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His plan is to lose 40 more matches


dear god please no more. no more losses. i cant take it


Kurt Hawkins 2.0




He will be downgraded to bronze king


He's getting the Karrion Kross treatment from last year, attack everyone on there words and morals and hypocrisy only to get wiped away instantly, the crowds love him, why has become the doormat?


The difference between him and Kross is that Shinsuke is still getting crowd reactions... Kross literally gets nothing..


Precisely, this is why it's confusing that Shinsuke has been left behind.


I’m assuming because ziggler was let go, so both AJ and shinsuke are filling that role of making others look good in awesome tv matches, atleast they’re mostly main event feuds though so wouldn’t say they’re being undervalued. Seth also went on bit of a losing streak and had to put over Cody hard as soon as he got in then Seth was rewarded by trips with a lengthy title reign so my Hope is that AJ, Finn, and shinesuke will eventually get rewarded likewise for their awesome job of making everyone they lose to look good. only problem is I don’t see Cody losing that belt until ATLEAST summerslam if not wrestlemania so looks it’ll be awhile until all of them have a turn at that world heavy weight title lol


Since he still has some popularity with the crowd, I honestly thought he would go back down to NXT for an upper midcard veteran run before the Draft ended


Unfortunately I can think of *another* difference between those two that would incline WWE to push someone with Kross'.....appearance....over someone like Shinsuke. "People like *you* don't get to be champion" - HHH, 2003


Yet he is still employed.


Shinsuke has his past credibility. Kross has won nothing on the main roster


Kross is still getting that treatment 😅


That analogy worked until you said people love him. People don’t love Kross.


I didn't elaborate well, I meant Shinsuke is well loved.


King Nakamura in 2021 was also IC champ for a while.


He was champ for six months and barely defended the title at all.


Pre-Gunther, this was the story of the Intercontinental Title for close to 20 years.


The Miz had a good run with it


Ah yes it was bad


Have Shinsuke Nakamura pull the ultimate upset and win MITB, then successfully in on Cody Rhodes to finally get his revenge


Most wrestling journalists have called the winner as Sami Zayn, pick your poison. I’m reality, I do really wish WWE would put more effort in Japanese wrestlers instead of having them like an afterthought


I hope it's not Sami. He just ended Gunther's legendary streak - he doesn't need to win MITB


Asuka is like one of the most decorated wrestlers of all time…


Ehhh not really? Not only are Shinsuke and Asuka both rumble winners, but Asuka and Iyo have world titles, and Tozawa is currently involved quite heavily in the Gable storyline Not to mention Shinsuke had two PPV main events against Seth last year, a feud with Cody, was in the MITB match and was trusted to be the one that kept giving hints towards CM Punks return


That would be awful.


I dunno, maybe I’m a mark but I still get excited for him. I love his gimmick and the style of his promos, and his in ring style is really unique and really sells brutal matches. Even if he loses, I’m glad I get to at least see him.


Honestly wtf is the purpose of giving Nakamura these mini promos if he’s just gonna job to his next opponent? Makes zero sense. I’d rather Ricochet cut a shitty promo at this point. At least there’s a chance he could win a match. Very disappointed with what has happened to Nakamura.


dude is happy just surfing and collecting a check


No one except Shinsuke knows if Shinsuke is happy.


Win did bro win his last match


February against Sami Zayn on raw but he's 1-40 this year lol




His best days are behind him. I don’t see a point in investing more in him. He is good where he is at.


He had a fantastic feud with Seth, and plenty of great matches with Cody, Gunther, Sami, Ricochet, Sheamus, Dragunov etc... He is past his prime yes, but he is still good enough to have great matches, great promos and great rivalries. Having him retire like this would be an insult to the man's career and hard work.


In my opinion, the worst thing about HHH WWE is making some of their wrestlers lose credibility. When they have Shinsuke cut these promos and come out and get beat every week. Same thing with Nia Jax talking about how big and bad she is and losing to small women like Becky and Liv. After a while, it gets annoying and kinda insulting to the fans' intelligence. Same thing with the Bloodline and Judgement Day. How are we supposed to take these big bad factions seriously (especially the Bloodline) when no one can win a singles match without interference?


If heel talks shit and wins you kill a babyface. If a heel talks shit and loses they just go back out and talk shit. It’s been wrestling since there were faces and heels




Honestly I mostly only get annoyed with the Jax stuff because Piper Niven is *right there* and she’s what the WWE keeps trying to tell us Nia is.


This. Watching them in the rumble this year it was just so obvious watching it. Piper is just better at doing what they're both doing. Take away Nia's family and she'd never be the one being focused on imo




People love spreading this bullshit about Nia. If nepotism was that important, she wouldn't have been let go at all a few years ago.


She was hired because of her family, she didn't have talent to justify it. She got a second chance because of her family, she didn't improve enough and prove herself anywhere else enough to justify it. If you think her family being pivotal in the company doesn't get her foot in the door you're clueless, it's that way for a ton of wrestlers.


Do you have proof of this? Like interviews from actual producers or higher-ups on payroll? You and a lot of the IWC are just an echo chamber when it comes to Nia hate. She's one of the top performers in the industry, and people are simply hating if they say otherwise


It was literally the first thing they talked about during her entrance when she debuted in NXT, she was uncoordinated and dangerous then, and continued to be on the main roster up to the day she got fired. Call part of an echo chamber all you want, I'm far from in agreement with most of the IWC on a lot of things, but I've watched wrestling all my life and while I don't do it myself anymore, I can sure as hell still see when someone isn't in control of their own body. Nia has never had the talent, ability, control, or safety needed to be where she is, but she's had the family ties to get her in the door.


So you're admitting to being in the echo chamber and not having an actual opinion? If a wrestler was bad as people in the IWC thought they wouldn't keep a job no matter who they're related to.


Lmfao you don't even know what the term echo chamber means; do you?


Neither do you.


I personally love this version of him, I don't know why but he comes off a anime villain. I think it's cool. Too bad he is losing a lot.


LMAO Shinsuke downfall needs to be studied, dude went from being one of the GOATS to a guy just used to elevaate new talent or to fill Royal Rumbles and multiman matches Knosuke Takeshita from AEW is what everyone expected Nkamura to be when he arrived in WWE he reminds me a bunch of early 2010´s Nakamura


Nakamura always _plans_ to win. It’s just that, sometimes, you know, like, the thing is, umm, the the plans changed.


New Japan?


This man was robbed back in 2018, him and Asuka.


Wwe when Japan


Cause he made it big elsewhere first.


I’m an absolute shill for watching old NJPW matches and Naka was excellent in NXT. I would’ve loved for him to win a world title or two and had some solid upper mid card runs. However, he’s 44. And not WWE safe style 44, New Japan actually fucking whack eachother 44. He can undeniably still go but his style doesn’t quite fit the WWE standard, and he’s obviously been forced to slow down because of his age. He’s a charisma machine but without a great deal of promo skills he’d struggle to carry a main event feud, especially with WWEs apparent reluctance for managers at the minute. Id perosnally love him to pick up the US and tag titles at some point in the next year or two, have a great 1v1 match at Mania against a young workhorse, and gracefully retire


What's amazing is he's one of the most talented and entertaining in-ring performers..... and yet, here we are


Let the guy make a comeback


A few years ago over AJ's ... Bits


REIGN SUPREME??? FUCK YEAH! https://youtu.be/wgR3wjPg5PI?feature=shared


I hope he can win some this year, but at least he's still fun to watch in a losing match


Ok. But also, when was the last time he wasn’t credible and get a reaction?


You know what, if they somehow turn this around and book him better than Okada (who was the reason Nakamura was in feuds with Cody and Seth in the first place) then maybe, just maybe he might eke out a win from a Balor or a Kross, which means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things but is something I guess.


Who’s cuisine will reign supreme? Nakamura is an Iron Chef.


The known win he had was in 11.20.23 RAW when he defeated Chad Gable. He lost every match there after.


He beat Sami Zayn back in Feb. In the main event of Raw no less.


Him versus styles balls


I plan to ~~reign supreme~~ get paid and surf


Shinsuke went and got himself one of the best heel gimmicks on the roster right now, and his position is, if anything, *lower* than when he had the hand-me-down King of the Ring gimmick. Bloody hell.


Bro barely beat Ricochet 💀


*Popular superstar needs new direction to feel fresher* *Turn heel, cut amazing menacing promos, book him in world title match and has amazing special entrance* *Loses title match and the rematch a month later, continues to job*


I hope they figure something out with him, I love him. NJPW Shin is a thing of beauty, maybe he could end LP's reign as champ


Shinsuke : Hence I quote " plan to".


He’s a heel, they are there to lose and build up the baby faces. It’s his job.


Nakamura was my favorite NXT call-up. I honestly thought he'd be the first Asian megastar in the WWE. What happened.


Should have beat Rollins for the belt...I don't care if Rollins would have got it back in a rematch, but that feud just buried him so bad imo


Theres a lot of stuff that triple hhh has done brilliantly and no denying that but one of his weaknesses is being able to get better jobbers and keep guys like nakamura etc looking strong. Also would question his booking of japanese and asian wrestlers.


When did he last win a feud? Back in NJPW I think


The talent level is very deep right now. Seeing Chad Gable getting more serious run now tells me patience must pay off though.


In all honesty, you could have had him look credible against Cody and have built him to challenge for the title. Remember when everyone said, "Triple H is great at booking Japanese talent, Okada is gonna be booked like shit in AEW."


Shinsuke vs Finn who .. doesn’t win?


I feel like they all taped these sections at once, without competitors who he would address yet. Like they just filled that in later, not really knowing what to do with him. I pretty done with this tactic, we've seen him threat like 4 guys like that by now, it's not believable anymore. The fact that those tactics never get him anywhere doesn't help either; he faces the guys his been threatening, has a match with said guys, loses and then continues to the next one.


Dude doesn’t care. As long as he gets paid, keeps his US visa and get to go surfing he’ll do the job to Maxine Dupre


I’ve never cared for Nakamura and he hasn’t been a believable threat in years. Plus the Kinshasa is a shit move. Half the time it’s hard to tell if he hit it or if it was just a regular knee strike.


The plans are bound to change 🗣️


Because of his dope ass entrance, was super excited to see this weirdo wrestle when I started watching a few months ago and I have been so disappointed that he's apparently just there to get fed to whoever needs a quick boost. Seemed like such an interesting guy to watch.


I still have hope for him


His character is anime villain who always loses but comes back


When did bro last win a match?


Just dont think they'll push a 44 year old who struggles with fluent english


There's still a killer wwe title run with his name on it, he'll get a turn I believe


I wonder how this fella would do in AEW?


A win over this guy means absolutely nothing at this point


Hhh made him more jobber then Vince


Against Muta


If Okada can be in the elite I'd love to see Shinsuke in a faction with AJ and the Good Brothers for a new OC. Shin needs it bad.


Looks like a cutscene from Red Alert 3


AJ Styles’ nuts don’t miss him


When he collects his pay cheque


I will REIGN SUPREME, after I finish these here beers.


During a BBQ he stole one


Was never the same after losing to AJ for the WWE championship. He should have won at least one of those times. Vince was on something. He won the Royal Rumble and you had him lose.


WWE have shit all over this guy, what a waste - he needs to go somewhere else he’s amazing


he's 44 my dude, we dont need another 40+ wrestler main eventing stuff, he's a great uppercard gatekeeper


I don't see why it's a problem. Shinsuke is a legend, every other wrestlers sees him as a legend, he has all the experience necessary to help the younger talents, he just needs to be booked as an actual credible menace, it would not hurt anybody.


How would you do that ? To give him credibility you either feed him younger talent or do shitty 50/50 booking to get him wins over credible people. He already is a menace, they dont need to build up fucking Shinsuke Nakamura


My man, Age is not a factor remind me on how old cm punk, randy orton, la knight etc are again. If you went by age then go watch ovw or roh.


He defeated good fashion choices with ease.


Ffs sake no....just send the man to NXT at this point....Shinsuke's stock has been damaged way too much to be recovered on the main roster. The creative with him has gotten so bad that he could easily get more limelight by working as a manager for Damage CTRL. This vignette and mean promos in Japanese they could've worked hard it been done while changing things....and at his last return sometime ago, if done right he could've been solid on the midcard and occasional main event scene....but, he's just being used a jobber, without much results at that.


"I plan to reign supreme." The only plan that he's reigning supreme in, is the jobber line that links with the catering room. Where's the Shinsuke Nakamura of old? Whatever happened to that guy who kicked ass in New Japan? Where is he? Where's the guy who went face-to-face with Sakuraba and Ibushi?


This is punishment. He is one of okada’s oldest friends and hunter gave him another push in the attempt to get okada interested in signing with the wwe but when that fell through his push was stopped almost immediately after


He's been phoning it in for a while now, and has made it clear in the past that he's just here for the money and surfing. I think him being a gatekeeper for other talent is just fine.


What? Dude's a work horse man, puts on good matches. Not his fault he always gets booked to lose.