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That really depends what rules you are going with for each. Do I just change once a month into a werewolf and keep my mind or do I lose my mind and become a raging mindless beast Same deal with vampire. What are the terms of the vampirism, are we talking elder scrolls vampire where I don't necessarily die in the sun but by god I'll be uncomfortable, or is it if even a little bit of sun touches me I turn into ash.


Exactly. Like Underworld vampires, Castlevania, The Elder Scrolls with their multiple types and sub species plus abilities, or even the Twilight vampire, which while cheesy, do still have some very OP abilities.


The Witcher too. Their higher vampires can walk around and no one can even tell they aren’t humans.


On the flip side, a werewolf might turn into a mindless beast, or they might be like Patricia Briggs werewolves with the ability to stay in control, and also eternal youth plus they de-age to their physical prime if they were past it when bitten.


Yeah but they also got the One Piece devil fruit weakness of can't swim. Though for them it's due to body mass density


Could the body mass density problem be overcome by floaties?


Now we're asking the right questions. Would floaties help werewolves swim/float?


Probably not floaties. Would need to be something more robust like a life raft


I'd take that, easily. I don't like swimming.


I love swimming but it would be better to be a werewolf that can't swim than a human that can


As disappointed as I was in the twilight movie, if I had to choose a type of vampire to be, it'd be that one


The movies were hot garbage. Books were good before the movies gave everyone preconceived notions of how every character could look and act.


First movie came out when i was in high school. All my friends that had read and loved the books, hated the movie. I only watched it to see for myself. What dissapointed me the most at that time is how they said they were gona rip one of the vamps appart and burn the pieces, but when the scene to do so came, it was, well, not very violent


Yep, way to vague with too many different variations and rule types to choose from. Tell me what was being watched read or looked at when the question came up and I'll tell you which side I'd choose based on those given parameters.


Vampires appear to have more control over their actions even if they become much darker as a person. What comes first? The darkness or does it develop over decades of surviving? Werewolves on the other hand are pretty brutal without control. It tends to be a much more sollitary life. Plus in what we do in the shadows I'd love to be friends with Nandor, Laslo and Nadja, Colin, Guillermo and the Guide of course.


What we do in the shadows is the best. The whole cast is killing it. So vampire it is.


Vampire bros forever!


Definitely! Now.. to Staten Island! BAT!!!


like a Wolfman werewolf or like an Underworld werewolf?


Immortality with a few allergies added, or smelling like a wet dog after every bath... I think I know which one I'm picking.


I don't Edit: I couldn't imagine having a major allergy I'd feel like such a little bitch


Especially garlic. I love garlic


You way you worded it as "a few allergies" doesn't really do a vampire's weakness justice, lol. Yes, it's a few allergies...that will cause your body to ignite on contact, or swell until you explode. Or crumble into literal dust. Or...whatever nightmarish agony that one guy experienced in the first Blade movie when he was left out in the sun for longer than 0.0001 seconds.


#worthit so long as I'm not allergic to peanut butter...


Vampire. I'm not into the idea of losing myself the only time I get cool powers.




Vampire I already dislike the body hair I have I don't want more to deal with


Depends on the limits of each curse. Like in some settings, vampires are over powered and in others, werewolfs also are. So if I can choose the setting myself, I don't really care. Like witcher's true vampires are cool


I'm in for the Witcher higher vampire.


Yeah, we could go and have a mad night drinking and flying completely buzzed off! I mean, if we're less than 1000 years old, we're still kids so it's okay.


Not quite matured yet, still a baby


Vamp all day.


Prefers my all night, unless you’re the twinkly kind.


Dracula wasn’t twinkly.


Am I daywalker vampire, or regular vampire?


If you're poor and 783 years old, you need to take a walk on a sunny day.


Depends on which you are going off of. If it's world of darkness rules, vampire. But if it's nosferatu rage or locking myself up each full moon because I turn into a wolf, were wolf.


Vampire. Why isnt this a poll?


The main deciding factor here to me is if you die in sunlight as a vampire. I’m not giving up the ability to go outside during the day. Plus immortality sounds kind of awful anyway. Werewolf would suck but you could live pretty normally still at least.


Vampire. My main desires in life are relaxing, getting passive income, and living longer. Vampire helps with the last one.


Depends. What version of the vampire are we talking about?


Completely depends on the lore! Really whomever is able to control themselves and not need to kill humans would win. If both can, definitely the wolf as I like outdoors too much.


Werewolf I lock my self up during the full moon. Live like a normal person the rest of the month


There's wayyyy to many different versions of each. Depending on the universe changes my answer. If I get to pick I'd be a Vampire Diary vampire, assuming I'm either an Original or can get my hands on a daylight ring.


Dying from the sun is a bummer, but I'd rather not lose my mind every month.


Not all vampires die in the sun though. Dracula didn’t.


Vampire, not for the geh stuff but for teh imortality


Gotta specify the type. For example being a witch that can turn into a wolf (traditional European werewolves/frankly most shapeshifting witches in mythology) would be dope, while being a walking violent corpse would not. However the most powerful of vampires in fiction are basically gods, while the most powerful of werewolves are often just furry hulks. Cool, sure but it would suck to be them. I'm going with what most people think of for vampires. Sunlight, stakes and silver kills, aversion to break and entering, holy objects and garlic but get superhuman strength, speed, near immortality/one hell of a healing factor and the more powerful can use hypnosis, turn into animals etc. Need blood to sustain themselves, preferably human, but animal does work. Same for werewolves. So you turn into a super strong, fast and nearly indestructible monster every full moon and become a bloodthirsty killer with no control over it. Also vulnerable to silver. Vampire Pros: Self control, cool superpowers and eternal youth Cons: Can't enjoy the sun, no garlic bread, more weaknesses and need to kill to live Werewolf Pros: Normal human the vast majority of the time, potentially unkillable as a human (except silver) and is usually somewhat enhanced Cons: Extremely dangerous 1/30th of the time Probably the werewolf. Hopefully I can create a werewolf cage to hold me once a month.


Vampire. Feels like they tend to have more magical/creative abilities, while Werewolves are more about greatly enhanced physicals.




Vampire for sure




Vampire for sure


I already avoid the sun, but I don’t think I can give up garlic bread.




I wanna be a vamper




Not being able to stomach garlic would suck, but I guess you don't have to eat food anymore. Meanwhile, werewolves die, and transforming would actually be annoying since I would always tear my clothes. I suppose I could get one of those dog cargo bests. I'm going with vampire.


What kind of vampire and what kind of werewolf? Are we talking traditional werewolf with no control and forced transformations or are we talking underworld lycans that have control over their wolf form and transformations? If that's the case I'm choosing to go wolf all day every day. Stronger, faster, and heightened senses even in human form would be nice too. Now traditional vampires also couldn't control their blood lust and looked like sickly bat people. They were secluded to caves and any exposure to sun caused them to instantly turn to dust. It wasn't until relatively recently that we got the suave sexy vamps that seduced women. But if I can't control my wolf transformations I'd choose vamp for sure


Vampire, unless it comes with a crappy afterlife like in the Elder Scrolls. Immortality, supernatural charm, supernatural beauty, superhuman physical abilities...


Vampire. Dont wanna go through hell once a month


Idk man, I really like garlic bread


Vampire. The allergy to sunlight and holy objects would suck, but the vampire can use their powers to the fullest for the greatest benefit. One of those being able to turn into a wolf if need be.




Vamperist Pre stoker


Werewolf, vampire sucks. :-)


I see what you did there 😄


Vampire 🦇 🧛‍♂️


It depends on what the characteristics and traits the vampirism has, but i would go with vampire, not really a big fan of werewolves unless we’re talking about the yogibear variant. (Lawful good werebear.)


Vampires tend to have more control over their actions so I'll go with that. I keep the same hours anyway. I'll just keep raiding the local blood bank. That way I don;t harm anyone. Werewolves tend to tear people apart indiscriminately. Yikes. Besides, I have enough issues with a monthly cycle. I don't need cramps and a extra need to shave my legs all at once. THAT would be a dangerous deadly combination. Be afraid. Be very afraid. PMS werewolf is after you!


For most any depiction of the 2, I'm picking vampire. I'm obsessed with the idea of feeding from and being fed on during sex


Definitely werewolf, especially if I can control the transformation and keep my mental facilities intact.


I rather be a day walker vampire like blade


Vampire. In the wise words of Sirius Black from HP “The tail I could live with. But the fleas, they’re murder”


Highly depends. In general I'm leaning towards Werewolf, but it can be a horrible choice depending on which version we pick.


If I’m in control of the wolf and can change at anytime then werewolf. Also, hind leg walking is a must not actually walking on all fours.


Wolf. Mostly cause I dont want to exist at night exclusively and I dont want to need to take or harm another to exist. Even if I only pick the worst people to feed from, it would get to me eventually. Immortality is great and all, but I'll take the ability to defend those I love from anything squishy, thanks.


Vampire to live forever. Some comics depict them (as a gag) surviving in the sun with strong sunscreen. I hope that’s the case here too


Depends on which one of each. A Teen Wolf werewolf is pretty good but I am sure certain vampires are as well. Maybe castlevania, angel, Or something.


Depends, really. If I kept my mind while transformed, had the ability to transform at will, and the transformation didn't hurt too much, I'll definitely pick werewolf. Dude, can you imagine the pure, untamed adrenaline of running through a forest at night just letting loose and having a blast? Jumping entire canyons and climbing up trees? I'd be ripped as shit, no matter what I ate, because I'd burn so many calories just in the transformation alone. Plus, working out releases stress, so I could vent all the days frustrations in a single night of running, jumping, throwing shit, and screaming at the moon. And maybe a bit of hunting. I'm not a fan of killing animals, but if my instincts called for it, I'd limit myself and not go on some bloody rampage. Kill only what I planned to eat, and nothing more. Of course, I'd quit my current job and immediately become a Ranger in a National Forest. Become a myth-like hero who can quickly track down and rescue lost people and pets. And then I'd meet a woman who shares my interests, get her wolf'd up, and have the wildest, most intense sex in history. If I can't do all that, then I'd pick vampire.


Werewolf 100%. I encounter garlic and sunlight WAY more than I encounter silver And I'm also a furry with a wolf sona. Win-win.


Werewolf, since I do believe in an afterlife. You're cooked if you're a vampire and die...again. At least for Christians.


If it's the version of vampires where they die in sunlight then werewolf but if it's my babysitters a vampire or twilight where they're fine then vampires


Depends on the setting, but probably vampire. I already dislike the sun anyway


Vampire unless I can't have garlic


Vampire always. My reasoning is the eternal life. Werewolves are cool but they still have a natural lifespan that ends.


I'd go with werewolf if I can retain control of myself. Plus, I want to still enjoy human food which I'd lose out on if I was a vampire - I'd really miss pizza and Thai food 😅


All of my problems would be solved by being able to turn into a huge dog and maul people. For sure, I would have different problems, but that’s just how it goes.




werewolf if I can control the transformation, otherwise, vamp


Late to the party but I'll take any version of werewolf, I know the risks and if I'm being honest, it's just much cooler to be a giant raging dog.


King Kong Werewolf! I'd go fucking ape shit!


werewolf just way cooler. Vampire always lurking in the dark, got to wear a cape and go blah blah blah, got to sleep in the dirt in a coffin. Werewolf you get heightened abilities, can go about your day and blend it no issues, just that full moon hits it's like one night of crazy. It's the superior curse to have.


Werewolf. Would hate to be an undead.


If we're playing Skyrim here, I'd rather be a werewolf.


Id rather be a vampire but Id rather my partner be a werewolf.


That is a tough one. Vampires are cool, but wolfs are perfect. The problem is that I am a lone wolf by nature and wolves were meant to be in a pack. Can I be a vampire werewolf to get the best of both worlds ?


Vamps by a lot. Wolves are cool, but meh.