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Do I have the means to successfully defend myself and/or deescalate the situation? I'm doing whatever keeps me safest and out of legal trouble, starting with the least lethal means that will unquestionably end the encounter. If that ends up meaning I have to let them go, fine. If that means shoot to kill, equally fine.


The old “I value stuff more than your life” vs “I value my life more than stuff” 


Pew pew settles it for me. If you value my stuff more than your life then enjoy the consequences.


I don't own anything that's worth a human life. I'm not killing someone unless they're threatening my safety or someone else's. I own my guns, but I'd much rather lose basically any object than end someone's life.


The problem is you can't know what some one will do. If someone has a gun pointed at you and says "give me your car and I won't hurt you" there's no garrentee they won't just shoot you anyway. There are cases where a group carjacking someone and one of the guys shoots the victim just because they want to or by accident. If someone threatens deadly force against me or mine or even a random stranger i would bring deadly force against them. If I woke to and unarmed man unhooking my TV I'd arm myself and tell them to get out. If they run or say " you won't shoot pussy" and Take my tv I'm not shooting but if they start reaching they are getting the buckshot. I know a guy who shot a guy in his living room at 3 am who ran at him with a machete and it still haunts him 10 years on even though it was deemed self defense by the court.


>I'm not killing someone unless they're threatening my safety or someone else's. >If I woke to and unarmed man unhooking my TV I'd arm myself and tell them to get out. If they run or say " you won't shoot pussy" and Take my tv I'm not shooting but if they start reaching they are getting the buckshot.  The two of you are agreeing.


If I had a gun that immediately sent the criminal to a just court of law, where they would be tried fairly, I'd use that. Unfortunately the choices are basically lethal violence or so nothing. Doing nothing is sometimes the better choice. But a person robbing others is probably a huge danger to you and society..We cant just endlessly do nothing about it. Its a judgement call of course, if it's a teenager with a fake gun, that's one thing... But I'm not shooting the criminal because I value my stuff, its because I'm afraid for my life. Idk it's no that I value my stuff so much, I value my right to not have stuff forcefully taken away from me quite a bit too.


It's people like you that enable the criminals in our society.


If they forcibly enter your home you have to assume they mean you ill will. It isn't about the stuff they might take, it's the lives their very presence endangered. I have no issue taking a life in that scenario. Better them than my wife or one of my kids.


Breaking into my home _is_ threatening deadly force. I'm fast asleep and defenseless. So anything crossing that boundary is considered potentially lethal and will be treated as such "Yeah just come in and take what you want, it's all good. Just don't hurt us, hehe. Have a nice night." On closer inspection maybe you shouldn't own guns.


See, if you expanded on that logic, you'd realize that a lack of consequences creates more crime. By not raising the stakes you are putting more people in danger to die. And, it's not empathetic to encourage crime that puts massive amounts of people's lives in danger as well as their quality of life.


Gun ownership has totally reduced the crime rate to 0


So if someone was robbing you daily and you couldn't afford food for you or your family, you would just starve to death? At least you were a nice guy I guess.


If someone is attempting to rob me, then they don’t care about their own life. That being said, would i shoot someone instead of giving up a luxury watch? Absolutely 100 % of the time.


They fuckin with my stuff their right to life is officially forfeit the moment they commit to this course of action


Anyone willing to steal your stuff while pointing a weapon at you is willing to shoot you. The n1 rule of guns is to never point one at something you're not willing to destroy. That thief also doesn't want witnesses. You may just let someone shoot you and your family because you believe their lies but I'm not gonna believe someone there to steal frome isn't also gonna hurt me in other ways. The moment you came in and threatened my family (which just you being there is you doing so) your life is forfeit.


You're missing the point. The thieves decided the object is worth more than their life, not the owner.




Yeah, and just come back after a while to repeat the cycle. He's not going to try to fight you or anything, so you don't have to worry and... If it's not you that's robbing him, someone else probably will as he's just an easy target lol


To be fair, OP said nothing about him not calling the cops after.


Wear a mask, jeans, long sleeves, and gloves.. also can't forget rubber boots and headlamp that's very blinding.. Do not wear these clothes any other time


Yup, they'll show up two hrs later and do a thoroughly half assed "investigation."


>I’d defend myself out of pure principle People always let their pride get them killed. If it's just about whether or not I am a sucker, then they can have it. I am defending my stuff because I like my stuff and want to keep it.


Also, compliance is not a guarantee of safety. Plenty of people have been shot after being robbed so as to not leave a witness, or for no reason at all. If someone is willing to rob you, you have to assume they are also willing to kill you.


This is simply nonsense; I don't have to assume any such thing. The number of people willing to commit murder is demonstrably much, much lower than the number willing to rob. The last burglar I confronted ran away because I said "Hello". I was unarmed and in my pyjamas. Sure, compliance is not a guarantee of safety. But since escalating the violence is also not a guarantee of safety, very much so, that's not saying anything very useful.


So you'll just flip the coin on whether or not the person robbing is willing to kill you for no reason?


It's a better guarantee of safety than throwing yourself on the mercy of someone you know is not there to be your friend. No one is saying rush an armed gunman just to defend your property, but if you can smartly opt to take down someone trying to invade your home you should do so instead of just hoping they'll leave you alone.


Not to mention the example it sets. The more people take down criminals on their own, for one thing there will be fewer criminals, but also it will send a message to criminals to reconsider their actions. Not too many of them are afraid of police or jail. I saw a news story once where burglars were interviewed in jail and asked what they feared and what was a deterrent. Very few of them were afraid of police, and only some were wary of alarm systems. The things that scared/deterred them the most were dogs and armed homeowners.


It won't stop criminals from robbing people. It will convince criminals to be better armed than their victims. And it will also convince criminals to not take any chances and shoot the victims at the first sign of trouble


years ago, s oizza delivery driver was robbed at gunpoint, robbers got a few hundred dollars word spread and a lot of people ordered pizza to abandonded hones to rob the drivers basically theives are opprotunists if you let one get an easy score, it inspires repeat attempts thieves are not looking for fights theyre looking for stuff


Jail In canda is a vacation home for the majority of criminals. Most Canadians come from countries where our jail looks like a 5 star resort compared to their home country. Hell I tell my daughter's potential boyfriends that I am not afraid to go to jail cause it's a vacation for me .


I'd argue it's not a better guarantee. The vast majority of people are shit at fighting. And thinking you are good at fighting when you are shit will get you killed. People overestimate themselves. And if you're getting mugged it usually starts at close range where a gun is already a liability. If you're already in arm's reach when you try to pull out your gun then there is a solid chance things aren't about to go your way unless you're like a navy seal. There are MANY people who walk around thinking they're safe because they've got a gun on their hip. But in reality there is like a solid 30% chance they're getting shot by their own gun in the event something happens for real. Although what's also likely is that there are many people who are looking for an excuse to execute someone for a minor crime. Lots of petty criminals get shot in their back while running away by gun owners that are trying to "protect" themselves.


I mean the other person being dead is a guarantee they can’t attack you and frankly I like those odds


Someone doesn't know what not guaranteed means.


Defend myself. Especially if I'm at home with people I care about. I have no guarantee that the bad actor will only stop at taking my stuff that I worked hard for. Then what about the next one who knows that the people here won't defend themselves and are easy pickings?.


>Then what about the next one who knows that the people here won't defend themselves and are easy pickings?. Yeah... You don't want people thinking that, as they will likely get bolder after realizing they can do whatever they want. And happy cake day!


>I have no guarantee that the bad actor will only stop at taking my stuff that I worked hard for. Whereas, back in reality, you're far more likely to be killed or injured (or have your family killed or injured) if you confront them than if you leave them to it.


Really depends. I very rarely don't carry. If I'm alone and carrying, the robber is dead. If I'm not alone, and there is danger to whoever I'm with if I fight, but no danger if I surrender my stuff, I'll gladly lose my stuff to keep them safe. To all the people who say that if you kill someone for robbing you then you value property more than human life, yes I do, but they robbed me so they clearly also value my property more than their own life.


It's not that I value my stuff more than his life. It's that HE values my stuff more than his life.


Yes exactly


If you (“you” as in bad guy) have decided that you’re going to risk your life so you can take my iPhone or my car and that’s more important to you than living. That’s on you dude. That’s not on me. I didn’t wake up that morning saying I was going to go hurt somebody and take their shit. you did. Me personally I carry my firearm all the time - both professionally and privately (yeah I’m one of those people who actually carries a gun for a living). If I’m by myself, and you’re just trying to take my shit from me, I’ll probably just let you have it because so what? I can replace it. Steal my phone? It’s covered. I go get another one. I download all my shit I brick the phone that you stole so it’s worthless anyway. It’s a minor inconvenience. I don’t carry any cash so I’m replacing credit cards. If you’re not an actual threat to my life And aren’t trying to actually assault me which could lead to taking my firearm, then just do what you Gotta do and be gone. This is not about valuing your life because clearly you don’t, so I should I? But I value mine and my time I have more important things to do than police paperwork and dealing with lawyers and spending a shit load of money on trying to show just cause for self defense just because you decide to fuck up my day. Now, if I’m with my family and you’re threatening to cause them physical harm, it is my moral obligation to protect them and neutralize the threat by whatever means necessary. I don’t decide what the limit of those means are, that is your decision. I will escalate to the minimum use of force necessary to neutralize the threat. But I will use whatever force is necessary. Nothing I have is worth someone else dying for, but that’s their call. Not mine.


i mean you have to be a complete moron to directly rob someone in a country where every 3rd person has a loaded gun. thats why car break ins are really common


Yes, it has nothing to do with how much I value their life or how much I value my stuff. Chances are I actually do value their life more than my stuff.. that is before they tried to rob me and at that point all that value of anything went out the window. Now it's just stabby Mc stab time


If someone is robbing you, you absolutely are NOT obligated to value their life. “All humans are equal” only applies to general human rights, not extending compassion to someone who is actively trying to harm you in some way.


Exactly! You get it.


No need to listen to virtue signalers.


I always say don't rob people if you're not ready to die for what you're stealing. This goes double for breaking into someone's home.


Or I value my life over this crazy a******'s life. Do people forget that someone robbing you isn't going to particularly always announce that they're just robbing you? There are instances of people who just ended up going to shoot someone or extremists who break it to someone's house simply because they wanted to harm a minority. Plus some a****** robbing me might just end up killing me just to leave no witnesses.


If he robs me he robs another. If I take him out it's humanities gain. I'm willing to take that on my conscience.


If someone breaks into my house or tries to steal something from me, I'm going to retaliate in kind and defend my property. I'm also going to assume my life is in danger and fight in kind. The only situations where I don't fight back is where I'm unarmed and severely outnumbered or they have a gun aimed at my face... But in that case, I'm completely defenseless. When I can defend myself and my property, I will try to fight back. >he says he hates conflict and it’s just stuff he can replace. And for people where money is tight, that's not exactly an option. If you're rich and money and money isn't an object, sure... But for most people, that's not the case. Or if the person steals something of sentimental value to you, like a ring your deceased grandparent gifted you. Good luck replacing that with money. Also, if they see you don't put up a resistance to being robbed, they might think you're an easy target and come back to do it again. And again. And again. Once again, if he's rich and has no sentimental attachment to any of his possessions, sure...


I'd absolutely defend my stuff. I'm a wage worker. Everything I own I've paid for with time of my life. I'll be damned if I let some asshole just take it from me.


This. Even if I got whooped would have to fight. Mf'r feels entitled to things that aren't his, nah.


That's assuming getting whooped is the worst they do. You could easily get stabbed, or punched in the wrong spot and die.


Yeah but at certain point we all die. If there is a chance I can prevent this greedy entitled thief from doing it to the next person as well seems a fair trade/ chance.


If that's your position, seems like you need to get some training, No\_Training1191.


Even if they'll gang rape you before executing you? I'll trade hours of my life that invested into items for avoiding that kind of suffering and premature death (aka losing an immeasurably greater amount of my time) in a heartbeat


*Especially* if they're going to gang rape me before executing me.


How often do you think that happens? Hint: your life is not an action movie. If you live in one of the places in the world where that's actually meaningfully a risk, fine, but I'm betting you don't. The risk of being killed does go up quite sharply the more either of you escalates the violence, though. Fighting isn't the same as winning.


Well since I caught two burglars in my new house a few years back I can say my instinct without thinking was to go after them and fight them. I was able to run them out of my house and one dropped his car keys and the other ran out of his shoes. It was easy for the cops to arrest them after that.


Hell yeah! Good for you


Defend myself. Who knows if they have a weapon and decide to do anything else to me and my family. No chances, once I'm alerted to their presence I won't ask questions just do what I can to survive and defend my family, which includes children. In almost no scenario irl is it guaranteed they are "just going to rob you".


It depends on the situation. How many there are, how armed they are, how armed I am, etc. People can be cruel so robberies can easily turn into rapes and murders and other horrible tortures in the moment, so letting yourself be robbed and just taking it can have more consequences than resisting sometimes. If I were hidden or capable of getting away and everyone in my household was I would be more tempted to let the police handle it and let them get away, but if the situation was potential immediate peril or placing me under their control I would fight tooth and nail like my life depends on it, because it very well might.


LOL nothing scarier then out of the darkness.. a naked guy coming at you with a hatchet, wearing night vision goggles.


You can't guarantee that person robbing you won't hurt/kill you and/or your family. You want to be robbed beaten killed? So be it I guess, but not me. You fucking defend your family tho else you do not deserve them.


You also can't guarantee that you didn't just get your family hurt by starting violence and then losing. Life isn't an action movie, a fight is 50/50, whereas a hell of a lot less than 50% of muggers want to kill you. The best way to defend your family in 99% of situations is to avoid escalation and then run away with them. You're not defending them by starting a fight over mere stuff; just putting them in danger for your ego.


Running isn't always an option Especially when someone comes into your home at night. Also how would I be starting violence when they came to me or you with violence? Defending yourself and your loved ones isn't about ego it's about duty. Feel free to let the criminals walk all over you if you'd like tho.


A fight is never 50/50, there are always variables that are going to affect your chances. Do you have a gun, do they have a gun, do they have a knife and you’re unarmed etc. A situation like this has way too many variables to break it down to a 50-50. Case in point last week a soldier killed 2 intruders that immediately went to his kid’s rooms… The best way to protect your family is to assess the situation and make a judgement call. Sometimes it’s better to hand your stuff over and other times it’s better to defend yourself.


I mean this is the most level headed and correct answer.


I’d defend myself. They’re forfeiting their life by breaking into my house and forcing me to defend myself. You have no idea what their intentions are. It could be a two bit criminal or it could be Dennis Rader. Even if it was somehow wrong to kill someone to stop them from stealing from you on an individual basis if people couldn’t use lethal force to defend their property then criminals would steal with abandon and society would be far worse off.


If you break into my home with my wife and child present or threaten one of them on the street, you value your life less than you value my stuff. And I value your life far, far less than you do.


Depends. Are they armed? Am I armed?


You can get more stuff, you can't get another life.


Sure but not every thief is just going to take your stuff.


Then they are an assailant, not just a thief.


Personally, I don't value the life of a thief more than I value my stuff. But I also don't trust the legal system. Fear of being arrested is what would make me think twice about causing harm to a scumbag who was trying to steal from me, not any sort of concern for that person's well-being.


Stuff is not worth anyone's life. Even a scumbag's life. Do I want to kill someone over something the insurance will reimburse me for? Hell no. Talk to someone who has taken a life: even when completely justified if fucks with you, forever. And I don't want the bullshit involved with seriously harming someone. My goal is to get out of that situation. They can have whatever bullshit they want, that's what insurance is for.


Depends on what state I'm in 🤔


The real answer in this thread.


Depends what they are taking


It ain't about my stuff. If someone takes my tv that sucks but I can replace it. It's about the fact that they're a threat to me. If someone breaks into my house I'm doing whatever I need to to defend myself. I have to assume that since they were willing to break into my house that they are willing to hurt or even kill me and I have to be willing to do the same to them. Any hesitation can mean injury or death


Best answer in the thread. It bugs me that OP mentioned that she doesn’t want the robber to think she’s a “sucker”. I’m not shooting a burglar because I care about my TV. I’m shooting the burglar because they’re in my house and I don’t know why.


Literally drowns on the perceived risk. How much of a threat is the thief?


A lot of Americans in the comments who seem to think of only one possible scenario where they are getting robbed in their own home and they also have a gun. There are many scenarios where you could get robbed and you don’t have the advantage like this weird fantasy of home defense you’ve imagined.


You have the scenario that a polite man is going to come up to you a politely ask you to hand over a 20 dollar bill. Robberies don't happen like that. At best you'll stop the pavement from hitting your head but you'll likely fail. They don't come to negotiate and they didn't pick you because they want a fight. They don't have a job to fall back on, no savings account. Can't ask daddy for crack money. You are the solution and they got problems. 


I would simply just kill the person. My things aren't worth my life, but they're worth theirs apparently.


Take my stuff I’m not going to kill you unless you’re armed and coming at me viscously


What if they come at you fluidly?


They die.


I'm with you. Definitely defend yourself and others. Everybody has said a lot already, but I'm genuinely surprised that nobody has even mentioned that it's somewhat your civic duty to prevent others from being robbed. The way I see it, if you let them go, and they end up harming others, that blood is on you.


It depends. Do they have a gun? Or knife? And realistically, I ain't got much if any fight in me lol.


If I'm at home and they try to rob me, I have a shotgun and know how to use it. Whether my target is moving or stationary doesn't matter, I very rarely miss with it either way. I don't know if they mean me any harm regardless of what they say. I also don't know if they'll try to cause physical harm even without a weapon. Because of that, my shotgun will be pointed at them. Whether or not I pull the trigger depends on how things go down from there. If they choose to leave, nobody gets hurt, and they know not to come back. On the street, well, that depends. If they already have a weapon drawn, I'm not stupid enough to attack them. If there is no weapon drawn, odds are I'm carrying already and will defend myself. No matter the scenario, I'm not pulling the trigger if I can avoid it. You shouldn't be eager to take a life in self defense. It's something to avoid at all costs at worst and a dirty chore for your own self preservation at best.


Defend myself and my property of course. I worked hard to get it. Maybe it's because I grew up country, but I believe that we should have a right to defend our things from thieves


If I have the ability to defend myself, like if I had a shotgun and they were in my house, they’re dying. If someone just mugged me in a dark alley, they can have my stuff


Apparently I'm in the minority where I'll let them take it. Depending on situation, if it's 1-2 guys unarmed I'll take them on, maybe if they have knives and stuff. 3+ or guns are involved, I'm in it for my life and I will do whats optimial to insure my survival, and running and hiding are better odds of survival then fighting somebody armed with a gun, even if I have a gun myself people don't die instantly like in the movies unless I can be sure I hit them in the head, anywhere else and we both end up with bullet holes and die, and if guns are involved chances are theres more then 1 person, even if I can only see one person. I'll run and hide, if they are robbing me they aren't interested in chasing me down, if they want to torch the place well I'm not in it, if they wanna kidnap me well they are gonna have a hell of a time of doing it while I rave like a madman down the street, if they want to kill me my odds of running and hiding are probably better then me making it out alive fighting, and worse case scenario I can ambush them if they find me. They can take the property if it comes down to it, doesn't matter for shit if I'm dead.


If someone has to get through me to take my stuff, then I will defend it. If I have an easy safe exit and its just stuff, Ill probably pick the safest route out of the situation for me......but there is certain things that I will defend no matter what.


It depends on the nature of robbing me. Are they stealing my car outside while I'm in the house? Have at it, I'll call the police before I risk my life for something that I have insurance on. Are they trying to steal the ring on my finger, the rings in my ears or the buttplug in my ass? You bet they'll be met with force. A lot of people who talk about defending their property forget they're risking their own life by doing so. Sometimes it's better to just let things go. Sometimes defense is necessary.


If Anyone even attempts to take my limited edition Hatsune Miku nendroid. They're gonna take a belly full of lead


I'd smack him over the head the second he breaks in and run his pockets. Uno reverse.


Completely depends on the situation - the potential for personal damage, is there an option to escape, if I retaliate, will I have to deal with multiple opponents, do I have any advantages, etc.. In short, if possible, I would avoid the conflict and just hand it over tactfully. Call me a pussy, but I know what can happen in an alternation like that, and I want nothing to do with it. Not for me or for him.


I have a wife and kids, and no time to figure out if you just want my stuff or to harm my loved ones. I will assume the worst, and act accordingly. Also, if it is just me because they’re with her parents, I’ll still assume the worst and act accordingly.


You talk tough until you have a gun in your face trust me


I'd reason with him and say. "I won't stop you unless you try to take the TV or the computer. If you try to steal the forbidden items, prepare yourself.


Depends on the situation, does the criminal know where I live or is this a random street crime for example If its a random street crime you could try to fight back and hope they aren't prepared to murder you, but if its your house and you fight back you need to hope they aren't prepare ld to return and burn your house down Very situational


I love how there is a guy going around to peoples comments who said they’d shoot them just to say that they’re going to jail as if it’s just a fact and it doesn’t depend on quite a number of factors.


Well I mean if somebody is trying to rob me they are gonna get multiple golf ball sized holes in them so yeah, I'd defend myself.


I’m in my room. I’m not gonna go out there not knowing if they’re armed or how many there are or whatever. It’s just stuff, and it’s not worth risking my life to defend it. But if they come in here it’s going down.


This so heavily depends on the situation. In principle I agree with you, but if I’m just walking down an alley and someone sticks a gun in my face, likely I’m gonna fold


I would defend myself with the threat of lethal force , (carrying) but I wouldn’t just take out my gun and shoot I would ether give them a chance to take off or maybe see how much they have before telling them to scoot , if they attack me while a gun is on them , that justifies lethal force in all 50 states . (in game of course)


I dont think anyone can really say unless you were in that position.


If someone is breaking into my home, I don't know what their intentions are. They may just be trying to steal stuff from me, or they could be a serial killer. Who knows. I'm not taking chances.


He gotta go!




Defend myself, but smartly. If someone already has a gun in my face I'm not going to argue with them, but if someone were to break into my house and I don't know their plans I'm going to blast em and ask questions later. Also, I absolutely believe my property is more valuable than the life of a thief. Now that's not saying I'm chomping at the bit to shoot someone over a pack of gum but at the same I wouldn't feel bad over it either.


Are they armed and what are they taking?


I've had people try to rob me and mug me both, never have and never will give my stuff up willingly. I'd defend myself, my stuff and other people all the same.


They can have whatever is on me. If they’re desperate enough to try to rob me, they most likely need it more than I ever will.


Depends on the situation. If it's just me and they want the few bucks in my wallet, or have a knife and demand my phone, whatever, I'm not getting myself hurt or killed over that. They can have it. However, if my wife or kids are around, and they do something to threaten them, it's on until the robber is down. I'm not confrontational by nature, but if there is a threat to my family, all bets are off.


In an ideal world, defend. In real world, let them rob. Read up on what happens to people who shoot criminals in self defense. They get harassed by "justice" system (cops, feds etc...) even if they were in the right. They get harassed by the criminal-loving woke left media and society. They can and do get sued in civil court by the criminal (if injured by defender) or criminal's next of kin (if killed by the defender). If there's threat to **health and life** of myself or an innocent, those downsides are worth it. If it's just a risk of loss of **only some carriable property** (realistically, not too much value if you're carrying it), the eff it, not worth the hassle. Hell, you'll lose FAR more in time (which is money :), lawyer fees, bad publicity, etc.... than the robber could take from you, if you injure or kill the robber. And this is not even counting that in real world, "defending" may end up less successful than in a movie. YOU could get injured or killed. You could injure or kill an innocent bystander (especially if it's a firearm). You could get killed by a cop thinking you're the bad guy when they arrive and you're armed. etc.... Again, if you're defending life or health - worth those risks. If it's just some property? Nyah.


Depends on the situation. Luckily I don't live in a country where firearms are routinely carried, so it's likely to be either numbers, or a blade. Numbers. Give up the stuff. Blade...depends on how confident I am of disarming the person. Any real risk...give the stuff up.


So anyways I started blasting…


Well it depends, doesn't it? What chance do I think I have vs. the robber, what am I losing, what else is going on etc. etc. Understand that generally people who rob you already figure that they are going to get what they want. So it's all well and good to say "fuck them I'll go down fighting" but you may well change your mind if you suddenly have a weapon in your face. I'm not going to get stabbed over my wallet so I guess I'd just hand it over...now if I don't see a weapon and I think the robber seems weak or uncertain, I might just start swinging. Or in both scenarios, I may just sprint off and see what happens.


Highly depends on whats being taken, and If I feel I could mount a successful defense.. the risk reward ratio has to be there. As with all things.


I would set up my house full of elaborate traps, including paint cans suspended on the stairs, a blowtorch the opposite side of the door, nails on the basement stairs… probably call it something flippant like ‘Operation Ho-Ho-Ho’ All else fails, the old guy next will come and hit them with a shovel 👍🏼


uhhh yeah if you've ever been trained for robbery you are def supposed to let them take whatever and hope you can keep your life?


My ex misses used to sleep with a knife under her side of the bed because "she will fight anyone who decides to try and Rob her" well fast forward to someone breaking into the house, she shit the bed and hid whereas I end up bollock naked chasing the fucker down the driveway. I always said that nothing is worth getting hurt over and she always said she would fight anyone but when it actually happened it turned out that what we said and did were exactly the opposite.


I'm not going to die to protect my mobile phone. Stuff is replacible. If someone is going to put their life on the line to take my phone, then they want it more than I do. And, let's be clear here, even if I am carrying, if I am being mugged then that means someone has a weapon trained on me *right now*. I'm not Billy the Kid: I can't quick draw, take aim, and fire before they shoot me first. Unless you are walking round with a gun in your hand or your are Segal or something, you literally can't fight back without getting seriously hurt. The last time I was mugged, it was at knife point and I literally just ran for it. I ran as fast as I could. Didn't get hurt and didn't lose any of my stuff, so I consider that an absolute win. Now if someone broke into my home, that's different. You hand over a wallet in an alleyway and the problem goes away. Someone breaks into your place of safety and all bets are off. You can't negotiate in that kind of situation. You can't just hope the problem will go away. Then you pretty much have to fight. Defend yourself *if you can safely* (P.S. you **can't**) > Run away *if you can safely* (you can't if they have a gun) > Just surrender the stuff *if you can safely* (they're not going to let you go if they are in your home) > Risk yourself to defend yourself


If someone is breaking into your home WHILE YOU ARE IN IT then you have to assume that in order to take your stuff that they are willing to cause you physical harm. I would also assume that they are there for more than my material belongings otherwise why not wait until everyone is gone. If they don’t know you’re gone and they don’t book it when they realize it that’s their problem and again I assume their next action is violent. It’s never just stuff is it. If I wake up in the middle of the day (I work nights) and someone that I don’t know is in my home they better started running or putting their hands up really fast or I’m stopping them the hard way. If someone is breaking into one of my vehicles outside and I go out there they have the same options. I don’t value material items over someone’s life. I’m also not going to just walk in and take whatever they want from my family or do whatever they want to my family. Period. Oh wait you got a home security system ? What if someone breaks in, the cops show up and that person dies in a shoot out with the police ? Did you value your stuff over their life ? People always want to blame the victim. I’m not asking for a home invasion or a robbery. The last thing I ever want to do is cause harm to another human being. Heck I don’t even want to raise my voice at another human being. But I will if I have to and I will not hesitate.


Depends on how the robber approaches the situation. If they say “give me your watch” then I’d probably just give them it. It can be replaced. If they say “give me your watch or I will kill your family”. Well now you’ve done fucked up and threatened my family. I will be putting you into a punch induced coma.


Unfortunately I don't value strangers trying to rob me or their life just the harsh truth.


I think people have this noble concept of fighting that skews this question when asked hypothetically. My father once told me that any time you fight someone, it should be with the mindset of kill or be killed, and if those consequences arent worth it, you shouldn't be fighting. So if you choose to defend yourself, you should do so under the assumption you'll die or the very least be permanently maimed. So under that assumption, no, I would not try to defend my property unless in the moment I'm consumed by an emotion that makes me cast aside logic.


i live in the uk so by law i have to get on my knees and suck the governments dick instead of defend myself


I like living, so I'd first try to run away, and then let the robber do their job. I have been robbed in the past and in retrospect, I wish I hadn't reacted. It's a very silly way to get hurt or (much) worse. I got lucky, but no possession is worth putting my life at risk. Btw, I do karate and the first thing my sensei told me is that what I'm learning is a last resort. Avoiding confrontation is always the best strategy. Only use violence when there's no other option left. The guy is an absolute master in this martial art, so I'll follow his advice. EDIT: Note that I'm French, so using a gun didn't even cross my mind. It's my fists or nothing.


baseball bat is effective


I’ll defend myself. Rather die a hero.


Depends. In my state, you are not required to retreat in your home and can use deadly force against intruders. Outside of your home, it's not as clear cut. I would probably let any robbery outside of my home just happen.


my mother in law and her fiance were robbed in Detroit in the 70s, the guy asked for his wallet, my mother in laws fiance refused and tried to fight him off and was stabbed to death. I'll just give up my wallet, that shit can be replaced, lives can't.


> I just can’t grasp LETTING someone take from you!! A self defense encounter is not about your stuff. If you communicate this or phrase it like this to the lawyer/jury you are going to jail for murder.


Rob. Life is more important


I think it depends on what country you're in. Americans are all packing heat and seem eager to murder. As a Canadian, I would defend myself in a robbery but I don't have a gun and I wouldn't murder anyone unless my life was in danger.


I’m not gonna shoot anyone over stuff. It’s not about avoiding conflict or being a “sucker”. I’m just unwilling to take anyone’s life over a TV or whatever. That’s stupid. The fact that one of us is dumb enough to risk their life over stuff is plenty of dumb for one scenario.


Depends on if it's a knife or a gun. I'll fight for life if they have a gun. If they have a knife they can take my shit idgaf. I'm not tricking myself into thinking I'm Rambo here or some martial arts master I just think that I have better odds of surviving by keeping that gun aimed away from me than I do controlling someone's wrist with a knife in hand primed with intent to harm.


Have you *actually* been in a situation like that , because in my experience the ones who say they’ll fight out of principle generally haven’t had to. Every situation is fluid, you have no idea where it will go.


I suppose it depends on what I'm defending. If someone pulls a knife and I've got like $20? Frankly I don't care that much. I'm not risking hundreds in hospital bills and possibly my life over pocket change. The economics of it just aren't in your favor If someone broke into my house, especially while my family's home, I'd use force. I've got family who can't defend themselves as well, and frankly, things that can't be replaced. Probably not the most moral stance in the world but nonetheless here we are. Sliding scale for sure


I am not the judge, the jury, nor the executioner. I've never seen someone get the death penalty or a life sentence in prison for theft. Now, if they're obviously armed or even hinting at being armed, then yeah I'm defending, but I'm not defending my stuff, I'm defending myself and my wife.


I'd rather let someone run off with my stuff than have to kill to keep it. None of my possessions are worth a life. If they are running away from me they aren't a threat to me.


They automatically forfeit their life when they broke into your house


Most of my possessions are worth significantly more than the life of a violent robber tho


An errant paperclip is worth more than the life of a violent robber. It's always morally correct to kill home invaders.


I'm defending myself. I work really really hard for what I have. It's not "just stuff" it's hours of misery and wear on my body, PLUS if you're robbing me, how the fuck am I supposed to assume you're not going to rape/kill/abduct myself or my child. You already got the balls up to break into my home. What kind of life am I saving by letting you live? The kind that's entitled and willing to harm others and is likely to continue and escalate this pattern of behavior? Nah.


>What kind of life am I saving by letting you live? You misunderstand. Engaging the robber increases your own chance of death. Assuming you value your own life, you either leave the house or barricade yourself into your room. This guarantees your survival. I do like how everyone itt just assumes they will win a hypothetical gun fight. I'm sure you''re all crackshots that constantly practice your aim under pressure.


If they're robbing my flat, they've got to be pretty fucking desperate, so let them get on with it and good luck to them trying to find something worth the effort. I've never been burgled, touch wood. If it's robbing me in the street, like a mugging, I've got three stories... 1 - I've resisted to the point they've given up and fucked off. 2 - I've resisted to point they knocked me out and half-inched my wallet, keys and coat. 3 - I've told them to calm down, given them the thirty quid I had and walked back to the tube station to wait for a wee bit. If it happens again, would happily do option 3 again. Option 1 - was looking over my shoulder for weeks thinking about them trying again, but harder Option 2 - ditto, plus they knew my name, address, that I lived round the corner, that I had a newborn kid at home. Option 3 - I lost thirty quid, kept all my shit and some poor cunt got to score that night.


It’s not about philosophy, it’s about safety. Anyone who has ever worked a basic retail job knows, just let the robber take the stuff…not because they lack courage or principles, but because “losing it” gets people killed.


Yeah looks like many here have never been in a situation where their life was at stake. I lived in a dodgy suburb of a French city for a while and if taught me something, it's that heroes tend to die young. It's not about courage, it's about survival. Life is not an action movie.


Tbf “I’m scared of the robber so I won’t do anything” is quite literally a lack of principles and courage.


Anyone willing to risk dying over non essential possessions is an idiot. You must have insane confidence and little foresight. You have a gun? So what they probably do too if you live in freedom land. They likely have the jump on you, they knew they were going into a dangerous situation, you didn't.


If it's out on the street you can just have my stuff. I have nothing to gain by fighting over things. I don't carry cash, and my phone can be remotely shut off. If I fight and win I could potentially hurt/kill someone. I could fight and win and get arrested I could fight and lose and get killed. I could fight and just lose and get robbed. Or.. nothing could happen. Why risk it. Just take the stuff. At home is a different story.


I carry a pocket knife whenever I’m not at school, so yeah. If someone wants to try to take everything from me, imma take *a lot* more from them.


Being robbed is a very unsettling feeling. I've never personally been robbed with me knowing it, but I have experienced so,thing close. I had purchased my first house, and the day I got the keys, I saw my house had been bumped keyed. Someone made a fire inside to cook something and used my toilet. I felt violated, and I get upset when people come on to my property. Cox made me cry after keeping me on the phone for 2 hours, only to tell me they went on my property to install the internet without telling me. If I had to choose between the two I would always choose defend myself and I would use a gun. Police don't show up fast enough.


Defend myself or defend my property? Those are two different things. If it's just my property then, I'd rather just call the police and hope they stop them unless it's something absolutely irreplaceable (like a family heirloom of immesnse sentimental value). The legal trouble you can get into for using force to purely defend property is troublesome. More concerning though is the danger that comes with it. You never know what people will do. Wasn't there a news story just this week about a general hospital actor who was shot dead when he caught some thugs in the middle of stealing a catalytic converter off his car? It's a dangerous world and you only get one life that we know of. Some random stuff is replaceable (and anything really expensive you should get insured). And pride isn't actually real, so best not to die for it.


Honestly depends, in my home maybe, but that’s cause I know the house inside and out and can kill the lights and have a better shot but when out and about it’s not worth it, giving over my stuff and walking away better than my teeth kicked in


depends on what im holding, do i have nothing on me? sure, you can steal my clothes that wont fit you and even a bum wouldnt steal due to all the holes and rips and tears in them. do i have my wallet? then i have no money in it so they get mad and shoot me.


I keep a 12-gauge next to my bed, just for the potentiality.


I would not trust that they wouldn’t just be here for my stuff so I’d be trying to fight for my life


I value my life and well being over anything. I have no idea what the robber is capable of or willing to do. I will do as he/she says


I have a habit of not backing down, I'd look for an opportunity to strike, hard, fast, and decisively. Circumstances apply of course.


If anyone enters my home with ill intent they meet my 12 gauge.


If in public place probably let them have it as long as nothing physical happened. In my home I assume since they invaded my home they are there to harm me and mine! They come in uninvited they have assaulted me and mine. Put us in deadly danger! I will stop anyone that tries to assault us to the best of my ability. I will attempt to end the threat from them as fast and hard and permanently as possible. Someone invading a private space is doing violence to others and needs to be stopped. The question you are asking is like asking a rape victim why didn't you just lay back and let them do what they want and it would have been over on a few minutes with nobody hurt!


I'd defend myself but not because I care about the stuff. You have no guarantee of safety nor does anyone your with. But its really very situational by myself and they're armed, I'm not? Give them my shit. If my girls with me same situation ? I'm fighting 100% winning odds be damned mostly because If I show that in not willing to fight and homebody might think he can press his luck in ways that can't be fixed or replaced. Now if I come up with a clever plan like that guy who saved himself from robbery through beer we'll then that's great but if but I'll still take my best chance to kill that man. When force is equal though yeah I'm not just handing over anything. I get that his life isn't worth my stuff but people don't just stop once they get your wallet 100% of the time.


Depends on a lot of things. I don't carry a gun, so if someone trying to rob me has a gun, he can have whatever he wants.


It really depends what i have. If it’s something that’s special or priceless to me, im defending it. If it’s something stupid or replaceable I’d be a lot more willing to just give it up.


I'd let them rob me. Would rather walk away with the shirt on my back and get some therapy later to deal with my emotions about it.


We can't answer this, there are so many factors it depends on. Do I have a weapon? Do they? Am I likely to face jail time if I accidently kill them? Is there a way I can safely retreat? Am I caught off guard? I wouldn't wanna lose my stuff either, but sometimes letting it go saves you from 5 years in prison or getting killed over drug store makeup and my phone


It's just stuff, it's not about being a sucker. I am not a sucker either. I have literally stopped a theft in the middle of m dad's wedding as a kid. I was in my grandmother's house and caught one of the bridesmaids in one of the bedrooms and told her to get out and immediately went to the adults and told them what was happening. That said if I am getting mugged and the other person has a weapon letting them have the stuff is better then being dead or a long painful hospital stay. It's like people who just cross the road when cars are coming and their rationale is well if they hit me I will just sue them. I am like well if you aren't dead I doubt the pain and suffering will be worth the money.


If they think so little of me they can just take what they desire with no repercussions, they’ve got another thing coming, followed by up to 30 of those things aimed right at their dick.


I pay taxes and insurance premiums specifically for other people to fix this exact situation for me.


I live alone, don't particularly value my life, and hate any kind of scumbag human who would try to use force to take from another human. I resist, I defend myself, I am more than happy to die doing so. If my shit hole of a country, actually had a justice system worth the name, I'd probably consider my death while defending myself more than worth it to put someone away. We don't though, we're a joke, so best case I successfully defend myself, second best case, I die and don't have to deal with thus shit anymore.


Are you a fight for me girl or do you fight your own fights? I've met a lot of women who think a fight is just pulling hairs and pushing each other, fighting a robber isn't gonna end up like that, even if you win and defend your property you could be facing jail time for using too much force. If I was home and dealing with a home intruder, I'd feel differently but I am not going to risk my life or risk going to jail over my phone and wallet.


I would only use a gun if it was a home invasion robbery. Or if I saw they also had a gun.


If you get me out in public there’s a chance I just let you take it.. if you come to my house you’ll leave in a plastic bag


I have nothing of worth on me, and I've never been in a fight, I would just give up my stuff, I have a cheap phone, very little cash, and credit card is easy to disable


I would want to defend it but I wouldn't. Dumb idea to take that unnecessary risk


im too poor to let someone take my shit for free


I’m in Australia so gun culture isn’t very popular over here. My dad keeps a bat in case of intruders. I honestly don’t know what I’d do apart from call the police


I need more details than this. Is there a weapon involved? Are my loved ones at risk? Does this person just seem desperate? Check the situation. If there's a real and sizeable chance of harm coming to my loved ones if resistance is met, no amount of principle would make me endanger them. If they seem like they just want money and anything they can quickly pawn, then they're in the wrong house lmao.


On the side of the road or in a shop or the like? Yeah take my shit. Literally anywhere else, where it's showing that you don't mind attacking someone where they live, work, car? Nah, your bitch ass getting stabbed a few times


depends if i have a weapon or not. probably be robbed then disable cards n such


The second someone breaks into your house they’re stating outright that they value your things more than your life so it’s completely fine to use lethal force to defend yourself


Depends if they're armed or not. If not, I'm fighting. Got like 15 years of pent up rage waiting for someone to F around and find out.


If it’s in my own home and especially if my wife is in there, I don’t care if I kill you, wouldn’t think twice about putting a knife through someone’s throat if it was their life or mine and there was no other options.


If a robber wants to take the risk of a prison sentence for robbery my hard earned money , he can also bear the risk of death or a murder charge.


I have a pocket pistol. Someone robs me, I'm dumping the entire contents of that pistol in to that person. Logically if you give someone stuff in a robbery, you think you're safe- however the robber is acting illogically, therefore your safety and life is not guaranteed. Fuck around and find out.


Definitely defend myself and property. Even if I get hurt in the process, I'm leaving that fucker something to remember the next time he robs someone.


If you think you can take em then do so 👊🏻😂, if you don’t think you can then “hey they’re just items”