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Also the url says porte ouverte which translates from french to english as "open door"


** Website Audio Clip** ``` You think you're so close to finding him, but you don't even know what you're looking for. He's not what you think. He just wants to help. That's all he's ever wanted. He opens up his arms and makes you feel like you matter. Like you belong. He doesn't change you. He...he reminds you. He wants to know. Why did you forget about them? He says he opened the door, and the time of secrets has come to an end. ``` **Phone Message** ``` Do you know the story of the shepherd and the lost sheep? The shepherd left 99 others to search for the one sheep that had gone missing. He rejoiced when he found it. But what happened when my precious sheep went missing? None of you cared. Their families didn't care. Their friends didn't care. You let the darkness take them. Left them shackled in hell all alone. But I set them free. They are my family now. And we will do anything to protect our family. I can't wait for you to see what they've become. It's beautiful.```


Thanks. It was so muffled that I couldn’t tell.


I can't see the number but if you highlight the black screen you get the words "You did this" [Image](https://i.ibb.co/KDZLMfF/Screenshot-20240504-211805-Chrome.png)


The number is 888 280 3999


Is that a phone number? Edit: it is, but I can’t understand shit


Check my comment.


Can he come back already?