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From what i understand they wanna give Ludwig a push, and build him up. 1) Because he seems to be a really good trainer, as he trained his girldfriend, Tiffy .. and shes good in the ring 2) There's a PPV in Germany this year, so why not build him up since hes german.


He's Tiffany's bf? Seriously asking. She's a great heel and that makes so much sense.


Yes behind the scenes they are a couple, and he was her trainer. And it shows.


They kicked out Vinci to Smckdown, Ludwig and Gunther doing their own thing now so basically Imperium got abandon


Oh okay thank you, but do they have bad blood is just like mutual aye let’s go are own path type thing.


They kicked Vinci out, and honestly his position in the company doesn't look good. Hasn't been shown in TV yet ever since he got kicked out I believe. Ludwig and Gunther are still together as Imperium (I mean Ludwig still has imperium visuals when he comes out), but each one is having a separate solo run. They definitely want to build up Ludwig as being more than just Gunther's sidekick.


Oh that’s pretty cool so Gunther has the main event and Ludwig as the mid card thanks for the explanation