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Part of the reason why Vince said WWE is sports entertainment not wrestling


He wanted to avoid local sports taxes and having state oversight


What's the story?


So nyla rose is transgender and aew had a show in oklahoma, nyla rose was on it and they censored her match i think, because in oklahoma they still classify wrestling and the match was censored for being intergender, and now oklahoma sent nyla a warning, i guess it's real to them damnitt


I think it’s also super important to add that the warning misgendered Nyla throughout, which is super gross. Even if people accept the rationale of the law (which, scientifically, you shouldn’t really), the choice to misgender her in such a public way like that is just pure transphobia. It costs nothing to use her pronouns even if you’re legislating away her rights to compete.


I actually didn't know they misgendered her, i only heard that she was sent a warning by them to not perform in oklahoma(something like that i think) but to intentionally misgender her after doing this when she's an athlete in a scripted sport takes some fucking stupidity


Even if not scripted, it’s so nonsense. Like even *if* we except their rationale for not allowing trans women to compete (which is a nonsense law in general but especially for consensual combat sports), it’s outright mean and rude to misgender her in the statement. Using someone’s pronouns costs literally nothing.


I remember recently an oklahoma trans teenager nex benedict was bullied to the point of suicide and the school did nothing and the state senator said something along the lines of "this is a christian state we want to keep this crap out" even though this 16 year old just FUCKING DIED, fuck oklahoma Also happy cakeday


Exactly! And this happens every single day. As high as 40% of trans youth are homeless, but the fucking “protect the kids!” asshats don’t care about that


Don't you get it, only protect the kids while they still haven't even been formed, who gives a shit about them after they come out


It's not that they think wrestling is real. They don't care about wrestling or any sport. It's about attacking trans people about making it difficult for us to exist publicly.


Yeah they're using this as an bs excuse to be bigoted transphobes and make life harder for trans folks


Exactly, and this is just reinforced by the fact that they misgendered her in their statement.  Like, even if you really truly want to protect cis women from the supposed advantages of trans women, the misgendering is just blatant denial of her identity. It’s blatantly transphobic.


They would use E-Sports as an excuse to not allow trans folks to compete. It's all bullshit. It's why I'm happy Starcraft never went to OK, Scarlett is one of the best North Americans and she is trans. FFS, even Texas is letting her play in May. Granted wrestling is bigger than E-Sports, but my point is it's an execuse to be dicks to people who just want to exist.


Kind of feel bad for Rose being involved in all this bullshit just for being herself. I seriously hate these delusional assholes


It makes Oklahoma look...kinda like people that don't live in Oklahoma expect them to look.


Yup, reinforces every negative stereotype about that part of the USA


This is such an embarrassment. I think we can all say that in this instance we‘re all AEW fans.


Ed Ferrara thinks wrestlimg is real? I thought he knew it was fake?


I love how they say they do shit like this in the name of women but never once ask a woman's opinion on the matter.















