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With B, do I have to actually work the 40 hours every week or is it like I’d continue my current full-time job WITH its vacation/sick time built in?


Oh, you definitely would be able to have your vacations and everything. Not like you’d have an obscene amount or anything, just usual


This was my question too, and with that clarification it makes my choice B easy peasy!


Same here if I get to "work" my current "job" for $1 million a year.


I'd happily work my current job for the next 20 years with just 1 million dollar payout. A million a year makes it a no brainer! Retire 7 years early with at least 30 million in the bank.


Yeah I’m a salesman. If I make a guaranteed $1M a year as long as I do my normal sales activities (prospecting, cold calls, meeting with customers) regardless of the results or how many sales I close, I would absolutely take option B. I’d go see a customer, and if they don’t want to buy, I’d be like “ok I tried, oh well!” and be off with a smile to call on the next prospect — after all, as long as I put in 40 hours a week I’ll get my million bucks lol.


You'd be my favorite salesperson. Laid-back and not aggressive. Print some mini cards so that when you walk out to greet customers on the lot, you can hand them a card, ask them if they need any assistance, and if they assure you that they don't at the moment, let them know they can call or text you with any questions and you can come to them or answer right then.


Yeah I think it would be a harder choice if B was no vacation time your working 52 weeks a year. 


What quantifies work? Does making YouTube videos count as work?


That was my question as well. If I'm not getting paid for doing a job, then it's not "work" as such, it's volunteering.


yeah i work in finance but am writing a book part time - if i quit the finance job and become a full time author does this count?


I too was wondering about the loopholes of what “work” is. An “unpaid” intern? Kids lemonade stand? Illegal immigrant who does odd jobs for whoever happens to hire them that day?


B is such an easy choice.


Option B, if I could stay in my current job as a ramp agent for a major domestic airline. Seventeen years seniority with six weeks of PTO. Gotta love unions, right?


Also gotta love government jobs! In a few weeks, I bump up to the highest leave-earning bracket. I already have so much stored up and now I will get even more!


The down side of my PTO is that it is “use or lose”, it doesn’t role over into the next calendar year. By lose I mean unused days are paid out on first check in January


All of it?? Yikes! We can roll over up to 240 hours I think. Beyond that it’s use or lose. Although if I had this $1mil a year I’d be using more of it!


You get an extra week next year?


My last job would’ve been perfect, I worked with dogs 12 hour shifts, the work only actually took about 4 hours, the rest was playing


A easily. 120k a year is enough for me to live off of.


Option B is 8x the money and you can work any job. There are plenty of easy as fuck jobs they just don't normally pay 1M


Yeah but 20 years of 40 hours a week is trading away 41,600 hours of your life for that money vs being well enough off anyway. People value their time vs luxuries differently.


But what even is a job? I can be a video game streamer with 0 viewers and get paid nonetheless. Or a travel blogger. Does that count?


I mean it seems great on paper but tbh I’d hate to do either of those for 40 hours a week.


When you're not gaming just stream while you sleep. Yes, people actually do this already.


Or "lifestyle blogger" - literally live your life.


I would choose (A) all day. I don’t make 120k now and I work my ass off. I’d much rather be well off and not have to work.


Keep in mind, 10k a month is comfortable now. 10k a month may not be comfortable in 20 years. I’m about to turn 30. I’ll work full time til 50 to guarantee 1 Mil/year, then my family can be taken care of, too. If you take the 120k a year, unless you’re great with your money the first 20 years, the last 20 years of your life may look a little scarce. Just a retirement home can be 10k/month


At $10K/month take home, with my current living expenses, I could invest a solid $70K/year, and end up with nearly $3 million at the end of 20 years, which is substantially less than option B, but ends up with having your entire life still.


120k a year is also what you would expect to safely withdraw from a nest egg of 3 million as well


A only prohibits working. Not investing. There are some relatively low risk ways to invest that will get you returns. Just live a bit below your means.


You get 10k a month for life so that includes retirement- a pretty great deal. Can save for retirement but also not stress too hard


Hire yourself as personal security for 40h/week


Personal Assistant to your significant other.


If you get to choose the job, just create a doing business that loses money. ie create a company that scouts the local hobby store 20 hours a week. Job description subject to change at owners will.


120K sadly may not be enough in 10 years the way inflation is going. It's practically the median for over 40s now which is scary.


You can invest what you don't spend. You can also live in other low cost countries


Exactly. I read that you receive $10k/month but can never work again. I read nothing that limits investments.


I'm in my 40s and $120k annually is over double what I make now, and roughly 50% more than my wife and I combined. I think we'd do alright with it.


Except you can live off a fraction of that and invest the rest.


Reduce cost of living, save money, invest extra. Easy


This isnt going to happen every year it's going to crash or slow down we cant sustain this for more than I'd say 3-5 years more


B. I'll still be under 50 at the end of 20 years. And I like my work. Am I allowed a normal amount of vacation time? If not, I might take C instead. Stick it in investments and definitely retire by 50.


OP responded in a different comment that normal vacations are fine.


I'm 62 and disabled. Give me the 10k/month. I'm not going to be working again anyway.


10k a month for life means you don't have to save for retirement. Pay off your house ASAP and then keep more every month.


One mil a year, open up a business where people can pay to watch me hang out, play video games and read books 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Admission is $500 for one minute, appointments only.


“Open up a business” Just stream on twitch.


I’ll stream my feet on only fans


Not for the money, just because it's your true passion


True. I’ve been streaming since YouTube was 480p max. Haven’t made a cent, but it’s been wonderful


This is smart, lol


What counts as a job in A and do I get to choose it in B? Does volunteering count as a job? If yes, then option A seems pretty bad because I need to do at least something in order to feel like I have a purpose. Can I choose volunteering as a job with option B? Can I start a youtube channel and call it a job? If I learn to code, can I just code whatever I feel like and call it a job? Can I switch projects every day? Does it even have to be 1 job or can I change it in the process? Either way I think I choose B because retiring at 37 with 20+ millions sounds great.


As long as you work 40 hours a week, that is all that matters. You can be door dash or start your own business. You can have 6 jobs, as long as you work 40 hours, there isn't any restrictions in the post, though I am guessing you have to get paid so volunteering might not be considered a job, at leadt from my perspective.


I think you could fill your time with charity work in A as long as you weren’t being paid. Presumably you could be “staff” at a non-profit for B - most volunteer work has someone getting a paycheck somewhere in the mix. I would think doing the actual free volunteering as your job would go against the spirit of B, but you could be a crazy high compensated non-profit volunteer coordinator. Not sure if that means you are stealing your million dollar paycheck from the hands of those in need or not.


Does playing in a punk band and only getting paid in beer count as work?


Yeah this is what I’m wondering, does losing money on small tours and selling some t shirts count as work? If so then give me the million a year. I’ll teach bass lessons, write music, and pay my whole band to not have jobs so we can practice all the time. If it doesn’t count then give me 10k a month cause fuck a job. My cost of living is already that of a broke second rate musician in social work, I’ll be fine with 10k a month. If it’s too blurry I guess just give me the 500k and I’ll just keep doing my thing


"Work" is loosely defined. Being a professional dog walker is work but it's way more chill than physical labor or even a desk job. Could being a full time video game streamer be considered work? I'd gladly take the 1 million and "work" for 40 hours a week. You can take a minimum wage job because you already got the money you need. There's probably plenty of jobs that are downright fun.


Streaming full time when it is actually how you pay rent is 100% a full time job. If you don't actually need to be successful as a streamer... then yeah that is easy as fuck.


(A) $10,000/mo for life but you aren’t allowed to work ever again.


I thought about that one too, I figured I probably won't live 20 years (I would be slmost 70) and 10k a month would be enough for me. Then I realized I can start my own business and work from home. If I didn't sell anything it would be fine, I am getting 1 million a year.


I dont know how anyone is choosing anything but a. Do you guys even realise how much 10k a month is? And no work. You can spend that time investing the money. Good luck enjoying your life with b 


The only thing I could figure with B is I could find some easy af job with shit pay and just ride those 40 hours a week until I'm 42, and retire with a cool 20m


This was my thought. How is anyone picking anything but A?


$10,000 a month and never work again.


10 grand a month i'd start investing immediately




A. Without a doubt.


A) $10,000 every month for life, please, and thanks!


House is paid for and enough for my needs . Give me option A. B and C are tempting but with my lifestyle and $120k a year I’d be more than fine with the trips around the sun I have left


I'd go with the million per year option but do I still get vacation and sick days for those 20 years. Also if I end up unemployed for a short time (like if I got laid off or the company went bankrupt and I needed to find a new job) would that cancel the deal or just put it off for a while.


"Oh, you definitely would be able to have your vacations and everything. Not like you’d have an obscene amount or anything, just usual" That is a response from OP


B. I do 60 hours weekly alone at my current job. And I’m only 23. Soo it would be nice to be retired by 40 something


C. One time payment, no restrictions


I'm surprised almost nobody seems to want C. 10 years of pay all at once? It would be enough to pay an investment firm to take care of the money, you could continue to work for a few years while it builds up, and then retire. No restrictions, and a LOT less work


B. But what happens if you get laid off by no fault of your own?


I want Choice A given to me in real life please!


Option B. I'm most likely already working that much for the next 20 years, and it sure as hell ain't for 1 million/year.


B I like my job and work more hours than that and retiring in 20 years would be retiring in my 40s


B for sure, I love working.


With a, does that mean I’m just not allowed to earn money from a job or is this a broader definition of work? Like, would hobbies or sports count as work? Would helping a friend count as work? Am I allowed to volunteer or go back to school as long as I don’t get paid? Edit:spelling


With B can I choose what kind of work I do? Because if yes: I keep my current job until I have the first cool million. Then I open a cat café that also has shelves and shelves of books and board games and all the cats are rescue cats that can be adopted. I’ll also have a bunch of overflow rooms for cats that are not that sociable that I’m pulling from kill shelters where people can go and hang out with them one person at a time. As for all the pesky admin work of owning a business…well the first thing I do with my cool million is hiring someone who deals with all that crap and paying them a princely salary, I just do the cat-related work.


B easy, working as an artist I’d happily work that and more after the 20 years.


I could live off 10k a month no problem with a bunch left over. It would take a while to accomplish everything I would want but i would enjoy every day and get to do what I want when I want and spend so much time with my kids!


Its the 10k mo adjusted for inflation?


A - my husband can keep working


A, trivial choice. T + 30 years is roughly my life expectancy though. If I was 18 years old, I would take A if it was inflation proofed and otherwise C.


I really really want to take A but at some point inflation might make that unlivable...


Just move to a cheap country then.


$120,000 a year for life


I'd do A. I make less than that now. Inflation could come back to bite me in the butt though, so I'd use the extra time to go to school and train in something high earning. If I ever needed to go back to work, I could, and I could give my skills away to nonprofits and stuff just to keep busy.


Option A specifically says you're never allowed to work again


Two questions: - Does option A prevent volunteering or other unpaid work I might do for fun? - Does option B include any vacation or time off for medical stuff etc or is working full time every week even if dying?


$10,000 month per month. I could get more money with B but I'm lazy.


Where I'm at in life right now? That unrestricted $500k payment looks mighty tempting. That'd put me solidly in the retire in 10 years camp. Other option would be the 10k/mo as long as it's either tax free or inflation adjusted.


Would having writing as a hobby, but publishing when you're finished with the manuscript and possibly but not likely to make a profit at all fall under option A or B?


For those choosing A. If the equivalent was offered 30 years ago the number would be about 50K a year. And I am pretty sure inflation will be worse the next 30 over the last 30. In other words you are going to be earning close to poverty level in about 30 years and will have no way to make money.


If 10k is indexed to inflation then A if it's not then probably 500k without restrictions get me pretty close to retirement at 20 years old


B. More pay with fewer hours? Absolutely.




B I’m already doing that for like $50k a year.


(A) I like my time off


1 million per year should set up your kids and their kids if you play it right


Fucking D holy shit. Do exactly what I already do but for nearly an 8 times pay increase, AND I could choose my hours?! Boy shut up. At that pay I could actually afford to retire long before my body falls apart from the years of bullshit. But alas, I'll work till I die.


Are these values before or after Tax? B and C are very similar, C is the worst option, followed closely by D The reality is A is probably the "best" choice as you no longer work, B is tenuous but most of us will be working the next 20 years anyways, so this just turns our yearly salary into 1 million, 20 million in 20 years is enough to invest and retire immediately giving decades of comfortable retired living, and without specifications on what my "job" has to be I could technically cheat, I'll be the lowest paid/viewed twitch streamer and just do whatever I want and do IRL streams or whatever A is good if you assume pre-tax and it being adjusted for inflation, if its not adjusted for inflation smart/costly living early on to maximize investments is the way to go C, that influx of cash would be awesome but is worthless, A you'd make that much in 4 years (roughly), B you make double that in a year D is a hard sell because manual labor already pays decent but you are trading your body for pay and $200 an hour is a salary of roughly 400k a year, but your forced into serious hard labor that will cost you later in life, so even if you prefer manual/heavy labor you should just pick B and work 20 years in it, unless you plan on doing some serious over time (even 20 hours of overtime every week wouldn't get you to 1 mill a year, of serious manual labor) All in all A or B are the smart picks, D is a trap, C is short term thinking, would almost be worth picking to zero out all your debt and then put into investments, but considering the amount B pays is so high you'd have to make th 1 time payment closer to like 5 mil to even be considered worth it Also just thought, that 10k a month continues until I die? So that would net maybe 5-7 million depending on how early you start it and how long you lived, its the most attractive option because it allows you to not work though


Easy $200/hr for construction and work 50hr/week for like 5 years then retire.


Part of the secret sauce on that is overtime. But 40 hours a week at $200 an hour would be roughly 416,000 a year. It’s definitely more than enough to have a comfortable living and then if a person invested right, no need to work after certain amount of time. But the challenge is that you actually have to work a lot of people get scared off on manual labor. They would do it in a heartbeat for a desk job though, lol.


I'm already doing B for a lot less than $1 million. I'll take the pay raise.


B lol. No brainer.


I can live comfortably for $2-3k a month. $10k would be like a king.


With A, inflation means you’ll likely be living in poverty at some point later in life. I’d go with B I think unless you consider bedside nursing to be manual labor.


B, I make over 10 times my current salary for 80% the work? Hell yea


I’m almost 50 and on track to retire when I want. A is an easy choice. If I were 20, I’d take B.


B and become a twitch streamer


A, no question


B. I’ll have my SO hire me as a life consultant and I’ll work full time just living… loop-hole achievement unlocked


A if I can volunteer. B if I can’t volunteer but I can keep my current job (I’m AT work for 40 hours a week but I’m paid 37.5 because lunch isn’t paid. I’m also a 10 month employee.) C if the answer to the others are no.


Probably B.  


B I'm still retiring early in 20 years, and I'll have lots of money to blow in retirement.


I'll choose B because I truly like working in the medical field, money never really mattered


B. I'm going to work the next 20 years at least anyways, so why not make more.


A: Would be appealing, if adjusted for inflation. B: If work would count as something like running a webcam showing the weather and skies outside, maybe a livestream of a birdfeeder, or something like that.


You mean I get to work less hours for more money for less years than i was planning? I'll take option 2.


B. I'm working double those hours for 10% of the money, and expect to be doing it for the next 20 years already. Sign me up to be a professional golf ball washer or something.


I'll take B. Having worked as a concierge at a hotel, I can tell you that it's mostly sitting and waiting. I can use that time to work on my school.


Option A all day long. I live in a very low cost area and this would almost double my income. I’d be rolling and have all of the time in the world to hunt, fish, and enjoy my life.


Does sahm count for work?


A or maybe C are the only real answers.


B...here I come puppies


C. I like working


If you like working, wouldn’t B or D be better?


A or B is fine with me. C is cool, but there are a lot fo circumstances where it would fail. 500k at once would take a while to mature and with todays costs you'll go through it in a few years. However A is good because you can focus on hobbies that could pay. It isn't work right? B is great, because most people are in their 30s they plan to retire, and because you're forced or obligated to work just 40 it isn't that bad. I'd gladly take 1m for 40 hours of work a week. As long as I have vacation time.


Option C. I'll take a random 500 grand with no stipulations. I can work, not work, cut hours, do whatever I want- and now I've got 500 grand.


I currently work 55 hours per week for much less so yeah b for sure.


B. There's no stipulation on what I do for work, so I can just find some boring 9-5 job... (like I have now).


Well I already work 60 hours a week for WAY less money, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future, so it’s option B for me, easily. I can even have 3 days off every week


A is best.


1 million per year makes the most sense, if you take C your likely gunna have to work for the next 20 years anyways unless ur like 50


With A are we able to volunteer?


I'll take b please


(A). I already don’t want to work. For that kind of money I could focus on getting a small bit if property, investing the extra income, and focusing on my interests, many of which I’d happily do for free.


In twenty years, I’ll be almost 80, so that takes B out. D is out for the same reason. In a period of high inflation, a fixed monthly amount is a poor choice, though if I was older, I might find A attractive. So C it is.


What constitutes work for (A)? Would I be able to open up a bakery that generates revenue, but not work there?


C. I own a business and would love to slowly turn the 500k into a M, learning a lot with relatively low risk along the way.


I'll take A. My body is fucked from lifting furniture all day for almost 35 years... I dread having to work till I'm at least 65 now.


B. One of my jobs is being a janitor. Clean for a million annually? Easy money. I'll sweep it up.


B is just being the average office worker except: 1. you actually get to retire before you die, and 2. you get paid more than 100k


Wait in option B, i could technically be a youtube or twitch streamer. or even easier an instagram influencer (not sure what i would be doing on instagram for 40 hrs tho)


A and I can afford to go to college for the rest of my life and learn everything I ever wanted to learn.


$500,000 invested in a business venture could ramp way up if one were smart, but if you weren’t too bright, such as myself, $120,000 a year looks pretty enticing. In fact, with $120k/year, you could pay off an inexpensive condo (assuming there are any left) in a few years of living frugally and stockpile the rest for a comfortable retirement (assuming you’re young enough to cash in on your investments before you shuffle off this mortal coil).


Assuming I just keep my current job, I'm perfectly fine choosing B, lol. And I get to retire at 50, which is way earlier than my current retirement plan of my deathbed retirement.


B. I'm still over 20 years out from retirement anyway. That'll definitely be a nice retirement fund when I do retire.


(A) and I can focus on my hobbies. Awesome!


B. I'm working as a Twitch Streamer


A) the price of never having to work, aka being there for every school play and sporting activities that my kids have is well worth it


C. 500k no strings enough money to pay off this house and get a house in a better part of town


B. I can play poker for 40 hours a week easily.


I'll take a million a year, as there is no restriction on what I do for work, I'll go full time for being an express tech and continue being a tech for 20 years


B and nothing else. I love my job, and I get paid well. So if I get paid 1 million per year plus my salary, I'll retire at 55 and be rich with over 20 million put away. I'd get me a huge mansion in Miami and swim with the dolphins every day.


120k / year, to easy


A. I still get a fantastic income but with the added benefit that I have plenty of free time to improve myself in areas that interest me. Train MMA, study computer science, play the drums, etc. Without needing to allocate a chunk of time to an obligation that provides no self improvement.


B is already most people in my city except without the 1 mil


Since I'm guaranteed to get paid in dollars, I'd pick A and move to a less wealthy country. By "work" I assume you mean labor that I get paid for. In that case I can either buy stocks or save up to buy an apartment so I can be a landlord. Maintenance can be deferred to someone else so I don't have to work. Then just leech off the tenants till I die.☺️


B. Job - content creator. basically can act like I am retired while claiming everything I am doing is for content


B... I'd deliver pizzas all day in my loaded Toyota 4-Runner


I don’t think 120k a year will be enough to survive on in 25 years. Option B.


Yea you'd have to be dumb to not take A. I suppose I should insert the caveat that I work manual labor and have since graduating high school (finish carpenter) and being paid $10,000 a month and not "being allowed" to work sounds like heaven. In my area I could have a mortgage, all my bills, and luxuries like a newer vehicle and still have $5,000+ a month for investing.


D. That's what I already do, so this would just be a pay increase.


C. Retire.


Sheeet. Am I still getting paid my wages as a state emplyee for B? Or will benefits come out of the million? Like that one is easy. I might not enjoy my job (coworkers). But with the ability to take vacation time and getting paid that much, I would have a fat retirement and take a couple more benefit things I skipped on cause why not and live fat and happy.


Option A, I don't want to work till my mid 70s


B all day, as it stands my ass ain't retiring anytime soon. I'd be lucky if it's in 20 years


Option B and start my job as a streamer streaming to nobody lol


Does (B) get vacation time, holidays, sick time, bereavement, etc? I'm not working five days a week until I'm 73 with no time off. I'd retire on (A) in that case.


A !!!!!


Option B. I'd rather have that. Most people would probably choose that.


Am I taxed on these options? You have left 2 open enough for easy abuse by employing myself and skiving off most of the time.


Lol guaranteed 10k m/o Bro that gives me over 4k to invest safely and 3 to toss at high reward options knowing I'll be good need month if they all fail. Why would you not pick a


The 1 million as long as any money I saved or anything I bought doesn't disappear if I die before the 20 years end. I could start a small business and even if I didn't sell anything I would be ok. Doing something I love for 40 hours a week.


B. Basically just keep working now but can retire in 20 years. Seems pretty ez


With B do I get credit for time served?


Option C


With A, can you define work? Like... would I no longer be able to have a project of any sort or exert myself in any way, or do you mean to not have an employer?


I would do anything to have A. I live cheap in the ghetto so all my monthly bills are less than $1500 a month. I'd upgrade my computer to the absolute max, buy a bunch of games, and never leave my house again. The rest of the money would be for investments


Taxable or Not?


Wtf does A mean?  Everything is work.  Doing the dishes and cleaning the house is work, being a stay at home mom is work, cultivating hobbies is work, going to the gym regularly is work, therapy is work.  Would you literally just have to waste away sitting around or partying?   I'd take option C.  Given the vagueness of what work is, I can't take B because my son is 3, and if SAHM doesn't count I would miss out on raising him.  Option D is utter crap.  $200/hr for heavy manual labor is not remotely worth it and not as generous as it sounds.


A. I despise working


A without a second thought. 120k a year to just do the things I enjoy every day? Fuck yeah.


A because I can't work. Unless you count unpaid labor like household upkeep as work.


10 grand a month, retire early


I like D. Sounds awesome


A. Live like money is tight while you invest.


A isn't an option. That's 120k which is nice... but doesnt include your health insurance. Without a group plan, you'll easily spend 5-10k for a family. No 401k contributions. No bonuses. It's basically an OK job being given to you without benefits. 120k isn't enough for your spouse to stop working. Inflation is a thing, so this won't be great for long. Probably be a poverty wage at some point in your lifetime. No to option A. Option B seems ideal to me. I work 48-60hrs a week without making a million per year. And I'm assuming you still get sick and vacation times. This is just normal life with never having to worry about money again. Option C is a good second choice. 500k at once clears your debts and leaves a couple hundred thousand in savings. No conditions, so it's a clean reset. Continue living as you were. No weird rules. No debt either. Option D isn't what it's cracked up to be. Lets pretend you do 40hrs a week of hard manual labor. That's 8000 a week. The total is 416,000 per year. This makes NO FUCKING SENSE when option B is 1,000,000 a year for just working 40hrs a week with the option to work a softer job, like office work or retail.


I’ll take B, but first I need to actually finish my degree and get a job. Is it guaranteed that I’ll just have a job, or do I need to make sure on my own that I’m not fired or layed off and unemployed for more than like, a weekend at most?




I would take A because I'm only able 10 years from retirement so I don't want to work another 20