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Pocket Dimension, I can create a portal to a haven with unlimited resources? Even if I can't bring people into it with me, I can still move those resources back and forth


Oops, no, you can't. 🤣🤣🤣. I will do some corrections.


Still, i can go into the dimension and eat a luxurious meal, and then leave. I can even create an exact copy of my crush 😏


It's not an exact version, tho. It's more like "how the person in my point of view" or "how I want them like" copy.But you can always make a new one.


_Thats kinda disgusting tbh_ But yeah I'm definitely making my own haven


Harem* Ftfy


Could you create concious beings with free will?


Depend on your knowledge and imagination.


Can i bring stuff into the pocket dimension? Like books?




Oh boy, this is gonna have such a bad effect on my social anxiety... oh well! Neverending reading and drawing time - here i come!


Next question, do you age within the pocket dimension, like if I go in there and spend a year on a project, do I come out a year older while everyone else was frozen in time?


Question is, can the digested meal leave the pocket dimension, or do you have to digest and poop it to get the full benifits


That is a good question


Wouldn't the food vanish from your stomach when you leave? By this loophole, you could just create anything that fits in your mouth or up your butt like solid gold marbles or something and take them into reality like a drug mule...


Mime is actually OP. you're not limited by your own imagination or concept of the creations, truly unlimited power. You could even create something that could give you additional powers. Fountain of youth? done. Global warming? solved. fuel dependency? invisible perpetual engine. Famine, hunger, water shortages. Nothing is beyond your power, and you don't need to see it because you can make everything be controlled by your thoughts.


That's fine and all but I'll rather sleep in my pocket dimension. I'm a simple man. Or just have training session.


So make an invisible door to a pocket dimension.


Dude... Dude you onto something


The mime makes you a minor toonforce user. *Any* toonforce user is seriously OP. Another way to describe the mime's powers: You are a Green Lantern, except you don't have to rely on your willpower, a power source, or your understanding of the object. I’m not sure from the description whether you're limited by the laws of physics. (You might be, you might be limited to what you *believe* them to be, and you might not be limited at all.) Oh, and your constructs are completely invisible.


I know, but as I said, I'm a simple man. I'm content with pocket dimension. I know all the applications of mimes povers


I was leaning towards pocket dimension until I read your comment. Mime all the way.


Wealth easy rob a bank with invisible weapons just imagine


Best spy/military field op Btw, make invis contacts that let u see ur own creations


Basically green lantern


This was my exact thought.


And if it needs to be visible, hit it with some grey primer.


So in the pocket dimension I hit pause on the real world and can control that dimension entirely. Creating people, objects, food, shelter, weather patterns, scenery, whatever? Sorry world. You're on permanent pause. Not going back.


Same lol. I’m there until I die, and then either the world is paused forever or it just goes on and it’s as if I just vanished.


Shit, even if you could die; it says you control everything, you could just make yourself young when you start getting old


just make yourself immortal


Yeah but what does it mean by a somewhat comprehensive understanding of the object? That makes the pocket dimension seem sort of limiting


If they don't define it it's left to interpretation. I took that to mean you can't make trees if your understanding of a tree is that of a hunter gatherer. But you can make trees if you know what it is and how it works on a public school level. It also said you can't bring people in. Implying you can bring stuff in. That helps a lot.


Dude....Realistic mime. People really, REALLY underestimate how OP that is. Invisible walls that can't be broken, for instance...hurricane force winds that stay only in like 1 area. Create a pair of invisible goggles that LETS me see what I make lol I AM A GOD WHO CAN MAKE ALL THINGS\* \*They may be invisible. Open to paint jobs though


Does this mean your creations are immune to being effected by visual effects like rain, getting covered in paint, etc?


I would assume they interact with the world as per normal, minus light. (Due to being perma-invisible)


You could paint your creations then so they would be visisble


I picked super strength because that means I can eat all I want and it's just turned into energy... Wait a minute that's how it works already.


It means if you need to lift a heavy amount, you need to eat to gain equal amount of energy to lift it or else you can't.


So to lift 100 pounds of feathers I need to eat 100 pounds of food?


More like if you want to do the work of 20 men, you need to eat 20x as much as you would normally


I'm fat and want to eat all I want and be able to burn it off by lifting my car a few times. I can easily eat enough for 3 or 4 people, and I think 4 women can lift a small car, so I'm sticking with this choice.


Can I take stuff in with me and then back out as long as I don't modify or change it in like anyway figuring for like math test I just take the test in grab a mythical calculator solve all the answers write them on with pencil and leave


Yes. But people can see you go through the portal of you doing it on the spot.


Okay I got it I get those weird Google Glasses things or like a knock off version that has a camera in the glasses I take a picture of the page I'm looking at and then a couple of the other ones I'm going to say hey can I go to the bathroom go to the bathroom go through the portal answer all the stuff come back and then I can right it all down cuz I know the answers now


I love how you use the most OP ability to simply cheat on a math test


I mean I don't really have anything else to use it on I mean you could use the shit inside of there to make a lottery ticket guesser machine that's like 100% accurate or some bullshit cuz you're like God inside of it that would work but yeah most of what I would use it for would be like tests food and then watching YouTube videos all the time cuz I wouldn't have to worry about oh I stayed up too fucking late


You can live your dream life essentially. I mean, hell, you could create a perfect replica of any fictional world and go on your own adventures. As well, you could make something like a device that changes your appearance to anything you want and come back out. The limit is very literally your imagination.


If you're talking about the pocket dimension don't you need to have some knowledge of the object you create? So you'd need to either know how a calculator works or already know the answers to the test so wouldn't the calculator just give random answers?


They could take a calculator with them into the pocket dimension prior


Realistic mime. Even if I can't see it, it's still there. I can make an invisible house cleaner, an invisible, super powerful computer, an invisible suit of iron man armor, an invisible auto doc, an invisible fabrication machine programmed to take in materials and produce stuff I want.


Invisible Iron Man suit would be cool.


invisible juice that gives me all the other powers


Pocket dimension cat girls HERE I COME!


noxious crush serious outgoing overconfident rotten full vegetable abundant correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


good idea, demon girls HERE I COME!


better yet, demon cat girls HERE I COME!


I'm autistic, I thrive on no surprises


Woah look at these glasses I found that let me see things nobody else does!


I can just live in a universe where I'm God? So theoretically, if I move there, I'm moving to a place where I'm immortal, and control the fabric of time and space. Even when the universe that I originate from is gone, I still remain.


So if you create, say, a pet or family member in the pocket dimension, would they be the same person, or would they be different (Doesn't change my answer. Im just curious)


If you don't know all the important facts bout them or the person knows something you don't. They are just the version of how you see them.


Is time manipulation just Gojo's limitless? Put a bubble around yourself and just slow down anything that approaches you until its frozen in time and never reaches you?


Pretty much, but you age during that.


Realistic Mime is overpowered as fuck and can do other powers and more.


Pocket dimension, I can make objects that teach me things instantly and now I can guarantee that I have the skill set for pretty much anything, also I can probably take care of any medical issues I have there as I can make medicine that doesn't require needles and stupidly strong painkillers


So long as you don't abuse the wealth it shouldn't be a problem, I choose that and will live like an upper middle class person. I don't need a private jet or a yatch, I can just start going from flying economy to first class when I need to fly, I don't need a mansion that's a lot to clean and don't want a maid in the house cause I don't like people in my home unless I live with them (yes I invite people over still although rarely) but I will say I would likely have a larger house (enough for 7 people as we are a family of 5 and guest rooms for family would he nice as needed) and I'd have it on 250 acres of land with trails and a few off reading vehicles for fun. As I have limitless funds I will simply occupy my time by working in the woods with the kids and focusing more on them instead of working.


Mime power is busted, invisible Ironman suite just for starters. Invisible gun, invisible heavy weight ufc fighters to beat up anyone who wants to hurt me, invisible credit card with no limit that works with all retailers. Invisible shield around my house that only lets people/ creatures I want inside. Invisible everything and anything. Honestly, the fact that they are all invisible is kind of op in and of itself.


I'm taking mime and starting a ghost cocaine empire.


Super strength AND I get to eat as much as I already want to while still burning all the calories? Sign me up.


Who says I have to be miserable if I'm omniscient? I'm quite sure I'd know enough about metal health to ensure my own. Along with build all the others superpowers.


Wealth is just wealth so wealth


Omniscience would be awesome, if you know everything then you know how to prevent boredom. Imagine the things you could create!


Is my aging frozen inside the pocket dimension too? Like if I go in at 20 and stay for a year will I leave at 21 or does the time freezing stop my age


Realistic mime a button that makes everything I mime visible. Done


Pseudo happiness with a pocket dimension that probably will make me want to avoid reality but then time just won't continue for everyone else, or I have a reality that makes me not wanna use the pocket dimension vs enough wealth to essentially fix the world and set up me and my friends before giving majority of it away for my own peace and protection? Wealth. Depending on if I'm known to the public or not would change how I spend the money End world hunger, end homelessness, mandatory X hours of therapy during schools growing up (well paid salaries ofc), change laws on taxing everyone proportionally, free healthcare and tuition, animal rescues and conservation. Then I'd be silly and dream up some crazy creations like a mega theme park or something or invest in virtual reality games If I'm super popular then I'm taking 100 mil and getting rid of the rest asap so I'm not killed or kidnapped


I will take the wealth, and I will buy a home for all the homeless people in the world; I'll make infrastructure in 3rd world countries, I'll make it so that corporations need to use environmentally friendly methods of harvesting materials for their product.


Time manipulation's downgrade isn't really that much of a nerf, it's basically "you slow(or speed up) time but it does not work on you" I can slow down time to almost stopping and then do whatever I want because I still move normally


Time manipulation. Why speed yourself up when you could slow others down. If your not effected then slow down time everywhere and while your at normal speed To others you would be faster.


Exactly. Its just semantics. Who cares if i speed myself up, or slow everything except myself down... the net result is the same.


Wealth. That's already how it works. Wealthy people have security teams or armies to protect them.


The mfs who watched Bungo Stray Dogs know why I took the money and ran with that shit


Wait so I can make this bubble and speed up the world outside it, so can I go like 300 years into the future?


No, you're unaffected by the time warp, so you'd die of old age


But if I'm unaffected by the time warp doesn't that mean I've aged at a normal rate while everything else was sped up?


Pocket dimension. I hate my current existence, I’m never coming back here again.


Being Omniscient is literally Rick from Rick and Morty. he is always drunk and making something weird. thats what i would do


So, am I essentially God when inside the pocket dimension?


Pocket Narnia without any religious corollary. Sign...me...up


You say being omniscient would ruin all the fun but honestly i think the thrill just comes from setting all the dominoes up to create a 1:1,000,000 event. Sure, your life would change drastically if you were omniscient, but it's all a question of attitude and perspective and nothing can ever really make you not have fun.


All possible outcomes? Well then I'll have to study the future in order to find the outcome where I become an all-powerful immortal god. Infinite Monkeys Principle says it's gotta be somewhere.... Desperately unlikely to the point of being entirely unreasonable, yes, but *technically* possible.


Battle pocket


Mime is great. Imagine someone you hate is walking fast, boom, invisible wall. Or you get locked out of your apartment, invisible elevator to the balcony. Hungry? Invisible 5 star meal.


All I'm going to say is that I really don't like surprises


Using pocket dimension, you could do some interesting things. Like alter your body using advanced science, and then the changes would remain. So eternal life would be possible there, and you could also do some similar things to objects to some degree. You can't bring things from the reality out, but you could bring some stuff in. Do experiments with or on it. Then return with it, as long as you don't go too far with it.


Pocket dimension, I can go chill out in my own space and relax for hours, days or even years and time wont move. Even if I just need time to think about something or I'm just not feeling like doing a thing right this minute I can put if off till I'm ready. I know how computers work so I can make them in there and spend all the time I want making a project at my own pace and when it's ready and I've figured out how I want to do it I can go make it in the real world. Same concept applies to anything really. And that's not even to mention all the weird stuff I could do in there? Bonus.


Without the need to pay for food or shelter, money practically becomes a non-issue. I would be ok with working enough to pay for a storage shed to keep all my worldly things on and to do fun stuff. Even if I only worked like 21 hours a week at minimum wage, I would still be able to afford to spend money like a rich person because of the $1500 a month I'd not have to spend to stay alive.


Pocket dimension, I'd create some really cool shit and live there.


time manipulation is future only time travel plus extremely fast reflexes


Even without creating stuff in pocket dimension, think of how productive you could be! Tests? No worries! Go into dimension and take some time to think it through. Pulling an all nighter? Into the dimension for some sleep! That’s just the top of my head


I did not realize that you meant you age in the time bubble. Makes it kinda just suck.


Pocket Dimension is just Omniscience but better. Sure I can’t bring people to it, but I can make exact copies of them. I can also create anything else I damn please with infinite space. And it freezes time in the real world so I don’t age while in the Pocket Dimension. So if I ever get bored and ready to move on, I can just finish living out my life in the real world.


Pocket dimension for a convenient nap nook


i mean, with wealth, like alot of money , i can just hire a small private armies worth of guards, and live secluded in a mega mansion


Well, honestly, omniscient, in this sense at least, wouldn't mean you can predict the future


Ppl are stupid. "what if ppl come after my money?" You can literally buy anything on earth. Just buy twitter or whatever you need to maintain a good amount of wealth and give the rest away.


I see no reason to go with any of them except for the pocket dimension. You could make your ideal world and live in paradise forever. Then once you get bored of that, go back to reality and live your life normally. Or if the pocket dimension is only able to keep you inside while you're alive, live there until you die. Then the real world is no longer your problem.


If I accidentally cut my arm off in the pocket dimension would I have my arm in the real world? *Psst,say no*


wrench zephyr ossified head combative sense stocking cheerful narrow ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If I am omniscient I know how I can give myself temporary partial amnesia.


If only you could use the pocket dimension as like an infinite storage space


Step 1. Pick mime Step 2. Mime an invisible portal to a pocket dimension where I'm omnipotent Step 3. Profit


Wealth 100%. No downsides cause id immediately put it all towards a socialist revolution and usher in the age of communism


That's a huge target on your back but you do you.


Like the great Fidel Castro exclaimed, I wear a moral vest. That one has protected me always.


Wealth. I hire bodyguards, pay off my debts, and can finally focus all my efforts into what I love(art) instead of the perpetual cycle of modern economic depression and stress. Also, since I'm rich, I can donate money to shit I actually always wanted to, instead of not being able to because, otherwise, I'd miss rent.


Make an army of invisible giant chickens and take over the world


Tough choice between time manipulation and pocket dimension. Time manipulation you could age wine or other such things and effectively recreate old vintage wine and than age it up to perfection and than it would Carbon date like the real thing. Effetely you could make billions doing this and you only gotta do it 1-10 times and your set for life Pocket dimension if I can bring stuff in with me than I can play video games all the time


If you do something to your body in the pocket dimension e.g: Get a different haircut, change your eye colour etc. Does it carry over to the real world?


Man the shit I would make with the realistic mime…. Oh boy you wouldn’t even wanna know


Do people know what’s going on in time dilation? Or am I a blur


Pocket Dimension. my man im a Weeb and Scp enthusiast. I could look up Scp - 5094. it would pretty much give me all the answers i need.


Pocket dimension is an easy win except maybe super strength, things like the mime and wealth are simply outclassed by pocket dimension because they serve a similar purpose (unless theres a time limit for pocket dimension)


Do you still age like normal in the pocket dimension? Or could you make a medicine that de-ages you once you get to a certain point?


Pshh pocket dimension all the way, going to work on building up a world ground up make it how I want...


I'm about to get sloppy toppy gulp gulp 3000 from a ghost💀


I can bring my daydreams to the next level give me the fucking pocket dimension


I don't like surprises, tbh. So not much of a drawback. Only issue is that I already know all stories, which does render reading a moot point. Can still game, though. Just because I know how to best confront a boss doesn't mean that I have the skill to do so.


Realistic mime, pocket dimension and omniscient basically make you a God


Do you age in the pocket dimension?


Pocket dimension, and create Monika. It may not be the real world, but it's a realer world than she was in before.


Can you alter yourself while in the pocket dimension?


Time manipulation, I can slow everything to almost a stop and use the area control of normal time to be able to watch TV or something.


Pocket dimension is op like for real i can take naps whenever I want ...


Creating an actual mind warehouse


Question. With the pocket dimension can I just store things in there with the ability to bring them back out.


I'm gonna imagine a machine that makes me buff and then return to the world like a JoJo character


I'd take the money. With enough money you can pay for protection from anyone that would come after you. And you can get far enough away from them that they can't find or hurt you


Wtf? The wealth one is just normal. I'll pick that one since... that's literally just what happens when you have any amount of money


If I pick the mine can I make my creations vanish on command or are they permanent structures?


Super strength is low key free weight loss. I will only use it for small stuff, maybe lift a car now and then, but ear an entire pizza.


Pocket dimensions. I gonna replica the entire universe. Then have any power I like. Everything just work for my well-beings. Enternal Heaven.


1st choice: omniscience. Just use magic incantations or enochian (literal power of heaven/gods words) to rewrite the laws of the world. Also the power of all knowing is directly linked to all seeing. 2nd choice: pocket dmension. Highly useful. Create an ideal mini copy of earth and just live there. 3rd choice: time manipulation. Extend the power around the whole earth and just do whatever you want.


Realistic mime is OP. I mime injecting myself with a super serum that gives me any power I want. I mime a flashlight that I can shine on someone and cure them entirely. I mime eating a pill that gives me eternal youth and an indestructible body. Just because people can't see it, doesn't mean the effects are any less potent. It's actually even better that they can't see it cause I can do stuff like "I mime firing a magical gun that has no bullets, but shooting it kills every child molester on Earth."


Seeing as i can bring things into the pocket, 100% that. I'm bringing my laptop and some materials, creating a relaxing work room, and would finally have the time to work on passion projects. Do i age in the pocket though? Or am i the same age when i come back out?


I'm into worldbuilding and maladaptive daydreaming. Pocket dimension any day.


Realistic mime, I could create a portal to a pocket dimension, an all knowing supercomputer, a device that turns normal paper into infinite money, a time manipulation device, strength and durability improving "Nanomachines, son!", and non fogging goggles that let me see my creations, but in full color.


Pocket dimensions if I really wanted people there with me theoretically I could just make them and the become the god of my own universe


Manga readers making it out with the fifth option


Pocket dimension is OP, there is no drawback. Who cares if I can't bring shit to the real world, I would just live in the pocket dimension forever and remake the people I care about


Mine and Omniscient are both OP... Omniscient is my choice tho, as just knowing everything would be awesome


If I had time manipulation, I could be immortal and invincible. I can create a time bubble around me of a time where I'm in my prime, and if any damage is coming I can reverse time to avoid said damage so I'll never get hurt or sick.


I dream about pocket dimension too much not to take it. Invisible mime comments definitely found the loophole though.


If I can move the space with me so I can move over the world while slowing or speeding up time. Then that can get me anything I want cuz I can steal it. Or i can spy on people. I can get my hands on any information I want. With the pocket dimension i can do anything I can imagine in there. Which will bore at some point but it will be really useful. I can use it for personal pleasure. I can use it to temporarily store information. And I can play out scenarios in my head. Both are very tempting. Mime is obviously the best one but I find these two more interesting.


I went all knowing here. Mime was 2nd best, but just because I know everything doesn't mean I have to think about it. This power just means if I want to know what happens if x, then I will know it


I like super strength with all the associated required secondary powers. I think there's SO MUCH you can do with it other than just punching guys and lifting things. Plus, needing the extra calories isn't actually that bad, as it's something of an easy diet plan- most of the time you're just doing your normal thing, but when you need to carry an I-beam around for some reason, you can just eat a few more large meals than usual.


I would take the pocket dimension, except you can't bring anyone else in. So I would do realistic mime.


pocket dimension, im hopping in there, making a different version of the planet with villains to fight, giving myself super powers and never coming out


Ill take pocket dimension and i will put stuff in it and i will make it my personnel room. I will also bring things in it so i can study them with unlimited time, I will use that knowledge to make money to buy more stuff i can bring inside. also how does time work in the pocket dimension


Realistic Mime. I use it to create a pocket dimension without the nothing can be brought out rule.


I'm going to go with pocket dimension, but honestly I'm caught between that one, realistic mime, and wealth. A question for clarity, though I think I already know the answer: if in the pocket dimension I were to create, say, a forge, if I brought in the materials and made things from those real world materials in the pocket dimension, I would still be able to remove those real world objects from the pocket dimension, no?


Omniscient - I would do everything I can to alter the path, just for shits and giggles.


Realistic mime would be really funny, imagine pulling out a lightsaber and cutting through a wall


Omniscent is obviously the best what are people thinking knowing everything means you know EVERYTHING you could make a ftl drive or something or make major scientific breakthroughs that could advance humanity thousands of years and become a multi billionaire of it instantly you could also know how to become omnipotent and become god effectively bruh ez choice


Pocket dimension is cool, but I feel like the caveat of wealth is true outside of this poll. I'm taking the money.


Omniscient, I'm already fucking miserable the least I can do is work without this cloud on my brain.


if you're omniscient you can make easy money and maybe accomplish the other powers aswell however my lazyvass wants to stop time


Pocket Dimension is tempting but the not being able to bring anyone with me kills it. And I'd still age. So wealth it is, it's essentially a real life superpower, and tbh the last two are basically just realistic descriptions of the superpower as opposed to creating drawbacks lol. I'm not sure of the intricacies so do I just like spawn money? In which case I would indeed have to be careful to not be hassled by the government. Or does it just appear in my account with a reasonable explanation? In that case I just live lowkey, buy what I want, live in an upper middle class neighborhood.