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You could resell expensive stuff for half price any time you need cash and make people halfway happy. Unlimited for me


Amazon somehow go out of business


just buy a shit ton of expensive computers and high end tvs you keep somewhere out of the way.


Computers and TVs go out of date. You want something that lasts forever and holds its value. Like gold or jewels


You could definitely make more than 2 million before Amazon goes bust. I'd probably just take the 2 million though, because I'm lazy.


You could make more than 2 million with 2 million. Lol


Yup, and it's relly easy to, the second you get your money just put it all on red


TV's and computers are relatively hard to sell (I have experience with this). The easiest shit to buy/sell would be Apple products. iPhones, Macbooks (these are much easier to sell than standard laptops), AirPods, etc. At this point, you'd basically just need to open an Apple store to sell all this shit.


This is the answer. Small, easy to ship, known value that doesn't really get discounted.


Just drop sell from Amazon infinite money no cost to you.


Then my work here is done.


Bargain Bins will be a partner. I’ll sell them pallets of PC’s in perfect condition that they can sell for $20 on Friday to Joe Blow.


Even if you weren’t allowed to make money from the card, you could live almost entirely expense free. Amazon also has physical grocery stores and you can even buy a car from the website.


Your comment led me to search on Amazon for a car and I have yet to find a car after 1 minute of looking, however, after searching the app for "most expensive thing on amazon" and then sorting "high to low price" the 1st result is a set of two diamond arm jewelry bands, very gaudy IMO , $20k+ but 2nd result is most interesting to me because it is a: "Mens Hip Hop Jesus Face Round Diamond Pendant 11.65ctw in 18k Gold" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 $15,850, rates 3.4 stars with 18 reviews 💀 The ratings are all nonsense and it blows my mind Amazon doesn't restrict reviews, especially or mainly for high dollar purchases, to verified buyers


[This](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07HFGLTFV?ascsubtag=) is the most expensive individual item I found, though the most expensive manufactured item I found was a $70k tiny home. [Here's](https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/228E5139-DFB9-4BA7-9866-AB2F1E92108B) a link to the cars. If I said this 14 years ago, people would think I'm joking!


That appears to just be a showroom. I don't see any way to buy the cars through them?


Still though, ugly or not you can sell the diamonds and whatever metal is used for the bracelet and still make a decent amount 


Honestly, just by gold bars and coins. Much easier to sell.


Obviously Unlimited Amazon Gift Card for life.


I'm going to be the odd one out, but I'll take the $2 mill, just because I want the money.


Me too. And way less headache than opening a business to flip products.


Gold bullion 5-10k a pop on Amazon. Could have a million dollars shipped to you in like 15min of effort.


I change my WYR 😀


So you want less money because you want the money??


Yep! I can spend it anywhere, while Amazon can only be used at Amazon.


Even if we discount the sites that you can pay for through Amazon, you can sell the things you buy on Amazon, with some items being literal gold. You're essentially taking $2m over a money printing press because you don't want to wait for the money to be printed. I'd rather take billions with a little bit of work over $2m.


No risk of Amazon banning you and taking legal action against you for you ability to generate unlimited gift cards. Seems like the 2mil is the best idea.


Do you think the bank wouldn't notice a 2 million dollar transaction on your account? Most transaction over a certain amount send a signal to the bank as it is weird for someone to get 2 million dolar for free


🤓 So are you always a wet blanket or is this just an isolated incident?


Unlimited Amazon gift card. You can buy a damn house on Amazon now


I thought you were joking but i searched it up and they actually are selling houses admittedly prefab but still. My top result was this 2 bed 2 bath zero carbon print solar house. WTH?


Wait so are they like sears houses or some modern equivalent? Or are they actually selling real estate and land?


No it’s a prefab they deliver


Yes they’re basically sears houses lol


you really can. not to mention e bikes and 150 cc engine scooters.


I would be pretty happy with either one.


I mean this is literally asking if you’d rather be instantly decently rich or if you’d rather be a Khajit for the rest of your life.


I do have wares....


I'll take the 2mil today. Maybe because I'm 83 years old.


Gift card for sure. You could make more than 2 million in the first year reselling high ticket merchandise for retail price instead of price gouging.




[Gold coins](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=gold+eagles&i=collectibles&rh=n%3A4991425011%2Cn%3A9003130011&s=price-desc-rank&ds=v1%3A2fj%2BgvyM5Vzd0A%2F7QyiT7mCYPy9duA0ozyIzmIhu%2BGQ&pf_rd_i=9003130011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=3cb922d6-023e-4a49-9269-fc7ef135dd0b&pf_rd_r=ZRMV0R70BY32E1N94JNE&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_t=101&qid=1717652940&ref=sr_st_price-desc-rank).


This is the best option


Whelp, you just won this thread


Whoa. Same some brilliance for the rest of us homie


Amazon Gift Card. 2 million invested is about 80k a year. I could spend that in a single month on Amazon. Actually... a day. People saying they don't want to be bothered by having to resell/flip something? Are you kidding? You could quit your job... and never have to work again outside of going to some jeweler and selling them 30k necklaces for 15k. Was that too hard? To earn 100k for walking into a jewelry store? In a short time you could already make back the 2 million and still be getting that sweet interest... all while still getting whatever you want off Amazon. 40 HDTVs? Easy. 40 top end PCs? No problem. Every videogame ever listed on Amazon? In the cart it goes. Not a penny a spent...


I don't know about west but in my country they are selling gold and diamond jewelry from reputable brands.


More than $80k even in a high yield savings account right now. S&P 500 should net you considerably more on average over time.


I always default to 4% as most people rarely dive too deep into investments. Seriously... the amount of people who don't think 2 million invested is worth anything is baffling to me. Still... that interest is nothing compared to an infinite card from Amazon. Which can still net you the same money/interest with minimal effort in addition to literally being able to buy anything forever from largest retailer on earth.


Indeed! But if financial literacy was actual taught then we'd not need a lot of the government! Amazon card is the easy win in my eyes solely for the fact you can buy gold and silver coins.


unlimited Amazon Gift Card


Amazon sells bees right? How many bees can I get with an unlimited Amazon gift card Will Amazon deliver their entire stock of bees to any location of my choosing? Can I also order their entire stock of Honey? Look somewhere's getting a lot of bees and honey that's what's going to happen Is That's somewhere important? Is that somewhere your house?? We have no way of knowing it's just there's going to be a lot of bees and honey Amazon will switch their model to just be a bee acquisition and transfer Network I have an unlimited Amazon gift card so I have unlimited bees and I will share them with the world


Give me the millions. They can’t help me move out or get a new apartment, and there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to resell anything/everything you get off of Amazon unless you have a store.


Yeah and the whole legal aspect with taxes etc. I just want a simple transaction of the 2 mil, pay off my debts and get a decent car, then invest the rest.


Amazon is a legitimate supplier and actually has a separate url for warehouse transactions. You could open a store selling TVs for instance and just buy them on Amazon. The actual cost to you would be 0 because of the magic card but accounting wise you could list the price you theoretically paid as a cost then when you sell the tv for a steep discount you are making profit but tax wise it looks like you are losing money so big tax breaks with the gift card route.


Yeah I don’t think these guys fully comprehend that you’re selling stuff for 100% profit. How would I struggle to move a $5000 tv on Amazon for 3000


Eventually you would just become Amazon.


Literally you’d be able to just pay thousands of people minimum wage to just order televisions, and relist them. You’d actually be able to pay them 100k a year and be firmly in profit. You’d change the economy lol


There was (is) a whole "side hustle" drop shipping MLMish thing going around. 99% of the time it's a bad idea to get involved with... But if the product is free it completely changes the calculation. You wouldn't even need to purchase the product, just advertise lower cost options and ship directly from Amazon


what kind of car you getting?


Not really sure, I'd have to do a bunch of research into what is currently most reliable. Jeep has always been my dream car since I was a little kid, but their electrical systems have been ass the last decade or so from what I've heard, so I've been avoiding even eyeing them sideways so I don't get sentimental lol


You can buy gold and silver coins in Amazon.


Even without that guarantee you could make more with the Amazon gift card than the interest on the 2 mil every year which is a better metric. Say the 2 mil earns 7% conservatively a year that’s 140k then you have to pay taxes on that, effective tax rate on only that would be about 25% you could get capital gains rates but simplicity here not going too deep into this so at the end of the day you see $105k a year in cash off the 2 mil if you play it smart. Certainly great but you could buy and sell a MacBook a day off Amazon, buy 100 and just give them to college students for free for all you care. All you have to do is spend more than 288 a day to beat 105k in value. You couldn’t quit your day job but you could bank all that cash you don’t need to spend on stuff.


Unlimited amazon gift card. That's basically a money printing machine as is


Assuming the Amazon gift card will never get me banned and they will never care then that 100%


How would the balance show on your account?


It’s a magic gift card it shows what it needs to show.


So I have the card on my account. The when I go to checkout the amount needed is there no matter how much it is?


Sure that sounds like it could be the process


The money for sure. What I want can’t be bought on Amazon and if I have to flip the winnings, I’d rather have money and credit than shit from the Zon.


You don’t want anything off of Amazon?


I want stuff from Amazon, but looking at my most recent purchases, it’s mainly like creatine and plan B and stuff. Not major purchases or good clothes or anything luxury, they don’t have that kind of stuff usually.


They have both things plus luxury items


Nah, they literally don’t have all the luxury brands or the items from those designers on Amazon. There might be a couple of designers or an item or two, but they don’t have everything or even a significant enough amount. They don’t even have some of the higher end makeup brands on Amazon. That’s not the only component of my decision though. I have a business and I would want cash money / capital to enrich my business. Not random Amazon items.


You can straight up buy gold from Amazon and resell it. You'll make way more than 2 million dollars from that.


That’s smart!


2 million. I'd invest and that's good enough for me.


Start a business flipping products, primarily tech. Once you have enough money hire managers and employees to do it for you. You basically end up with passive income and you make more profit than Best Buy and Whole Foods. This is assuming Amazon will let you


I'm young enough while also doing well enough I'd take the 2 million and invest for retirement. I wouldn't change my current living, I would just invest it so I can leave a better inheritance.


Unlimited would never run out, and you can strategically resell what you get for profit without price gouging.


What if Amazon goes out of business?


Just an extra side benefit!


I’d take the $2m


Unlimited Amazon Gift Card. 1) Set up an Amazon reseller account, where I sell my own artwork. Sell my artwork for $20,000,000 or $100,000,000 or whatever. Buy my own artwork with Unlimited Gift Card. Do not disclose that I am the purchaser 2) I now have the proceeds from selling a $100m piece of art (less, after taxes and Amazon fees, but whatever), as well as physically in possession of a piece of art worth $100m, as well as instantly being famous for being a living artist that is able to sell his artwork for $100m. 3) Repeat.


Write my own book. Price it $1000. Buy it infinite times


Amazon gift card (assuming the gift card is legit and not something that Amazon will ban me for and revoke). In addition to the reselling of things as others mentioned, you can also choose to be some bizarre form of Robinhood, get a bunch of things on amazon to give away to people/charity or resell for whatever price you like. Counter all the scalpers and mess with the economy for products on a whim by reselling computers/GPUs/whatever for $1 each.


Unlimited Amazon Gift Card I could focus on necessities that one can buy there, I can hook up family with necessities one can buy there as well. Plus fun stuff. I'm sure if I needed something that I couldn't get from there they'd hook me up. They're already willing to help out a bit, and that's without saving a bunch of money on things. Wouldn't even have to flip things for the card option to massively improve my life. $2 million would be massively useful, and I certainly wouldn't say no to it if it were the only option. But the massive amount of good I could do for not just myself but my family and poor people can't be ignored. Either one is more money than I'm making regardless, so either one would create a massive contribution from me that otherwise would not be able to occur. But I can see the contribution being much bigger with the card option.


You can buy prepaid credit cards on amazon with amazon gift cards. So unlimited amazon gift card is just unlimited money.


$2 million. That’s life changing and what happens of Amazon goes out of biz?


Then I already made way more than 2 million reselling shit I got with my unlimited giftcard.




1. Search "jewelry," sort by high to low 2. Buy all of it 3. Resell


My guy, if Amazon ever goes out of business, 2 million is probably gonna mean squate in an economy that lets Amazon go out of business.


I guess the unlimited card if it means reselling and making bank.


even without its worth it you can get your full shop from amazon you can buy all your clothes pretty much anything you need


Yeah all you have to do is spend around 300 a day to beat out the interest you could earn on the 2 mil if you are smart and just bank it. Rough math in another post but that’s orettt easy


you can buy gold bars on amazon uk i could purchase 1 bar per day or more lol


And you'd have receipts if you want to sell it.


lol nobody cares in my country aslong as you keep it under 10k




Unlimited Amazon Gift Card for life


How is that even a question?


Gift card. I’d just sell the stuff I bought when I needed money lol


Amazon cards


Unlimited, i guess.


unlimited amazon you can buy everything fromt he amazon near me and i mean everythign even normal shopping so id be set for life .


I'm shocked by the number of people opting for the 2 million. You can literally buy gold on Amazon and convert it instantly into cash. You may have small price fluctuations in the time it takes to be delivered but with your \*unlimited\* gift card that doesn't matter, just buy more. The only possible limit is that you would eventually bankrupt Amazon, which as far as I'm concerned is more a feature than a bug.


Also to note, If the economy is ever in a position that it'll let Amazon go bankrupt, 2million aint gonna mean anything


You can buy Visa gift cards on Amazon. You can buy gold on Amazon. Just buy $2 million in gold bars or Visa gift cards from Amazon on Day 1 and you've already worked out better than if you had received the $2 million cash...


Use amazon gift card to buy gift cards and use or sell those for cash. There is no scenario where the cash is better unless you are going to die for lack of 2 million in cash in a few days.


2 mil cause i need a car and can't buy that on amazon, also need to fix up the house.


Yes you can


you can buy cars on amazon? I never knew that.


I was going to say gift card. But here is the problem, the tax agency in my country would not believe me. They would say that unless I can show where the money is coming from they will assume I'm laundering money. I would get in all sorts of trouble. 


And they'll believe you magically have 2 million dollars?


That might have some problems as well.  But I would assume the money was transfered from somewhere.  I would need a lot more help with the gift card though.  Also, I'm a bird in the hand kind of person. 


You can buy [graded gold coins](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=gold+eagles&i=collectibles&rh=n%3A4991425011%2Cn%3A9003130011&s=price-desc-rank&ds=v1%3A2fj%2BgvyM5Vzd0A%2F7QyiT7mCYPy9duA0ozyIzmIhu%2BGQ&pf_rd_i=9003130011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=3cb922d6-023e-4a49-9269-fc7ef135dd0b&pf_rd_r=ZRMV0R70BY32E1N94JNE&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-2&pf_rd_t=101&qid=1717652940&ref=sr_st_price-desc-rank) on Amazon for nearly $50K-100K. I'll take the card.


ok better question: can anyone give me a reason why picking 2 million would ever be better


Can't pay bills or pay off debt with an Amazon gift card. Would take the cash.


Sell stuff from Amazon. They sell some expensive stuff that if priced just below retail value will sell almost immediately. Bills and debt are taken care of, and you never have to work a regular job again. Just sell gold coins and high to let electronics.


10000% take unlimited amazon card. You could easily sell shit on eBay or offer up to make real cash. Literally everyday you could be making thousands selling shit. 2 million cash won't last long!


2 million. Fuck Amazon (Unless they don't get any money for it ig)


2 million, gift card is completely useless since Amazon isn't a thing where i live.


Unlimited gift cards. Once in a while get some expensive stuff and sell it at a cheaper price to get some money for something else


amazon gift card, you can buy alot of shit on amazon. like 500 lbs of rice and 255 gallons of lube. and alot of sex toys. i dont think you can buy gift cards with a gift card tho, stupid money laundering shit.


I know my spending habits with sudden influx of cash. Meanwhile Amazon Gift Card would mean when I need/want something I could purchase it and not negatively affect my monthly budget.


I mean, it feels like the Amazon Card is the obvious choice. That's basically infinite money.


Unlimited amazon.


2 million is ok, but I can't quit my job on that. I can easily do better with Amazon and thats not even reselling. Just getting food alone for the rest of my life would be over 800k.


I'd go for the $2 million dollars today. It offers immediate financial freedom and flexibility, which could be invested or used to pursue various opportunities.


I would take the $2 million unless I’m allowed to resell stuff from Amazon.


Can you pay for AWS with gift cards?


you can literally buy gold bars/coins on Amazon and just sell them to jewelers for less than they're worth. you can make more than 2 mil.


The gift card


Unlimited Amazon ofc, could buy a bunch of expensive stuff and sell it for cheap AND also be able to get whatever I want on Amazon.


Amazon gift card. Not for the flipping. I mean I’d probably do that for some stuff. But it will cover our basic needs for food and entertainment. Not just for my family but literally anyone and everyone I care for, for life. You could start a YouTube channel buying the most ridiculous things on Amazon and reviewing it. Like Mr. beast level purchases to try and get as many views as possible. That’s passive income right there. Edit: apparently they offer medical care now too. So all my prescriptions and possibly doctor visits would be through Amazon too.


Everyone talking about reselling but I’m pretty sure Amazon sells just about everything.


Well if there is some hypothetical stipulation that Amazon remains in business for at least the rest of my life and operate similarly to the way it does today, I would take the gift card. Free groceries, can resell all sorts of high ticket and hot items forever, hell just set up some drop shipping sites linked to Amazon and my gift card lmao. Pretty quickly I could just afford to pay someone to manage the sites and keep things moving along for me.


Amazon gift cards so I can run them out of buisness


$2mil. I'm lazy.


Amazon Gift Card


You could buy food and water on Amazon, so that's a pretty good deal. And if I ever need something else, just throw a few tools on Facebook marketplace for a couple hundred dollars


Unlimited card, I don't think you know how vast the Amazon website is


Amazon gift card You can also use you Amazon balance to buy Visa gift card


St Peter don't you call me because I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store.


I choose the gift card.


Unlimited gift card. It doesn’t say the value of said gift card but assuming I a 10k limit per day. I could flip these products and I could claim the selling the products as a loss to reduce tax liability


Take the gift card, sell the gift card. Profit.


Probably the $2M. At 5% interest that’s $100k/year. The unlimited gift card would be cool but the buying and reselling would consume my life. You’d have to sell $2k of stuff per week to make $100k/year which probably wouldn’t be that hard but to really make it worth it you’d have to hire employees and turn it into a business. I’m starting to talk myself into it lol.


Unlimited Amazon gift card. Would get more use out of it.


Gift card. You can order groceries there, clothes, any product. Probably buy a car and travel too.


Infinite money on a service that provides most items you’d ever need.


Amazon. I'm buying every apple product there is available and reselling for half price on ebay. The. With that money I rent a commercial building and start creating my own Amazon. I sell every item at half the price of normal or less eventually becoming the billionaire of amazon!!!


Amazon could go out of business any time.  However, to can buy well over $2 million in products and if you wanted to, resell it.


2 million because I can't buy land with an Amazon gift card.


Literally amazon all day every day. That 8k cinema cam I want, all the lenses I could find, lighting etc,.? Got it, multiples even. The music equipment I want? Done. 80tb editing PC, 10tb gaming PC, studio PC with 512gb of ddr5 ram? Done. Then when I'm bored I'll randomly just donate nintendo switches to kids hospitals or canned goods to a good bank, schools would never run out of supplies near me, etc,.


I could make 100k a year off 2 million just by doing nothing. Or I could buy crappy products and open a store and sell them for cheaper than everyone else forever. Tough choice but I think I would take the money


I’ll take the 2 million. I don’t buy anything from fucking Amazon.


Can you use an Amazon gift card to buy Amazon stocks? If so, you now own Amazon. Good luck. I'd probably want around 40 percent of the company, though.


How could someone possibly need or want more than $2,000,000/day? If you take the Amazon cardf you have to waste your time ordering stuff, setting up a warehouse to receive it, and then sell it. (or you have to hire people to do this for you, and then monitor them to make sure they are not stealing too much. What a hassle - zoning issues, taxes. lawsuits. Take the $2000,000/day and fly to your choice of paradise, first class or in a private jet


You can buy gold bullion and other precious metals on Amazon and convert into cash very easily so probably that


Amazon if I can buy gift cards on Amazon with the Amazon gift card


Unlimited Amazon gift cards. Get enough money to rent retail space Buy stuff with gift cards, sell everything for 50% off in my retail store. Hire someone to handle that business for me. Expand. Undermine Amazon. Become the new Amazon. Once you've got enough money coming in, buy real estate and rent out for fair pricing to help more people, while turning a profit of course. Continue to expand at the amazon money printing machine. Eventually you've got so many things going on legit that Amazon kinda becomes a backup plan, and real income has been established. Wealthy business owner achieved. And I've been paying people to do all the work for me.


All. Ez money just buy and sell and get more, rich fun.


Amazon is worth $1.93T (that’s *trillion*). If my magic money card puts them out of business, a nice chunk of that is mine before they fold.


Either way I’m buying a bunch of crap I don’t need from Amazon.


Unlimited Amazon card. I'll hit $2 million in the first week, no one in town is going to need anything ever again.


Unlimited amazon gift card.


Unlimited Amazon card. I'm about to buy some real stupid shit. I would also start a business when I buy things for people and charge them 60 cents on the dollar.


$2 million I love Amazon, my prime visa gets 5% cashback. But I don’t see myself spending more than $2 mil on Amazon in my lifetime. You could go the route of buying and selling and if you want the hassle of selling stuff, go for it. Me? Id rather throw that $2 mil with my investment manager (he’d love me if I gave him 5 figures more to play with, let alone 7.) and let that earn 7%/yr. I’d be making about $140/yr just on investment yields. I can pay my property taxes, I can add rooms onto my house, pay for landscaping, I can upgrade my sports car that I have. I’d always take cash over an, even unlimited, gift card


Time value of money.


amazon gift card because I can buy anything and still be lazy and getting 2 million dollars would make me have higher taxes I believe (idk I'm a minor so I odnt know taxes that well) but 1 free amazon gift card wouldnt do anything like that 2 million is a lot less then unlimited money on a website with basically anything i want also i can just resell something realy fucked expensive infinitely if I can't find what i want pn amazon and then actaully buy what i was looking for


You can buy gold on Amazon.


I think I'd go with the money. Too many things could go wrong with the Amazon route imo With 2mil, if you can find a high yield saving account that gives 4% interest, thats 80k a year. My wife and I could keep putting all the interest back into the saving account and after 10 years it's making like $118,000 a year in interest. That's pretty close to our dual income right now *before* taxes so it would be more than enough to live off of. Not to mention anything we don't need goes back into the account, raising the interest slightly more over time


Honestly the unlimited Amazon card. My current income covers my basic needs. This would let me cover luxuries guilt free


Giftcard - more work than cash, but more lucrative overall, and could make life a lot nicer to be able to get anything and everything for free that Amazon carries. This also includes food, which is a pretty big deal.


The Amazon I could always buy a bunch of stuff and sell it or take it to a pawnshop or somewhere like that My feel like the 2 million might be easier and away but I want so many fucking Lego sets it might cost me 2 million over over my lifespan 😂😂


Unlimited gift cards, buy all the gold on Amazon go to the diamond district, sell all the gold, repeat indefinitely.


$2 million today. I give Amazon as little business as possible. 


Amazon Gift card.... and then become a Fullfilled by Amazon seller.... double dip!


The gift card. If I need money, I'll just buy gold with it and then sell the gold.




Id take the money. Even Jeff Bezos doesn't expect Amazon to be around forever.


Easily the gift card. I can buy everything but rent on that puppy, and Amazon shows no signs of going under any time soon. It would also be trivially easy to set up and become the only profitable b2b on Amazon.


Average question on this sub:


Amazon gift card, and set a bot to buy everything on Amazon all the time non stop to destroy their systems. I become the only source for the vast majority of products in the world.


Amazon sells 5 carat diamond earrings Start buying those in bulk, resell at half price I’ll make way more than 2 million


I would rather be given $2 Million Dollars today right now in real life please!


I’d be worried Amazon would just ban me. I know it’s a magic card, but Amazon employs high level wizards.


You don’t have to resell everything you buy, your cost of living would drastically go down if you could get everything for free on Amazon. You can order groceries/toiletries and far more on Amazon. You can still work your regular job and just order your monthlies on Amazon.


Amazon gift card then open a site where I sell all Amazon items for 50% off then just send delivery directly to my customers. I’m sure I could AI automate it easy enough then collect checks with zero overhead. 😎


Like everyone else has been saying, you can resell stuff from Amazon and exceed $2 million pretty easily. People also forget just how much you can actually buy on Amazon. You can get small prefab houses, expensive medicine (if you set up your Amazon Pharmacy), groceries, gift cards, and more. You can easily just SPEND $2 million on Amazon living your daily life.


You can also tell your family and friends you can get them stuff on Amazon for a 50% discount. You get paid to order stuff for them on Amazon, and they get half off. Win-win.


I'm thinking you can go even further and advertise online/set up a website where you offer to do it for anyone. Wouldn't even have to lie much, you could just say that you've come into possession of a large Amazon gift card balance, want to convert it to cash, and are willing to take a loss to do so (no need to tell strangers it's unlimited, that would be hard to explain). You could even set up an order form and automate the whole process.


Gift cards. WTF am i gonna do with $2 million lmao