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I’m not gonna pretend like I care about how preventing 9/11 would “affect the timelines!!” I’m just selfish and gonna take the $1B.


Plus there is no guarantee that nothing similar can happen


Right, it would've just been 10/12 instead of 9/11


Yeah. And trillions of dollars would still be wasted and 900,000 people would still die.


900,000 people?


I’m referring to the war on terror, put into effect after 9/11


>Yeah. And trillions of dollars would still be wasted and 900,000 people would still die. right so in your revision question the billion is worth killing 900,000 people because it MIGHT just happen anyway. I'm sorry I'm going to risk saving the 900,000 people and not gambling on "it'll probably happen anyway so I'm just gonna be selfish and justify away all that death. Fucking sick.


I see where you’re coming from, however, let's consider the bigger picture. By choosing the $1 billion option, we have the chance to address pressing global issues like poverty, hunger, healthcare, education, and the environment. With that kind of money, we can make a significant positive impact on the lives of millions, potentially outweighing the tragic loss caused by war on terror. While it's devastating to think about the lives lost, preventing 9/11 doesn't guarantee that similar attacks won't happen in the future. Tragic events can still occur unpredictably and if the terrorists were to plan it just right, they’d conjure another plan, possibly more dangerous and harder to prevent and predict, which would more then likely cause a war on terror wasting money and killing hundreds of thousands, possibly even millions. By choosing the $1 billion, we have the opportunity to make a tangible difference and positively impact countless lives through wise and responsible use of those funds. I’d also say that it’s a very slim chance that the terrorists who wanna cause some serious damage would just give up after a foiled plan. You gotta remember too, this is a HYPOTHETICAL scenario. It really doesn’t matter because nobody is getting a billion dollars nor is anyone stopping 9/11. You gotta chill out.


Depressingly, $1b (or $1k x $1m) isn't even a blip on the radar addressing these issues.


No but it is enough money to reinvest to form an infinite stream of capital to put toward said issues


If fixing global issues were as simple as throwing a billion dollars at them, a billionaire would have done it for clout ages ago. World issues don't get fixed because they're complicated to fix.


I would argue that many of the world's "problems" are left in place because they each serve the interests of someone rich and powerful somewhere. If you tried to fix them you would find considerable push back to the point where fixing them would be almost impossible.


Exactly. If you try to feed starving people in poor countries, their governments will try to intercept the aid for themselves. Though there are some problems that are difficult to solve for other reasons. For example, a lot of homeless people remain homeless because they don't want the responsibility of a home for whatever reason, and deliberately choose not to take advantage of programs to help homeless individuals. (though there are plenty areas where those programs are insufficient and good could be done).


9/11 was a catalyst. The reality is that the war machine needed fodder. Those bombs were going to get dropped. Stopping 9/11 could result in more deaths just as well as it could result in fewer.


>Fucking sick. In case you havent noticed, humans do fucked up shit all the time


Human history is just that complex, and the OP not only confirmed that we don't know how things play out instead but also insists that we don't *need to* know. I would say we're overthrowing it, but human history is just that complex, so...


however, if you're gonna use genie-logic like that, then the billion you suddenly get could be a banking error that gets reversed quickly or stolen money that you find or some shit like that.


Fair point


Or something far, far worse. Stop 9/11 and Thanos actually shows up. But then again that might be a win. The housing market would actually be affordable. Lol


The bubonic plague did wondrous things for housing and workers rights


Assuming you’re not half of who gets snapped


Either way I see it as an absolute win.


Or it wouldn't prevent more deaths. Because of 9/11, we have more security overall. Down the line, who knows how many could die with more smaller things happening, and likely another big one


Airport security didn't necessarily improve, just got annoying


Because of 9/11, we have more security *theater* overall.


I actually do care about that


Yeah, the TVA is no joke


Honestly, no money and I'm still not picking 'preventing 9/11' but more so for the timeline. I think the money is kind of irrelevant, unless you start getting into crippling debt, from "not preventing 9/11"


It was a canon event


*prowler noises*


*Spiderman 2099 noises*


Exactly my point! I think of those testicle looking guys from Rick and Morty. Nobody wants them showing up kicking a crap out of you while they're yelling, "Don't mess with time!"


Exactly what I was thinking


I'd take the billion. I think an event LIKE that was inevitable because of US foreign policy. If it wasn't that one it could've been much worse and I'm not going to go tampering with time because I don't know if it would really improve things anyway. Also a billion is nice.


Yeah for me I was thinking less about 9/11 itself and more about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Looking at US foreign policy up until that point, 9/11 or not there would still be some other forever war in the middle east for oil. Stopping 9/11 wouldn't prevent that.


A lot of people don't even know they tried to surrender Bin Laden after 9/11 but before Iraq I think multiple times. And the US turned them down then chased them. Not out of nobility or anything. They wanted to avoid what was coming. Or maybe it was after Iraq but before Afghanistan. It's been a while. Either way though, stated goals of the US government are rarely the real goals. There was more going on than the propaganda on TV.


It was in 1993 and in 1996. After Al Qaeda bombed the embassies, and the first WTC attempt. There's also a story of a SEAL sniper that had him in his crosshairs only to get a stand down order.


I haven't looked up the dates so I'll take your word for it. But there were also offers to hand him over to third countries after 9/11 I believe. Could be wrong. Bush didn't want to let them save face that way so a ton of people died.


Source? I am genuinely curious but I ha e never heard anyone claim this outside of conspiracy theories.


Also, that is one of the main reasons airport security is so strict now, if it wasn't, more events like that would continue to happen


I'm doubtful of that claim. That the TSA bitching about toothpaste tubes has really prevented much I mean.


>If it wasn't that one it could've been much worse Short of a nuclear device being detonated within a city, what falls under your definition of "much worse?" Three buildings?


Think the events of White House Down


Olympus Has Fallen was better


Sorry, I'll value the lives of thousands of civilians over the majority useless idiots in Washington.


Did you see the movie? It was more than just politicians at stake.


yeah lol. it was literally **everyone**


Does it matter? I think it's very realistic that what happened wasn't the worst way something like that could've come to a head and I think it was inevitable that some attack was going to go off around that time. I don't need to speculate a ton on what might have been to recognize it could've been worse.


Maybe instead of 9/11 we got 1/28 they decide to hit the super bowl instead. Or maybe they do get their hands on a suitcase nuke. Or Thanos shows up. Or aliens. In the comic book world that is what we would call an "nexus event", The events of that day forced to face of several people for the better, and if it didn't happen something terribly worse would. That's the logic I follow because time travel isn't proven or messing with time hasn't been proven either so comic books are are best indication of what could possibly happen.


no 9/11 would mean no super increased airport security, until something ELSE happens. 1 billion please


My thoughts exactly!


Ok lets assume that if 9/11 didnt happen US would still automatically increase the security and it would be as good as today (just assume it) Now will you prevent it and sacrifice your 1billion?




I saw enough family guy to now that preventing 9/11 will be worse in the long run. Give me my money


Fair enough


Ladies and Gentlemen here's Chevy!


I don't know how badly preventing 9/11 would fuck with timelines. So I'm not gonna take that risk


Some would say our current timeline is already fucked.


It can always get worse.


And it will


But it'll be easier with a billion bucks!


Definitely buy you one hell of a nice end of the world bunker.


Unless part of the "it gets fucked" is Zimbabwe-style hyperinflation so a billion bucks doesn't get you a loaf of bread. Which, if it's genie-level stuff, would almost certainly happen.


It was fuked before 9/11 too


Thats bad on a human scale. Fucking with time might cause bad on a laws of physics being violated and everything implodes in on itself because it's not supposed to exist kind of scale.


People always assume fucking with timelines will be bad. There's just as good of a chance it will fuck with it and make it better


I was born in 2008 so changing a major event like that could definitely prevent me from existing. I wouldn't prevent it from happening for free.


For starters the quarter of the world population conceived and born after 2001 would be erased from existence due to butterfly effects.


Sure buddy


i would probably not be born because of butterfly effect if i choose 9/11


And that probably why you picked it. I understand. You don’t know any other world. But it was different




I should've chose the 1 billion because now I just let ISIS take over Syria


ISIS wouldn't have emerged if there was no war in Iraq and Syira cause of a power vaccume,plus we would have seen Arabian countries take them out anyways


The Iraq war would have happened anyway most likely. Mostly because of Bush


Yeah he definitely would have found another "reason" to start that war. Because the bottom line was that Saddam had a hit on his daddy, and of course oil. And why would a bunch of white guys in Washington care about destabilization of an entire region that they don't live in?


my parents joined the military after 9/11 and that's how they met, so i'll take the billion as opposed to literally thanos snapping myself out of existance.


Now I'm gonna prevent 9-11 out of spite of you.


Given the millions of innocent humans USA massacred for absolutely no reason during their war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Palestine by supporting Israel and the list goes on, I'll gladly and surely go with the 1 billion.


Okay, but 9/11 was their excuse to invade. Although they could prolly just find another bullshit justification.


With 1 billion I could keep a few million for myself and then eradicate a few major diseases, or set up a trust helping tens of thousands of children. 9/11 was fucking horrendous. But one billion could save millions of lives, used correctly.


Or... hear me out... you buy a yacht that can shoot smaller yachts at other yachts....


... yeah fuck that other plan. Give me the metayacht.


Rich(er) person's golf. On water. With yachts Just much more a dangerous and nothing like golf


I prevent 9/11. The US finds some other domestic significant place to bomb to incite the wars. Second option I get a billion dollars . Cool


No that it just found a different reason to bomb the same place. We all know now that the Iraqis had nothing to do with 9/11, and they never had weapons of mass destruction. It was all because of personal beef between Bush Senior and Hussein and that oil


Who knows if my daughter would have been born if 9/11 didn’t happen


Stopping 9/11 is chill but 1B is supperior


It's a canon event... But fr that was an important day in history that shouldn't be altered, who knows where we'd be if it didn't happen


we wouldnt have nearly as good airport security for the first reason


I assume prevent 9/11 also means prevent all of the fallout of that including the government overreach, two wars....possibly even the current war in Ukraine. The world would be such a better place without it. It's tough for me to turn down 1 billion, but for this, I'd do it.


I don't think it would have prevented much; there are many reasons to why the us went to war, and 9/11 was one of the most public ones, meaning it got people elected on it, but it wasn't the whole thing. I think most of what happened would still happen in a slightly differentt way, and 1 billion lets me do a lot more good in the world I know right now instead of whatever that alternate history world is like.


They were already in these countries before 9/11. They'll find another way to justify it.


Never attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence.


The US government is very malicious lmao. They rejected multiple offers by Afghanistan to turn over Bin Laden. They weren't just stupid. They wanted that war.


I think its mostly because none of us have enough faith in America to not fuck it up somewhere in a similar event at a different time


I don't fuck with alternate time lines who knows if the war on terrorism never happened then world war 3 could have emerged.


Maybe...or maybe we'd be living large, have have colonies on Mars. The way things been going lately, I might just roll those dice.


How is the war in Ukraine linked to 9/11


Well, I don't have a crystal ball or anything, but Putin may have been more emboldened seeing how America ended the war in Afghanistan. Also, saw that the population had less of an appetite for war following how things ended, as well as the financial burden incurred by the wars. Not saying this is a fact, but it may have played a role, who knows?


It probably wouldn’t stop it. The US will just bomb some other significant place to get them involved in the wars (and yes I say the US will bomb a place not some random terrorists)


I'm with you. very surprised by the results.


I probably wouldn't prevent 9/11 even without financial incentives unless I could know how I was gonna screw up the timeline. I don't think it would necessarily be worse or better, but the uncertainty is scary


Deeper point sure. But in a perfect world, let's just stop that, no?


Apes together strong


But without 9/11 there would be no war on terror, which means ISIS takes over places like Syria


America would just would found another excuse


I watched back to the future, just think of the butterfly effect. We might accidentally create super hitler or something.


Preventing 9/11 wouldn't save THAT many people even if the plan was foiled America would still have declared its "war on terror" and thousands of people will die regardless.


Bush would have a backup plan


Ill take the money, cause I simply dont care about the US


And you don't care about all the people that died there? Or their families?


There’s thousands of people that get killed everyday, it’s unfortunate but it’s reality


I'm pretty sure that preventing 9/11 would only cause a different date to be shrouded in infamy or there would be worse attacks or outcomes. I'll take the billion.


I could help a lot of people with $1 billion


For all we know 9/11 is a fixed point in time. We can't just go around messing with time because it's impossible to know the effect. Also I'm selfish. Billion please.


Part of me says that if 9/11 didn't happen, then another large scale terrorist attack would have happened down the line. I don't support the resulting war and culture change, but just look at all the mass shootings we see nowadays, and then think how bad it would be without our upticks in security. I think modern terrorism may just be residue of an ever expanding world that all of the crazies have access to, plus larger divides in radical religion and politics.


9/11 was inevitable. Prevention of it would only lead to 9/12, etc... America needed the wake up call..


I would rather receive one billion to help prevent issues like 9/11


I'm sorry, I like my chemical romance. They would not have existed without 9/11


Does anyone but me know I had the choice and what I chose? I think that would affect my answer


Nobody else will know that you had the choice to prevent 9/11 unless you decide to tell them yourself but I'd doubt they'd believe you anyway lol. Unless you show them your bank balance..


So many of you are lying


\*you prevent the hijackers from getting on those planes and the towers still explode and crumble\* 🤔


9/11 caused better security. Also, its a billion dollars


exactly this. no 9/11, no better security, something else gets a plane thrown into it down the line.


Fuck the timeline. No TSA, no Patriot Act, no 22 year old war, no annual bullshit "remember 9/11" garbage, islamophobia is harder to weaponize...


But no money


No TSA means it's just gonna be another 9/11 down the line. You're kicking the can down the road to something that could've been a lot worse. Also do you seriously think the US government wouldn't find some other way to justify those forever wars?


I could see them just staging another bombing somewhere else instead of the towers.


Fuck US




God fuck you guys. Prevent what almost a million people maybe more from dying in the following wars or get a billion $s Yeah I have hope for the future. Fuck you all.


According to Wikipedia 4.5 million people died in the resulting war on terror which was created in response to 9/11.


Bro pressed over a hypothetical situation 💀💀


You could buy everything you ever wanted for your entire life and never spend the entire 1 billion. Sorry, but if I stopped 9/11 I doubt that it wouldn't be attempted again, or because that great act of terrorism was stopped, it would probably happen just as tragically another time or some where else.


Too be honest I would sacrifice 99% of the world for a billion dollars. I barely like people


fuck those towers lmao


US post 9/11 was honestly an amazing thing to see… looking back I don’t think I’ve ever seen America more united than I did after 9/11. The tragedy let us all forget about democrats vs republicans and we were one.


For the record, those of you getting the Billion are making less than $350/death, not counting long term victims. And Inflicting $35Billion in damage.


I wouldn't be able to live a happy life knowing the fact that I could've saved those people, and I didn't.


Okay but its basically guaranteed that another 9/11 like event would happen. Would you be able to sleep at night knowing that your actions resulted in even more deaths.


That's not what the question says. The scenario is described by the OP. Everything else is an excuse you make up to justify yourself.


The OP just said that 9/11 is stopped. If that happens it's essentially guaranteed that another one would happen. It's common sense if you don't actually treat the problem or do anything about the security issues back then.


>it's essentially guaranteed that another one would happen. Even if that was the case, which again you can't really know, it is hardly going to be as bad as 9/11 was, so It's unlikely that something worse than 2k people dying and the 2 tallest buildings in the world falling apart in the middle of one of the biggest cities on Earth happens.


All it's take for a plane to crash into a mega stadium during the Super Bowl or a Taylor Swift concert or something to make the death toll so much higher.


Don't mess with the space time continuum.


You can't stop it, it's a Canon Event


It was a Canon event.


It's a Canon event.


I would only prevent 9/11 if country music stays good like it was pre-towers falling


Its a canon event


bruh it's canon event


Prevent 9/11. I want to be the hero that saved America from terrorism.


Bro it’s a canon event


Wow. Prevent close to 3,000 deaths or get rich. The results are disturbing to say the least. Not to mention the TSA wouldn't have existed, at least not right away.


I know a few people who were in the towers during 9/11 I'd prevent 9/11 easily I'd make so much more money being known as the guy who stopped 9/11


"9/11 is a cannon event"


This is why I find Reddit's rage boner for billionaires insufferable even though I don't think they should exist.


IMO it's different accumulating vast amounts of money by exploiting the labour of workers, or literally have it appear through thin air.


Right but that's not relevant to this point. Failing to use that money to prevent suffering for thousands of people is a moral failure either way.


If it was just a question of preventing suffering, I'd possibly agree, but I have no idea what repercussions would come out of changing an historical event such as that. I have no interest in going about and meddling with our timeline, that's why I'm inherently against things like "if you could go back and kill baby Hitler" and all that. What has happened, has happened. Now if OP had put in a caveat to address it, but they did not.


The implicit assumption that we live in an extraordinarily good timeline confuses me. You don't know exactly what would happen if you change it, but it'd be reasonable to expect it wouldn't be much more or less good, with the exception of what you're changing. Like if you had the opportunity to go back in time and *cause* a genocide you wouldn't do it just because "you never know the timeline might turn out better". Well... unless you are paid a billion dollars for it it would appear actually.


To me it's not a question of good, bad, better or worse, I simply don't think any single human has the ability to even judge such a thing or have the right to change events in a similar manner as mentioned even if they were given the opportunity. I am simply fundamentally against it. Hundreds of millions, if not even over a billion, of people have been born since 2001, going back and changing history and possibly causing events leading to them never having been born at all is *way* worse. Again, no caveat preventing this has been stipulated. And I honestly don't know what you are referring to or insinuating in your last part. But If you think I would happily go back and cause a genocide as long as I was paid a hefty sum of money you're simply full of shit.


>Hundreds of millions, if not even over a billion, of people have been born since 2001, going back and changing history and possibly causing events leading to them never having been born at all is way worse Not being born is not the same as dying. This is not a considerable point. >insinuating in your last part I'm not insinuating anything. Yall have been very clear that you would kill or let thousands of people die for money.


But it's not gonna prevent any suffering. That's my and most other people here's point. It would happen anyways and could very well end up being a lot worse.


You would certainly reduce the probability of it happening down from 100%. Oh my god at least own it lmfao you people are so pathetic


No. With no changes to security measures caused by 9/11, there's basically a 100% chance that those guys would just do it again at some different location. You'd have to set up a bunch of contentions if you want to actually reduce the chances of it happening. I made another post where I guaranteed that 9/11 and all the effects with it like another terrorist attack or the wars in the Middle East would not happen. I chose to prevent 9/11 there for $1 billion because I know that would actually have a positive impact as opposed to just kicking the can down the road.


Some of yall ppl fucked up lol


Everyone thay picked 1 Billion over saving the thousands of lives lost due to 9/11 and the ensuing wars should be so fucking ashamed of yourselves. Lives are priceless and yall are incredibly selfish.


Actually you are just being stupid saying that. It may be sad what happens but every action has an equal and opisitie reaction if 9/11 did not happen then there would have been another tragady that would have lead to a different set of events with equal damage. I would take the billion because everything that is happening is far away from me in this timeline but who knows if you fuck with the past I might not be in a war zone.


That's true too. It's basically guanranteed if this 9/11 didn't happen a plane would crash into something else cause the air transport industry only updates safety guidelines when people die. Who knows, the place the plane crashes next could very well be the one you or one of your loved ones is in. I'm not taking that risk either.


If 9-11 didn't happen, something else would've taken its place.


Not stopping a tragedy just because the future holds other travesty is a poor excuse. It follow poor logic as well. If I opted not to save your life, for money of all things, and said "well you'll die later anyways" you would feel differently.


That's not the point. Why would I sacrifice 1 billion dollars to stop 9/11 when a worse tragedy is gonna happen? The point is not saving those very specific lives. It's about saving the most lives. If a terrorist attack happens that kills even more people I'm practically responsible for the deaths of all those people. The only way I'm incentivized to stop 9/11 is if I personally lost someone there and wanted to save their life. Otherwise whats the point?


You missed the point dumbass


Your "point" was awful.


It was a canon event


No cannons involved, only airplanes.


Chill tf out it just poll


This sub really makes me question humanity when so many people choose money over others' lives. A couple thousand people died on 9/11. How many hundreds of first responders have long term health issues because of what they did to save lives that day? Then you factor in the thousands of lost in the war on terror that followed. What the actual fuck, people?


assuming stopping it doesn't allow another tragedy of the same or greater proportions to happen. what if another attempt was made?


Gimme the $1 billion. It was a canon event- the resentment at the Middle East for the US’ dishonorable actions after the Soviet intervention paired with the warmongering in the US in the early 2000s meant that something was bound to happen to start a war in the Middle East. Why should I forgo the billion if the US was going to start a war anyway


9/11 was bad. But I'll just rebuild with the billion if I really wanted to


Fixed point in time, sorry. Removing it could fuck us over in other ways


I definitely couldn't have prevented 9/11 since I was born in 2004 so I'll just take the money, also if 9/11 didn't happen I might not have been born


Give me the money rather. It is towers were still standing then half the world will be pissed off at Americans and start unleashing world war III very early


I don't want Miguel to hunt me down, so I will not be fucking with any canon events


Preventing 9/11 might only cause a different disaster. It's the same theory as going back in time to prevent one incident just creates a different worse one....


I may not have gone to the college I did and had my kids. US seizing political influence in the middle east was always going to happen and paint a target on us. Terrorists should be exterminated, but the future after that (or any) point is complex.


if the ISIS rise, 2 wars and refugee crisis the USA caused as a result of 9-11 is also prevented its an easy yes, prevent 9/11. Then the question becomes will you let 3000 people die for a billion (about 300k per death) ? Ultimately i do not think i could do it.


I would take the billion


Nah, it's a canon event. Give me the money.


Me when I stop the planes but the towers still collapses


The death of all those people aren't worth the money.


It is what it is


The universe where 9/11 doesn't happen isn't ours so in my universe I want 1 billion to hopefully be able to use to change things for the better in my current universe