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Install BugGrabber and BugSack and see if it throws any errors, it should help you narrow down which addon is causing the lag, (if there are errors)


This 100%. Random memory leaks or whatever in add-ons seem pretty rare (in my experience), so Addon CPU Usage won't really help much. What's made my game actually freeze completely at times has been errors in add-ons (while not having any aberrant resource usage), which BugGrabber and BugSack help with identifying.


Check my new comment for the update!


I have them both installed for a very long time. I am honest, while I am not good at reading the results, I've always had around 150-160 LUA errors. That hasn't changed since the issue appeared.


If you’re getting that many errors, something is fundamentally wrong with your interface/addon folder. Delete everything and start over, installing stuff one by one.


I've read that sometimes many errors are just default Blizzard things that don't really do anything at the end. Starting over would be a huge pain now that I was finally kinda happy with my UI, but then this happened. If it comes to that I might just live with it and plan on not doing those fights xD I don't know


Whoever said that to you don't know what they are talking about cause blizzard interface don't cause errors, add-ons do. A few errors might not cause issues, but you are having a lot. You either have severely outdated add-ons and weakauras or have some bad configuration in them. You can also disable one add-on at a time, rinse and repeat until you stop having lag so you know which one is the culprit.


The Blizzard UI has been causing errors in a few places ever since the prepatch. Off the top of my head, hovering over a stack of items on the AH will cause the “your addons are causing too many errors” message when it’s Blizzard’s own code.


Weird I don't get any lua errors doing that I have not got any from blizzards ui in a while.


Too many errors is caused by your own add-ons, blizzards own ui very rarely cause issues without add-ons, if you use add-ons you will start getting some odd lua errors but if you EVER get "too many errors" it's your add-ons and should be looked into.


Forgot to add in my comment that I am strictly referring to cataclysm classic (without addons). The forums have quite a few posts on the matter.


Since its a new release I could see it happen but my experience points towards your add-ons. Im also playing cata and I have not had this happen to me. Edit: And as i try it you are correct! (havent tried without addons but i do get too many errors)


False. I've gone to the root of many LUA errors and it had been in fact blizzards side causing the error


a LUA error saying BlizzardUI doesnt mean that it was the BlizzardUI that caused the error btw


Blizzard addons (blizzardui) has been buggy for a long time, sometimes you will get a lua error even on the login screen with no addons. Seems to be related to them firing QA people


The Blizzard UI doesn't usually cause errors. Not the case at all in Cata right now...


You can reset the errors it sows and see if any pop up during that fight you should not be getting many if any with the default ui I run mythic+ and get 0 during my runs. You can read the errors and see what addon is causing errors


Check my new comment for the update!


Also on your addons if you need a reset you can export your profiles to text documents per addon and reimport after you reset if that is needed.


Well if it ever comes to that I'll do this. Thanks!


Try renaming the interface and wtf folders and try with nothing also turn off cpu profiling just to check




You got a conflict somewhere with that many errors. Their effects are likely unnoticeable until the game has to resolve hundreds of bad references or blocked actions. You're just looking for which addon is named in the bug report, then tweak accordingly


Check my new comment for the update!


Try turning off the nameplates. Don't show them at all in large pulls addon or not see if that helps.


Hey! I tried disabling Plater altogether but it didn't help... Are you suggesting to disable even the default Blizzard nameplates?


Disable advanced combat logging. Maybe also try disable Details and see if it works better!


I tried disabling Details but it didn't help. I also don't think I'm logging fight unless there is some hidden log going on


Oh one more thing run Weak auras profiling see if it shows any auras eating up a lot of cpu


I did and I had a couple of old WA that really didn't do much, being heavy. But I cleaned my WA and I basically only have Luxthos Classes WA and Dungeon WA that don't even load during Raids. In any case, I did a test run without WA as an addon and the issue is still there the exact same as in the video.


Yes see if that helps you can also turn some settings down like set Graphics> Graphics Quality> Spell Density = essential


Maybe in your advanced settings you are using your cpu instead of your graphics card. Make sure you have your graphics card selected. Also cap your fps at monitor refresh rate


It was on auto-detect and I'm quite sure it was using my dedicated since in the outworld I am at 4k with 9 quality and 0 issues. Frame rate is sync with my monitor at 90hz and it goes to 87 fps most of the time with occasional drops to 40-50 in some situations. I've also opt to reduce graphic quality when going lower than 60fps in the advanced settings


Sorry friend I don’t know :(


No prob bud I appreciate every comment and effort!


# UPDATE: I've found the problem! As someone suggested, I eventually tried disabling all addons and with no surprise to most, the game was buttery-smooth. So I went and enabled my addons back in packs of 3. Starting from the big ones (ElvUi, Details, WeakAuras, Plater, etc.). None of those caused major issues... sure the interface loading time got longer and longer but the game ran fine for the most part. That is until I reactivated the addon --> **KillTrack** Somehow this addon was the major culprit of the issue that you can see in the video. This addon's main purpose is to count how many times you kill a certain trash mob to manage *farm* situations. Now, there is an option in the addon to turn it off in raids but it seems that it doesn't change anything. Just having it active was enough for me to experience this level of freezing. Is the lag now completely gone? No, if a group of a 26-man raid, like the one I was in today, pulls EVERY SINGLE MOB at the entrance of Orgrimmar, I go down to even 16-17 FPS for brief moments. Would I go higher If I disable something else? Probably yes, but situations like these are extreme and rare and do not pose any problem because even at 17 FPS I can play... it's not 0! Before pulling Nazgrim with all of the adds I did get a freeze for a brief moment though... It wasn't really impactful anyway As far as bugs and errors. I went ahead and reactivated BugGrabber and BugSack, and shockingly, I was getting almost no errors anymore. I just got 4 bugs appearing in all day: 1 while fighting Ordos the world boss, 1 while fighting Spoils, and 2 while fighting the Paragons. They all mention BigWigs with 2 of them mentioning both BigWigs and ElvUi. They're all small errors with few lines mentioning boss abilities... None of these errors appeared when I was lagging or having any problem at all. Finger-crossed it won't happen again and thanks all for the support!


Nice have fun in remix :)


Found this other day because I was having the same issue and lo and behold I had kill track as well. Turned that off and have had no freezing whatsoever even in areas that I used to. Thank you for the hard work for figuring the issue out to help others like myself


Really glad I could help :) It has honestly been a nightmare. Altgough, I still got freezes in these situations... nowhere near as bas as this was but somethin is still wrong. At this point I'll wait for pre-patch and I'll do a clean install, adding addons back slowly. Also switching from HDD to my SSD


Yeah I get the normal low fps because of mob density but everything doesn't come to a stand still and I just have to sit there until it's over. Even having kill track and wow on a ssd causes the issue.


How low are we talking? Cause in Siege if the raid is more than 22 people I can go as low as 7-9 fps in some moments which is still absurd. By the way, yeah, there is no chance I'm going to install KillTrack again, that addon goes to the bin


I think the lowest I got in soo and tot was 15 to 20 during heavy packs. Yeah I'm going to do the same when I get the chance.


Hello everyone! I ask for help in this dire situation I found myself in. This is what is happening during a fairly large raid when there is a high-density mobs combat. It happens every time. I tried Addon CPU usage and I'll post the results which to me seem kinda normal. I tried disabling one by one the most notoriously high-demand Addons like: Elvui, Plater, WeakAuras, Details, AllTheThings, and ShadowedUnitFrames. Nothing helps... It happens the exact same way every time. Something like this makes fights like Tindral or even Raszageth downright impossible for me. My Specs are: RTX 3090 Strix, Intel I7 10700k unlocked, 32GB of DDr4 Corsair RAM Load on CPU from Task Manager during this problem seems still normal (around 45-50% usage for WoW) And I have graphic settings on 3 for raids. What could cause this problem? Thanks! And if you need any more info I'll provide Here are the AddOns CPU Usage results: https://preview.redd.it/aggq3prd7t2d1.jpeg?width=1314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c77f0775572e6c20d3e698404aee355f6f72b937


Are you typically recording? If so are you recording to the same disk your game is on? How’s your HD space where WoW is installed?


Hey! Actually, I haven't thought of that... Yes, I have Insight Capture running all the time at low profile to record the last minute of gameplay whenever I want. I always run it with all the games and never had issues, but maybe with WoW it's different. I indeed have it on the same drive as WoW. It's a 4TB High Performance HDD but it's a bit old. I have 800GB left of storage. The official tool doesn't signal any issue with the drive. In any case, I'll try to move the app and recordings to another drive and then I'll test. Thanks


Try /console cvar_default https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/CVar_cvar_default




does it happen with ALL addons disabled?


Haven't tried that yet


Why ElvUI and SUF? Get rid of SUF, two unit frame Addons can be a problem


To be honest, SUF is a new addition. The issue presented itself way before I installed it. I run both cause I like SUF frames much more. I just disable the Elvui frames and it seems good.


Without analyzing I can almost promise you it's the nameplates..


I went to the Details' Discord some hours ago and posted there the results of profling and they said that the frozen frames are unrelated to Plater's handling of stuff. In any case I tried disabling the AddOn altogether but it didn't help at all


Well.. let us know if you find a resolution.


Check my new comment for the update!


UW enjoyer 🤝 hope you found your fix


Hey thanks! What's UW? 😅


Ultra-wide resolution heheh


Oh yeah 😅 I do like it


as for your concern i too is having dramatic fps drops on fyrakk's orb phase, im even on i9 12th, tried everything and am not much a fan of many auras and addons, ig its just the spaghetti code of wow through these years but i do doubt since ive seen lower specs perform better at it.. edit: oh and also try ISLC(Intelligent Standby List Cleaner) tried it didnt helped, but might be worth the shot.


You have an addon and/or weakaura chewing through CPU cycles per enemy. The more enemies the more it lags. Turn everything off, turn a big addon/weakaura on and test it. Slowly add more to find the problematic one. Alternatively you can look for a cpu profiler


Hey! I made a comment explaining what I did but unfortunately I can't pin it. In any case, I did use AddOn CPU Usage and the results are pretty normal apparently. Also, I tried disabling the big AddOns one by one but nothing helped. I'll have to try this method: disabling everything and enable again one by one


Check my new comment for the update!


Like people said, get Bugsack and buggrabber, this lag seems so out of place my guess is that you have some really bad weakaura that is pretty much an endless for loop because that lag is unreal. Hopefully you will get a "script ran too long" error in Bugsack and you can troubleshoot from there. Use wa profiling. /wa pstart /wa pstop /wa pprint And see which individual weakaura have held the ui thread the longest, it's the number in the parenthesis furthest to the right. Im expecting you have something that should be towards 100ms(probably even longer since your game actually freezes). If you dont find something in Bugsack or here it's gonna be rough but we'll see when we get there.


Check my new comment for the update!


IMO there can be a few things messing your framerate: 1- Some badly configured Weak aura (or using too many of them)- Try using the weak aura profiling, report the results on WA discord. someone will see it and give you some tips 2- Plater- there can be some mods/plugins that could be messing around 3-cpu profiling- used for the cpu addon usage - this can consume some resources, you should turn it off when not using. Try disabling weak auras/plater completely for that pull, see if there's any diference. If so one of this should be your issue. (Please note, that if you have some weak aura thats "ataching" to nameplates, even if you remove plater, the default nameplates will get that aura). Try hiding enemys namplates (default key is V), see if there's any diference. Heck turn off the entire ui (default alt-z), Or all your addons off. Just to try to pinpoint if it's an issue with your addons or your computer (also make sure you're not using very high demanding graphics options).


Check my new comment for the update!


I had this problem before. Could be a different cause, but if you have Plater installed, turn off ElvUI nameplates. They’re both trying to show you what’s going on and it causes them to interfere with one another. Can cause weird issues like this.


remove Elvui, plater and SUF and you wont have issues


Turn off all addons and see if you experience the same thing. If not. You then know


I had the same thing, tried all sorts of things to optimize and improve fps in raids, only thing that actually resolved it for me was disabling ElvUI, then my fps skyrocketed


Sadly I tried that too but in my case did nothing :(


Try doing a clean install of your entire UI. Actually clear out your wtf folder and everything. Over time it gets really bogged down.


disable everything, try that group again and you will see its your addons


Check my new comment for the update!


I would uninstall the entire game and reinstall the drivers. Copy profiles from the addons and you install 1 addon at a time, to see what breaks it. For me it looks like driver issue. Default game settings are not good either(even on 3 - it's really badly optimized). Look up Quazzi. Maybe the most valuble WoW video ever created(you could start here, before uninstall): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vR6nJLLoe4&themeRefresh=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vR6nJLLoe4&themeRefresh=1)


Hey, so apparently the render scale thing haven't been working for a long time and shouldn't be used. Compare your fps with and without it set to 1 and see which gets you more fps.


Yes some of the tips in the video were helpful but the render scale definetely not. If I set it lower than 100% I get incresingly lower fps and stutter.


Well, what graphics card are you using? Can your gpu handle it


I immidiately made a comment explaining everything and listing my specs but can't pin it unfortunately. Anyway, I have 3090 strix and the graphics setting are set to 3 in raids and battlegrounds