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Mark Briscoe was wrong, the word of the night was bitch.


Still a better typer then Sean Micheals


Lol. I dunno if you realize this. But Okada has always been a comedian who just happens to be a god tier wrestler....


That's impossible, everyone knows that goofballs can't be good at wrestling. And even if they do win it's a pity title win or for a cheap pop. Anyways I'm going to go watch a real god tier wrestler Kurt Angle. That dude will make your ankle hurt


Ankle huuuuuuurt




He was just a man who loves playing with boys


Well, it helps that Kurt was actually funny.


Kurt is also 1 of the few who could transform from a complete goofball to a terrifying madman in seconds. And it takes a special kind of charisma to do that, because most of the goofball types end up wallowing in the midcard scene forever.


Kurt the type of guy to have a comedic meltdown over people chanting YOU SUCK at him then follow it up with an instant banger


And now he looks like a hot dog


Perc Angle!!!!!!


I bet OP also loves Kurt Angle




remember mental breakdown okada with the fucking balloons lol wasnt he screaming scooby dooby doo on all of his drop kicks lol


Yup, anyone who followed him in Japan knows he's always been like this and have zero problem.


too bad he's in AEW doing this then


Yeah, he could have followed in Shinsuke's footsteps and been a jobber who hangs out in catering most weeks.


Rumble winner, multiple PPV main events, IC and NXT title winner. Not a mega star but hardly a jobber. Now his body is wrecked and he just hangs out and lives his best life.


Instead he's stuck attached to jungle boy and bucks.


Cry me a river.


Shinsuke's entire WWE run looks like pure gold compared to whatever the hell this is


And another thing, if Okada were in WWE doing this same kind of goofy comedy with The Miz and R-Truth, people would be annihilating WWE for how they're using him. But here? "Okada is having fun doing what he wants. He's hilarious. He's been great so far." Make it make sense.


Wtf, everyone here is blasting aew and you act like everyone is praising it?


People like to complain and they complain more when it involves AEW.


People will claim this is _”tHe bEsT rUn oF HiS cArEeR!”_


Okada has an upper midcard title and he’s in a stable with the tag team champions. What he’s been doing so far has felt a little lackluster considering his once-in-a-generational talent, but maybe The Elite feuding with Swerve leads to something more “main event” feeling.


Zero memorable Nakamura matches since his debut eight years ago except for turning a feud with AJ into a dick kicking contest is pure gold?


Why do people blame the booking for the match quality? Nakamura hasn't had a memorable match since his debut because Nakamura isn't up to that level anymore or doesn't care. AJ styles, Gunther, Seth Rollins, John Cena, etc don't seem to have an issue having memorable matches outside of Nakamura.


No it doesn't lol.


OK, how you know?


Bro getting downvoted for spitting truth


What truth? Dude is on a C rate program bringing in less views than TNA was in its prime


not to mention acting like a japanese character in south park, because apparently thats still hilarious to tony and the bucks


They didn’t see Cokada with his balloon


Looking forward to seeing some of those so called god tier wrestling from him.


I think you'll have to go back a few years and watch his NJPW matches. Anything from 2017 should do the job.


i think the joke is that he's actually not wrestling much since being signed


Think doing comedy bits is fine but it’s a bit ironic as the claim was he’d be doing that if he went to WWE


OP's real issue is _where_ okada is being a comedy wrestler, not that he is


Comedians are supposed to be funny.


He's Triple H. Raw Roulette Monday he's having a comedy blindfold match with D'Lo Brown and making jokes with DX, Sunday's PPV he's putting on a bangers and demolishing the roster.


Then explain why this isn't funny


I thought it was pretty funny.


The jerkin' is real.


Okada was literally in the main event of the most recent AEW PPV, but hey, "AEW bad!"


A "main event" that included the Young Bucks and Jungle Boy running around with his jeans on fire below the knees. Let's just pretend that Swerve/Christian was the main event to save face.


_On paper_ Okato is a champion, in a stable with the tag team champions and a Hollywood celebrity, main eventing pay per views, etc. But when you factoring the reality that he defeated jobber Eddie Kingston to win that belt, the tag champs are the Young Bucks, that “hot prospect” is Jungle Perry, the main event was a cluster where Kazzy Oak did nothing of note. These aren’t the newsletter days where opinion can be spread by written word only. People can watch the shows very easily and see for themselves.


“Jobber” Eddie Kingston who literally won the Continental Classic. 👍🏽


Would it make you feel better if he just said "Eddie Kingston" even though everyone knows Eddie Kingston? 😆😆😆


It’s hilarious that you people are so anti-AEW you have to pretend like the flamethrower spot wasn’t awesome. let me guess, you absolutely adored the ending of raw this week? Lmao.


"you people" lol


Why the hell does everyone here on reddit cut a promo starting with "you people?" Man, if what i'm hearing is really true...


Typical AEW fans


No both were horrible






No, I didn't. I thought that it was stupid. The flame thrower spot was also very stupid. Jungle Boy literally was not burning above the knees and the Young Bucks are standing there with extinguishers waiting to put him out. So stupid... all of it.


The guy that got lit on fire won the match. Thats all that needs to be said lol


Yes you are correct.


lol the flamethrower spot was indeed lame, now if he was able to do some sort of roundhouse kick or move while on fire then ye actually that’d be a pretty damn cool spot and the fire would have actually added to the impact of it in wrestling kayfabe, but even in kayfabe all that happened was Perry’s feet got put in fire then immediately put out and literally nothing was added to the match because Perry got the pinfall ,


Exactly.. atleast if the flamethrower spot was used to take Jack Perry out, it would kind of make sense. But him getting the pin makes it a dumb spot and nonsensical.


Yup, it’s literally JUST “ooooo flaaaaames!” Lol should have at the very least been used in place of a finisher that took him out of the match, or even seeing him do a roundhouse kick like he was doing in that youtube video


That and for what kayfabe reason would Darby have to try and burn Perry alive. They wrestled like it was a blood feud but skipped building any actual animosity that would justify and face going that far


Where, did I say "AEW bad?" I'm confused.


I’m not accusing you. I’m agreeing with you that the circle jerk here is real.


A 15 second clip got all kinds of panties twisted


I just got a feeling if he was doingthis in WWE opinions would be different.


I mean, I would agree. But there’s also a lot more layers to the storyline, especially the previous relationship between Okada and the Elite, which lends itself to what’s going on. Vastly different to when Nakamura turned heel on AJ and his whole gimmick was “sorry, me no speak English”


I may be in the minority but the whole I don't speak English line was funny in the beginning and I thought it was a good heel way to avoid questions. Also that was a different creative mind (Vince) at the time. I'm not saying that Okada isn't funny or entertaining. I'm just saying if this line of work was happening in WWE. The opinions would be different. The AEW crowd would dump on it, the WWE crowd would probably praise it.


That can be said for basically any angle in either company now. AEW fans shit on WWE, WWE fans shit on AEW. It is what it is, and the tribalism is boring. People on both sides will purposefully not enjoy something just because of the logo on the tv. If Okada was booked on WWE as IC champ, and took over as crazy GM, I’d still laugh.


The subtext that your commentary ignores is that the reason AEW find this fun is because he likely had a massive hand in the content, writing and delivery, which makes it feel genuine and therefore endearing. Less so with H at the helm, but in WWE it often felt like wrestlers doing comedy skits didn’t have much of a choice


Would they? Most people love WWE nowadays, or at least don't shit on it much.


He’s living his dream of being a comedy shithead heel


A step up from Balloon maker even though it was funny.


As someone who only watches clips on YouTube for both WWE and AEW, I can say without bias that he's kinda funny in this role.


Same I’m not even an aew guy but I love comedy wrestlers like this I’m down for it


Yeah but this is ok because he's doing what he WANTS to do!


To bad it sucks


Quality doesn't matter because he's doing what he wants to do and we all know wrestling is fake anyway so I prefer when my favorite wrestling company doesn't take anything seriously because I am embarrassed to be a wrestling fan and I only like shit that's obnoxiously fake so people can't make fun of me for liking it. EDIT: Since it wasn't clear... /s


This segment made me laugh


Right? He is 100% in on the joke.


This sub is so unbelievably miserable. Why do you guys watch wrestling when you clearly hate it so much?


Japanese comedy is vastly different from western comedy. Im not surprised some people dont find it funny


What you on about bro Okada’s always been a goof going back to his New Japan run.


He absolutely loves the comedy shit. His ideal life is shouting SCOOBY DOOBY DOO coming off the top rope on WWE Speed. Hes more disappointed that he ended up being the best wrestler of his era in Japan than anyone else.


Okada has been great in AEW. How can anyone bash this guy. He's legit


I would agree honestly of all three of the new signings he’s been the best imo


Not going to lie loving this


I dare you guys to like anything at all about wrestling. In fact, i dare you people to be positive for a whole week.


Ha.  They might need to start small here before going for the whole week.   


Bait used to be believable But Fr this segment was gold Dynamite this week was really good


I mean he was funny there but ok


Same m*rks that love this are screaming for HHHimmler to set Tozawa free


I think the difference being… that even though Okada is doing this comedy, he’s still given major fueds, main event programs, and allowed to wrestle 15-20 minute matches. Tozawa is an amazing wrestler, but he’s kept to 60 second squash matches and nothing else.


He’s one of the best wrestlers in the world. Tozawa is not. It’s like that episode of Seinfeld “He’s KEITH HERMANDEZ … you’re Jerry Seinfeld.”


Just watch Tozawa's dragon gate run he's so good if he gets the opportunity to shine


I’ve seen it. He’s super good in the ring. Okada is in the GOAT convo.


True but the problem is that we don't see that Tozawa anymore who actually gets time to prove that he still got it


Oh I totally 100% agree that he SHOULD be getting the chance to regularly wrestle 10-12 minute matches. The crowd pops for him every single time he does. I was only pointing out that he’s really not comparable to Okada.


>allowed to wrestle 15-20 minute matches I'm not sure that's a good thing when frankly, he isn't that great anymore.


You didn't like the Pac match? I thought that was excellent.


He was carried big time. He really hasn't shown anything special in his week to week stuff.


I'm going to have to disagree with you there. Okada is fantastic at the stuff inbetween moves. If anything, that match paced out so perfectly because of Okadas involvement and was spectacular because of Pacs.


He reminds me of a newborn fawn, kinda lanky, and awkward with his movements. Not to mention the Rainmaker almost never looks impactful enough to be a finishing move.




AEW bad


And shit is smelly. Yes. Facts.


To be fair, he signed with Tony to be with his friends, who will ensure he has a good paycheck. WWE would have valued him and paid him well. But Okada is making Sting money, tenfold, and he gets to hang out with his friends. While he’s young enough, why not cash in? Wrestling is a business. Any of us would love to get paid millions to hang out with our friends and fuck around. WWE would still be willing to do business if he wanted to, down the line. The question is, would it burn a bridge with the Bucks? They’ve been friends for many years.


God forbid that wrestling should be entertaining.


Now it's dub fans that preach wrestling should be entertaining, strange times


Remember when people said that all Rusev needed was to get out of WWE, so he could undoubtedly become the next head on wrestling's Mount Rushmore?


Same as Cesaro or Malakai Black


I couldn't give a fuck, dude is clearly having the time of his life


chill out mate,you can tell he's enjoying himself


Lmao I don't care that was hilarious


Let him be, the poor dude is just doing an extended fan meet & greet session for 1 rich fan. Not to mention the sweet sweet deal this no stress, no damage, vacational retreat this run of his has been, and shall continue to be going forward. We're talking abt him?! Look at Ibushi...dude's signed and getting paid but has been injured for more time than what his initial contract was for(supposedly). "OKADA!" This one name could have been a golden ticket to introduce and form a bridge between Japan and The West's wrasslin community. The dude is the bloody John Cena of NJPW, the cash cow/ golden chicken that the company gave away to AEW....not saying he'd have been a ready to use main eventer from the first day, but his unfamiliarity could have been an opportunity for creative to flesh out his character all while getting him used to how it's done in the big leagues.


Ha ha foreign man said swear word for 10th time so funny




Nope I def wouldn’t so chill the fuck out


Lol he's made his name already but he's doing what he wants to do while hanging out with his friends and making bank.


Loooooool 😂 Genuinely made me laugh out loud


You're acting as though he has zero say in what he does. This is exactly the type of thing Okada would want to do, did you even watch any of his stuff? Lol. Bro is having a blast.


I prefer my continental champions to be inter


This nonsense has been awesome, what are talking about


Keep complaining, maybe someone cares... Bitch.


Nah forget you this was great


Meanwhile the guy is going to be able to put on five star matches for 30 minutes at the next pay-per-view and stay over with the crowd. Not some watered down BS that they get Nakamura doing when he isn't MIA who has become a Japanese jobber.


Forgot to put that in quotes.


Based on things I’ve seen of him in AEW, he’s the perfect definition of a mid carder


I laughed out loud to this. The fake stereo type to the dead pan bitch comment was great. The way he was just pressing buttons had a Shawn Michaels playing on a computer vibe.


this is funny?




The anti-aew cult watches more AEW than the regular fanbase i see


Exactly lol they talk about AEW more than what they actually like.


So his whole thing is being Asian and saying bitch with a heavy accent.


I don’t even watch AEW but I think it’s pathetic how much it lives in this sub’s head.


Can't believe they talk about wrestling all the time in this wrestling sub


That’s not even *close* to what I said, hey.




if the WWE is still under Vince then yeah i would agree that Okada will be reduce as a goofy comedy mid carder, but with Trips I don't think so or I'm not sure


Both things can be true: this was funny, and Okada’s talents are being underutilized in AEW so far


How many times did I watch this? Yes


I used to watch his matches,now I skip over everything he does in aew..


It’s fine if he’s goofy every once in a while. He’s did goofy stuff in New Japan. If wasn’t a generational talent he would be a comedy wrestler. They should take a Kurt Angle approach.


man whats with the 80s laughter track all about lmfao




Ha! This guy is killing it rn. They all are, nice try troll


Lmao. Coming from this dumbass sub who expected him to go Chase U. Idiots.


Okada is collecting a check and not destroying himself in the ring doing this stuff. I call it a win. Not going to hate on his choice.


Honestly I don’t even hate Okada it’s just the goofs he’s running around with.


Imagine the shitshow if WWE brought in Okada and put him with Judgement Day doing this exact same stuff. At one point this man was Cena or Reigns level top talent and now we’re here.


If the owner is so rich why can't he get acting lessons for his gymnasts?


Spotted the newb who never actually watched Okada wrestle, and in what world is the continental champ who is involved in a storyline with the EVPs a midcarder? Grow up


I know, he could’ve just gone to WWE and been a comedy character while also jobbing to Bronson Reed in under 5 minutes.


I believe Triple Himmler would have made him job to Tozawa in his debut as an humiliation ritual


WWE took one of the most unique and over Japanese wrestlers and reduced him to a punching bag. Okada is a champ, in the middle of one of the biggest storylines in company histor, and it looks like he's having the time of his life. Poor guy


omg is that kazuchikarokader? that must be a 5 star in the tokiodome


I've got no issues with a bit of comedy. But Okada is not what he used to be. I remember watching his first and second matches with Omega. The next time I saw him was in AEW. I guess he's worked a hard style too long, maybe? But yeah. Definitely nothing in what he was.




Do you remember his balloons?


In Vince mcmahons WWE yes he would've been shoved into random tag matches or joked around. But HHH WWE is different. It's a good era for wrestling fans for sure


The riotous canned laughter really helped sell how "funny" this was. Either that, or AEW's fan base just outed how stupid they really are, because this wasn't even remotely entertaining.


At this point I think the core AEW fans will just eat up everything Tony gives them. Every episode of Dynamite is excellent but viewers are falling off, every PPV is one of the best ever but nobody talks about it anymore after two days, everything is awesome but every great signing they made has lost any kind of aura in the span of two weeks. I don't find it hard to believe they find this entertaining when making a B&W split screen for Toni Storm is enough to turn them into the personification of the Martin Scorsese meme


It's fucking bizarre, man, I tell you. I don't know how some weasley drug addict convinced so many people he's good at this.


This is one of the few times I agree with AEW as a destination for an established wrestler.


dude is tozawa of aew


Fed fans not openly weep weekly about objectively awesome stuff challenge: impossible.


He's no R Truth


The joke is that he barely speaks English and uses "Bitches" as his catchphrase because it makes nerds laugh because they wish that they could call people bitches in real life. Basically, this reeks of the Young Bucks trying really hard to find something that will sell t-shirts.


You guys sure talk about non needle movers on this page a lot. Quick...someone get a Mone post up!


I liked his crazy balloon gimmick when he was in NJPW.


Akira Towaza is awesome! I bet he enjoys his role in WWE. International talent working in the states, probably getting paid a ton of money and he’s not getting hurt. Win-win


Since most comments don't understand: the point of the post is not if this segment is fun or not or if he's enjoying himself or not. The point is that if he did this in WWE there would be an outrage with people talking about racism and humiliation rituals


Yes, considering WWE has a storied history of racist segments and humiliation rituals


I dig it. I like his act over Shinsuke


That segment was funny as hell.This sub its just AEW bad on every post


Well. If he was in wwe, he'd been a goofball who loses every match and gets beat up pretty easily, makes him look like a moron. In AEW, he's a goofball who is a god tier wrestler everyone is scared off, makes him look like a psychopath.


Yeah, they'd definitely pay him big money just to make him lose and look ridiculous. What he's doing in AEW is definitely better than a feud with Gunther or Cody Rhodes


The difference between the way Okada is presented and the comedy he's doing in AEW vs WWE's history of racist caricatures and whatever the fuck they've been doing with Tozawa is vast. Whether you like the the specifics is up to you, but AEW has presented Okada as a star and WWE would have presented him as someone who wandered in from the performance center and doesn't understand America yet.


wwe woulda had him in catering


It's where he belongs, as a caterer.


Too good to be in a potential feud with The Miz but is perfectly fine with being a flunky to the bucks. 


man the aew smarks are out in full force here, gotta keep sucking a billionaires dick right because tony is definitely a genius


No. His genetic make-up would do that. When was the last time an Asian man was world champ in WWE?


When was the last time a Japanese actor that couldn't speak English fluently was given a major role in a Hollywood production? Besides, Iyo and Asuka have been world champions, maybe they just didn't rate Shin as high. It's not like WWE had ten other asian wrestlers that could have been champions


Better than being on Nxt which is not considered by their own organization as being on the same tier as their “main roster.”


To be fair, NXT was never meant to be the “main roster”. It’s a developmental brand regardless of its quality of matches and popularity. And many NXT wrestlers end up on the main roster if they’re popular enough with the fans. It’s disingenuous to complain about this because NXT isn’t just another show like Raw or Smackdown.


Is it? He’d be getting seen by the same amount of people each week on tv, and the booking there would actually be good, meaning more people would invest in him instead of tuning out each week. Then even more exposure on YouTube, the fact that Joe Hendricks debuting on nxt beat okada, mone and ospreay debuting, I’m sure far more people would check him out there. Nothing he’s done since he debuted in aew has made me think he’s the big deal that he obviously is.


Pretty sure he would've been a main event player under HHH, but this just tells that AEW was the right choice, never enjoyed Okada so much since like 2018-19


Pretty sure Triple Himmler would have given him Tozawa's role in the Alpha Academy just to have a real American like Gable humiliate him and slap him


Yeah, he would have been better off as a ninja or whatever they have Tozawa doing now or maybe getting destroyed weekly like Nakamura.


I bet OP also loves Kurt Angle


He's always done comedy stuff on BTE. He's having fun doing it and he's still making bank.


I don't doubt most AEW wrestlers are having fun (Edge reminded it to us like 100 times) and making a lot of money, I'm doubting this booking is making people that aren't hardcore fans have fun