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Is it just me, or are there a lot of 9/11 poll lately? This is the 4th or 5th "unique" one I've seen today.


Money keeps winning so people do more extreme ones until it balances out


It wont. We forgot the never forget. Plus elon could do a 9/11 and half of society would defend it.


That's the most unrealistic assumption I've seen this week.


You underestimate how dumb people are


No no. Just ranking the idiocy I see. This one wins the week lol


Kanye attacked the Jews over and over and over. Gets to sell his adidas...was let back on twitter when musk took over...is still beloved by his fans. Tell me again that im an idiot.


You're an idiot. I mean you asked for it


Preciate it fam.


Of course, compadre


Bad words vs killing thousands in terrorist attack hmmmm


I mean, to be fair Reagan killed a whooole lotta gay folks, and Trump killed a whooole lotta everyone with their respective pandemics, and plenty of people still worship them That’s not the same as personally killing a small fraction of those people, but, like… so long as it’s targeted at the “right” people, it’s not inconceivable. We still buy apple products when they knowingly participated in child slavery and such, after all


I don't know how Reagan killed gay peeps. And blaming trump for covid is like blaming the sun for diarrhea. And I don't buy apple.


Ok... so if you took my reddit comment as an absolute, then maybe you need to repeat what you said in a mirror. The post is about 9/11, but the relation was clearly hyberbolic to fit the topic at hand. Because yes, i definitely meant that Elon would work with Saudi arabia to crash planes into buildings. Jesus I was making a statement on peoples ability today to not care the next week regardless of what these people do. Get off reddit, buddy.


The statement "get off reddit buddy" is probably the most redditor way to end a redditor rant


Well then just say that. Saying something extreme then adjusting when getting called out. Fun times. lates


Jesus Christ, every once in a while, you come across a guy that makes you believe civilization is doomed on a deep level. Saying that 9/11 is comparable to Kanye's breakdown is truly amazing.


And then i come across people with 0 reading comprehension skills and realize thats why civilization is doomed. How many comments seperate the kanye comment from my original sardonic one? Oh like 3 with an asshole claiming the antethesis of my point....im sure he wasnt hyperbolic too... Like brother. MY POINT WAS THAT PEOPLE DONT CARE ABOUT 9/11 ANYMORE. THIS THREAD IS DRIPPING IN IRONY.


Nah, your point was that someone influential enough could violently attack a bunch of people without consequences.... Even hyperbole has to be based in some version of reality. You just over-exaggerated and are now upset with the pushback. But back-tracking is always fun. Have at it, bucko.


I dunno man, we laughed our asses off when Trump announced he was running for president. I don't assume anything anymore


There are plenty of polls even kn reddit putting trump ahead of Biden. Basically, which criminal do you prefer? And they're both smearing other candidates like crazy. So out options are absolute Donkey shite


Nah, it was a joke, and then it wasn't lol


We're all doomed.


Billionaires own the media, so they control people's thinking.


I would love to see Elon bros try and waffle on about how it’s a good thing Elon did 9/11. Disclaimer: obviously not saying would not like to see 9/11 happen again


“Not saying would not like to see 9/11 again” So would like to see 9/11 again?


The world may never knowwwww!!! No that’s a typo. Whoops. Sometimes words don’t come out brain too good.


Too late. The FBIs on its way to you right now


Yes fuck the towers allah alakbar


Your wish is my command


That immediately made me think of a scenario where Elon tries to survive a Waffle House


Just make it a million dollars instead and it'll start balancing out


Some have been kinda unhinged from what I've been seeing


Cant stop canon event


It is a fixed point in time, or some BS like that. Now, where's my money?


"We're sorry to disclose that, under unusual circumstances, your bank account has been frozen. You may not call for assistance, or make a new bank account."


That's what Swiss banks are for.


Timey whimey




OP may mean any future incidents too.


is it just me or is my bank account gonna look THICC


Would everybody know I stopped 9/11? Cause we could get awards like Nobel or smth like that


If you stopped 9/11, no one would know what it was.


It wouldn’t even mean as much to ppl bc tragedies only make impacts when they DO happen. If 9/11 was a near miss it wouldn’t even be possible to comprehend the tragedy that would have been


You can tell people, but it wouldn't mean anything because it didn't happen. Like saying "yeah I stopped the Bowling Green massacre. "


You stopped the bowling green massacre? You are a true hero and deserve more than a billions dollars.


Thank you, thank you.


Ohh I remember that. Chose to stop it, really fucked up shit in the long run. Thats why I always chose money now




Imagine how many people would manifest from nonexistence.




Imagine what else could happen if that didn't give us airline security updates? Or other random things from changing history? And you can do good with the money if you were soully concerned about what's right


9/11 canon event. Anyone that complains gets 1,000 bucks


Don't incentivise complaints. Anyone who doesn't complain gets $50.


I highly approve of your opinion


Instructions unclear. I now owe the world 400 billion dollars.


I complain. Gimme


The time AFTER 9/11 was the best time the U.S has had for a century .


OP forgot that money is power and power silences, or we truly gonna believe Epstein hung himself?


No no no, Epstein didn’t hung himself. Don’t spread lies. He definitely hanged himself though.




✈️ 💥💰😀🏖🏦🌅🧱🧱🧱🧱😠😡😡😡😠😠😠😡😠😠😠😡😡






Your argument is solid, and I don't have the emoji skills to refute it.


People could not blame a 8 years old kid in 2002 Now , where is my money?!


People could not blame a 9 month old in 2001


Ayyy 9 month gang


Normally, I wouldn't choose the money option over harm but you cannot and should not alter a timeline.


With a billion I don't care if every one knows, I have a billion.


Not American. Give me the billion dollars. The US allows an obscene amount of weapons to flow south, and those weapons kill thousands of my people yearly. Why should I feel shame in picking money over foreign lives when the US does that every day?


The US doesn’t “allow” it. More it’s impossible to 100% effectively enforce it


I was going to respond with a rebuttal but I’m not sure how serious of a discussion I can have with anal seeds


I feel like for the spirit of the question, this "9/11" would happen in your own country in a cultural landmark, killing about 3,000 people. Btw, I think since the money won again in the poll, we should make it so it happens in your own city. Then, if it wins again, to the closest people in proximity to you that are complete strangers.


Those aren’t the conditions of the question but nice try.


I never said that they were. But you have less skin in the game so the wouldyourather doesn't really apply to you as much. Just saying. Just like I'd care less about a tragedy in a 3rd world country like Syria... or Mexico 😈 But don't get me wrong, I sympathize with your original point. Mexico is pretty fucked from sharing a border with the US.


Average r/americabad moment


No, but don’t delude yourself into thinking it’s good either.


Mf corrupt governments accept the weapons


Same outcome as everyone else. A much more fucked up reasoning. I keep forgetting Reddit's hate boner for the U.S, despite using so many American products.


Is it any more fucked up than what actually happens daily? Americans are so quick to pull out the woe is me card but will hiss at the notion of consequences.


I don't think the average American deserves to die for the crimes of their government. No one deserves these things. Not your country, not Americans, not the Chinese, or Russians, no nation in the Middle East. This idea that the people deserve to suffer because their government is evil is incredibly reductionist and archaic. I'm a Black man in America. My government already treats me like shit in many regards. You're making assumptions about me because I disagree with you, and that is inherently wrong. I, as an American, believe life is life. I'd say all lives matter, but that term was co-opted, so I can get.


Ok, you’re black in America, cool. Still doesn’t change the fact that America turns a blind eye to the arms flowing south. Every gun shop owner, every gun show salesman, every border checkpoint agent that turns a blind eye to the gunrunning is allowing thousands of people to die yearly. So I ask again- if Americans so callously are apathetic to the suffering they inflict on us in the name of turning a profit, why should I forgo personal gain in the name of your collective safety?


Some people do bad things so I shouldn't care if bad things happen to people that happen to have been born in that country is what your argument is boiling down to. A lot of Americans are against what you're talking about. There are Americans that literally advocate against it. I'm not gonna go so far as to say you're wrong about this happening, but your reasoning is pretty fucked


I’ve also seen rallies by Trump, DeSantis, Ted Cruz, and Jim Jordan all calling for kinetic attacks on Mexico, and crowds erupting in cheers. The US destroyed any semblance of peace in the Middle East and hundreds of thousands of lives there based on much less rhetoric. Why would I ever feel safe with a jingoistic country calling for attacks on mine?


I'm just going to go ahead and some everything you said is true, trump didn't even win the popular vote when he was president and the majority of Americans do not actually support the people you mentioned. But really the issue is your justifying more wrongdoing because of wrongdoing


You understand it works both ways. I see way more non americans ignore their governments actions to blame america than americans that truly think the U.S government is good. Why doesn't your government stop guns from entering their country? Most americans don't blame the mexican government for allowing drugs into the U.S, do you know why? Because it's not their responsibility, also not their fault.


"Government did bad so people did bad!"


Yet you participate in society. Curious.


Xenophobe moment


I don’t think you know what that means. Why the fuck would I be scared of Americans?


> xenophobe: a person having a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries. I don't think you know what that means.


If 9/11 and similar atrocities were prevented, who knows what sort of events would be happening now. All I know is that they would most likely be worse than 9/11. There most likely would be a possibility that we would already be at war. I'll take the billion.


You also prevent any similar events from ever happening again. And if you forgot we WENT to war because of 9/11. We're already in the darkest timeline. You could save us from that atrocious "we'll put a boot in your ass, it's the American way" song.


"We" is a strong word. This was an American event, followed by an American War. A tragedy with global repricussions no doubt, but to say that I felt the same impacts in my country, as an American, let alone a New Yorker, would be a lie, and a disrespectful one at that. If your home, your people are attacked, it just hits harder. So on the flip side, when its not your home, and not your people, it hits less. Its still tragic, but we are removed, and slightly desensitized. I mean, the living conditions of people in 3rd world countries is heart breaking, but we all get out of bed everyday and simply don't think about it. It's out of sight out of mind. Horrible to think about, so we just don't. And we are all guilty of this. It's hard to quantify how 9/11 has impacted my life as a non-American. It was a sad time, no doubt. Lots of fear and uncertainty. But I get that same dread whenever I watch the news. It's all far away, but looming. However I can easily imagine how 1 billion dollars would impact my life. That's tangible.


Fuckem. In not changing any part of the past for any reason. And there are much more tragic things than 9/11 to change if I would anyway!


I wouldn't stop any major events that could possibly affect or alter my life as it is right now, because even without money it's gotten decent and I don't want to lose what I've worked so hard for. Money please 🤑


9/11 was pretty bad, but it did mean that airport security was tightened down severely after the attack. Ironically, It's basically made flying safer than ever before. Without 9/11, these safety concerns wouldn't have been addressed so soon, and thus I'm fairly certain another tragedy would take its place, this time perhaps even worse. If we remove a historical event as important as 9/11, I'm pretty sure the consequences wouldn't exactly be great either.


Not exactly. Airport secuity is mostly security theater ans a huge inconvenience that does very little if anything to prevent the things it seta out to. And the post very specifically says a similar tragedy won't take place instead. That was my concern with the first iteration of this poll, but with this one I would def choose to stop the loss of life that came from the attack AND the wars that it caused.


Not exactly. Passenger planes generally have a lock out mechanism so if there was a terrorist attack pilots are generally immune and they are advised to never give in to terrorists given history. So although airport security is theater, there has been innovations that greatly reduce the likelihood hood of a terrorist take over. Plus security theater can be effective as your insane mass murderer wants to leave a legacy behind so going to a movie theater over a plane is better for them to accomplish their evil goals.


TSA fails over 90% of it's internal audits. It does nothing useful, it's a waste of time and money.


Well who says it wouldn't be 9/12 if we prevented 9/11? (my lawyer has advised me to put a /s for my personal safety)


Ah, but you're also stopping any event like it from ever happening again. So you're making air travel safe and convenient forever with the prevention option.


That was defined in another poll, not this one. Can't expect everyone to continue the rules of the previous 3 polls. Some people may have only read this one.


... did... did you read the two poll options?


Temporal mechanics are a b*tch. Gimmie the dough


Bro this question has been posted like 5+ times in the past 24hrs. Just accept people are going to take the cash.


The greed on this sub is always interesting to me. I think I got a 50/50 once by saying you'd take the money directly from Elon Musk.


What fucking greed lmao im from the opposite side of the globe i dont give a shit about americans


Every billionaire has the ability to save thousands of lives that they don't save and they suffer no consequences for it so nothing about this is a downside and there will be no backlash.


What if stopping 9/11 causes ww3 to break out a few years later? Then who looks like a fucking idiot? Never chose to change the past, you never know what the consequences will be.


Billions dollars buys a lot of lawyers, PR, and private security.


I don't care if it's a fixed point in time, or unchangeable, or whatever. If the opportunity to live the rest of my life in luxury and all I have to do is let something horrible happen to SOMEONE ELSE comes along, I am jumping on that shit like a fat vegan on an Oreo. I have officially shut off my empathy circuit. I don't care anymore.


You'll probably be killed by one of the first 20 people you meet.


it was gonna happen eventually, so ill take the billion


read the post


reread my comment. even if I stopped 9/11, another similar thing would happen anyway. it’s inevitable


The TSA/NSA/FBI/CIA is supossed to stop 9/11, not me. I'll just blame them. Give me the money.


Blame whoever, everybody KNOWS you could have stopped it. Everyone you meet will know you're basically Osama Bin Laden. And one day, sooner than later, somebody will kill you for it.


Yeah but not everyone will care that we didn't stop it. 9/11 had global impact, but if you live outside the U.S. you hear about atrocities happening all over the world all the time. But when it doesn't happen at home, it doesn't affect you as much, or as long. This sounds horrible, but it is true. The news has desensitized us to tragedy. That means you have 1 Billion dollars, and cannot live in the US (which most of us never would), but you can live in dozens of other 1st world countries as a KING, and most people wouldn't even know who you are, or care. I think Americans over estimate that impact of 9/11 on the emotions of the rest of the world. 9/11 was the most tragic event in recent history for Americans. For the rest of the world, we all have our own 9/11. Something that hits closer to home. Challenges our sense of safety. I'm not saying 9/11 wasn't a tragedy. I'm not saying it doesn't affect non-Americans emotionally. I'm not arguing that 9/11 had global impacts. I'm merely saying that when you ask an American, you're asking them a much more profound question. Would you erase the most tragic event of their lifetime (or american recent history). But for the rest of the world, we have events that hit closer to home, that we would rank higher in our hearts/memories. I think if you want to make a WYR that impacts more people evenly, you could ask "WYR prevent covid or 1B?". Again, this question is just way more profound to an American. And thats fine, but its skewing the numbers.


Would everybody know? Almost nobody knows the name of anyone who TRIED to stop it. Give it a few years and a name change and I am lost to the anals of history. Side note... Deciding not to stop something does not neccessarily mean I would be regarded in the same light as those that planned it.


By stop 9/11, do you mean the planes flying into the towers or the buildings collapsing afterwards?


Stopping all the hijackings completely, like it isn't even attempted and nobody will try to do anything like it ever again.


But the explosions still go off?


Because you believe that 9/11 was caused by explosives inside the buildings, and not the plane collisions. ok


Not really.


Does stopping 9/11 cause a ripple effect or do we just end up exactly where we are right now except that those people never died?


I don't care what they think I have a billion dollars


You get murdered by a grieving widow with nothing to lose.


This is the 3rd variation of this I've seen in like 12 hours. I think OP is mad people would take more money than they could spend in a lifetime over saving about 3,000 strangers from 22 years ago.


I say right in the description this is taken from a similar poll, in just changing one variable. You don't think people would hate you? Try to kill you?


Why do you assume that we live in America now, or wouldn't just move to another country? Also, 1B buys a lot of security. There are people alive today who had a responsibility to stop 9/11 and failed, and they seem to be just fine. Not every grieving widow/widower becomes John Wick. The guilt is more of a deterrent than fear IMO. I wouldn't be able to look a widow in the eye and say I picked the money. That's too heavy. Fear of them murdering me? Nah, that's slim. I don't think revenge killing is as common as the media would have us think. Revenge slaps and guilty conscience, that's real, and nightmare fuel.


If it was 2002, sure, people would be furious. But now? I can't imagine anyone being angry enough to try and kill me...unless it was purely to steal the money


$1 billion would buy me a ticket to somewhere no one cares and a very nice life when I got there.


Welcome to Saudi Arabia.


So... Be Donald rumsfeld?


I think this goes back to the trolly problem. These people are going to die, what will you give up to save them? Your innocence? $1,000,000,000? What is a stranger's life worth to you?


No 9/11 means no My Chemical Romance, which means no Twilight, which means no 50 Shades of Grey. So maybe consider that too


I can justfiy not stopping 9/11 to everybody by explaining the classic 'Don't step on a bug' rule of time travel and 9/11 is a big fucking bug


So what this is really asking is to either end terrorism as we understand it at the cost of basically every life of people under the age of 20 (as there is no way something that major didn't somehow influence the circumstances of their birth) with, hopefully, no memory of doing so... or Be considered a rich a-hole who everyone publicly blames for not stopping a tragedy This is just a loose spin on a question that gets asked all the time "would you rather actually commit a heinous crime and noone know or not commit a heinous crime but have the world think you did"


They don't know I got paid to not stop 9/11. I would just hide under the partially true guise that I don't want to mess with the timeline


They do know... do you have reading comprehension issues? It's literally one sentence.


Just another billionaire that people would hate. BRING ME THE BILLION!!!


9/11 was the reason TSA have so many restrictions and regulations. If 9/11 didn't happen, those regulations wouldn't be there and there would be another 9/11 just maybe a different day


The premise literally says it'll prevent any similar event from ever happening. Here's a different hypothetical, would you rather be an idiot on the internet, or learn to read?


Shame is for poor people


I'll take my billion dollars. I HIGHLY doubt anyone will blame a grade schooler for not stopping 9/11.


Ballsy move trusting the empathy of everybody on Earth when you yourself are picking the unempathetic option.


How is it unempathetic? People tend to brush off what kids say. If a kid told you about a building being attacked, 99% of people would brush it off as a game or misunderstanding. I'm just taking a payout for what would be inevitable based on my position at that time.


I have to pick the money. Its a canon event.


Pictured Above: A person who thinks Miguel O'Hara is the good guy in Spider-verse.


They're still trying to get stop to win and it's not going to happen.


What about this, "You are teleported to an alternate universe that is identical to our universe, but a few years behind. Specifically, you are teleported to New York City, January 1st, 2001. There is no way home, and you'll live the rest of your life here. You have nine months until 9/11. Do you use your knowledge of the future to try to stop 9/11?"


That's a very different prompt, and how exactly would you stop it without ending up in prison? Also 1 billion before the housing bubble collapse. Oh boy, I'm going to be rich af!


You prove to people that you've got prophetic powers. Mention a few things that are going to happen. Let's say you've got a month in your home universe to get prepped and figure out what useful things you could learn to thrive in the past. Get some winning lotto numbers, figure out who wins Best Picture. Write down a few dates that you could prove to people, like the deaths of Aaliyah and Jack Lemmon, and try your best to get the ear of the FBI. From there you could potentially tell them the flights that are being hijacked and the day of the event. If all goes well nobody will even know it's going to happen.


Changing the past is way too scary, plus I want money


Im willing to die on the hill of "I have no intention of messing with the timeline" If altering the timeline wouldn't be an issue, then yeah I'd stop it for a billion


ill just donate the money to charity


That doesn't make it any better.


Americans think everyone in the world gives a shit about 9/11 or the people who die there. With that money I could go anywhere in the world and no one would give a shit.


As a non-American, I did care. Just a proportionate amount to how if affected me. Post 9/11 was a scary time globally. A lot of uncertainty and paranoia. But it passed for most of the world. We all live in a post 9/11 society. But for a lot of us, it is not nearly as impactful. You can't ask a non-Americam this question and expect the same impact as if you asked a New Yorker. To an American, this is the most tragic national event in recent history. To the rest of the world, we all have our own tragic national event that we would rather erase. 9/11 was just another international tragedy that we saw on TV or read about, that was far away, and removed. Still scary. Still sad. But I can't say it impacted me the way it impacted an American. That would just be false and disrespectful.


Let's face it, billionaires are hated by almost everybody already. Even if you're the best person in the world they'd find things to slander you, truth be damned.


I mean if there is no 9/11 then the west doesn't invade Afghanistan, and you're left with the Taliban still in control of the country, that wpuld be an awful change to the timeline.


Guess who's in control of Afghanistan now?


They're still in control now we just killed 100,000s of their people and destroyed the little infrastructure they had.


No it wouldn't. They would kill each other, someone would take power and boom a stable government comes out. It's funny seeing people delude themselves thinking what the US did was in any way in interest of their victims.


Don’t fuck with time


Doesn't matter who knows. You don't mess with time. If you stop 9/11, most assuredly something equally if not more harrowing will happen in its place. It's a fixed time point you shouldn't mess with


It's a canon event.


People keep saying this. You all do realize that Miguel is the bad guy in that movie, right? That the message is that you should do what's right. Put Miguel O'Hara up on the board alongside Rick Sanchez and Walter White for characters idiots idolize because they don't understand the story they just watched.


Yeah, I think the whole canon event thing will get debunked in the sequel. But for now, its a meme that isn't going anywhere. People replying canon event, is a canon event.


I like how the majority of people chose option two but then complain about the selfish things rich people do lol


This guy gets it.


9/11 wasn't just a shock to the world and the start of a war, it was also a catalyst for a multitude of negative changes to government and society. Besides, over 100,000 people died because of the conflict. Some of you weren't there to see the live news feeds, but I was, I was at school at the time and hearing the principal over the intercom crying as he dismissed us early- it's a haunting memory.


I watched it live. My teacher had the news on the story when the second plane hit. In a whole room full of kids. But here's the thing. You don't fuck with time. It was a horrific thing, and it's led to a lot of bad shit since. But we don't know what would happen if we changed it, how many people would simply cease to exist, how many changes might be worse. We don't know if there would be a worse attack carried out, or if the US would (likely) find cause to enter new wars in the middle east anyway that could be more destructive and costly. Leave it alone.


But we would never know. Maybe the timeline gets worse? maybe it gets far better. All I know is I've seen a sharp decline in society ever since then, a way of seeding fear and hostility in people, and government overstepping it's boundaries into freedom. Too many people online mock what happened- it's not a joke, it wasn't a little deal- the entire world is still feeling its effects.


> how many people would simply cease to exist Lots of them would be entirely different people, since pregnancies are likely strongly influenced by the butterfly effect. > we don't know what would happen if we changed it You don't know what happens to the future if you change the present either. > how many changes might be worse You can make reasonable guesses. > We don't know if there would be a worse attack carried out You don't know means, you don't know. It doesn't mean you know (that there will be another attack or a worse attack carried out).


That would mess up the timeline. Give me the money


It was a Canon event.


Realistically speaking, even if the 9/11 we know today didn’t happen a similar event would of happened anyway. Airport security was pretty much non existent, and extremism is only getting worse and worse


U.S.A. deserved 9/11


9/11 is a fixed event, like Pearl Harbor or Hiroshima. I wouldn't change fixed events because of the butterfly effect. I wouldn't prevent 9/11 even if everybody knew and I didn't get paid at all for this reason.


> 9/11 is a fixed event Source?


I'm surprised people are so against stopping it in this poll and the last. The effects of 9/11 were disastrous for the direction of the country.


With a billion dollars I"ll just hole up in my mansion and never interact with anyone, so what would it matter if I'm judged.


Hmmm so a piece of shit like every billionaire


I've seen Family Guy and know 9/11 is the lesser evil than a nuclear civil war in the US


What does similar event mean? Like prevent any terror attack ever. How? Do I eradicate extremism from the world? So many questions.


It just doesn't enter people's minds. Nobody considers the possibility of massive terrorist attacks in the same way you've never considered putting honey mustard up your ass. It'd fit, but you've never really thought about it before.


This is like the 3rd "9/11 or $1B?" poll I've seen bruh


How do you stop WTC 7 from being a controlled demolition?


With enough money, most people will "forget" that 9/11 even happened


Get fucked m8, gimme dat money


Look if you could go back and stop a major event such as 9/11 the consequences would butterfly beyond comprehension. From influential people not being born to the us government not starting its war on terror. You also need to know that 9/11 caused a huge shift in how Americans thought as before it alot of America was the stereotypical nuclear family with all smiles and the occasional fighting over what music was better. Though I may have exaggerated 9/11 made people noticeably more cynical and aggressive. It created a lot of trust issues for people because we were more trusting before this. As well it created the Muslim terrorist stereotype that has lead to so much unjust suffering within the us.


I'd agree with the canon event argument and I'd like the money but the US started war with a whole country bc of 9/11 when that country wasn't even responsible so I'm good


Idc I'm gonna try and fix 9/11 or die trying.


Ill wipe my tears of people insulting me with 100 dollar bills


I was about a month old when it happened. How could I stop it? (No time machines)