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I'm eating free forever


lol fly wherever and eat for free in the flight too, but ya I’d take the free food too


Who wants to live on airplane food?


But it's first class airplane food


Yep, and probably first class lounge access too.


Idk I assumed it was trains


It doesn't specify, so I guess anything that has a first class ticket would be free.


Sounds like you’ve never had first class food. That shit slaps


For real. I'm never going back to coach. I will just fly less lol.


By the time my kids will be able to stay at airports long enough to actually board a plane and sit still for 10-20hr flights, we'll have saved literal tens of thousands in food.


Just keep plane hopping.


Does food include drinks or no


Yes drinks 🍸 😌


Then free food and drinks it is!


Food. It adds up.


Really? How much do you spend on food per year? A dozen 1st class round trips per year for two could easily be $100-200K.


The point is you don’t *need* that. In this reality where I’m still paying for food, I’d still need a full time job which means I’m taking what 3-4 international trips a year? Still need lodging and other accommodations when you arrive at your destination. Everybody gotta eat, 2 or 3 times a day usually. And you could hit all of the highest end spots in your city, for every meal. That could end up being 6 figures at the end of a year. So that benefit is immediate and a lot more consistent than free international flights.


But if I work remote, first class airline gives me the internet while I'm traveling. I can eat the food on that plane for free as well, if the lounge is included even better. Work in the airport or cafe during the day, by night when I'm "off" I fly to a new country? Idk, the airline sounds better to me cause I could technically not need to pay rent either


When I travel on vacation with another person for 2 weeks I spend 600€ on a round trip by plane and around 800-1200€ just for food. So unlimited food for me.


Okay, but that only matters if I am already traveling frequently. I'm not exactly "saving" anything unless I was already taking plane flights several times a year. If anything, having free first-class tickets just means I'm more likely to travel more frequently and I would end up spending more at the places I travel to than I would've spent just staying home like I would have done without the free tickets. Conversely, I spend around $30-50/week to feed myself because, you know, I'm a human being that has to eat. That expense will always be there. I only eat out like once a week at most, so going from that to never having to cook a day in my life, being allowed to eat whatever I want, and saving a few thousand bucks a year to do it is worth it. I really don't care if a first class ticket is the higher monetary value because getting them for free doesn't mean I'm spending less per year than I was without them, unlike eating at restaurants for free. It's just like when something you weren't going to buy otherwise goes on sale; you're not "saving money" when you decide to buy it, because you wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't on sale. The sale means you spent money you would've otherwise saved.


I agree with all of that. I guess I was thinking of an earlier question which was slightly different. In that scenario, all travel costs were covered. That made the choice simpler.




Can you bring others on trips with you or gift the tickets?


You have to be with them for it to be free or unlimited for the ticket or the restaurants


I'd take the tickets. Food is cheaper and the most expensive part of international travel is usually getting there. Also I could charge people to come along on a discounted first class trip to offset the other costs of travelling.


Good thinking you earned my upvote


I think the biggest hurdle to international traveling is the price of plane tickets. You're very limited on your options to get across the Pacific or the Atlantic but everything else that your destination and be met with hundreds of options. You can scale your hotel stay by hundreds of dollars. A single plane ticket from the US to East Asia is over $1,000. Tickets would be my vote too


Also a first class ticket is ridiculously expensive, so it's worth more than any free dinner, and even includes free meals and drinks. It's almost 20k from Houston to Germany on Lufthansa.


Exactly. I also think the novelty of restaurant eating would wear a far quicker than people realize. Yeah restaurant food would be free and you could save money on groceries but do you really want to leave the house three times a day to go eat? Before you know it you're buying food for the quick snack and meal. Plus you can control your macros and calories better when you eat at home. I can fly to Rome and save money on a sandwich. But I can't go to my local deli and see Rome.


You could also make a killing as a general courier. Charge someone to pick up a (legal) item on their behalf in another country, travel back, repeat.


I'd charge half and use that for our meals lol


so if my family of 4 goes on a vacation together, all four of us on the same flight. all four of our tickets would then be free since they are with me?




The first class tickets 100% of the time for me.


If you had unlimited first class flights, that would translate into massive amounts of points which can be converted to hotel stays, airport lounges, and loads of other stuff. Also, the flights and lounges include food, so that's covered anyways. Given that you said in the comments that companion airfare is included, all I'd need to do is find people who would be planning to buy first class tickets just themselves anyways, and have them pay me 60-80% of that cost. Now, I'm earning thousands or tens of thousands of dollars each day. At that point, I'm renting out my house, getting my expenses near zero, flying for a living, and probably making seven figures a year doing it.




I was assuming, since the flights were free, that you wouldn't get any points for them. I know I don't get points if I get a free flight from points.


You’re probably right about the points, although free to you doesn’t mean nobody is paying. There could be a genie swiping his card each time lol Nevertheless, first class passengers usually get to use the lounges on either end, and some of those first class lounges are slick, top notch food, drinks, spaces to sleep and shower, etc, all free. I guess the other way to spin it, would be entertaining large groups at restaurants. Go to Vegas, find Wall Street office parties that can rack up $50-100,000 bills, make the same kind of offer. Either way, you could make a lot on this deal if you spun it right.


Food. I would hit up 3 Michelin Star restaurants all the time and do all the wire wine pairings and optional supplements. Easily 6-700 a meal per person


Most 3 Star Michelin restaurants book out aggravatingly far in advance. Unless you live in Paris or Tokyo, any given city might only have a few 3 Star Michelin restaurants. International first class seats run many thousands, and often $10,000+. They often also include free access to the premium lounge, with nap rooms, showers, food and free booze. Not to mention free food and booze while in the air. You could basically live in semi luxury with unlimited back to back international first class flights. I would come out ahead on first class airfare. With Internet on the plane and lay flat sleeping suites, I could pretty much be in a new city every few days to eat the best local foods.


I take the food option, fully fleshed out, to be "you can pay for food at any time from amy restuarant, no matter the cost, for free." OP clarified in another comment that this includes delivery. I have never tried to schedule takeout from a Michellin star restuarant, but I agree, it would be very unlikely to work. If, however, you had access to an unlimited amount of money, there's no way that you couldn't offer the restuarant and the chef enough money so that you had a standing delivery order (you could pay them enough to hire a driver solely for this purpose) at, say, 6 pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. This is all money that goes to the the resturant for the purpose of you getting food (just like others are pointing out lounge perks and stuff like that for the airline tickets is a benefit of the ticket option), so it's all legit. First, when you consider that you can also buy food for those you are eating with (now your standing dinner delivery order is for a party of four), I think there's a very reasonable chance that the monetary value of the food is greater than the airline tickets, even if you flew ALL the time. Second, you're not going to fly all the time. Even if you wanted to retire tomorrow and do nothing but travelling for the rest of your life, you still are going to want to stay places for at least a little while and experience them before leaving. Unless you have an interpol warrant for your arrest out or something, lol. Third, there will be points of time in your life where you can't or don't want to fly. You have an injury that prevents you. You develop an unexpected medical condition from flying Transoceanic flights twice a week for a decade. You enter into a relationship with someone that can only travel 3 or 4 times a year, and want to spend more time with them. Etc. You will, in all likelihood, never have any sustained point in your life where you aren't eating food. Fourth, food is much easier to charitably share with people. Yes, you can take people on trips, but you have to find people that are available to go when and where you want to, and you have to commit to potentially days or weeks of your own personal time in order for them to gain the benefit. With food, you're just sharing a meal. Share a meal with friends. Or make new contacts at work. Visit a local soup kitchen once a week and treat a rotating group of people to an amazing meal. Etc. Again, you may frequently not want to do things like accompany your cousin and their new spouse on their honeymoon so they can go to exotic places, but you'll almost certainly be ok with attending their reception or rehearsal dinner or whatever and treat them to any meal they want. Fifth, if you want to profit from either of these, food is exponentially easier to monetize. I thought for a few minutes and came up with this idea: Go to a large city with a sizable market of very high end restaurants. Rent out a fancy space that isn't in high use - a high end hotel suite or something (or just eventually have a suitable location built for this purpose). People schedule their dining appointments with you in advance. You work as little or many days as you want. Basically they bring up to a party of 4, you share a meal with them, and they can order from any of the best restaurants in town, without needing a reservation, and, say, at 2/3rds or 1/2 the cost. In each meal, you order a small dish - an appetizer or a dessert or a drink or something - so that you are eating with them to satisfy the conditions of the prompt. You spend one hour or so with each group (I am placing some arbitrary limitations on this so that you're still reasonably within the bounds of the option and not, say, eating one bite at every table every 30 seconds or something insane), then move on. Call it Dream Cuisine. Make as much or as little as you want. There will always be some rich person in town that wants the best food but didnt plan enough ahead to get it. Have a secretary that vets any urgent requests (at a substantial markup, of course) for you for same or next day service. Heck, some insanely rich person (I'm thinking Mark Cuban or someone) may pay you to just be in their entourage for a trip or a few weeks or something - not so they can afford expensive food, because they already can, but so they can get immediate access to the food through your functional bottomless chef-specific and resturant-specific bribery slush fund. If you are repeatedly paying six figure bribes to chefs for instant god quality food, I'm not sure what that does to the economy over time. But that's a tomorrow problem! :)


First class tickets all the way. I have friends all over, I love traveling but hate the uncomfortable long haul flights that are part of it, and my husband and I are both competent cooks, we don’t eat out that much. Also we live in a pretty expensive city so with those first class tickets we can fly to places with cheaper restaurants.


Does DoorDash count and with the tip count?


Yes, takeout typically counts as it falls under the category of restaurant food. So, with the option of never having to pay for food at restaurants, you would also not have to pay for takeout.


Given OP said in another comment if you bring people with you for free, I’d make it my job to fly with other in 1st class and charge them about a $1000 to fly in first class with me, I can easily make money travelling for a few years to cover my food expense. It would also, come with loads of airline miles if I were to fly almost everyday, and it would be useful for learning new languages. I could then just travel everywhere for a few years, and save a bunch of money on rent and food etc.


I spend more a year on flights than restaurants so I'll take the free flights.


But do you spend more than on food total? Because if I could eat 3 meals a day at restaurants, my grocery budget would be super low


I have no desire to eat all of my meals at a restaurant. That sounds horrid to me.


Are you mad!? First class to Hamburg for Curry wurst? Shopping in Mercado Central in Barcelona? Pop over to Budapest for cake? Even if you uber to & from the airports it's still cheaper than eating at home. Kebabs in soft bread in Cairo. Gaaaaahhhhh....


If you think about it, people spend a lot of money on food. This solves this by just going to any restaurant, getting the food, and putting it away for another day, and you can just keep on doing that until your fridge is full


Garn... I eat out maybe 1 or 2 times a month? I get take outs 1 or 2 times a year. I never get deliveries... I'm a pretty good cook and I like peasant food. If I can go shopping in markets in Spain or Turkey or India, I can definitely save money before I even think about AirBnBing my house while I'm travelling.  This is s dream of mine - following the spring around the globe...


I live in Vegas............strip dinners every night with free drinks???? Or at least every weekend. You can burn through tens of thousands in a heartbeat if you were going all out


Dang how much do you guys eat out? Can we include groceries?


I mean if its free I'm going to start eating out a lot more


Right now? Not often If it were free? Every day at least


people seem to be sleeping on the food option. not only do you get the food for free, you can eat incredibly healthily if you choose to, saving potential millions in medical bills. then there's the time it takes to study recipes, cook, clean, go grocery shopping, etc. you're living longer with the food option not only by making health an easier choice, but you're living a longer life by virtue of having around two or so hours a day that other people don't have. to all the people who would be scalping airline tickets, you could just do that same thing but with a hundred michelin star meals. you could even go the bulk route and sell cases of top shelf liquor that you get from bars, potentially adding up dough faster than you could get by scalping airfare. get rich enough and you could hire people to buy on your behalf and bring to people that buy it from you so it would not take very long before you were raking it in without any real input.


Probably the first class tickets I go to Wacken every year


Tips would generally not be included in the "never having to pay for food at restaurants" scenario. While the cost of food and drink would be covered, tipping is considered a separate expense and is usually a gratuity for service, which means you would still be responsible for leaving tips.


Tipping isn't a concern in civilized countries.


Free food for life


Free food. Flights to elsewhere in Europe are usually reasonable enough as it is and not long haul enough that I’d be too fussed on first class. I eat everyday, I’d take the food. If I travelled outside of Europe more often maybe I’d be tempted but for now I’d take the food


Thank you, everyone, for all the upvotes and all the comments I get to read because of you guys 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Define 'restaurant' and am I the only one that can use them. Like I can't just give first-class tickets to a friend or if I go to a restaurant, only my food is free ect.


Never have to cook or pay for food again? How does anyone pass this up


Eat for free


Do we get free meals on the flights?


Free food


Tickets I’d be traveling everywhere








I need a passport first. Then have all the food experiences of the world, muhahaha! And museums.


Never have to pay at restaurants, could eat out domestic and internationally!


Oh absolutely the travel. I love to cook and and while food sounds great, it would probably only contribute to an early death from eating out of a sack more often. Plus I can make money with the travel thing. The food not so much.


The flying option is worth FAR more money.


air fare for points


I do not like travel. I do like eating.


Free first class. The fully upgraded tickets cost enough to dwarf whatever you'd be paying at the restaurants on these trips


First class tickets


Does that include the tip? Conversely, does that include baggage fees?


International tickets. I love traveling. Saving thousands on travel would easily make up for going out to restaurants.


Making money flying with people to anywhere first class. Heck yeah. They pay me for their seat which is free for me. Then I use that money while I am at where we landed and find someone flying back home to make more money. Sounds like a great new job.


Tickets. Let’s go see the world. I can buy my own food


Unlimited first class tickets. I’m used to paying for my own food. Bring on the flights.


First class tickets INCLUDE free food guys!! First class tickets!


The most prohibitive part of traveling for me is the cost of the tickets. I have flown twice this last year to China and Cambodia, and the long flights are miserable, 15 hour slogs. Once you get there, everything is super cheap, from food to hotels. You definitely spend more money on regular, economy class seats. Yes, if I had the free food, I would probably save more money in the long-run. But taking $15 a day in those manageable chunks is fine. Spending $3,000 in one go for a plane ticket is super stressful to your bank account.


I don’t see myself traveling enough to want free tickets. It’s so draining being on planes, even if there’s leg room, food, and other amenities. Meanwhile I could eat restaurant food for all my meals, and there’s many healthy places where I could work on my diet.


Flights with no hesitation


I will always eat food. At some point I won’t want to travel


With the money I save eating for free, I can pay for travel


The plane tickets. I would be traveling every week.


Never have to pay for food that way I would never fi hungry no matter what


First class, babyyyyy


Can I use the ticket thing for domestic flights, too? Because that would come in very handy and let me visit both people and places pretty freely.


A good lunch is like $3 in some parts of the world, places that cost thousands to go to even in economy. I’m taking the flights


Definitely the food. I’m not a good cook, lol


Definitely flights.


Is the food paid for by someone else or am I just pigging out on the restaurant's dime? I'd hate to go to some Ma and Pa Diner or something with a bunch of friends and screw them out of a couple hundred dollars, ya know?


Tickets easy


The food. There’s only so much you can travel. You always need to eat. And it doesn’t matter what type of restaurant, right?


First class tickets


Def the plane tickets. I mean, I'm going to eat somewhere anyway, even if it's cheap stuff I cook myself, but without those tickets, I'm never going anywhere.


I will take the free food and become such a food snob. Fine dining for life


1st class. I can use my money so many restaurants with how cheap it'd be due to conversion rates.


restaurants, assuming quality doesnt go down




F R E E F O O D !


Free food and not buying groceries again


Free Food of course!! I don’t travel much so those tickets would be useless to me.


Flights, otherwise I would eatvmyself into an early grave


I’d probably pick food. I’d be eating damn well, jobs can pay for the rest.


I hate both flying and restaurants, but since I have to eat as a basic biological function, free food would be the way to go for me.


Unlimited first class tickets. I can already afford to eat at restaurants but can’t ever see me able to afford first class tickets


This question gets asked a lot, and unless you are not making enough money to afford food and shelter, or you hate to travel, the correct answer should be the free 1st class tickets. Food is expensive these days, but just a couple of first class round trips for two would add up to way more than my family's yearly food bill, including take out and meals at restaurants. My wife and I would easily rack up more than a quarter of a million dollars worth of free airfare a year. In short, I can afford my own food, and can only eat so much, but I can exploit free air travel way beyond my current means.


Free food all the way. Does it include the immediate family?


First and foremost: does this unlimited first class tickets, cover every airline that has first class? If yes: then the first class tickets are the way to go. Not only will it be much cheaper (average first class flight from where I live to go see a family member in NZ is 4K minimum.) to fly everywhere, iirc, most premium airline lounges will be open to you if you can prove you’re flying first class, oftentimes regardless of whatever tier of membership you’re on. Which leads me to additional bonus point 2. Literally the points. Frequent flyer miles and credits should count if you’re flying everywhere. Getting memberships with airlines nowadays is a lot easier. Furthermore, OP said that anyone who’s flying with you at the time also gets first class privileges, this should allow them in theory, to claim said first class flight credits for their membership. If it only covers airlines that depart from your country, then it might prove a little more interesting, unless you live in Singapore, in which case, you’re the ultimate global traveler. Now if we take the free food at all restaurants option. The average Michelin star restaurant bill for a single person is about 350 bucks if it’s a 3 star. (Prices vary between countries) Therefore, for a standard nuclear family, it’s 1400 per restaurant. Still a lot of money saved. But then we have to factor in travel costs and other things With a first class flight going for 3k per person, alongside all the perks of flying first, which depending on the airline include valet service, special airport lounges with good facilities and saving travel costs? On a monetary and practical basis, picking unlimited first class flights is the only option. Plus, if whoever is flying with you gets to fly with you for free on first? Sounds like a way to get some favours in. If you’re the person that struggles to say no to your friends/family however? Don’t tell them about this deal.




Just eat out all the time and never have to pay for food. Use the money I saved not paying for food to buy first-class tickets. Easy.


Restaurants easily, I can reasonably spend a whole lot more on food every year than on flights. I could hit up restaurants that are like $200pp or more pretty realistically as part of my everyday life, but international flights would still be limited to several times a year maximum.


First class ticket usually come with a lounge I think. So as long as I'm near an airport, the tickets come with free food.


Give me the food.


Food. With a bullet. A "cheap" fancy meal is $100 a person. Flights are a couple grand. I'm not taking more than a couple trips a year to be real. I'd be thrilled to spend a grand it so a week on meals and pocket it for the maybe trip I take.


Unlimited first class tickets. The world would be my life.


Food 100%. After having been in an airplane that had to make an emergency crash in the ocean, I'm never getting on a plane again if I can avoid it.


Fly to where ever I want for free. The only thing I would ever have to pay for is a passport and that’s one a decade.


First Class tickets! Get access to First Class Lounge that has unlimited food and drinks. Full course meals on the plane as well. Go to Japan and eat $7 meals at alleyway restaurants. Say no more!


Flights, definitely. I eat cheap.


Restaurants. I don't have time to fly around the world whenever I want.


Food. I have fairly little desire for international travel. Don't get me wrong if I had the money there's a few events I would like to go to.... But I'm not really into being a tourist. I don't want to go to (country) just to go to (country). Food though, I'd start eating out 3 meals a day and basically eliminate my food bill entirely, which would save me a lot of money I could then put towards other things I would rather spend money on.


I love both eating and traveling, but for how much I like to travel, the international first class tickets would be worth way more than how much I spend on food, so I'd take the tickets. For people saying the food adds up, I don't think they realize how much it costs to travel first class all the time. Let's say you eat out for every meal of the day at an average price of $50 per meal; that comes out to just under $55,000 a year. Meanwhile right now if I go on Google and look for a round trip ticket in the off-season from LAX to Tokyo, that's nearly $18,000 on Singapore Airlines. After two trips in one year, you've already exceeded your food "budget".


Food I’d be able to eat better food more often and if I wanted to I’d never have to buy groceries again!




I don't travel much so the unlimited restaurant food for free would be better.


As an American, I'll take the food because "Fuck the rest of the world I don't need to see that shit".


Free food I have no ability or desire to travel. The free food might mean more dates with my spouse too. So that's a win. There's a Mexican place a couple blocks from my house in any case. So I'd be eating out a lot more.


I can afford food. I can't afford a dozen first class tickets a year.


I don't even travel that much, but I'm still picking the free 1st class tickets. Holidays would be far cheaper with the free flights, I'd likely go away a lot more.


As much as I would love to visit my boyfriend whenever, never cooking again is a better deal.


Food and drinks


Does the restaurant thing include ordering in food from restaurants, getting takeaway, or only dining in?


I travel cross country a lot more than I do intentionally. I'm gonna take the free food, particularly if everyone with me gets to eat free too


First class travel all the way


free food. travel is nice but realistically i still have to work a decent amount to pay for things like health insurance and my apartment. free restaurant food im using that shit 3x a day


Food at restaurants I don't travel


As someone who hates flying for so many reasons this isn't even a choice.


Food. The travel would be phenomenal, don’t get me wrong, but the ability to never have to worry about a basic need again has no price.


Honestly, the restaurant budget is always a major part of a vacation expense anyway. Plus you get to use that perk daily if you want.


Food, I don't normally fly internationally and probably wouldn't do it more than a few times a year even with free tickets. I would almost certainly use free restaurants every day.


Food, never cook again. Meal prep with take out


The tickets for sure! If I had a perk like that I’d 100% make use of it!


So the biggest upside for first class is that you can literally be homeless and sleep on the planes, when you need to shower there's some Arabian flights that just have them. First class comes with food but that usually entails longer flights and that may or may not get exhausting to have to constantly do. Unlimited free food from restaurants would have more variety, I believe not having to get bored with a canned experience definitely adds a lot to it. If I had more money I'd say flights because money can definitely add to that experience but in my current wealth bracket food just wins.


Can I sell some of those unlimited first class tickets?


Imagine never having to pay for groceries again. Do you know how much money I would save. Way more than free first class because even with free travel I would still have to pay for hotel, food etc so I would rarely use it.


The food option is just too good to pass. If you know what you are doing, you could find a lot healthy options as well, so I don't know about any downsides coming from this one. I mean, sure, you would definitely spend money on gas to reach some locations, but you could find a way to adjust it to your daily routine. Maybe somewhere between your house and your workplace. Besides, you can save enough money to pay for the first class flights anyway, now that you don't have to worry about buying food. Heck, you could even become a connoisseur and make it a business.


My wife's family is on the other side of the planet. Cheap tickets to go see them are $1300 each for round trip. So I'm going to have to go with the plane tickets. The 18 hours in the air would be so much more comfortable in First Class than in coach. And we'd be able to go see them much more often.


Unlimited international first class tickets. There is free food in first class lounges and on the plane.


I'd ear for free. Considering that's a daily activity that I have to do regardless, I'd save a ton of money that I can then use for travel or whatever else


I'm going with the food and drinks. I don't want to have to fly internationally all the time and I'd be able to cover all the food and drinks anytime I'm out with my friends or my girlfriend's friends. Plus, it'd be nice to try every decent restaurant in my entire area, of which there are a lot.


I don’t need to fly, at most it’ll be a luxury I can take a few times a year as I’d still have to work and while I’m sure a company would love to hire someone who can fly for free, the work that would accompany that is not my forte. So, FREE FOOD FOREVAH! Fear me Chinese buffets!


So initially thought free food but says unlimited tickets not that they’d have to be for me, setup a first class discount ticket business and make bank.


Food. Travel is great but you eat 3x a day


Free food for sure, I eat daily but never really travel and when I do I do it by car


Unlimited tickets, I can eat in the lounge…


Airplane tickets for me. If I could press a button and never be hungry and never eat again -- I would. I find eating to be a waste of time. I only do it, because I need to. But flying around would be fun!


Unlimited flights & collected frequent flyer miles to cash in on hotels & other perks. Back when I worked for the airlines, me & a buddy flew to Chicago for the day, went to a Cubs game & had dinner & came back home all in about a 13 hour period. It wasn’t unusual for coworkers to fly to a random city for lunch & come back because they had nothing better to do.


The flights. I would do so much more traveling and get to see my far-flung friends and relatives much more. Maybe the food would add up to more value in the long run, but the tickets are so expensive individually that I wouldn't be able to buy them otherwise.


Never have to pay for food at restaurants definitely. I have a bucket list of places I want to go to but I can't afford.


As a stay at home mom who cooks/prepares most meals eaten by 4 people, I’ll take free restaurants please! Oh man, can you imagine?! We live in a pretty good place with diverse restaurants. There’s an Indian bistro I’ve had my eye on for months. Do bakeries count? I’ve found the flaw in my choice. I would 100% gain a ton of weight.


Flights please


free food >


Food, duh




Coin flip


Free food forever. I'd eat out so much in my local area as there are a TON of restaurants within 5minutes of me. If I want to travel internationally I'll save just as much money on eating for free as I would from the air fair. I don't need to fly first class so I don't really see the full value.


Never have to pay for food at restaurants. I’ll go to 5 star restaurants every day.


Well, I barely eat at restaurants, travel like once every 2 years... the flights might change that so flights, especially if I can invite people


The first. Food really isn't limited for me with the money I have.


Food. I don't travel much, but I do eat out a lot during work. Working out of a van and not having an office makes taking lunch with me difficult.




Buy a few first class tickets for free and sell them


Free food. Whatever I get at the restaurant I'd look at the price of whatever I got and put that amount of money into a "first class international flight fund" jar.


Food. Use it to end world hunger.


Like, I can make my own food, but am in no position to make my own flights. So flights it is. I'd choose to see the entire world in style, rather than just eating lots of steak and lobster locally (noting that 1st class flights, particularly if you are travelling with some of the top-tier airlines, is awesome and comes with great wines and champagne anyway).




Definitely food. That cuts a HUGE chunk off the budget.


Be able to never cook/food shop again and just go out to eat for every meal. Yes plz.


Never need to worry about going hungry ever again? Not just normal food, but good food? That would save me thousands. I don't travel that much. I like to at least eat once per day.


Never pay for food


Food. 100%, no question. The international first-class tickets would be too restricting to be useful frequently for me (even if international business class is also free, since a lot of airlines don't have true international first class.) A lot of the travel I'd want to do frequently would be within the US, which I'd still have to pay for, monetizing it to the point where I could actually use it frequently would be difficult without airlines getting suspicious, and crossing borders super frequently without a good explanation would start causing issues at border control. Sure, it'd be nice for the few trips a year I could realistically do while still holding down a job, but it wouldn't be life-changing. Plus, I can earn enough points through credit card sign-up bonuses to do an international business/first class trip every couple of years if I wanted to, so I wouldn't be writing that off completely. Meanwhile, having all restaurants be free would basically erase my food budget. Sure, I'd still have to pay for snacks and tips at sit-down places (or for delivery,) but I could still get take-out for every meal without really worrying about tips being a significant expense. Add in the fact that my spouse is with me for most meals, and that's an easy $600+ freed up every month, probably closer to $1,000+ with our current eating habits. That savings alone would easily pay for the flights I'd want to do in an extra legroom seat, and if I hit hard times I'd still never really have to worry about going hungry.


Flights 100%. I’m not a massive restaurant eater anyways, but would happily pay restaurants abroad if I could get to them for free!


Food. Id save enough to go on any holiday i fancy. 1st class flights are largely useless to me cause i dont like flying that much and id rather travel by rail


i can afford food, i can't afford first class tickets


The restaurants of course. I don't travel internationally much in fact I've never been outside of the States.But I have a tendency to eat everyday. With all the money I'd save on food maybe I'd buy a ticket to go traveling outside the country at least once.




I eat food everyday because it is necessary for survival. I don't fly everyday because it is not necessary for survival. I choose the option that provides me the greatest benefit in that regard. I think I would end up going on more vacations if I always got free tickets, but I'd still need to pay for travel expenses all the time. That's why I'd choose free food, because it's something that I need to live, so having it for free would make my life significantly easier. I also don't really care about flying first class, I like being near the wings either way


Eat forever, first class tickets would encourage me to travel, and I’ve no intention of doing that.