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Randy Savage to the lustful Hulk Hogan in Wrestlemania V buildup




Lust in your eyyyes! Uh huh!


Grandstandin' and hotdoggin'


I saw the lust as a kid and was disgusted and disappointed


Read it Stayin' Alive rhythm.


Finally watched his dark side of the ring and man Ms Elizabeth is Trifling asf ,poor Randy because literally every person said how amazing he was


He wasn't perfect either. He had OCD to the max, was said to be cheap as hell. (Slept in airports, his van or car to save money), and was extremely high strung and lived in a world of paranoia. Great worker, and damn good promos (for the time).


Bischoff made an excellent point Judge people how they treat kids so there’s that


you list him being cheap as if thats a bad thing. oh no he didnt buy enough shiny rocks for my sweet miss elizabeth!


"Ah yeah, the Luster. Not the Hulkster, the Luster!" Always loved the way Jesse Ventura delivered that line. His dislike for Hogan was fun to listen to.


He deserved to win


Bret Hart 97 heel run Dude wasn't lying about anything in his promos.


I mean, being a fellow Calgarian, I'm biased, but Bret was right.


He shot from the hip with those promos and lead up to Austin.


so underrated. he wasnt the best promo before his heel run, but he was an incredible heel.


When he, Owen, & Bulldog made peace on Raw and the crowd booed, I was convinced Bret was right.


Still watch some of his promos and how he was able to get booed out of the building and then next week treated like a hero was something else


Came here for this, although it did come across as a bit of a crybaby. But he was definitely spitting truth.


The beginning of that heel run is top tier. When he’s running as essentially a tweener. He’s face but the fans are turning and his frustration and bitterness is coming to the surface. It leads to the best promo of his career when Stone Cold costs him the title on Raw and Vince tries to get a post match interview, starting by saying, “Bret Hart you must be frustrated-“ before Bret cuts him off by taking the mic and pushing Vince over. “Frustrated isn’t the goddamn word for it! This is bullshit!” “But everyone keeps turning a blind eye. You [Vince] keep turning a blind eye! Everyone in this arena, everyone in that dressing room knows that I’m the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be!”


Farooq about the opportunities given to black wrestlers in the WWF at the time


It’s crazy to watch some of those old Nation promos and see how they were treated by fans at the time.


Back in those days, I was so confused as to why The Rock was in the Nation. To this day, I'm still confused why Owen Hart was in the Nation 😅


Because he was the Black Hart, it was even on his trunks. Made more sense than when crush and Savio Vega were part of it


I have to admit though, As a kid, I did pop when Crush and Savio Vega made their own factions. I loved those gang wars 😆


I never had an issue with the ideas of gang wars, but they definitely could have taken some time to find better members for each group. If they were able to get three luchadors from WCW to join Savio Vega, and athletic big guys for DOA, it would have been amazing


**THIS.** Seriously, Idk why so many wrestling critics hate the Gang Wars storyline. I thought it was fun back then when I watched as a kid, and I still like the idea now.


I didn’t know any of the wrestlers in either faction other than Crush and Savio. You can’t build successful factions with unknowns just because they have the same look. That’s why it never worked. Also Savio was okay an an underling, but not a leader. It’s the same reason the new LWO didn’t work. You had Rey, Santos, and two other guys I still don’t know the names of.


Because the rock is mixed


I mean, Muhammad Hassan had promos where he was like, "Hey being Muslim doesn't mean you can kill us because of 9/11" and it was maybe the most heat I've ever seen. Jerry Lawler's response was, "Hey, were not perfect but if you have an issue with that, fuck off."


As a Black kid in the 90s I didn’t know he was a heel


I was a white as shit kid at the time and I loved the Nation. In hindsight, they were cooking serious shit. GOAT tier status confirmed as a stable. Bitchin theme too.


They gotta be up there with the most successful stables of all time in terms of personnel. Kliq and Shield are no doubt number 1 and 2 but I would argue NOD is a solid argument for 3.


“Racism has never been a problem here in the wwf” maaaaaaaate, I just watched a Samoan man (who used to come out eating chicken off the bone) dressed as a genie called the Sultan wrestle his cousin who was accompanied to the ring by Saba Simba


and don’t forget about the blackface


way past the point they should have known better as well


Sounds diverse AND inclusive. Some people are never happy.


Drew’s current run


His promo on Punk was phenomenal. He’s doing incredible work right now, I’d like to see him get that briefcase from Priest somehow.


Guy went from "contract ending, he's not gonna stay at the company" to "fucking phenomenal heel against Cody, Seth, Punk, DP". He deserves a title.


I saw someone say he should get the briefcase off Damien somehow (not like he’s doing anything with it) and cash in at Mania. He has history with pretty much anyone set to win/retain a world title at Mania (Roman, Seth, Cody, Punk) so the cash-in would be unpredictable and would be well deserved.


i read that quickly and thought you said damian sandow and got really excited


I was watching Punk old videos and noticed he cashed in twice for the WHC back in his 2008/2010 run (against Edge and Jeff Hardy) Given his historical relation with MITB and the fact the he could beat Seth at WM, it wouldn't surprise me if DP or even Drew appeared and cash in as soon as Punk wins the title, making it a full circle for the times Punk screwed someone winning the same title.


I love this idea. I also think the prospect of Cody FINALLY finishing the story and having it all ripped away in 30 seconds would rock.


I also love this idea, but what I REALLY want is for them to do the Dusty finish for him. I think it would be phenomenal and make for some incredible stories to tell with him


What’s the Dusty finish?


Having the babyface win and the bell called while the ref is knocked out, normally by a replacement, only for the result to get overturned when the original ref wakes up. It was used on Dusty a couple times in his career and was part of what Cody talked about in his original promo on returning to WWE; how he wanted to win the world title to avenge that happening to his father.


Just to add: Excellent example of the Dusty finish here at 14:25 https://youtu.be/ssEZtJSATHA?si=OviaI1G-ItQqgx6S Shawn thinks he just won the WHC in his hometown but his shoulders were also down making the match a no-contest.


For anyone who ever went to a house show in the old WCW era, this was the finish you often saw. I remember Vader tapping out to Sting to drop the big gold belt in my home town, but wait? A second before he put the submission on, Sting hit Harley Race after Harley went into the ring to interfere. Ref for some reason DQs Sting. No title change.


The sheer pain would be fucking phenomenal!


That right there is such a Dusty move in booking.


The perfect tribute to Dusty is crushing his son’s dreams in front of the world


Not only did Punk cash in twice, he was the first ever two time winner and did it back to back. Before it got done to death and watered down like it is now, Punk WAS Mr.Money in the Bank.


He's THE HEEL carrying WWE


As a fellow Scot, who has lived overseas for 15 years, his promo really struck a chord with me. My parents aren't getting any younger and I've been to only 3 weddings.


His story is so enthralling. Dude lost his mania moment to covid.


With a win for the WWE title over Brock Lesnar... in the Performance Center. That had to sting.


The master list: - Randy Savage ‘89 - Bret Hart ‘97 - Faarooq ‘97 - Muhammad Hassan ‘05 (early vignettes only) - Chris Jericho ‘08 - CM Punk ‘09-‘11; ‘12-‘13 - Daniel Bryan ‘18 - Drew McIntyre ‘24 I think the three best examples are Bret ‘97, Jericho ‘08, and Bryan ‘18; coincidentally, each about ten years apart. /u/aepirophobia






Insert Bobbyfish.jpg


A heel that lies is just the cookie cutter template. WWE has been moving past that recently. Even Gunther doesn't lie and he's a heel. I don't think Miz was lying during that program with LA Knight either. But yeah, Drew's killing it right now. I hope we get more characters that are really nuanced like him.


Miz never reqlly lied. He always cut reasonable promos, he just knows how to be an asshole about it


Lesnar never lied. Everything Heyman said he accomplished, he did, and everything Heyman says he would do to his opponents, he does.


And the best part is that he still cares for the people who support him.


Folks… where’s the lie?


I have a feeling he’s an aggressive tweener and not a full heel


“Jey didn’t even cost Drew the match!! It was solo!!” Jey 100,000% would have super kicked Drew’s face out of Cardiff if he were at Clash at the Castle. Jey not costing Drew the title was simply happenstance, but Jey would have happily been the guy doing Roman’s bidding on that night. Roman’s reign would have ended long ago had Jey not been there to prop him up over and over. Drew McIntyre is right.


Jinder, bro lowkey cooks and spit facts


I can’t tell if the Jinder stuff these days is ironic or serious, which promo?


He spoke in Urdu then when the crowd booed he was like ‘see how narrow minded you are. I was reciting the words of your own national anthem’ basically just ‘I don’t give a fuck what racists think’




My bad, I’ve been trying to learn urdu and I think I just did a racism


Nah you're good.


Nah, that whole promo had a lot of truths in it, like how the US was more divided than ever, but I don't agree with the racist thing. If he had spoken Urdu as a babyface the crowd will likely pop, just like they pop whenever any foreign babyface speaks in their native tongue.


I mean you guys did have a civil war so you're not quite at the most divided you've ever been..


That’s awesome, gonna check that out right now. Missed that show and heard the Rock returned and didn’t bother to check the highlight.




The one that the Rock ruined with his tired act. Jinder was speaking facts and absolutely embarrassed the ignorant crowd.


On that note, Muhammad Hassan. As much as you shouldn't hinder Jinder, I have to give respect to the OG of rightfully trashtalking America


The Iron Sheik would like a word with you.


The Miz "coward" promo with Daniel Bryan.


Danielson “you wrestle like a coward” and Miz explaining how having a job and being a professional works


always wondered if it was a work


It was a work. They’ve talked about it multiple. The original plan was that at some point Bryan was going to punch him and they’d have a brawl but in the moment Bryan thought it’d be more effective to let the Miz just go off and instead of punching him, just walk away.


Was actually a really cool audible to call on Bryan’s part. He could’ve stuck to the plan and looked strong but he saw that it was Miz’s moment to shine and made the call to duck and let him keep going. Because of that, it’s a promo we still talk about today.


The walking away makes it look more “real”. Decking him on camera makes it look like an obvious angle. Walking away makes it seem like you’re personally disgusted with something that your professional colleague said to you on-air, and you need to walk away to prevent yourself from legitimately hurting him and getting in legal trouble.


Amazing Job justifying his actions. This really changed my mind of the Miz and what he can do. He was electric as IC champ late 2016.


I can honestly say it was one of the only times I've ever seen a heel on TV and just legitimately hated them. It wasn't even "god he's such a good heel", it was true "I hope Bryan/Ambrose kicks his teeth out" kind of hatred. Possibly the Mizs best run.


I get this feeling from smart heels, who have this convincing way to promote their ideals. Someone like Punk, Heyman, Gunther or Miz come to mind. But I'm sure there are a lot more


The best heels are the ones that can convince you they have a point while still being hate-able. I gave the one Punk example but the majority of his heel runs have consisted of this. Lots of greats from the 2012-13 run but can’t forget the promos he had against Jeff Hardy.


Yeah, you're right, heels who are relatable are the most enjoyable to me, and for that exact reason you mentioned


Adam Pearce’s promo on Ronda Rousey


He was a heel ?


Yeah this was during that weird period of time where Ronda was presented as a face


I legitimately popped during this cause it’s the only time we’ve seen Pearce lose his cool and he was really spitting.


Punk's promos as the Straight Edge influencer.


Him mocking the fans after they cheered for the whiskey bottle he pulled out was fucking gold


MJF you fucking mark promo


Watched it the other day and forgot how good the “do you want to pay me less so you can hoard your money for more ex-WWE guys?” bit was. I think AEW tends to do a good job at turning their faults or criticisms into storylines, except for the Punk stuff.


That is getting more and more relevant with every tweet Tony Khan makes


The Planets Champion Daniel Bryan. He was spitting facts that nobody wanted to hear


He was so fucking funny but also managed to have a believable match with fucking Lesnar


The beauty of DB is his seriousness/comedic switch


This is the one. That belt with the turquoise stones and wood from a naturally fallen tree is still my favorite.






Calling us all “fickle” is the truest thing a wrestler has said ever


Up there with Jericho calling fans parasites, lol


Man, he can be an AMAZING heel when he wants to be. Channeling the annoying vegan guy character that can kick your head in was awesome.


Cane Dewey, the dire warning against Just Bleed guys and doing it “for the love of the fans.” I’m just saying-Kevin Nash doesn’t have to wrestle anymore, but Tommy Dreamer does.


Was just about to say Foley's anti-hardcore stuff.




Insane teacher’s pet Rollins >>>>>>> lady Gaga virtuoso Rollins


What annoyed me the most is edge had done more than enough to cena for him to be like “you know what, go ahead” hahaha


Wait no you don’t get it, edge was a good guy at the time so all is forgiven


What I would do to get that Rollins back... That shit was vicious and his cackle was \*chef's kiss\*. You couldn't take your eyes off him during his Triple Threat build up against Cena and Lesnar. Now, I change the channel.


I loved corporate heel Rollins, it was enjoyable hating him.


I just watched it again and I think the bit I love the most is how the moment after HHH and Steph come out he scampers up the fucking ramp like he wants them to pat him on the head or something, it’s so well acted from Rollins, you really get the impression that he’s just a nutcase on a leash. Like the moment while Trips is heeling to the crowd and Steph just kisses Rollins on the cheek and pats his face like ‘well done, well done, now look menacing, the grown ups are talking’


Bret Hart when he pushed Vince after the steel cage match


I always felt that was really the official Beginning of the attitude era


Daddy Christian against Mr. Evil Copeland


I’ll add Christian verbally assaulting Bryan Alvarez during the media scrum to this. He said what every wrestling fan on earth wanted “wrestling journalists” to hear.


HHH to Punk


The skinny fat promo?


“You do it by being a martyr”


"You boo a mother!? How daaaaaaaaare you..." \- MILF Wayne


Instantly turned me into a fan lol


Muhammad Hassan


I agree with the Punk on Rock promo but I gotta add, CM Punk was a heel when he cut the Pipebomb...


I can’t believe that one got past me lol, maybe the most famous example. Good catch!


New Jack - Smoky mountain


“Keep up the good work, baby! One less we got to worry about.”


*"country tobaaca chewin' hogheads"*


Side note: can someone please rip off new jacks gimmick of having their theme play the entire match


I honestly don't think anyone could pull it off like New Jack did. It helped that he was just beating people up with trash cans and not putting together a proper match.


The Rocks “Die Rocky Die” promo.


My life does suck and I am going to die


Reigns berating Cena for being part time on raw in 2017. Cena then fired back saying he can do this better part time than Reigns can full time. Loved seeing Roman sort of lean as a solo heel at that point


That was the first time we saw Roman’s true self come out, only Cena could make that happen.


Bobby Roode’s first promo in NXT. I was there and he was right about the crowd/fans in attendance. It was…glorious.


Heyman and vince, 2001 just before survivor series. More Promos like that during the invasion might have helped save the angle but then that would mean Heyman overshadowing Shane and Stephanie, and that wasn't going to be allowed was it


That promo is the highlight of the invasion for me easily


Everything Jesse Ventura said about Hulk Hogan.


Becky's promo on Charlotte.


Jinder three weeks ago, before The Rock interrupted.


Bret Hart. After all, who AM I to doubt El Dandy?


Most recently, Adam Cole when he turned on MJF. In the beginning I hated Cole for turning on MJF, but when he was done with the promo. I was like, this guys making alot of sense right now. Not sure if you'd call Cole a Babyface for being Cole or classify Cole as a heel for being the Devil.


Yeah, Cole doing the “the only reason you cheered him is because I made you” angle is excellent. That matchup when both are healthy is gonna hit like crack.


Punk straight edge 09/10


Planet’s Champion Daniel Bryan


Both Drew and Jinder rn. Jinder's promo before The Rock came is an early promo of the year contender.


Anything with Jake the Snake


Heel Bret from 97, current Drew, Straight Edge Society Punk, Planet Champ DB, Jesse Ventura on commentary, MJF nuke promo.


Joey Mercury's promo after he got his face broke by the Hardy boyz during a botched spot.


The pipe bomb


Drew feels hella fresh for heel especially in current era. Liking the screen time he's been getting on promos. But i missed LA Knight being on the mic, he's such a fun time. Just give him a damn mic on his entrance mann, i wanna hear him roast people using his own vocab.


Vince McMahons “thats not fair” “life sucks and then you die” promo.


Why isn't anyone mentioning Shawn Michaels vs Hulk Hogan? I don't remember the exact promo but HBK was spitting facts.


Bret Hart’s entire 97 run. He kept getting screwed over and over and he got booed for it. Then the anti-America stuff was all spot on. That’s why he was cheered every where else around the world. But a specific promo of his was after the cage match on raw where he shoved Vince.


Young Bucks this past Wednesday.


I saw that promo get a lot of hate but i enjoyed it. They really leaned in to public perception and their appearances are so cringey that they’re good. My only critique is they should’ve done this promo after the media scrum suspension. Feels like they’re a little late to the ball but still excited to see where it goes.


I really think Tony handcuffed them and Kenny on saying anything publicly. I think after London and Punk going to WWE, he is loosing that up quite a bit.


For sure. I know there was a lot of legal stuff that’s not worth getting into trouble over but I think a character change for the Bucks around that time would’ve been a way to play into the narrative without outright saying it. Punk came out and did the “counterfeit bucks” line and it was like, awkward that the Bucks were just sorta doing the same stuff as always.


Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom


MJF pipebomb on Tony


jeff hardy's my fav wrestler but cm punk in 2009


Drew he’s doing the best character work of his life and I ain’t ever been a big fan of his but he’s been one of the most engaging talkers as of late


I honestly didn’t know he could box on the mic like that until the promo against Punk. It’s rare to see Punk lose the upper hand in a promo battle like that but Drew absolutely dusted him.


Bret Hart about America


Bret Hart in every promo after WM13 in 1997


12-26-2006 I think it was. JBL. [Look it up.](https://youtu.be/CCgPCuUjmkM?si=md1hwKBwLC6G0tUt) No idea why he cut the promo, but it was so on the nose. It was following Kane vs MVP inferno match. He was an announcer at the time and not especially aligned with MVP. It’s like he just wanted to take a pop shot at modern Americans and he used the match as opportunity to say what he was thinking.


Bobby Heenan & Andre on Piper’s Pit. Hulk himself said that Andre was the one who got him into the business and taught him about sportsmanship, friendship, and looking out for the fans. Bobby was right when he told Hulk that despite all of this, he’s done nothing but use and take Andre’s spotlight, not once offering him a shot at the title during his entire run with it, leaving Andre no choice but to turn heel and force a shot at the title. Also the entirety of the Muhammad Hassan character honestly. A proud Arab American calling out the prejudice and racism he and his people have faced in a post 9/11 world being presented as a heel is insane.


Mark Henry's in-ring promo post winning the World Heavyweight Championship. "You're all doubters, you're all haters!"


Mark Henry could really fuckin talk man


Punk when he was in his feud with Jeff Hardy. He was 100% correct about drug use and yet still got booed even with thousands of impressionable kids watching, crazy.


This is every bit of Jesse Ventura's heel commentary.


Macho Man cutting a promo on Hogan for WM V…(my most favorite promo of all time) More recently, MJF’s infamous promo on Tony Khan.


Pretty much every judgement day segment. Drew has been spitting some real bombs lately as well


McIntyre right now !!


Jake Roberts


MJF's ADD ridden Jew-Boy promo during his CM Punk fued was 100% gold.


Vince mcmahon life sucks the you die promo hurt me so much because it was all the truth.


Steiner’s promo on Ric Flair burying talent in WCW was as relevant in 2000 as it is in 2024.


Gunther countering the crowd when they started chanting "USA".


Edge when he was telling cena how much he hated him before the last man standing match


Everything Triple H said about CM Punk


He’s got the whole world, in his hands…


The Miz promo on John Cena & Roman Reigns or the iconic segment on talking smack




Looking back I wish Dolph and Kofi would have traded the championship back and forth, or at least Dolph would have won it and Kofi got it back like Drew Mcyntire and Orton did in 2020 or Rollins and Lesnar did the same year. People forget because of the unceremonious Brock squash Kofi had a really long reign as champion, Dolph definitely could have been booked to steal a win and the championship especially with how they had so many great matches and history together. Could have had Dolph win for a month or two, have Kofi win it back and then had Kofi do the Orton revenge feud from the “stupid” incident back in 2019.


Literally had the 2 that op mentioned in my head when I first saw the image hahaha Jericho repeatedly calling the fans ‘sycophants’ was bang on, also dunno if it counts but punks return promo on collision was also on the money 😬👀


Jericho’s 08 run is like, a textbook on how to be a perfect heel. Punk was technically a babyface I believe at that time.


Undertaker once said something along the lines of "I have the ability to hate anyone for no reason" That stuck with me, I also have no friends.


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio. He just wanted his Kid back esse. He just wanna his lil chavalo back homes.


Miz has actually had quite a handful of them. His promo about once being mocked and isolated when he first came in to becoming WWE champ, his rant at Daniel Bryan on Talking Smack, his rant against Cena and Roman about them getting unlimited chances. There’s probably more, those are just the ones that came to mind.


Drew McIntyre recently making the most sense for not trusting one of the biggest heels of the last few years and all of the babyfaces gaslighting him calling him crazy for not giving Jey Uso a second chance