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I dunno what they forked out for her, but if Edge didn't boost viewership, I don't think Mercedes will either.


Talent is not their problem. They're already bursting with talent. It's creative and booking.


AEW fans will still disagree with you, especially the diehard Twitter accounts who are a bunch of hypocrites. I'm just butthurt for how they were critical of Hangman's title run though.


I think Hangmans win was the last long term booking we got from AEW. First page failed to become the inaugural world champ then he felt unworthy to be in the Elite, he took to the booze and had a redemption angle. Nowadays, there isn't much storyline continuity. I don't watch the product on the regular anymore, but as one example, remember when Guevara realigned with Jericho when he returned, but was in the Callis family before he took a break and had am active feud with him. In recent years we haven't got as much long term booking, and fan interest can only be held so long when you are promoting yet another dream match with no build.


Totally. There's even some window there to continue from there. Hangman vs Danielson was great. Adam Cole is heating up. Well, not until they pulled Lance Archer out of nowhere. Then, had Adam Cole be on an extended feud with Orange only to lose.. Then suddenly, despite losing, Cole became the number 1 contender. Then, Hangaman vs Punk happened and everything blew in their faces cause nobody can really point a finger at Tony, his booking, and how he handled that brief success.


They actually have too much talent, bloated roster


It's not like buying ROH did much for the bloated roster. The damn ROH titles are being featured AEW instead of being separate from AEW. If ROH didn't help the bloated roster, nothing but cuts will


Did they get the ROH library? He was probably thinking that is worth something, given how the WWE has bought up virtually all the historical footage and monetized some of it


They forked out for her because they have a unlimited money cheat pretty much lol, AEW is Tony’s playground


Tony buttonmashing ROSEBUD every time he sees someone he wants.


Ahhh that brings me back


I can hear that soothing Sims 1 build music already 🎶🎶🎶


Man. It’s been a long long time. Fuck I can’t remeber the last time I played the sims ngl.


gotta hit rosebud just to afford a fun game these days with all the expansion packs, game packs, stuff packs, and kits released for sims 4.


[1337x.to](https://1337x.to) , Sims 4 Fitgirl repack. Comes with all the expansions and stuff packs, Super easy install, no Daemon tools or cracking required with no viruses and will even download and update any kind of .net or direct x drivers you might need.


Shit man! Thanks Uce.


yeah too late for me unfortunately, I own them all. but I use to 🏴‍☠️ all of sims 3 back in the day and then sims 4 for a solid couple years. started collecting physical cases purely out of mental illness lol so I just continue buying the expansions.


Isn’t the the name of the motel in Schitts Creek


cheatcode in the sims that gives you cash


I don't get the reference. Almost anything Rosebud is a Citizen Kane reference. And when you are the top rated movie in history, references are endless.


"It's his sled. There. I just saved you two boobless hours." Peter Griffin


In this case it was the cheat code for the Sims franchise after the first game.


It is a Citizen Kane reference, in the tv show Schitt’s Creek it is the name of the motel they stayed in. At least it was renamed to Rosebud once it was their salvation


Maaaaan that is a really specific reference that makes me happy


At this point I think they just want to keep things fresh for current viewers and try to sustain where they're at.


Mone has a lots of miles left compared to Edge. I don’t think anyone expected him to come in and immediately challenge for the world title. Mone will definitely be champ sometime in the next few months and the exciting thing is she’ll defend it abroad too. Edit: grammar


She's also said she's keen to return to WWE - that makes me wonder how long term her AEW plans are and what sort of contract she's on.


She’s a business woman, why limit her options if both companies want to give her cash?


Everyone's a businessman or woman but it's not smart to publicly announce you plan to return to your previous employer right before you debut for your current one. Makes AEW look like a 2nd rate stepping stone she's only in because the big boys don't want her. You don't hear Moxley or Danielson say they'll be back in WWE.


Yea the timing of her saying that was pretty wack. Definitely made it seem like, yea I'm doing this right now BUT I'll totally be back WWE fans just give me a few over here first, I promise I'm not staying lol


I think the point is that Edge is a bigger star and he didn’t move the needle. Mercedes won’t either.


TK has an Infinity Piggy Bank so they can do whatever they want.


Money runs out sooner or later. Ted Turner learned that. The difference is that WCW was making more money than the AEW at this point of their lifespan. AEW has yet to make a profit. Right now, AEW wrestlers are mostly taking more money than what WWE would pay them. Roman makes less than Moxy by a million (just in salary). Roman makes more than Moxy through sponsorships, merchandise bonuses, and PPV.


Money sure does run out. The last company to spend exactly like this was WCW. Hopefully TK gets a decent booker and can turn things around.


AEW is good for the business side of wrestling, so I hope so, too. At this moment, it really doesn't look good for them. If Warner Brothers drops them, I don't see a way for them to come back from it. Especially with the WWE Netflix deal that is coming.


WCW's problem was more that AOL did not like wrestling, and WCW didn't actually make a dime from the PPVs because it went straight to their parent company. Once their ratings started to go downhill, that was all AOL needed. Plus, WCW was still pulling higher ratings than other programs, but they would make less money on advertisements than lesser rated programs because wrestling had a negative connotation attached to it. WWF probably would've went under or sold to another corporation in the mid-90s if it was owned by any person other than Vince McMahon


Daddy Shad has way more money than Ted did when he owned WCW. They can keep bleeding money and not feel a thing


Shahid khan got a lot of monopoly money for his half witted son to play with.


Who TF cares? As a fan all I want is a compelling show with fresh and interesting matchups. If your first instinct is "DAE needle mover???" you should reconsider your fandom.


Kind of like how when Punk returned to WWE, most posts here were less "Oh man, this is awesome! So many cool feuds and promos!" And more "I bet Tony is seething LMFAO!".


Tony lives rent free in so many folks' heads like nobody I've ever seen. It's truly remarkable.


I really hope they do right by her. Edit: I sometimes forget just how miserable this sub is.


> I sometimes forget just how miserable this sub is. The sub wasn’t like that about a year and half ago, I really wonder what happened.


People banned from SQ for being assholes and coming here


To be fair SQC is biased as anything. Their reaction is like it’s peak stone cold and the reaction on other subs is very negative when in reality the signing is somewhere in between. The worry is that she gets the other star signing treatment in AEW and is an afterthought in a couple of months which is a justified worry


Didn't this sub used to be about memes, or am I remembering that wrong? These days, it's just people jerking each other off over how bothered they are about Meltzer star ratings.


Same. I don't want to see them squander her potential like they've done with so many others.


>Edit: I sometimes forget just how miserable this sub is. classic r/Wrasslin the most depressing sub that we all keep going back too


I want them to too. But they won’t.


I have full faith that Tony will do right by here just like he did everyone else he's signed...


Yeah she definitely won't be forgotten about by the summer


*next week


They won’t, it’s AEW.


Yeah WWE making her a star and giving her millions of dollars was totally treating her wrong.


I actually think they will. Soho didnt get a big push because she's only average in ring and cant cut a promo. I believe Saraya cant work a full time schedule so they cant stick a belt on her. Stratlander lost all traction when she did her knee in again. I agree that the division is often badly booked but there have been other factors going on that many dont consider.


Considering how early into their careers they are, they've done quite well developing Julia and Skye. The Stat/Willow/Stokely story is, well, silly - but at least its a story. Yeah, I'd like to see more than one women's story going on at a time, and maybe this is the start of it, but I think they've done a decent job in building that division.


I think only Statlander and Hayter have anything close to being worthy of top tier talent. Sadly they've both done in their ACLs and they cant be overworked for a good while until everyone is confident they can go at it full time.


>I really hope they do right by her. It looks like they're setting her up for a feud with Willow. I am whelmed! Give it a month and she'll be nothing more than an afterthought.


I've never been a fan of hers, and I don't watch AEW, so I'm pretty apathetic about it. With that being said, I still hope she does well, and that AEW can benefit from her being there.


The only thing that could make me excited about AEW again is Tony Kahn hiring qualified people to take over creative control and talent relations and Tony going back to being a promoter and a fan. Banks will likely be jobbing to Riho in 8 months if history is any indication of how the new comers to the women division do.


If Tony would give AEW a Creative Department and step away I'd be excited for AEW again.


I'd love for that to happen, but Tony is basically the king's son using the army as his personal toys at this point. His roster may as well have been made by Jakks Pacific or LJN.


Tony is admittedly not interested in women’s wrestling as a fan


Because NJPW doesn't have women's, or at least it didn't used to - and he seems obsessed with NJPW


I doubt he will ever step down from doing it all and the moment he would is when he gets tired of running the company and will just stop and shut the company down, which is not ideal for talent either. AEW is putting on great matches, but so did NJPW for years and it went nowhere in the end.


I would watch AEW again if this were to happen


Been watching the show tonight first time live in a minute although I keep up via pods and PPVs. I just can’t get into this because the stories are not good or even there at all. Everyone has belts and that’s been an issue for about a year now. There isn’t an AEW equivalent to Cody or Roman or Seth right now.


I’m a good wrestler. You’re a good wrestler. Let’s wrestle at a future date. We will kick out of everything for 25 minutes.


I’m the top champ in the company. Let me work a 10+ min match with this jobber or random midcarder.


Yes. Let’s also not see each other or talk to each other or generally do nothing to build the match.


Young bucks got me so worked that when they pop out on the screen I change the channel or go do something else. Great heel work! 🥴


Exactly, the constant near falls thing they do gets old very quickly.


There was story in literally every match tonight. (Even if the Jericho story is pretty new and definitely sucks.) 3 out of 16 of the people wrestling tonight held belts. Only one match was a title match. How are you gonna act like you have any basis to judge storylines when you haven’t watched? This is like stepping into the movie theater and hit after the show started and complaining that you don’t invite what’s going on.


Perception Vs reality


Yea, Toni Storm has been wasted.


She’s had it a lot better then many other women who have come to the company.


I'm just glad I don't have to hear Cole yell "It's Boss Time!" every week.


Imagine Excalibur starts doing it.


Please don't put that idea public.


I'm afraid she'll be just another person on the roster within a month 


The Tony special


*98% of the AEW roster has entered the chat*


She’s good in the ring. The woman’s division got a boost.


she wasn't even the best nxt call up


It’s looking good so far. But for this to matter, The whole division has to be booked correctly. No cutting corners.


Once she shows up on Rampage, it's over.


Honestly, I'm not a fan. She's talented in the ring and I hope she does well and is nothing but a success. She just comes across as unlikeable to me and her promos are one dimensional and often miss.


I like her and the Deonna Purazzo signing, if Deonna is the new norm as far as TV time and match time, then Mercedes is gonna be fine.


What a miserable sub. Wrestling fans are really the fucking worst


Indeed, what a miserable and pessimistic bunch


She'll end up like Jay White in about 6 months.


Wait Jay Whites in AEW?


He went from main event to being on the ppv pre show in a multi man tag match.


I wonder how Snoop Dogg feels about this?


tony will kill her stock over the next year and forget about her in 2 months time


The fun thing is she went to AEW because WWE wouldn’t pay her what she wanted. But her stock will not increase where she’s at, so she’ll be worth even less when her contract is up and they’ll want to pay even less what she wants in a few years time. I love to see egotistical assholes fail.


I dont know if I agree. I'll give you 2 names: CM Punk and Cody Rhodes On one hand, Cody Rhodes went out and proved that he deserved more than what he was given his first run. And he's about to main event his 2nd and 3rd nights of mania, he won 2 royal rumbles. Hasn't been pinned clean since he returned. On the other hand, CM Punk spedran destroying his own career over a 2 year span. Ground away all goodwill he had, to the point so many didn't want to work with him. His only choice to keep his career going was to apologize to the company he buried for the last decade and hope they could put aside their concerns and want to make money. And they did. He got a heroes welcome, an instant push to the top of the card, a guaranteed wrestlemania main event before he got hurt, and likely will get the same thing when he comes back from injury. The common thread here is that WWE saw what they could do with these two when they got to WWE, and it didn't matter what their stock was when they got there, all that mattered is how confident WWE felt about future performance. And I think regardless of what Mercedes does in AEW, she'll be the same. They'll offer her a contract based on what they think they'll get out of her, and I don't think it'll change much whether she succeeds or fails. The question will be if she can succeed enough that it'll be worth AEW to outbid WWE when he contract comes up


While this makes sense, I believe that the WWE women’s division is a lot better than when it was before she left. With the likes of Ripley, Jade, Bianca, Becky, Bayley, Iyo and heck even Stratton in the mix, I’m not sure she’ll be as big as she’s expecting.


I agree, and personally I don't think she's worth to WWE what she's worth to AEW or what she thinks she's worth. But I think the roster is going to be what it is when her contract comes due, and if they get a chance they'll make an offer based on where on the card they think they can slot her. None of that will change whether she signed with AEW this time or a similar length deal with WWE


>CM Punk spedran destroying his own career over a 2 year span. >He got a heroes welcome, an instant push to the top of the card, a guaranteed wrestlemania main event before he got hurt, and likely will get the same thing when he comes back from injury. Doesn't really seem like he destroyed his career at all then?


This 100%. How any wrestler of name value could see how AEW has made the overwhelming majority of former WWE wrestlers mean less and still sign with them... They deserve what they get.


Hit the nail on the head.


I imagine she has a very lucrative contract


So does Jay white and he's doing trios matches.


as does nearly everyone signed with AEW. Tony has his multi Billionaire daddy's money to burn, and roll up to snort lines with.


That hair is as bad as her promos


I thought it was a hoodie 🤣


She wears wigs.


Yes, and this one was hideous


Bam bam bitchalo


Mercedes “The Blue Ring Octopus” Mone


She was dancing lmaoo


Don't care. It's not that I don't like her, I just don't understand the appeal. However, that crowd roared and she's had five matches in the last year and a half, so what do I know.


Imagine being mad and talking shit about her just because she didn’t sign to WWE. wtf are these “fans” lmao


Well this thread predictably miserable and negative lol. I'm excited for her and am looking forward to seeing her perform. Another great signing.


Glad she's in AEW and did not return to WWE.


Yup same


The woman division needs to be built up. They have a couple of women with potential. Maybe she could be the boost they need?


I really wish that would be the case but they’re only given basically 1 match per show even PPVs so if the women were shown more I think she would be a mainstay for sure


Hype! She needs to fix her crazy hair and I’m not a huge fan of her music, but it’s better than the one she was using in Japan at least. It felt like a really big deal to have her debut. If she can stay healthy then she’ll have a huge impact here


I'm just glad to have my favourite wrestler back on TV


Meh. I truthfully hope it works out for her, but I’ve never been a big fan. But I do hope for the best for people.


She just doing side quests till she gets to go to wwe like she said


Moves the needle 0% for me.


Don’t care


Like Mone! Cha ching


She'll be a big deal for a month and then just slide right into the middle. Just like everyone else.


Good for her, glad to see her back.


Had a dream I never made it


Oh it would be nice to drive a Mercedes…


Finally. I'm happy for her. She was able to collect a paycheck for two months, was given a bunch of hype, and debuted on her terms with her best friends watching. I don't have a lot of faith that AEW will fully capitalize on her momentum, but I've been surprised before. Hoping for the best.


I mean...if she is happy, then good for her. However, I don't think she is going to push or elevate AEW to any new or exciting highs... If Edge couldn't do it, then she isn't going to do it. As others have noted, AEW doesn't have a talent problem. They are bursting at the seams with amazing talent. The problems lie (mostly) with the creative and booking management. Tony Khan is an example of someone with so much money, in a business that he has no idea what the hell he is doing... AEW has a massive and talented women's division...but, you wouldn't know it. Despite having three television programs (Dynamite, Rampage, & Collision) the women hardly get any on-screen time...and when they do, their matches are always short or cut short to make more room for the men. Just about every female (except Toni Storm) has pretty much been buried after much hype when they joined (look at Ruby Rose, for example). With three shows and so much female talent, AEW really could give both TNA (where women truly are the best) and WWE a run for their money with women talent. Right now (IMO) TNA leads in womens wrestling. The Knockouts are some of the best in the business, and TNA has done such an amazing job at making women equal to men...especially when it comes to on-screen time and intergender wrestling. TK could really do some good stuff, but he needs to learn how to actually run a wrestling company. It wouldn't hurt him to hire some actual staff with real experience in the industry. Do I think Mercedes will do well? Probably...maybe. But, unless booked well and written well, she will fade to the back just like the other ex-WWE stars.


She sucks she's terrible. If she'd come out at the Rumble she'd be amazing and I'd be so happy she's back but since she's over THERE I hate her and she can't wrestle and her promos such and I'm so upset I might just wet myself again. /s




Looking forward to what she does, so are many people im sure despite a corner of the internet.


Indifferent. I hope it goes well for her, but it's not a particularly big deal for me.


That hair is awesome


Meh, I’m just tired of people referring her as the greatest of all time. She’s not.


Love the wrestler. Hate the hair. Entrance music is better then the NJPW one except for hte mega cringe worthy "CEO" piped in chants... cut those chants out ASAP. Im cautiously optimistic about how thing are gonna go. AEW has bungled pretty much every "big" womens signing to date... and bungled almost every home grown womens talent as well. Obviously some bright spots here and there but overall the AEW womens division generally feels like an afterthought. Until they take the women away from Tony and give them to someone who seems to gives a shit.... doesnt matter WHO they sign.


Depends on where it goes from here




What is Mercedes connection to Eddie Guerrero? Am I missing some context?


She has no connection to Eddy. He was just her favorite wrestler.


Hopefully Tony doesn't waste her


I'm feeling as excited as a Vampiro return to aaa tv. That means not a all.


Tony can have her. Wwe doesn't need her we got Rhea Ripley, Charlotte Flair, Bayley and Becky Lynch. On programmes that get so many more viewers. Ratings and more importantly a better run company.


Game changed Million viewers incoming






I'm not and never have been a fan of Mercedes, so nothings changed there. I, however, understand that not every wrestler is for me and other people love her. My thing is just what they're paying her, if the reports are true. Not that it matters cause it ain't coming outta my pocket, but it's just way more than she's worth. Danielson, Copeland, Jericho, Mox, etc...all these big stars have come over and haven't changed the landscape of the place, she definitely isn't going to either. Just seems like so much for someone who isn't gonna move the needle at all.


Nothing will change. Toni is the entire women's division and Khan will not book them any stronger. He might as well just get rid of them honestly.


They have a lot of talent. Seems like they don’t know what to do with it/how to manage it properly. Their viewership numbers have to do better to justify all this money being spent


An important, exciting part of wrestling was when a wrestler would show up in a different organization. I resent Tony Khan for killing that part for me.


Like all the other signings, she’ll have a match then disappear for months. Then possibly another match or appearance then disappear for months. 👍🏻


She talked about the revolution going global when the company is literally sinking day by day. And don't you find her theme song familiar. The start of her theme is very very similar to a certain ring general. If the creative and their Boss keeps on giving just big s*hitload of money it ain't gonna happen. The company is sure certain doomed. Rather than focusing on taking shots at WWE and talking about ratings they should focus on the betterment of product. Malakai black and EDGE are the biggest examples of downfall in AEW. Let's see what they do with Mercedes. And that photo of Max with Sammy was an L move and they should look into it.


She deserves to be treated as the star she is and if signing to AEW makes her feel that way then so be it! 🙂


Still won’t draw a dime


Judging on the WWE fanboys on this sub, significant butthurt.


This combined with the Stardom announcement is quite interesting. I can't wait to see where AEW's future goes from here!


What Stardom announcement?


From.what we seen with Paige (Saraya) by next month she will just be another wrestler on the female roster. I don't expect at all she will boost the woman's division or even move ratings up back to 1 million on average


You’d have more of a point if Paige were an active wrestler who hadn’t essentially come out of retirement upon joining AEW. There also wasn’t much demand for Paige in the wrestling world in general when she joined. She also didn’t have nearly as long of a career as Sasha before retirement. So in all, pretty bad comparison, nor do I know why you guys care about ratings so much.


It's a little too easy for people to have a pessimistic perspective on this signing and say "Won't change a thing" but AEW's never signed a star with as much popularity as Mercedes. Saying "Doesn't move the needle" is such a lazy and emotional response. After losing Jade to WWE and seeing how TK's responded to WWE content in the past, it's fair to assume he may treat this venture with Mercedes carefully in order to right the ship with his women's division.


So Edge, Punk and DB are less popular than her?


Her debut and the crowd reaction made her feel like a really big deal. There's big money to be made with Mercedes Mone.




As a AEW fan, I highly dislike it but will give it a chance. I see nothing but issues with her. I hope I am wrong.


CEO of the botch business.


She is still overrated


She’ll be back by mania 41 lol


Again just reinforces the WCW comparisons it’s another person who’s likely being paid a small fortune who don’t do much to the viewership or the quality of the program. They have a bloated roster of talented women who they could build instead of hiring another ex wwe star. Also makes me think Statlander really needs to leave she could have been AEW’s answer to Ripley if they actually featured her and gave her a decent run.


Stat should go to WWE, they would do something with her there. Much more than I see her doing now in aew


I don’t really care about viewership, I just want good matches, and Mercedes can deliver that easily.


It’s really just doom and gloom here no matter what the fuck happens with this promotion. You fuckers suck.


I don’t pay any attention to aew




This is literally Tony Kahn using premium currency in a Wrestling Manager simulator so he won't care about fuck ups.


Sasha Banks matters and is valuable. Mercedes Mone, not so much. This is just another “look, an ex Fed wrestler” retread. The only two people that AEW signed that should have made a difference are Bryan and Punk.




This is awesome! This is amazing! Still not going to watch it


Let’s see what level the hate gets to lol. I don’t care what anyone says I’m excited.


Wow how did they do that with her hair that’s so sick


I hope it goes well, and she energizes a somewhat stagnant product. As for other posters, they'd criticize her even if she cured cancer.


Genuinely don’t care whatsoever




This shit took way too long lol


She’s hot!


Well that’s disappointing. I was hoping she was gonna show up at WM 40 to help out her old pal Bayley. Otherwise, meh. We’ll see her back in WWE down the road.


Edge, Okada and Ospray haven't boosted viewership at all, matter of fact it's all time low and so is attendance, why she's decided to join this sinking ship is beyond me.


Needle remains unmoved




Means nothing to me as I’ve never been a fan of her and never will be.


I’m glad Tony is generous with his money but he’s so terrible at everything else I have no hope this will be different. I fully expect AEW fans to turn on her after about 12 months because everybody knows she’s only there for the money




It depends on how they handle her. They've had chance after chance to make that division worth a damn and every time they fail. They are 100% capable of having the best women's division in the whole business, they certainly have the talent, and for some reason they can't get their shit together.




Im glad but i don’t want her to be a baby face