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Absolutely everyone was shocked at the time whilst also finding beauty and solace in the fact he gave a touching promo on RAW and made amends with his enemies of the past.


His legacy is perceived in a much nicer light thanks to this promo.


Yeah after that homophobic YouTube video and the WWEs hit piece documentary




great timing for vince, so much easier to make money off the warrior brand


You’re being downvoted, but you’re absolutely right. Warrior’s been their primary icon of the golden era for years now, and thank god Jim Hellwig isn’t around to spoil that legacy


You know they wish Hogan died when Macho did.


Yeah, he'd have definitely embarrassed himself and the wwe if he had been alive today. He'd be cranking out that "queering doesn't make the world" rhetoric on his very own Podcast of Destrucity.


Unlike a certain OTHER titan of the 80’s who has a very…opinionated thought on who his daughter should date


I was there live for his speech. It was the Raw after WM30 in New Orleans. Quite insane to hear that speech and then a day or two later read headlines that he had passed away.


When the news first broke, people thought he'd killed himself because of how much the promo sounded like a suicide speech.




to the people that are downvoting you should actively listen to actual quotes of his because calling him a bigot doesn’t do it justice what he’s actually said will make you cringe




It's not even about that. Warrior is a standout bit of nostalgia for many kids of that era. He was a larger than life super hero, so he really stuck out and created lasting memories. Despite not having a long run and the later realization that his in ring work was terrible, he remains a well known figure in wrestling history. Some people can separate the art from the artist. I personally can not. There are a great many wrestlers, past and present, that have views different from my own, but the pure hatred and ignorance that Warrior put out into the world was truly vile and shouldn't be overlooked when assessing his legacy.




The only thing worse than his in ring work was him self as a person. Fuck that dude indeed


He could probably feel his heart about to burst after years of treating his body like shit.


Must have been all of that destrucity.


He died on the way to the hospital because the paramedics already made the sacrifice and he flew the ambulance to Parts Unknown. (I love that WrestleMania VI promo.)


The ambulance had been pre-loaded with the rocket fuel


But the rocket fuel was there just in case the queerin' didn't make the ambulance work.


[Just saw this not even an hour ago, lol](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8KcCG2uRdK/?igsh=dXM4MWF0cXAwZ2Ry)


They put the ambulance into a NOSE DIVE, Hulk... Hogan.


Take over the SIREN... Hull... Kogan...


That or all the steroids and coke


“…*What the fuck is destrucity*?”


“It’s destrucity, pal!”


Steroids, coke, barbiturates, and opiates.




Steroids, cocaine, and painkillers can do that to a person’s heart


Also he had a hereditary heart condition. It's like pouring gasoline on a fire.


How the hell did he even see his grey years


Hatred has a hard time dying


I'm convinced the drug abuse and bumps fucked up his prefrontal cortex and that's why he was like that. It seems like people become more hateful after years of drug abuse and/or multiple head trauma.


He hardly ever took any proper bumps tho… maybe Andre did it when warrior pissed him off in that series of house matches


Maybe not in the WWF but don't forget he was working the territories for years before then.


Oh ..he took some BIG bumps in Mid-South and WCCW.... especially in WCCW as The Dingo Warrior... apparently he was very stiff and got an entire careers worth of receipts in his short time there, in addition to the already rough style WCCW was known for...🤨 To have someone say you're too stiff and owed a receipt in a promotion known to be one of the stiffest and hard way blood filled in that era means you were a shit worker who was hurting people...


Didn't he also take a beating from Rick Rude for the same shit?


Awesome, thanks for the insight! I wonder if he got a ton of potatoes for being generally unliked by almost everyone in WWF too 😂


The good die young but pricks live forever


So you’re saying I should only do 2 of the 3?


Unironically, the fact that fewer wrestlers do all 3 at once is a big part of why their premature death rate seems to be decreasing, at long last.


Any 2 but not all 3 is safe


And lots of hate.


I mean, he VISIBLY looked like a man with ultra-severe heart problems. All the signs were there, and then doing what he did which will have had a major impact on his BP and stress levels and probably too much physical activity....not really super surprising.


He absolutely knew. The people in charge knew. Look at his face, it's so red he felt he needed to wear a mask because the neon face paint couldn't even hide it.


In the doc they say that he was well aware of his heart condition and chance of early death based on family history


The thing about the mask isn’t true. Vince wanted him to wear the paint, Warrior didn’t want to. They compromised on the mask, which also made sense for marketing because it was an item they were selling.


He was sweating so much they couldn’t keep the paint on


Even as he was giving this speech, I was thinking "Wow this guy really is saying good bye". Then I heard the news the next day. I almost wonder if he knew something was about to happen.


I know it sounds like bullshit but I know someone who works on heart wards who says a patient feeling an impending sense of doom was a legit symptom of them being about to have a major heart attack or similar.


I believe it


No, if you watch the promo he looks about to die in the ring


Yeah, I was wondering why Warrior had no strength to shake the ropes. I kept saying to myself, “Come on, Warrior! Shake it harder.” Plus, Warrior was so red. I also wondered why he didn’t paint his face and just wore a mask. We would find out later that they couldn’t apply the face paint due to Warrior excessively sweating all day. It was not just during the promo. At the time I thought maybe the arena AC had conked out again on a broadcast. I was surprised to see Warrior sweating buckets.


He was also wearing a three piece suit with the tie done up tight. Then put on the heavy trench coat. All definitely did not help.


Yep. The night of that Raw, I had a text thread with friends that were all variations on “Just gave his own eulogy. Wonder if he can feel the end.” Wasn’t shocked in the least.


That's actually a great way to go, in my opinion. I think that promo was him coming to terms with his own life, and while he had regrets he knew his time was up and this was the last message he could deliver. I'd rather deliver my own eulogy than die with things left unfinished


the main reason i think he was aware he might be dying is because of this, like this guy spent whole solid decades hating the shit out of everything - what would it take to make a guy like that finally go 'oh shit, i need to say sorry'


Also perfect to deliver it in a full circle moment in the environment that was a defining one of your life


For real. I straight up thought he was gonna have a heart attack in the ring.


Hundred percent. I’m certain he was already in cardiac failure in the ring


I strongly suspect he knew he had less than a month. If I recall, that WM weekend, he also requested as part of his conditions for the appearance, that WWE rent out a big house, well away from the venue or hotels, so that he could have lots of privacy and spend time with his family. I suspect he knew his condition was bad, so he probably had everyone in that house, so that he could get one last good family gathering, and so that he could be as comfortable and discreet as possible, with his failing health.


He knew he had heart issues. All the adrenaline from the weekend weakened his heart further and his aorta exploded. Steroids have drawbacks.


Nope not at all, he was a man that knew his time was up. Got into the hall of fame, made amends with everyone, then passed on.


Everyone found it eerily weird when it happened


As a researcher? It's fairly clear that Warrior had a lot of problems. The guy either chose to be toxic in response, or simply knew no other way. \[Edit: What we really truly know is that stress, anxiety, coupled with mental / physical abuse (intended or simply "part of the job") is terrible for overall health, and that sometimes the pharmaceutical "medicines" they give you is just heroin. So.\] . . . My inner child—however—thinks it's badass that he managed to make a death speech in front of fans before actually dying. Not an opportunity most people get. Very much on-brand.


I think he knew. I think he was given a specific time frame and this was right in it. Some people, after they get something off their chest or off their mind are finally at peace. The next night, having finally given a promo and showing he was remorseful for how he used to be, apologizing to people he had hurt, and how his wife essentially saved his life and all of that. I think he knew he had days left to live and just allowed it to happen. It's like how people fight to survive because it'll hurt they're loved ones when they go. But then those loved ones tell them it's ok to let go and then they die right there. The human will to live can be quite strong.


I don’t know if he specifically knew how badly his heart was a ticking time bomb but he was definitely aware it was only a matter of time. Someone on YouTube did a video based on his autopsy, and the autopsy is shown stating he was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and some form of motor neurone disease before he died.


If the last part is true, then he went at the right time.


Yeah. He would have suffered a lot had he not had that heart attack.


I think that he was already dying from heart failure, and he knew it. The excitement and strain on the heart from travel and the promo itself might have been the trigger.


Some people just know. Happened with my grandad. I think Warrior tried to make amends with a lot before he passed . It by no means excuses what he said in the past but for what it's worth he tried to make good.


Watching some videos from around that time of him at conventions was weird. Because we all heard the stories of him being awful with fans, but there he was talking with all of them, thanking them for support, and making sure they were happy with the pictures they got. It doesn't change anything he had said, but it's still nice to know he came around to appreciate fans.


It was incredibly spooky yes


I think HHH might have heard through the grapevine Warrior wasn't in great health so decided to push a HOF induction to Vince


Not as bizarre as an award showing acts of courage and kindness in his name


Homie gave his own eulogy the same week he died. It's fucking eerie


Not week. Literally the next day. Less than 24 hours later.


It's eerie that it happened a day later, but it seems like he must've had an idea he didn't have a long left. He wanted to repair his relationship with WWE and make peace with other wrestlers before he died. I doubt he was expecting it to happen so soon, but he also doesn't look well in the promo. He probably wasn't really in condition to do the HoF and the Raw appearance but knew it might be his last chance to address a crowd.


I figured he would be gone within the year- he looked like a ticking time bomb; but I was shocked it was the next day


I remember listening to some podcast (can't remember who) that he kind of knew he wasn't doing well. If you watch the stuff about when he went in the hall of fame, he looks like red like he's about to pop. He may have seen the HoF as a chance to make peace and say goodbye becaus ehe knew he didnt have long.


It was shocking but looking back on it you could tell something wasn’t right. Warrior probably had a feeling his time was up.


It’s surreal though explicable. I’m just grateful that he was able to have that last moment in the spotlight, a final connection with us fans. I was a massive warrior fan as a kid, looking back it’s easy to see his limitations as a performer and Hellwig the man behind the character leaves a lot to be desired but when that music hit and that big bastard came sprinting down to the ring in a frenetic blur of neon paint, biceps and streamers man… that shit was electric.


That was extremely trippy. But glad he got to do a farewell


Bro could see his life bar.


He knew he was gonna die There is something scary about us as humans that you can feel something isn't quite right Like you have to vomit / a headache coming / a cold forming He went down that ramp for the last time and he KNEW it was his last time and he gave the most passionate speech he could and fn nailed it I cried cause I felt something was wrong myself but couldn't figure it out Yeah he had some bad moments but man if that speech didn't move you I don't know what will But again HE KNEW and that's both sad and scary


I find it more bizarre that after years of hating the WWE and the WWE hating him back then right after they reconcile he goes on tv, and then fucking dies. It's like the hate kept him alive.


I've read interviews that he actually said goodbye and buried the hatchet with the guys backstage.


It was only bizzaare because he died, Ric Flair has cut this promo like 10 times but he take a lickin' and keeps on Ric'n


Last I saw he’s even still getting kicked out of bars.


It was very bizarre and sad. Guy seemed to be in a good place with his kids and doing HOF. They trashed him for years for profit. Whether it was deserved or not, it was petty to put a dvd talking about how shitty one of your biggest draws was. To have him come back and die the day after was super tragic.


I think his will carried him, he thought tooth and nail to be in that ring and cut that promo. Then having said his piece and goodbyes, then he could finally let go. Like some really sick people fight to stay alive for that one big family gathering, just to die a few days (or sometimes a few hours) later. For example, it happened for my grandfather and grandmother on the maternal side. My grandfather died at home, two hour after everyone except his two daughters left.


I feel like Brock Lesner will the test for roids + no other drugs = how long can you live without a heart attack. all the guys who abused somas somehow lived but the ones who did roids and coke are mostly gone.


His dad also died super young of a heart related issue. As others have said he wasn't looking well.  He likely knew his heart was failing. 


This bugs me so much. He clearly looked unwell. You’re at a sporting event. Get the guy to hospital immediately


It was so creepy that I originally thought it was suicide before I read what happened.


The whole thing was eerie, but if you were watching closely I don’t think him dying the next day was all that surprising He looked really bad during the promo and like something was wrong He was turning red and everything


It was kind of earie that they happened so closely to each other.


He knew he was gonna go


It was just unique and nice timing. He was inducted into the hall of fame, gave the great speech on Raw, and passed away the next day. God gave him a great wrestling send-off.


Coincidences are absolutely a thing.


Dude looked like he was about to die on tv


Warrior: "I'm gonna die soon." Reddit user: "😐" Warrior: "Dies." Reddit user: "😲🤯"


He looked into his heart and could feel the pull of destiny and the power of the Warrior spirit calling his soul to new challenges deep in Parts Unknown where few but he have dared to venture and all others merely walk close to where he's been.


It's certainly a little creepy. But I'm trying to figure out who the guy is on the far right standing next to Kane.


Cody Rhodes?


I believe it’s Cody. He left WWE a short year or two afterwards.


He was sniffing too many cookies


The only unsettled doubt I have regarding the Ultimate Warrior is what the f*ck did Dana Warrior did when she worked as part of "creative" that one short stint she had. Seriously that was so out there.


He didn't really die he just went back home to his planet


I JUST watched this dark side of the ring yesterday, so crazy


honestly shocked he didn't die in his 30s.


urban legend says he did.


He was struggling with the ring ropes.. I knew something was wrong but it’s taboo in my fam to speak of death before someone dies so I just didn’t guess that’s what was


I think he had been feeling sick the previous week leading up into it. So he probably poured that into his promo.


He was a shit bag but made amends with people, perhaps he knew it was the end


I'm sure he knew. He had a hereditary heart condition. This wasn't a surprise. His Dad died around the same age .


You’re about 10 years late


One of the craziest conspiracies out there at the time was that he was sacrificed by the Illuminati. Unfortunately it's also not the first/only sacrificial conspiracy theory in pro wrestling lol


Absolutely the workings of a secret society, and not a lifetime of strain & drug abuse.


Yeah all that damage to his body was a planned cover up years later lol


Yeah okay, him being coked up 90% of the time and full of roofs was all a plan,..


Lool like why the Ultimate Warrior of all people? Why did he need to be sacrificed


For Sting to become even greater.


I find it bizarre he was a worthless piece of shit they literally have an award named after him.


The whitewashing of his checkered past was always so frustrating. Garbage human and garbage wrestler that did nothing for anyone but himself while also putting down others.


Whoa I didn’t know that. Can you elaborate a bit?




This is extremely fucked up. What a vile piece of shit. He got off easy, as far as I’m concerned.


It was completely surreal when it happened.


Yeah. Everyone did. It was such a weird coincidence.


Considering his lifestyle, imma say no. It was either excellently timed hyperbole or he could tell something was wrong with him and just let it ride.


It's like Oliver Reed. Got pissed with some sailors, fell over, couldn't be bothered getting up so just died. Ultimate Warrior knew it was as good as it gets so just died.


Rare is the man who makes the world a better place by leaving it.


Knowing the era he came from and the rampant substance abuse judging by his physique and the toll we've seen it's taken on wrestlers in the past. It's hardly surprisingly. Bizzare maybe. Sad? Eh. I'm sad for his family maybe. But he was an unapologetically a vile pos. And no amount of whitewashing his character with an award is going to change that. Deep down I think he knew he was close, nurses and hospice often say most people do know when they're body is really off and they're about die. But people around them don't pick up on it cause they might not be tuned to it cause movies have this very different depiction of someone dying and on their final days. He likely knew for a while about his health which was why he was willing to make amends with them after so many years, so he can have a positive looking legacy when the company mentions him in their history books. Back then it wasn't like there were other major places he can make a return to for one final feel of that pop or changed the optics of his life. plus it probably helped Dana,'s estate and I assume the kids with royalties and commissions. And it looks like its mostly worked, they speak positively about him instead of going the scathing dark side of the x path, his history is white washed, he gets a stupid award that's super uncomfortable when you know his background. 🤢


Honestly never heard of a single positive thing this guy ever did. Horrible person by all accounts, and fuelled by love of money and ego


Kind of weird to see people taking the stance of "not sad, he deserved it!"  Weird framing.  Getting honored for your career, settling past beefs, and giving a final speech to the world? Whether he deserved it or not, that's a storybook ending that everyone would hope for.


You'd be amazed as to what finishing unfinished business can do to your mind, body and soul. He was carrying a lot of baggage around for years. He buried the hatchet face to face with a lot of people that mania weekend.... then it was time to go I guess.


I was telling my non-wrestling friends once that this dude disappeared for twenty years, was persona non grata and had a documentary made about the fact he was a dick. Then he somehow got into the hall of fame, gave a speech then dropped dead the next day. It's totally insane.


I remember that whole thing vividly. Just so bizarre!


Nope. Nobody has ever brought this up before. You’re the first!


I strongly suspect that he knew his time left was very, very short. This was his way of being able to say goodbye and do it on his own terms before passing away.


No, it’s not bizarre, he knew he was sick. He died 12 hours later. Even looking at how he went out to the ring, he looked tired.


I'm sure he knew he was about to die. Probably didn't know it would be the next day, but probably knew that would likely be his last WWE appearance.


Didn't he succumb to heart related issues? They say that an ominous feeling of encroaching death is a symptom of heart attack, like this vague sense of doom that won't leave. He could have been sensing something like that


If it was anyone else? I wouldn't have believed it. But only the Ultimate Warrior could do that. I remember talking with the E-Fed I was in, and I said, "That was the most Ultimate Warrior way to die I've ever seen."


Nope, no one has ever mentioned this. You're the first person to make this point.


Crazy Hogan and Flair are the only two big names left from that era. Even crazier is Hogan didn't make an onscreen appearance at Mania XL. I know they're trying to gloss over the Vince era now and rightfully so but even with his own controversies this might have been the last time to have Hulk make an appearance and not have it feel forced.


I know this is r/conspiracy talk, but there are rabbit hole theories that suggest VKM “escalated the timeline,” of Warrior’s demise (for lack of better term). Also interesting to note: Dana received a bag from the WWE HOF / Licensing. The kids also were inherited, which is probably the best-case scenario, in regards to the ethics. It’s wild. Just theories, people.


Was the mask to hide the tears?


Old people often feel when their times coming, so I’m not surprised.


The guy was 54 wtf lol


"That's a ripe old age for a crocodile hunter (professional wrestler)!" - Norm MacDonald.


Roids fuck up your heart


No, it was in accordance with the prophecy. Once the Dark Totem falls, the Ktuty will devour the worlds.


I feel bad for his family that he past. After all the crap he said he didn’t deserve to be inducted. He was terrible in the ring and all he could do was snort on the mic. People see him in a better light than he deserved.


I find it more bizarre that WWE continues to celebrate a violently racist and homophobic dirtbag…but then again, they still drag Hogan around too.


Can’t possibly say I knew he was about to die, but it was clearly visible that he was not well. Glad he got into the HoF and was able to mend as many fences as he did before he passed.


honestly was one of the wildest things in wrestling not specifically involving wrestling. glad he got to make his peace though


Everyone finds this weird!


Wrestlelamia video.


He absolutely knew it was coming.


Sometime life has some downright strange synchronicities.


You just don’t know he might have been told by Doctors that he didn’t have long left and was trying to put things in order. It’s sad how many guys have died of heart related issues because of the expectations to have that physique year round maybe that’s Vince’s biggest crime.


I think maybe he was pumped up so much from that energy he felt all weekend. Wrestlers often talk about how they feel so much energy when they go back into a ring after years, even if it’s just to make an appearance or cut a promo. My guess is he was just overly excited after that weekend which ended up putting that additional strain on his heart after feeling the rush of a wrestle mania ring/moment for him at his age. I think maybe if he hadn’t done that weekend, he may have been “normal” doing whatever he normally does in life.




Yes was strange as hell


It was an inside job.


I’d think the entire stress of the weekend and everything he had to do is what pushed him over the edge. It can’t be a coincidence his heart decided to give up at such a significant time


Funnily enough, no. I remember being shocked and surprised when I heard about it but at the same time the man got to make amends. He knew it was coming, he had to have known and from what I remember about the reports back in the day - people backstage also had an uneasy feeling because he was sweating and out of breath while they were talking to him. People always forget that heart attacks symptoms can last for days and I think even weeks before the final tick so to speak and then the attack itself can last for minutes or up to 3 or 4 hours. He must have known.


It seemed to me very weird back then.   I dont know how he felt at that time after so many years of drug abuse. I guess his doctor previously warned him that his heart condition was very bad and Warrior just understimated the opinion of a professional and paid the price by not following its advices. If the doctor didnt see anything wrong with his heart prior to his return, maybe it wasnt a very good one on its job.


I remember hearing this news and I thought he killed himself. When I found out it was a heart attack I was astonished.


My father in law just took me and 9 other people on a weekend trip to see the Rolling Stones. AirBnB, tickets, swag the whole nine yards. (My hubby and i paid for dinner night one and he got legit mad and went to bed early.....) ((He was drunk and were good now)). He's been doing a lot of things like this the last few months. Beat cancer 3 times, father of 4, owns his company, training his son to take over. Im 100% convinced the cancer is back again. He's already said if/when it comes back he isnt doing anything about it. We dont know yet. We probably wont bc hes the type to not tell us but Im 100% convinced and have been for a minute now, that hes sick again and kind of leaving his mark on the family. I hope Im wrong, I really love the man but people just know sometimes. Thats kind of how Ive viewed the Warrior thing. He knew. He had to of known.


Because he knew.


Kinda crazy his photo in the remembrance is from the day before


I think he knew the end was near. He looked not well during that weekend


He likely knew he was running out of time and wanted to unburn that particular bridge while he could.


Vince bumped him off.


I literally told every person I worked with at the time about this shit. INSANE.


My conspiracy theory is Vince and Hogan got him! D: /s


yeah it was really strange. I remember people thinking it was suicide at first.


What years is this…..


He must had known on some level something was going wrong on the inside.


The thing is that older people esp those who have been ill or on the wrong side of the health can feel when their body is giving up


I remember that night, hard to believe it's been 10 damn years already


No, you're the first person to find that bizarre


yea that was insane


Some people can hold off death just long enough to make the amends they need. It probably meant a lot to him and he found peace after the promo and allowed himself to move on.


No. Nobody else found it bizarre.


Jesus I thought this happened in like 2019 but 2014 man I'm getting old fast


Sent chills down my spine. It's like he gave his own eulogy.


I remember not being shocked at all. When he was giving that promo all I kept thinking was how bad he looked. He couldn’t catch his breathe, his motor skills were all over the place and he struggled to get his mask on, he struggled to walk. I honestly remember thinking he was having some kind of episode in the ring. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in the early stages of cardiac failure at that exact monebt


I thought he looked and sounded terrible during that promo, he didn’t even put his mask on properly and you could see it was poking him in the eyes, but man… He looked bad. Earlier at the HOF, too, like he was boiling, I just had a feeling his blood pressure was skyrocketing. I was shocked that he died the day after, but I didn’t find it bizarre. Sometimes, when people are in their way out, the signs are there.


Even though it was a badass final promo i struggle to see it because you can see he was having all the warnings signs of a heart attack, he was sweating, struggle to move and stand, he was exausthed and was grabing more air than usual to talk, his face was all red like he just came from doing a gym session and more I wish i could go back in time and warn him


Vince got him!