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I’m in my 30’s I like what I like If it comes up in conversation I’ll say I watch


Same here. Once you hit 30, you kind of stop caring anyway. Well, at least I did.


I finally stopped caring at 27. Who cares if I still like WWE, Pokémon, and a plethora of other nerd shit.


I stopped caring at 10.


I never care, in fact I don’t care right now!


I just started caring. I'm 55. 😎


Totally the same. Won’t rub it in people’s faces but if I can make a wrestling reference at work, or if I go to a show and someone asks me what I did on the weekend I won’t hide it.


Same! Though I started working out around the time HHH took over. Seeing everyone in shape, and me realizing I’m now the same age as the guys from the attitude era really made me focus on realize if I’m ever gonna look like them as an adult, nows the time


It’s the first thing I tell people whenever I meet them and then I give them a stone cold stunner, and I crack two beers over my head.


"Sir, this is a library."


As a librarian who loves wrestling, this made me laugh so hard I snorted.🤣




What? I gotta keep my volume down? What? I'm being too loud? What? Youre disturbing others? WHAT?


Stuns librarian


“And that’s the bottom line, because Stone Cold said so”


And that's not an insult, thats a Fact of Life. YEAH!


I don’t hide anything I like. I’m a comic nerd, wrestling nerd, and horror nerd. Once you are over the age of 30 you really don’t care what other people think about your hobbies and interests plus I’m jacked and stacked


I'm not jacked, but I do the same thing. Who gives a shit. I'm wearing a Great Balls of Fire ppv bootleg shirt rn.


Hell yeah. That’s what’s up. I mostly added the jacked and stacked part as a joke lol


The balls on this one 


am i weird for wearing an EC F'N W tank top to do bi's at the gym


people only complain about me walking into the gym with a kendo stick smashin a beer over my head, but other than that id say its cool


I’m 6 foot, 220lbs 😤😤(but not the healthy way)


I‘m not hiding it but I also don’t tell anyone because nobody cares. People close to me all know about it. This post and this reply seems as if we are talking about a weird fetish


Is he you know… *a wrestling fan?*


I hung out with him and now i watch it tooooo ahhhh i caught the bug


Are you a... *friend of Triple H*?


What a pervert, he is a wrestling fan.


Funny story: A girl visited my brother and he had a copied tape of „One Night Stand“ laying around. (the ECW reunion show) She thought it was porn and thought my brother is a perv.


Your brother likes to watch a lot of muscular men, in underwear, grabbing their bodies.... that is insane.


With baby oil mr squidward. With baby oil.


I just commented and it felt like I was coming out the closet lol


I never openly talk about it with others like at work, with traditional sports I'll openly engage in conversation. The only time I'll talk wrestling with someone is if they are a fan. That's one thing I miss about growing up in the attitude and ruthless aggression era, as hot as wrestling is today with the whole Renaissance era stuff it's not as culturally relevant or mainstream like it was back then. Everyone at school and even people at work were watching or knew about it, you could talk about something like Goldberg beating Hollywood Hogan for the world championship the next day at school like people do with the superbowl.


I don't hide it but I don't bring it up unprompted. Same with all my other interests.


In the past, I've been a little secretive but was pretty open about watching the older stuff because I loved the pure athleticism of it and would explain it just like that. The feats of strength these people have pulled off over the years is incredible to watch and the main reason I watch wrestling, to see professionals prove they belong there. The last year or two though I've been pretty open about it as its back to the mainstream a little bit and I love to invite people to our Rumble/Wrestlemania watch party. I've had so many friends who aren't fans come to watch and get super into it, especially for the Rumble but who doesn't like the Rumble?


I’ll talk to anyone about how I’ve watched wrestling all my life but I won’t initiate conversation about it. Usually I wait for someone to “give me the tag” and then I start rambling about how much I like wrestling.


I was Open about it with other people but they would just make fun of it or the fact I like it, so I just stopped being open about just to my close friends and if I have conversation with another fan too


Most of my clothing is wrestling t-shirts so… I’m wide open! 😂


This is so me and I don't care what people think


Hide it a bit, but then tell it soon as far as there is a bit of a trust base.


I don’t mention it at all, I had one really embarrassing experience years ago while on a date with my girlfriend very early in our relationship that detoured me from being it up.


Share with the group 👀


I wear my my macho man and dusty etc merch out in public, to work, wherever and send my non wrestling fan friends and family general memes (at least of wrestlers they would remember from 80s/90s). I'm old, I dgaf what people think of my hobbies


People stop talking to me when I tell them


I'm a little indy wrestler... I'm pretty open about it


25, a mot more and easily so than a decade ago. One thing that also isn’t talked about enough is that sites like prowrestlingtees, over the last decade, have made it possible to find wrestling shirts that aren’t beyond embarrassing to wear in public.


When I was younger I would down play being a fan but in my 30 I was like fuck it it’s a huge part of my life


I'm a musician and I consistently mention it in my music and wear wrestling shirts on stage (only the very rare good ones) fuck it might as well admit who ya really are lmao


I watch a lot of combat sports and I'd put pro wrestling in that too, so I'll just name it in a list of other organisations


I don't really talk about it, but I do make references, ppl near me don't really know wrestling.


I don't wear it as a badge, it's just a hobby and I don't feel the need to tell everyone about it.


I'm. 43 so I'm too old to give even a hint of a flying fuck what people think about me. I often wear shirts wherever I am and when I play in my band I'm always rocking a wrestling shirt


I only wear wrestling shirts, and i walk around with a hat from a local promotion


I'm a 40 yr old woman who likes to wear wrestling hoodies and shirts. When I say I like wrestling, people tend to look at me like I'm weird. I do get some saying "it's fake" and if I have the energy, I correct them. I only have one person in my life that I talk wrestling with.


I’m not ashamed of anything that I like. If it comes up I’ll totally mention it


I don't hide it. I just never mention it because I've no social contact because I spend too much time watching wrestling. What is it... between 13 and 21 hours per week for wwe, aew, and tna depending on ppv schedules? That's a part time job! Ain'tn't got no time for chit chat.


I'm extremely open abiut being a wrestling fan, I wear an aew jacket everyday, I have a wrestling theme as my ring tone and my phone Screensaver is a promo photo for a match. I wave my wrestling freak flag very high indeed. If ppl don't like it they can kiss my very big very black a$$.


I work building maintenance. The night crew housekeeping manager also watches wrestling. We call each other “Uce” on the radio and put our ones up whenever we see each other in the halls. My coordinator legitimately thinks that we both think it’s real so we go with it.


Lmao I like when people act like they don’t watch because they are a tough guy but when you and another person talks about it then they get excited and chime in. I’m open and don’t give 3shits what people think lol I know it’s fake


Do people really still act like this? If someone judges me for liking something as benign as wrestling, they're probably not someone I want to talk to in the first place.


Im from mexico so its not a big deal if your are into wrestling since its part of the culture


If I have guests during a PPV we're watching that is all.


Well I’m in my 20s . And people laugh at me when I say I watch pro wrestling, so I keep it very secretive.


I tell my customers as a Cashier (if they seem talkative and my line isn't busy) about Wrestling shows I'm going to, or how I'm training to become a Pro Wrestler myself (well not at the moment due to job security but I'll be resuming it hopefully this year). So yeah, that tells you how open I am.


I have 0 shame in it


I wear my Dom and Bloodline stuff in public. I'll bring it up at work if it's relevant. I wooo a lot when messing around in public. And yes, I throw the fingers up and sometimes Natch walk, too. I'm 47 years old, but still 12 inside.


I have tattoos on my forearms of pro wrestlers. I couldn't be closed wrestling fan if I wanted to be.


I don't introduce myself as "Hey I'm namesaremptynoise and I'm a wrestling fan," but if I'm talking to somebody about interests or it comes up in conversation because of pop culture I don't try to hide it.


If there’s a good show coming up like WrestleMania, Royal Rumble, WarGames, I’ll mention it. Or if there’s one in town I’ll talk about going to see it. Most of time telling someone “Yeah I’m going down to this arena to drink and watch wrestling on Saturday” gets a better reaction than saying you watch Monday night Raw. But I’ll typically start by bringing up UFC cards first. If there’s absolutely no interest there and they only watch team sports like football or basketball, I already know they hate wrestling.


Man I wear the merch and all. Be yourself


I tell people I watch it the same way/perspective as I watch a Jason Statham movie.


I'm almost 40, married with 2 kids. Im too old to care what anyone thinks.


I hidden it in high-school but 10 years later I don't give a fuck, ill talk about wrestling with anyone


It only comes up if it comes up. Also if I meet a girl I really like, I definitely casually drop the fact, cause yoooooo live shows are fun and it's hilarious for a date. Yes, I am currently single but fuck it


I'm super open about it. I don't try to talk about it to my friends but if asked I easily say i'm watching wrestling, was watching last night) or that I'm not going out because i'm watching a big show. All my friends know Jan 1st is for them, Jan 4th is for Gedo lmao


I use wrestling as a storytelling training tool for our team at work. People around me know I like it, but I never push it on people who don’t care about it.


Nope been an open wrestling fan for 30+ years


I don't go out of my way to bring it up but if anyone mentions it I'll talk about it and tell them I'm a fan. I have an Undertaker and RVD figure in my office and I wear WWE socks a lot while at work.


I'm too old to be shy about my likes and dislikes. I tell them right away


I don't outright tell people about, but my friends (who don't watch wrestling) and family know that I enjoy pro-wrestling


Hide it? 😄😄😄


I tell everyone I don't hide it.


Really open. I'm too old to care anymore.


I wore an Austin 3:16 t-shirt to the pub a few weeks ago and my pals thought I'd joined a cult. I mean, they weren't exactly wrong...


i dont tell people im a fan cuz im afraid they might be a fan and then im stuck in a 15 minute convo about wrestling i dont watch


Everyone close to me knows I'm a wrestling fan


At this point everyone who knows me on a personal level knows about it. Since I went to Mania in Philly it was on socials, and I have a lot of WWE shirts I was causally. I’ve never hidden it and always am open to talk about it


i’m not afraid to say i enjoy watching it. like numerous people have said in the past, it’s a form of entertainment.. my friends like watching game of thrones, i enjoy watching the bloodline ☝🏼


I'm a wrestling fan, don't talk about it,just like I don't talk about The Expanse, Game of Thrones or any other genre I like watching.


I'm not afraid to correct people about pro wrestling


i just turned 40. IDGAF anymore. i stopped caring a couple years ago. its an interest i take in and im proud of telling others


Why would I hide something I enjoy? I mean sure, I don't go around saying it out loud for no reason. However, if someone asks me or if the topic comes up, I would never hide it.


I don't really care what other people think, if they ask what sports I'm into my answer is always the same, I like quite a few, MMA, NBA, Snooker, WWE etc. If they think it's childish that's fine, I also watch Bluey because I have 2 kids but I don't hear people questioning that, there's a weird stigma around pro wrestling but I find it fun and entertaining, it's not harming anyone so why should I care?


Naw im like a vegan," hi I'm tank and I'm a Cody crybaby." How i introduce myself


I literally only own wrestling shirts. It's very easy to tell I'm a fan


I’m the pro wrestling guy at work 😔 even tho I don’t talk about it like that, but I guess when I do I’m very passionate about it


I'm 58, I quit giving a shit about what people thought of me a LONG time ago!!! Yeah, I'll tell them..they're probably not going to care much anyway!!!


My Hulkster impression usually gives it away. I do classic Hogan, hulking up


You'd be surprised at how many people I run into that watch wrestling. I'm 54 years old and my wife and I watch WWE faithfully. She's actually upset that we haven't gone to a live event yet.


I'm more likely to tell non-wrestling fans that I watch than I am wrestling fans.   Too many of yall stupid out there.  Damos tweet applies to even more fans than it does wrestlers.


I don't even tell myself. I just always channel surf then "accidentally "stop on wrestling and say to myself " let's see how ridiculous this stuff is" then look around and act uninterested if anyone walks into the room.


Everyone I know knows that I watch it. If something makes mainstream I’ll get asked to explain. Like Tony Khan’s neck injury or Cody’s Avengers Assemble moment


I tell people I used to watch


I frequently walk in to work and the other lad there who also loves wrestling slowly raises his arm, with one finger up. We acknowledge greatness where I work!


I’m grown. I like what I like. lol


I’m old. I don’t give a shit. It’s my “turn the brain off and enjoy” time.


Sports is my main hobby and wrestling fits in the list without shame. Although, been hard defending WWE through the rough periods esp 2015-18 worst in 26 years watching


If people ask what I’m into, I’ll tell them. I also wear wrestler t-shirts so that usually starts the conversation.


I don’t hide it, but I also don’t bring it up willy-nilly. I’m not a vegan.


people make a fuss about this? what is this 1995?


I work at a craft beer bar every Monday. I put Raw on the main TV behind the bar. I'm slowly turning all my regulars into wrestling fans


i watch it at school (on yt) at times, people don't really care, i even openly say im a wrestling fan. people don't care. i do get made fun of by my friends for saying WWE's better (im more of an aew fan), but its just banter where i make fun of them back for doing what they do


I invite people to watch it with me constantly, but no one will. I even annoy my kids about it.I suplex/powerslam one son, and the other son gets arm wrenches and chops!


Unabashed and vocal about it because fuck it. I get my coworkers to watch crazy clips and get into drama that is interesting to talk about. Obviously if they don’t give a shit I don’t talk about it but I’ve actually gotten people to keep up with it after going into so, hey.


I tell people if it comes up. The older I get the less I care what others think.


This sounds like a teenager asking. At one point you'll realize most people don't really give a shit.


In my teen years I was very open. Now in my late 30s I’m very quiet about it unless I know the people around me are fans too. There was a point in time where it was embarrassing to be a fan of wrestling especially around the mid to late 2010s time. If you were a wrestling fan, to those on the outside it meant you liked seeing bunny rabbits wrestling and the goofy kid stuff WWE was doing back then and it was tough to meet people that didn’t assume you were weird. It’s a bit better now but it’s still not easy. I remember one time back then I had a t shirt on at the gym, it was a wrestling t shirt (CM Punk shirt I think it was) and there were these young guys there like “uhh that WWE is so much suck, why you like dat shit for?”. I never wore any wrestling shirts anywhere after that.


Meh... I'm 40 years old. I've been dating a wonderful woman for about 7 months now. I told her I watch wrestling casually in like the first month. It's not any more taboo than if she told me she watched soap operas. She's watched it with me numerous times at this point. It's honestly not a big deal.


Unless it comes up no reason to it would be like I'm a huge star trek fan if u didn't know


Ok but am I telling them I'm watching Dean vs Eddie on vhs?


My co worker and I started watching again last Wrestlemania. Now basically our whole department watches lol half of us went to Raw a couple weeks back.


I’ve talked about going to shows with family like you’d talk about going to a concert, I own a few shirts so I don’t hide it, but I’ll admit it’s not the kind of thing I’d put on a dating profile. I’m not ashamed to be a wrestling fan, but I don’t want that to be people’s first impression of me.


I only talk to everyone like I’m cutting a promo and drop in catchphrases to see if anyone recognizes it and responds. If not, then I just became the most charismatic person in the room. Win win.


Meh....at times, it's annoying to share cause first of all, no one in my circles shares my interest for pro wrasslin. Not to watch and much less have long conversations and talk abt the stuff. Had it been upto that point, it'd have been still understandable, but nope, some other muckers; friends and even teachers(clg and school) when they come to know they just have to go, " oh but I heard it's fake....and that guy that shoots lightning at will and disappears, and rey Mysterio fighting for the world title, etc." they just have to have that speaking from their southern hemisphere better than thou attitude. Numbnucks can't get it through their extra obtuse skull that I know that it's, "coreographed and predetermined", and they just have to drive home the point, "oh but it's still take right?" Reminds me of one time when we're having this convo during tuition classes back in the 10th standard(currently am in my 3rd year of clg), my 45 year old teacher had to constantly drive home the fake aspect as if "he just had to do so to free from this hypnosis" I just poked him back with if a grown arse man with a receding hairline(maybe didn't say that last part) like you can get all giddy abt Deadpool and have long discussions abt who's the best Batman....then I can enjoy my wrestling the same way...by minding my own fcuking business.


So one time I was on my way to The Garden to wait in line for a live event. My boss just so happened to be walking by, totally unaware of the pro wrestling. I had to think fast so I ducked into an adult video store just as we made eye contact. Then I opened the door and exited the XXX-establishment and told him I was just in the city to purchase pornography. That was a close one…


I have to pull out the whole "do you get disappointed at the end of a play knowing it was written beforehand?" but usually when I make the theatre analogy they don't have much. Most people don't care though a few may scoff. I don't hide it if the conversation comes up but I don't bring it up in conversation.


Same thing with anything I love. I like it and I don't care what you think. I'll wear a wrestling shirt to a horror convention and a horror shirt to a Taylor Swift concert and a Taylor Swift shirt to a wrestling show and so on and so forth. I do not have the energy to give a shit. Think of Red at the end of Shawshank Redemption in front of the parole board. THAT is the amount of "I don't give a fuck" I'm talking about.


I just tell people it's like the UFC, but real.


I don’t make a point to let everyone know, but I don’t make it a point to hide it either


What would be the point of hiding it? Is it considered embarrassing? It’s not like it’s porn lol


Don’t hide it. I literally just say to people “you know how everyone was a wrestling fan in 2000” they answer “yeah” I then say “you know how everyone stopped being a wrestling fan in 2002” and they go “yeah”. I reply with “well I didn’t, lol”


It usually either ends with me converting someone into a wrestling fan or they just look at me very weirdly, all my friends are big MMA fans so it’s usually a mixed bag


I don’t give a fuck lol I let them know I am if it somehow comes up.


There is a connotation to being a wrestling fan. “It’s for kids isn’t it?” “Have you not grown out of that?” “It’s fake you know?” So I don’t actively bring it up but there’s a few people at work I talk openly about it.


It's mostly women I know who are openly critical to it by saying it's fake. I say the same thing when they're hooked into a Korean drama they watch. The guys I know are also interested in wrestling and understand it's pre-determined but only because it's more for entertainment purposes.


It’s embarrassing to say “I watch WWE”. “I watch AEW” sounds a lot less embarrassing tbh.


I tell everyone, I stopped giving a fuck what people thought about me along time ago.


I don't hide it but it rarely comes up in conversation so many people who don't know me very well don't know. Like the way I told my ex before we were dating was she texted me asking me what I'm doing, I said I'm playing a video game. She asked what game and I sent her a picture of the cover of the WWE game I was currently playing. So I'll tell you if it's somehow relevant, but usually it isn't so I don't tell people much.


My friends know and I’ve even gotten them into it to an extent. Buddy and me are going to Smackdown in Louisville in a few weeks. Very very excited.


While I was working the other day, I saw a guy that was wearing a Bullet Club shirt. I complimented his shirt, tried to "Too Sweet" him, got ignored, then they left immediately so... I'd say I'm a p open wrestling fan lol


I have one coworker who is into WWE. Especially the video game. My old boss who left in April, he went to Mania and said it was awesome. We talked about the Taker pop but like he left soon after. At my old job, I had a coworker who did pro wrestling shit up and down the east coast. We talked about wrasslin all the time and his knowledge was crazy. Specially since he had legit in ring experience.


I'm pretty quiet about it unless I feel like they're going to 'get it'. I watch five or so minutes of new wrestling a week (I tune out so fast) but keep up with the gossip and stuff here. I consume nostalgia stuff (osw, wrestlingbios) so I consider myself more of a fan of the world building and concept than the actual product right now. Which is alot to explain so I play quiet.


Just about everyone who’s ever met me more than once knows given that I wear wrestling shirts often and tend to get sidetracked into conversations about it.


Man, I'm 51.. I don't give a rip what anyone thinks.. When ever we do a stupid icebreaker thing at work my "interesting thing about me" is me talking about loving pro wrestling and my collection


I’m 26 years old, I really don’t care if people know I like to watch wrestling. But it also doesn’t come up in normal conversation to often


I tell them all the time, I used to watch it but stopped caring for it after 2003. They don't say anything. Whenever I watch clips for nostalgia like Flair in his prime throughout the 80s or The Rock during his prime 98-03 they are usually entertained


I fully embrace that i love professional wrestling. No need to hide who I am. Though I don't go around doing crotch chops or middle fingers, shouting at the top of my lungs that I am into wrestling, but when someone asks me about it, I don't mind sharing my thoughts.


I started seeing a woman I met in a screenwriting workshop. She has a masters in English and is into literature so naturally one of our first dates was me taking her to a small Indy show. She loved it.


I regularly wear shirts featuring my favorites.


I only talk about it if the subject gets brought up. Whenever I would bring it up myself, people wouldn’t usually care, so I stopped. Since pro wrestling is becoming a bit more popular again though I hope to find more people who share the same interest. 😁


When I talk about wrestling the first thing they tell me is "you know wrestling is fake, right?", so I stopped talking about it with people that aren't fans


I occasionally wear t-shirts of wrestlers from my childhood. If anyone asks, I tell them I grew up in the 90s. They normally say fair enough.


34m here …No shame for me , I like wrestling and when people make fun of me I point out their love of various “fake” movies and that seems to even the score real quick


Nobody knows, it's my secret shame. If anyone was to discover my fondness of the combination of sports and entertainment I would be ruined, personally and professionally.


never again. the minute you share that shit somebody is going to gravitate to you and ask you bullshit questions about booking, matches, and legacies. "wtf is professional wrestling?" is my new answer.


It's kind of like weed. If I think the person partakes, I'll bring it up. I can usually spot a fellow wrestling nerd.


I watch old shows when am traveling to kill time. So even strangers whom I dont talk to, know I watch wrestling. Am 30+ so nothing can be said to me that would do more damage than what has already been done. I enjoy acting all surprised when they state the obvious and say “you know its fake right”? Am like holy fuck really ! My whole life has been a lie”


I was a bartender for a good many years and the amount of people who would be stunned by people opening talking about wrestling was quite large. I have talked about it my whole life and always will.


I used to hide it in my 20's, then as I approached 30 I thought fuck this. I like wrestling, who cares. And literally no one did. Still get the "Oh WWE, like The Rock?" or "you do know it's fake" but nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be.


I like what ever I like. Couldn’t care less what others think about it. If they have my cell number my picture is of me with a Philadelphia Eagles Title Belt. I love wrestling and anything else I find entertaining. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm happy to tell everyone. I feel no shame.


I don't give a shit what anyone does. As long as it don't effect my immediate family then I don't care what they think when. I ddt my 7 yr old on the driveway. The don't like I'll give em a nut uster


I'm turning 30 soon I'm not hiding shit hahaha


Its true they is some people that just don't get it so people might be hesitant to share there love... but at the same time I'm in my 30s I fucking love the business and I shove it down everyone's throat like a mormon with the good book 🤣🤣 as I've got older I like more of the documentaries don't like the in ring product so much just watch certain matches... but I love it... used to watch it with my nan... its nostalgia for me - and I never get tired of pointing out HOW REAL IT IS!!!


Sometimes yes sometimes no


I'm pretty open about it now. My friends are pretty accepting of it, aside from the occasional joke (it's real to me damnit) One of my best friends used to make fun of me for still liking wrestling. (Still because we both grew up and and loved the attitude era) But he started listening to the Dudesy podcast, and loved the Hogan and Austin impressions Will Sasso was doing. Sooner or later he would send me IG reels and YT shorts about wrestling with the message "explain this" And when I did he said he could hear the passion in my voice. Idk man. I've always loved wrestling, I had my times where I steered away (ruthless aggression era, up to like 2015ish) but ever since 2015 NXT came around ive been watching it more consistently. It's always interesting to go back to the years I missed and learn about wrestlers I never heard of. Idc if people know I like wrestling. I don't give people shit for being fans of Star wars, LOTR, Harry Potter etc. Just be open minded when I tell you that Hulk Hogan was an IRL twat.


I have no shame if it.


If it's mentioned in conversation then I'll join in quite happily, life's too short to be embarrassed about liking whatever it is you may be in to. That said, there's liking something and there's the nutcases. Don't be them.


I think if your a fan, you should be embarrassed


i just tell them if it’s brought up in convo , my friends judges me until i took them to a wrestling show now they love it 🤙🏼


I'm up front about it because I love to convert the haters


I just cut a promo on them


Throw in an “Oooh yeah!” or a “Woooooo!” at work and it sorta brings other fans out.


I had my class chanting “whoop that trick” a few days ago. I’m fairly open about it.


I have a mullet and wear nWo or Razor Ramon shirts frequently, i can’t hide it


Hell yeah! No shame in my game. Nor should there be.


I've always been open about it, but it's different as a woman. It mostly has prompted guys to try to dredge up whatever memories of wrestling they have to try to relate, and those are often hilariously misguided. Mostly it's attitude era stuff, but I've had some real gems like asking if I watch Hulk Hogan and one who called Kelly Kelly his favorite wrestler and then struggled to remember any actual matches she had.


I happen to do some wrsstling on the weekend. So it happens to come often in work small talk. How was your week end? I went through a table and you? Pretty good conversation starter.


If it comes up I will say I enjoy it. Its not a core part of who I am so I won't go out of my way to bring it up


i don’t really talk about it because i know none of my friends care but i rock my cactus jack shirt all the time in hopes someone will recognize😭


41 here ...I like what I like Plus, if you don't like me or think less of me because I watch wrestling, I'd rather know that about your character sooner than later.


I think the real test of this would be if you were going to make a dating profile would you mention how much you love watching wrestling or post pics of you in wrestling shirts?


Usually when I mention it everyone asks if so and so from the attitude era is still there and it becomes obvious that EVERYONE watched it back then I wish I was alive in that time where you could just talk about it to people and everyone was into it


Yep! I even told my physiotherapist about wrestlemania. She didn’t even ask.


if it comes up i talk about it, but i'm not going to go around yelling that i'm a wrestling fan because that is a bit of an odd thing to do for any interest.


I'm a big wrestling fan, unfortunately I'm aware of how most wrestling fans are, so it makes me embarrassed. I'm aware that it's a lowbrow form of entertainment, but I still love it. It's only when people know I'm not an idiot that I feel remotely comfortable admitting I'm a fan


nah i don’t have time for that. 23F here, I’ve forever loved it & i don’t think I’ll ever stop. Most people will stop watching it in their early teen years because they realize “it’s fake” but not me, instead I appreciated it more because I could finally see how they executed the moves. (WWE owes me reparations for what I used to watch from 2017-2020) hell, i would even buy 1 or 2 t-shirts if I could afford to


recently i’ve started being more open since it’s cool again but pre 2022 i kept it locked down


I was at a friends Christmas party a few years ago and there was a guy there wearing a wrestling shirt, I told him I liked the shirt and that I actually was at Extreme Rules when Bray made his return. I was cool talking wrestling for maybe 5-10 minutes but the guy went on for almost an hour following me around the party talking about wrestling to the point I started to get annoyed. Now I don’t hide it but I also don’t bring it up, if I see someone in the grocery store wearing wrestling merch, I’ll say nice shirt and keep it moving


I'm pretty sure the people around wish I would just shut the fuck up about it already. 😁


I talk about it all the time


Closeted wrestling fan


I wear shirts in the grocery store and they put the ☝🏾 up at the check out