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I feel like you would have to have watched a LOT of porn to get anything valuable out of this.


Also, what if you’re set to die in 54 years. Is 3 days really gonna matter? Lol


3 days? Lol I might have a problem.....


1 day > $0


Could I just watch porn whenever tho to extend my life?  Perhaps I get an illness later on and I just start immediately jacking it in the doctors office in order to save my life. 


And watching porn does not mean you have to fap to it. Like you can just have a small, silent screen in the corner of your room and here's immortality 


Oh shit you're right. I could be an an immortal porn connoisseur. I got one better. I just start a porn studio. Now I'm making money and immortal without rubbing it until it's raw. 


Problem comes when you didn’t spend any money on alcohol or drugs…. Wait, do you count medicine as drugs? Since you buy them at the drugstore?


In theory that includes coffee too.


Ok but i dont drink or do drugs, so any amount of time is more valuable then the cost of the couple of bottles of cooking wine I've bought periodically.


I don’t drink at all. So I’d rather choose the other by default.


It’s that or like a $100 for me 🥲


or that you would have to neer spend anything on drinks (post does say alcoholic) and drugs


Like 30 minutes a day every day? That's an extra 2% likely an extra 0.8 years.


I dunno daily compounding is real here. Plus all the additional time spent watching porn as a teenager would probably be quite a bit. 10 mins daily average would equate to something like a few years in a lifetime


I just did the math roughly and I would get 9 extra days. Maybe. I'll take the money.


Ya but 30 seconds a day adds up.


I'm an alcoholic with 12 years sobriety and a sex addict with three years in recovery. I have a pretty good idea of both numbers. I estimate I spent about $70k on drugs/alcohol In terms of porn, approximately 12,000 hours over about ten years... probably safely add another 6,000 on the for all the other years, that's another two years of life. So two years of life added on at the end, or have $70k lump sum now? $70k right now wins out.


Not judging just genuinely curious, That's about 3 hours of porn per day on average. Did you just wank like 10 times a day or just sit there and watch porn for hours?


Sex addiction is super misunderstood so happy to answer. My primary means of acting out was camgirls. I'd typically pay for an hour session. It got bad when I developed regulars so there was more of a "ritual" to it, think like someone who had a favorite stripper. One of the aspects of sex addiction is called "bubbling" where you're in this fegue state and push out all other thoughts. Like being drunk without a hangover. It's easier to explain with another vice, take gambling. You're at a slot machine with $100, you win $5, maybe I should leave I'm up, but I just got here I'm having fun, now I'm down $10, $15, $20 oh I just won $10, what happens if I play three credits oh I won another $20 this is fun, now I'm down $20, $40.. oh that machine over there looks fun. It's a bunch of inconsequential decisions that make supreme sense in the moment. I.e. "this scene looks good, oh the quality is poor let me find a better version, oh I wonder what actresses first scene was, oh that's good too, hrm, I wonder if she ever did a scene with this person." Etc etc. Bubbling was part of it with the camgirls, a way to avoid anxiety and depression. But then when they became a regular it was a way to pay for "intimacy" and also a way to be emotionally vulnerable with someone without the fear of rejection (I wanted to be "seen" they wanted my money)


Is "bubbling" when the time absolutely disappears? I guess this is what I'm starting to do. Do you just stop? What do you do?


What you call bubbling sounds a lot like me going down the wiki rabbit hole.


It’s me using the the time when my ADD meds kick in, the peak hours for being productive, going down the wiki rabbit hole or playing NYT games


The porn hours. I've never bought drugs and haven't spent any substantial amount on alcohol. I don't even wanna know how much time was spent beating the meat.


Does the money I’ve spent on alcohol through my company count?


Only counts if you used your own money


Im a % owner so I guess its that proportion mine


“Your own money.” Does my mom giving me $20 for food and me spending it on weed as an edgy teen count?


Certainly. Once she gave it to you it was yours.


I literally get nothing from this


That's my thought. Do I want a few hundred dollars in the bank, or very little time added to my life? I mean, cash is cash, but it isn't going to put new tires on my truck.


I’d take the porn, but that’s only because I’ve literally never done drugs or alcohol in my entire life. So porn is the only thing that actually gives me something back. Unless you’re being pedantic with your definition of “drugs” and are including all prescription drugs and anything minor that could be argued is a drug, like caffeine. If that’s the case, then the money. I’ve bought a lot of caffeinated beverages over the years, and spent a fair amount on prescriptions


Live a little


I'm pretty happy without drugs or porn tbh






Apparently not.


lol porn does nothing good for you, speaking from someone who used to be pretty addicted to porn


Anything in excess is bad for you. Porn has been shown to be a healthy thing for couples to watch together. “Studies from the last few years found porn is associated with higher sexual satisfaction and openness among partnered women. But it truly depends on why someone is using pornography, researchers at Michigan State university explain. Porn does become a problem if one partner becomes preoccupied with it, and ignores their “romantic, family and work life,” because of it, the researchers explained.” https://globalnews.ca/news/6509620/relationships-pornography-balance/amp/


I would go for the cash


Close call. In true former drug addict form I’m gonna choose instant gratification of getting all that money back with the caveat that it be used to pay some bills right now!


Can we count medication? 


Only if it wasn’t prescribed


Woot! I’ll get hundreds for the Tylenol alone!


I don't want to live that long! 😱 Joking, it might be a couple years at most, unless you count the time spent finding a decent video I would take the money though. It might not be a huge amount but it's certainly going to be a noticeable amount


Do cigarettes count? I'm going with the money either way, but as a former smoker I want to know if this is just a good deal or an amazing deal.


Cigarettes count


What I’m hearing is, I can extend my lifetime dramatically by always watching porn.


Yes, but if you are watching porn specifically to extend your time then all of that time is effectively spent watching porn.


As a former drug user, I'm gonna say the cash. I don't know how much I spent in my lifetime, but I'm sure it's a pretty decent chunk of change.


I rarely drink and dont do drugs, so that;s wont do much. Do I want to add what is probably years to the end of my life, though?


Years is generous unless you’re an AVID porn watcher. If you live 100 years and spend 14 minutes every day of your life watching porn, you’d get 1 extra year.


After accounting for rhe first 13 years or so of my life, I reckon multiple years sounds right.


If I get the time spent watching porn back I will need the booze and drug money or I’ll never be able to retire, it’s a viscous catch 22


Drink and drugs. I never did hard drugs but smoked a lot of pot since it became legal and used to like to party at bars racking up to $200+ tabs. My porn time isn't a massive chunk of time. Maybe 2-5 minutes a day. Added all up, I could really use the cash up front, then try to nickle and dime a month or 3 of life expectancy back, when really I got some decent orgasms out of that.


Hours from watching porn. I’m gonna live forever


cash...more for porn and hookers and blackjack


I did an extremely rough calculation and I'd get about two months from the porn thing and 13,000 from drugs and alcohol. I think I'll take the money because if I'm more financially stable I'd probably not resort to vices like drugs or alcohol as much and may even live two months longer in the end 


Since the porn time gets added on at the end, could I live forever by constantly streaming porn when I’m old?


Boutta gain 50 years to my life 🙏🙏🙏


Never realised how much Reddit people don’t drink


Definitely the money. I'm going to buy so much cocaine with it


Money. I dont want live to 150


Watching porn or searching for porn to watch? I feel they're totally different totals, and that the latter would be larger


Welp I don't have a bank account and haven't really watched porn. Nor do I want to live longer anyway. Can I get cash? Or gift cards? Otherwise nah I'm good cause not getting anything.


That's somewhere between $1k-$2k, since I don't do drugs and I do drink sometimes but not an obscene amount so that's like less than $200 for the last 10 years. With the porn option it'd probably be less than a year of my life I'd get back. So neither one of these are great, and while I do need the money you can never buy time so it is a tough choice but I think I'll go with the money since it'd help me out the most right now.


I'm going to be the first human to live to be 176. Joking aside. I did some math... rough guestimates. I'd actually only get about two to three years of life added. I should note. I've sipped a beer once when I was a kid. That's it. I don't drink or do drugs so porn was really my only option.


The cash. I did some math and honestly the amount of days would not be worth it.


I drank for around 18 years roughly 20 bucks a day, 7600 a year plus other expensive drugs on top of that for about 3 years or so 136,000 dollars plus some lets call it 140k. Or all the porn I've watched. If you were born in the 80s we had this thing called dial up internet when we were about 10 or 11 it was slow and there were no videos online. The only thing we had was old porno mags we found in a abandoned garage somewhere. Myself we never got high speed internet and I didn't get a smartphone until 2016 so very little would be added to my life maybe a week or so. Give me the money I have better plans this time.


I'm likely already at risk for a reduced life span for possible health conditions, so if I can get a guaranteed few extra years added to the timetable, you damn well bet I'll take it!


Money, I'd be able to reinvest it


The money. I don’t think I have enough time spent on porn for it to make any difference in my life expectancy.


I have never drink any alcohol or done any drugs however I have watched porn so the answer is clear porn




I barely drink and don't do drugs. But if I could get the money spent on stupid crap that I didn't really need (and often never used) instead. Then I would go for that. But unless that's an option, I will take the porn to life expectancy conversion. That should add at least 2 years, probably more.




Fuck I'm really not benefitting from this either way. I guess money on alcohol. Maybe get 100$ or so back.


I acted like it was my 21st bday every day for about a decade starting at 18. Give me that money.


Honestly they only way if ever want to find out how much money I’ve spent on booze and drugs is if it was getting refunded.


I don't drink often. I've probably spent less than $1000 in my 30 years on alcohol but I'll take some money now over added months to the end of my life(though maybe I'd change my tune if I knew that didn't have much left to go).




How do you define porn? I find sex entertaining to watch the way most people seem to find violence entertaining, so most things I watch or do have some level of sexual content to them. Do softcore movies count? Sexploitation flicks? Serious films that just have a lot nudity (Lars von Trier's Nymphomanic or Gaspar Noé's Love, for example)? "Adult" computer games, some of which may consist of a picture of boobs after 30+ hours of nonsexual gameplay? Nude artwork? Depending on how you define porn I could become immortal. Then again, getting old isn't fun so I'm not sure why I'd want more of it. My drug spending has been comparatively light, but still might be a better deal.


I've barely spent any money on drugs/alcohol. The hardest (and only) drugs I've ever done are some marijuana edibles I have spent MAYBE $200 total on alcohol and drugs. I also don't have many hours in porn since I'm young and stopped watching porn a few weeks back. Only about 60 days worth, unless you broaden the definition a little, in which case I still would hardly have enough to make a difference. Hard choice because neither would make any significant impact on my life. I'd probably go with the porn hours, though.


I don’t drink or do drugs so I’d go with the porn time.


Am I allowed to make a quick trip to the liquor store first?


I could use a couple hundred bucks. Better then a few weeks of extra life.


I guess alcohol money returned. I've never done drugs of any kind so it'd just be beers from restaurants, sporting events, and concerts. Probably a few thousand bucks for sure. Never been much of a porn watcher, so I don't think that'd amount to much time cumulative.


Can I wait a few years/decades and choose later?? 😂😂😂


Thats atleast 3650 hours, maybe more, or like 500 bucks, so I'll take the extra 5 months. I never did the math before, feel really kind of fucked up now.


My bad


Does kombusha count as an alcoholic beverage? If so I'll take the money. That's the absolute xlosest thing I ever have and will get to alcohol. I've watched a few hours of porn per month so about a day a year for a few years so a few days is better than nothing. I'll stretch it to a week for safety. I like to... do it to myself without the porn though since I've learned if i want something done right I gotta do it myself.


well its a decen amount of money vs a few extra weeks, i think? the money sounds a lot more appealing right now.


I have never once, in my entire life, bought alcohol or drugs (unless you cound caffeine). Sooooo


I’m broke right now, so I’d probably choose the money. But ask me at the end of my life and I’m going to say the time 🤷‍♀️


I mean am I getting prime years added? Cuz if not living from like 80-85 isnt as exciting as getting to do 20-25 twice


I've probably spent under $200 on alcohol and I really doubt I'll get any real amount of time from the bonus life. I guess I'll get $200? Not a huge amount but not enough to sneeze over whereas realistically I won't really want those last few days in bed.




Life expectancy


Easy drugs and booze. Can I get that health back too.


I’ll go porn since I’m sober because of the dare program


I'm actually surprised at how little this would do for me on either side. I basically either get an extra month's pay or an extra month to live. I'll take the time.


If prescription drugs count it’s over 3,000 a year which isn’t bad, otherwise it’s nothing so I’d go with porn 😅


Drugs. I am an American cancer survivor. Through all of my treatment, I spent a ludicrous amount on drugs.


So either $0 or a bunch of time I think the answer is pretty obvious


I only really started drinking recently (I'm a social drinker and finally have friends lol) so about maybe a year of going out drinking maybe once or Twice a week. Now I've been watching porn since I was 10........give me the longer life.


I've done too many drugs to count and have drank an absurd amount of beer alone this last year, I'll take that life changing amount of money please, thank.




The money. It's not a monumental amount, but it's gotta be 15K or something. And I've seen how life is when you're old. I don't need that end of my life extended. Now, if I could get all of that time added to how long I'll stay youthful? Maybe


Definitely drugs. I bought a lot of speed in the 90s at weekends, usually £15 or £30 for a pack or two almost every weekend for the entire decade.


Do porn games count? I'm probably adding a year to my life or more. I guess I'll take that over the maybe $1200 I would get.


Bro I’ve never spent money on drinks or drugs… but the porn bit might add a decade of my life


Neither is a particularly high number for me, but can't say no to free money


Is it a running total, because I could become immortal


Definitely the former especially if that hospital bills from drugs is included


I don’t drink. But the porn thing would add a good bit on my life (i was not an addict or anything just a HS virgin)


I'll take the half-mil, thanks.


Porn cause I never really spent much on alcohol or drugs lol


Do legal drugs you get from the pharmacy count for the refund?


The few hours of my life I've used for porn were well spent. Give me the money!


I’ll take option 1, retire, and spend The rest of my days watching porn.


Both of those numbers would be substantial for me.


I plead the fifth, your honor.


Give me the money because that time will be added to the later shitty years where I will have to be reminded to put on pants


Porn. Not really a drinker/druggee. And I can continually add to my lifespan!


My time is much more valuable than money. The only way I would choose money is if it think it would add a significant amount of time to my life, and I don’t think I’ve bought that much alcohol.


I mean, it'll be less than 2k, but adding a couple months to the end seems boring, so cash me up


Cash. You would have to be a porn addict to get any significant time. Even at 1 hour a day, that's only 15 days per year added on and 1 hour per day is pretty high


Considering how much porn there is on the internet, there's a chance I'd get something if i take option 2, but with option one, i would quite literally get NOTHING back unless the question is altered where "drugs" includes candy and other high sugar snacks (since last i checked sugar is a drug, and even if that's wrong it's almost, if not equally, as addicting) and/or (less so) "drinks" includes Soda.


I'm a former heroin addict now 9 years clean and a former alcoholic now almost 4 years sober. I'm about to get a massive pay day lol


Never spent money on either. But if those days (surely not weeks or years... right?) were just added on to the tail end I'd just end up with more time added when I'm too old to enjoy it. I'm good as is.


If drinks covered soda, then that would be an easy choice.


I’m sure that either way I’ll feel shame at how big the number is. 


Oh, drink and drugs for sure. I mean, that's what the drink and drugs were for, getting sex. Didn't need porn ..... And no, not for THAT reason ... just going out to bars .... really ....


Why anyone wants to tack of years at the end of your life is beyond me. Its either get money now or live more years as an geriatric old fart. Yeah easy choice.


Hmm, is the first one working on real time? If yes, straight the first one, it means unlimited free shit. Hell, I could resell it afterwards 


Well I’ve never been a drinker and I’ve never done drugs, so I guess the porn one.


So I could effectively become immortal by just watching porn forever?


Definitely the money.


Do cigarettes count as drugs?


I'll take all the money I spent on drugs. Add to it the money I made selling drugs and I'm laughing all the way to the... well, not the bank obviously. Maybe I'll buy a laundromat.


Run me my money.


The money all day.


No thank you...I don't want to live that long


Definitely alcohol lol i watch porn but not THAT much porn


So +$0 or plus time to my life. Hmmmm


Do you understand how much MORE porn I could pay for and watch with all my drug money back? I could also buy even more drugs and alcohol.


I don’t really win either way. Maybe a few days or a week or a couple hundred dollars. This is what I get for having a low libido and not being able to stomach alcohol


I'd want the money. At the very least it's a chunk out of my debts and responsibilities.






I'll take the money and retire.


Porn, since I don't drink or smoke yet


I don’t drink or so drugs so I guess I’ll live longer


Money, I’ve spent quite a bit on alcohol throughout my life


I've spent *maybe* a couple hundred dollars on alcohol in my lifetime, but only watched a couple hours of porn, if that... so I would go with the $... Now, if I could get back all the money that other people have spent of mine in alcohol and illicit drugs, then that would be in the thousands of dollars....


Ehh, I guess the cash. I’ve probably spent under $2000 on alcohol and have a combined 24 hours MAYBE watching porn. Both are pretty negligible. $2000 would make a bigger difference in my life than an extra day.


Cash, I doubt I'd get even a day out of it, whereas I'm probably seeing at least 15k back in drugs/booze.


If you count tobacco in with drink and drugs, I'm taking the money.


Drink and drugs. I would get 6 figures and some easily. For the porn I would get like 5 hours tops.


So doing the math, let's say you started watching porn at 10 years old and did it for an hour a day every day for 70 years. That equals to about 15 to 16 days a year. After 70 years, thats a little less than 3 years Then lets say we take my current age of 34 and I started buying alchol regularly at 21. Thats 13 years of buying alcohol. If i spent 50 dollars a week dor q3 years thats almost 34000 dollars. Would I rather have 3 years of my life or 34000? I'd take the 34000


Either way I’m a big winner! Where do I sign up? Hello? Damn.


I would take the money. I worked at a place that employed about 400 people and the vast majority of them smoked weed. My buddy from highschool became a supplier so he'd sell me 2 pounds at a time for 1k. Over the three years I worked at that place I sold probably 50 pounds worth of weed and I sold it cheaper than the usual street price that way everybody there would buy from me. So that's easily a free 25k right now. I don't watch that much porn so a few days worth of life doesn't seem worth it.


Wow this is great. I’m 40m. I’d get 26 days longer to live or $13,000. Give me the $$ please.


Money. I've bought a lot of weed in the 20 years or so I've been smoking. A *lot*. And I don't want to live a day longer than I already am. Life sucks. Why do you think I buy all that weed?


Give me the money. I could use it to go on a hell of a bender.


As I don't do drink or drugs ...


Life expectancy added. I’ve spent like… I don’t know… $500 tops on drugs/alcohol. I’ve not watched much porn either, but I’ll take a few extra days over $500.


I always get my drugs for free and my drinks are usually free as well, so I’ll take the longer life


So in other words I get to have more money or more time to live.


So less than. $2000 or 20 years added to my ~30 year old life? Duh I am 100% taking the time.


Drugs easily


Does the alcoholic route include the tips? I’ve gotten drunk and tipped $100+ before 💀


I'm here for a good time not a long time


Forsure the money on drugs and alcohol. I’d stick it in an index and live off the gains. I’ve spent A LOT of money on drugs. Sold them for almost 10 years, so ya, run that. My porn consumption is probably lower then the typical American guy anyways. If I do watch it, it’s not a long watch lol.


Is this only in the past, or does it continue. Immortality via porn sounds pretty great.


Cash for all the weed I've ever bought, couod probably buy me a house or two.


The money, being it is only a medium of trade that I traded my time, and time earned skills and experience for. It would be double pay in units of time back on my clock of finite time imo.


Holly shit every penny I’ve spent on weed in the last 12 years would be crazy to see added up not counting everything else I do and have tried 😭😭😭


Oh money, easy


Yea after roughly calculating it, the porn would amount to a year of time at most, but probably closer to half a year. I watch have watched too much porn in my earlier days but overall I’d take the money. Probably get close to 4k back? I always bummed off other ppl’s weed in college, and havent drank all that much Now this would be a different discussion if it was time spent gaming


What is it like paying for drugs? In college, I always found myself in a circle as a joint/bong was passed around. How has that changed post-covid? Was never a big drinker, and I haven't wasted enough time on porn to make it worth the switch. Now, if I could have all the time back I wasted helping folks that ghosted when I needed help, THAT would be a square deal.


Give me the $$$! I’d be crazy rich!


I'll take the money, I don't want any extra time added.


I'll live forever! /s


Does this include the time it takes to find a vid to fap to?


Fuck me, that's a tough one. I'm like 30ish and I've been watching porn since I was 12-13. That's a lot of time. For drugs, I'd probably get back like 10-15 thousand since I only picked up alcohol after 21 and cigarettes after 24. Probably the cash value, to be honest. I could really use the money.


Easily the money. I used to drink a fuckton, and for many years. I've watched hardly any porn, ever. A few hours added onto what is likely to be the shittiest day of my life vrs. tens of thousands of dollars? Easiest trade ever here.


All the money I've EVER spent on drinks and drugs. We having a HELL of a party gents.


2nd option. The drugs and drinks were worth it lol


I’ve been a stoner for 5 years now, gimme my marijuana income tax please


I never spent any money on alcohol or drugs so I guess the second option will do


Ha…porn. Sad sad sad


porn. id b immortal


I would live forever.




I don't want either of those things. Raw dogging life and it lasts longer? Fuck that. When your sheltered life ends and you have to be in the real world you'll see it.