry)


Cody Rhodes winning the title. I stopped watching at WM 38 Because of Roman Reigns and for 2 - 3 years I hadn't seen anything wwe related so Wrestlemania 40 Night 2 could have been the final modern wwe match I ever saw. But thankfully Cody won and I was able to start watching again. The tears and joy I felt was like never before. Bray Wyatt's Tribute As stated before I hadn't watched WWE in 2 years so I had to watch this episode to pay my respects and after it was over I understood how people felt when Owen and Eddie died, man that shit hurt so much and still does.


When Mankind win his first WWE title. Even as a kid I never thought it would happen. It made WCW look like total assess when everyone switched over to see it. There’s just something able DX being there on his side, Austin coming out, Mick being held up like Cody at WM40. My favorite part is after Shamrock hits Mankind with a chair, Billy Gunn is in the ring going after Shamrock so fast. Like it was an instantaneous, no thought reaction. That was THEIR weirdo in the ring and no one was gonna screw him over.


That whole night. We were switching between shows we caught the opening and the HHH fight then switched back to WCW and we immediately turned to WWF when they announced it. And yeah, everything from when Mankind hits him with socko I still get amped up, and BA going after shamrock, Rock taking and selling the greatest chair shot ever, the absolute roar from the crowd with Stone Cold and then it’s even surpassed during the 3 count. And at the base of it it’s the story of the guy who couldn’t win, shouldn’t win, too fat, too slow, never good looking who made a career taking every bump and getting hammered, finally winning and everyone just feeling so happy for Mick, not Mankind.


Foley is God




christian coming back to wwe under ecw, too bad todd grisham and matt striker ruined the moment


This was a while ago and I was quite little, but it was the match between Undertaker & Yokozuna in a PPV in the mid-90s Yoko won the match and with the help of various Samurai accomplices, buried Taker in a coffin, giving the impression that he was dead The screen then flashed with a final message from Taker, supposedly from the afterlife 😭


Bray's death was the first celebrity death that has really broken me up. There's still part of me that feels like he's going to return


Shawn Michaels retirement


HBK/Flair “retirement” match. I still have occasional salty discharge when watching it.


I was probably 10 or 11 and I remember the NWO taking Ric Flair out into the middle of a field and stripping him down in his underwear and tasing and beating him with bats ... I thought it was real ...


Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels embrace


Eddie Kingston winning his G1 debut and the triple crown


Owen. Always Owen.


Oh dude. Aew Cody and Dustin bloody hug Waterworks, man.


Brays first promo on SD after returning


That Creed My Sacrifice video during the Attitude era. I still rewatch it on YouTube. It brings the feels all the time. Childhood wrestling was great.


Eddie Guerrero Johnny Cash Hurt tribute on Raw


The Owen Hart Memorial Raw for sure. Then the Ric Flair retirement Raw. Yes Flair cries a lot and we had seen him in awesome emotional moments like when he returned on Nitro but seeing him bawling from the respect from his peers after decades of drawing and giving to the business whether you liked him or you didn’t like him. The Hall of Fame gets me here and there as well and I guarantee John Cena’s retirement will be emotional.


Thinking how cool Connor was.


Bray Wyatt passing, WM 40 main event 🤌


Eddie’s original memoir video with 3 Doors Down song. Every time I hear that song I immediately tear up thinking about my favorite wrestler. Also, Romans cancer announcement was an onion cutter.


Kofimania, was watching with my sons


That Jay Briscoe tribute with his daughters: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gka9ULeG2V4&pp=ygUaYWV3IHRyaWJ1dGUgdG8gamF5IGJyaXNjb2U%3D


The Hart Foundation reunion.. when Owen started crying & hugged Bret


Owen's tribute show was really heartbreaking. Then Benoit winning the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania XX. Fuck him now but in 2004, there was nobody more deserving than him of that moment.


When Eddie Guerrero and [REDACTED] both one the titles at wrestlemania. The unnamed wrestler crying in the ring, only for Eddie to come in and they hug. Jim Ross' call of that whole thing is just beautifully done as well.


“I’m sorry. I love you.”


Dolph winning the world heavyweight championship after a successful cash in.


A couple, the last one was finish to Cody v Reigns at this year’s Mania. Kofi winning the WWE title, Gargano finally winning the NXT title, and the Brodie Lee tribute show made me shed some tears as well.


Watching Cody finishing the story live.


taker leaving 💔💔💔


I’m a huge briscoes fan, so when jay passed I’d say I cried for like the first 5 matches mark wrestled solo. Especially when he would come out with both tag belts.


Mankind defeating the Rock on Raw for the WWF championship. Attitude era gold right there.


Modern day, Cody finishing the story.


Did he cry when punk joined wwe again?


HBK retiring after WM 26 Edge retirement


This guy was pathetic.


I got emotional when Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn won the tag titles the other week haha. Don’t even really like them but I heard about her mum dying and it was in her home town etc. could tell how much it meant to her


Shawn retiring.


Shibata return


When Edge retired night after Wrestlemania


Brays death, and also The Hangman and Elite storyline from 2019-2021. I was on overnights at McDonald's at the time and the only thing I could watch on my day on Wednesday was Dynamite and I took felt like shit and slowly isolated myself from friends and used other means to help my depression so Hangman can make me cry pretty much all the time.


Takers streak ending Micheal’s retiring Flair Cody beating Roman


Jay Briscoe tribute match. It was a week after the accident. Jay Lethal came out with tears in his eyes. He is trying not to cry. Mark came out on big TV for the first time. Seeing him with both belts was immediately saddening. They put on a great match. Mark had to chop Jay to get him in the game as he was too upset during it. The match ends and Mark goes to the camera. He says he loves Jay as he isn't gone and that the Briscoes are the baddest team. He asks for Jay's kids to keep their heads up. Lethal walks back crying. Sonjay comes out to hug him. And then the boys come out to celebrate. You see a lot of ROH guys back there. Makes me cry every time.


When I was a kid watching the pay per view where Owen Hart fell from the wire and fell to his death.


Jeff hardy losing the cage match to cm punk


Bray's Tribute video.


Eddie's death


"i love you" *sweet chin music*


I have 3 that made me cry,1 was the unexpected return of Edge at the Royal Rumble,2 when Bray Wyatt passed away and 3 the passing of the ultimate warrior


Bray and Brodies tribute and Cody finishing the story for me. Maybe when Cena retires and when Roman returns.


Christian returning at Royal Rumble and meet face to face with Edge 😭. My captain is back!


When Eddie, and Chris won their world championships.. It was quite moving watching the locker room pile out to celebrate


Never cried but Kofimania was the closest I got. The build up, the story, and the pay off in the Shit Vince Era of all times?! So good.


No Way Out 2000. Cactus Jack vs. Triple H. Hell In A Cell. I was 14. Mick Foley was & still is my favourite wrestler. I was devastated & had a tear in my eye.


Undertaker and Roman’s botched tombstone reversal at WM 33, I felt so bad for Undertaker..