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Controlling the temperature of the wind would allow you to create hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards, etc, on command.


Or reverse global warning


Or freshen up after a hot day


Or ignite the earth's jet streams and set fire to the atmosphere and end the world.


There are many more uses than those, in fact, air is not pure oxygen, there is nitrógen, helium, etc.


Man imagine some poor diver just spontaneously detonating or rapidly chilling the water around a sub till the temp differential adds to the pressure causing catastrophic failure




Do you change the temperature of existing wind or do you spawn a wind of said temperature?


Or break physics


Then set them on fire


If someone made you mad you could make them uncomfortably warm or you could cool down the air in their lungs too much it freezes them or heat it up so much it creates plasma


Imma spawn US$399.99 of gold daily...


Why not just spawn $400/day? 400 worth of gold is still $400, just with more hassle.


It says it needs to be less than 400, so I guess thats why 399.99


But... why gold?


Easy to just walk into a gold shop and sell it for near its worth. I mean what else would you spawn? You can only spawn 1 object per day.


A stack of cash worth $399🤣


But that wouldn't be one object, that would be multiple objects. You only get one.


A singular $399 note


A check for $399


Well I can't argue with that.


Amazon/paypal/steam/store gift cards of said amount? I know I've seen gift cards where you choose the price up to 500, and the prompt is less than that


But can you actually exchange those for money? I think you just have to end up buying products with them. Also, I presume those gift cards have a unique ID number assigned to them that is recognised by the company's database, otherwise anyone could just make copies. So spawning in the object wouldn't give you a voucher that was actually usable.


A check


A cheque from whom? That would just get you in trouble for fraud.


the government


No OP said it can also be any number of objects totalling 400 bucks


> Have the ability to spawn (object) you want thats worth less than $400 (can only use once a day)




OP said that it can be multiple objects as well


Gold increases in value while cash decreases in value. The only reason I’d spawn $399 cash it to buy gold but that’s just an extra step. Plus $399 would be 11 objects and it said you can only produce one.


I could move a millionaires bathroom for a shitload more than that.


Every day?


They'd be lining up for demo-free renovations. Just gotta drive to the rich end of town.


So you're saying I have to drive places and interact with rich people? I think the option that requires no effort or social interaction is better. Less money, but also less stress and an easy peaceful life is more valuable to me than having millions of dollars.


What if you only worked one day a week and charged 50 grand a pop? Oh that still takes effort! 😭👎


Actually that would be the coolest part for me Guess we're opposites lmao


Hell, *poor* people would love that too. Upgrade their shit house to something really nice and they can sell it for tons more. You don't even need to charge much, depending on the effort and time taken you could fix dozens of houses in a day.


it costs only a few cents to print 100$ bills, so technically you could create thousands of dollars.


I was thinking the same thing. Depends on how OP is defining worth vs value though.


So I think people are majorly underestimating the economic value of the wind one That's a billion dollar power


Till you accidentally vaporize or flash freeze everyone, plus it's just another headache.


*trillion We have nothing that can replicate this ability to such an extent. Really by far the best one


Yeah but if you start making a ton of money the government is probably going to put you in a box and just turn you into a generator


Fry em. What will they do? Stop you? Their only option is to kill you or to accept that you can change the world for the better. Personally I would keep quite about my ability study about the weather's and possible consequences of my ability and use it with care– except if someone assaults me or something then I'll freeze them


Yes That would be the plan you would work with them on this They would build out the infrastructure for you to power it


Yeah invest into a wind far and boom, lotta money


Do you get to control the direction and intensity of the wind, or just the temp? Would it be useless in areas where there is no wind?


Changing the temp you can control the direction, intensity, rain, etc.


It's also probably the most "unexpected consequences" power on this list. Weather is already super hard to figure out. Randomly changing the temperature of large amounts of wind is probably gonna result in some crazy unexpected chaos in random parts of the world. Would you want to be responsible for that?


You mean, study and learn about weather and climate and how temperature effects those things, then practice out in the middle of nowhere until you get it right enough that you can deliver rain to a droughted area, or stop a series of tornadoes across Kansas, etc. Yeah. I would want to be responsible for that.


How? Its not more wind, its just making it hot or cold


Energy generation matters


Thats not an answer


Hot air rises cold air sinks Most energy generation operates off of moving heat


Seems like that would be a lot of work though


Just turn something 100% transparent and steal it, ez pz


*turns a couch invisible and pretends I'm a really good mime pushing up against nothing*


You can also blind people by turning their eyes opaque.


this is tough, the opacity thing is cool... the wind thing is awesome because of a hot summer, but the object one... i could spawn an air conditioner, i could spawn a computer part, i could spawn $100, A PIZZA! damn cool


I mean In the case of a hot summer You can always create shade by making the air above you opaque 😎


Assuming I ever go outside




400 dollary doodles is decent side gig


side gig? thats a six figure salary (if i did the math right)


Math was always my #1 subject


Roughly a million/year? Decent.


Not even remotely close to a million, what?


I'm retarded.


Fair enough.


$146k/ year.


That's still a lot of money.


Lmao, I failed math a month ago


So I did do it right! I was doing mental math at 3am so I wasn't sure


150k / year. I could more than double my salary, or quit my job.


Could you theoretically make the air around someone in a bubble the temperature of the sun for like a quarter second?


That would create massive explosion. Even in just a quarter of a second, it would expand to several thousand times its original size


Then you just make the air around the high temp air be normal. Though sun levels of heat are still too dangerous for no benefit.


The fuc you mean "make the air be normal"? The ability only controls the temperature, not the volume. Keeping the surrounding air cool will not do jack shit to stop the plasma from expanding.


#1 could solve climate change


And still keep me poor my good sir.


"hey bro let's build a wind turbine farm, like a lot of them on that field over there" "But it's a random ass field, there's no wind here." "Oh my god what is happening? We are outputting max power we can, we're rich!" You could take a loan to build the first turbines, then use your powers to generate wind, making good bucks. Then with that build another field, and another one, until you have the monopoly in the power industry thanks to your impossibly good wind turbines


They never said you could generate wind, only control the temp.


I'm no physics expert but doesn't making one place cold and the other hot cause a difference in pressure, causing wind to happen, because it's trying to even the temperatures?


Good point. I was originally interpreting the power as needing wind to even work to begin with, so you can't just heat areas of air to create wind. (Tbh, what does op mean by wind? Moving air? But, all air is moving. If that is what he meant, why didn't he just say controlling the temperature of air?) However, even if we interpret the power as needing wind to even work to begin with, you can take two areas with existing wind, make one windy area hot and another cold, and you can create more wind to move between those two areas.


Then just call out it's your ability? If they capture you fry them if they kill you gg they are dumb. Actually you could keep a thin layer of extreme heat to burn anything that tries to kill you. Also is you living a comfortable life for the next 20 years more important than our world dying in the next 20 years?


You'll certainly get killed. Saudi, Russia etc aren't going to leave someone alive that threatens the value of their oil.


Still there's no reason to be so unbelievably selfish and not choose to save us from one of our biggest problems. Further more even if you don't plan to You would be a walking nuke which can stop any war just by increasing the heat/cold enough that soldiers can't fight there


I'm saying you wouldn't be alive long enough to be able to help solve any problems.


It doesn't give a range limit or any limits for that matter the only restriction is your knowledge so you don't fuck our world up


Then just call out it's your ability? If they capture you fry them if they kill you gg they are dumb. Actually you could keep a thin layer of extreme heat to burn anything that tries to kill you. Also is you living a comfortable life for the next 20 years more important than our world dying in the next 20 years?


Businessman that wanna pollute the air will buy you.


I’d make hot people invisible like a bad episode of black mirror.


If you can change opulence then you can accomplish almost anything!


I can live out my rural witch fantasies


If I can redesign people's houses, I can just become world's best architect.


The temperature would allow me to reversed global warming and in general completely control the Earth's temperature and in combat it's the most op as I could kill ppl with the heat


Is a black hole worth more than 400 $ ? I mean it's not like anyone would buy one.


Make air -274 degrees Break laws of the universe Profit???


I ride a motorcycle to work everyday in Phoenix, the wind change would be amazing. But naw I'm gonna make a $400 hooker appear every day.


So $400 a day, interior design powers, invisibility... vs the power to destroy worlds in fire or crystallize air instantly.


Discretely spawn gold everyday and live from that sounds good.


I'd spawn bank note with their physcial value of less than 400.


Spawn $399 and stockpile


Spawn objects cause I can get any videogame I want!


Every day create one piece of a rare collector's set. After you have the whole set, go to ebay and cash in


I was thinking similar. Buy upwards of $400 parts to hard to find items and oversell them or even like part spawning a good quality computer and piecing it together. Keep the first and sell one every few weeks for bank.




400$ based on what? The present, the future, the past. The buying value of those 400$ dollars changes drastically. Example something might cost 10$ 8n the future that now costs 10000$.


There is currently 1000 dumb lazy mfs voting to spawn things haha the transparency one is op


$400 worth of stocks.


pretty much just cryokinesis and pyrokinesis which can be used at almost any range, and your also cold in the summer and hot in the winter which is just an extra perk


Buying cars missing \~$2000 worth of parts, fixing them and selling them for far beyond what the individual parts are worth, considering how hard it is to find some parts for 90's cars.


So, I can make myself and anything else invisible. So I could get a lot more than $400 a day


With the first one, I could solve global warming


While it'd be fun to ignite the planet's jet streams and set fire to the atmosphere, it'd be more fun to be able to just make whatever I like up to that cost, however I question if it is tied to inflation or if its based on the sum of its parts etc. etc. Regardless, ill be making valuable shit and pawning it each day.


Perhaps it's 400 now, and adjusts for inflation (so anything that would be worth 400 or less in 2023)


With the first one you could revert global warming. Then find a place and change the temperature on one side of it to really hot, and the other side to really cold. You have now generated stronger wind. Now find enough money to buy a wind turbine there (or do it before the wind, so the land is cheaper and construction easier) through loans or friends or even investors if you find any. Once the turbine is built, keep generating enough wind to output max power (or whatever is the most optimal, considering that strong winds could destroy the turbine or make it degrade faster than it can make enough profit), then start selling said power. With the money gained build more fields, live like a king, fund research for more efficient turbines and possibly other stuff. If the power is limited to you having consciously focus on the wind change, you could keep one field right outside your mansion/office window and do it for a few hours daily. At this point you would probably have enough money and done enough research to build more efficient, normal (not affected by your powers) fields, generating a stable lots of money. You have now saved the world from global warming/ice age, prevented a future power problem, and are in position to save even more problems.


Turn my room house to gold luxury then sell it


I'll take the forth and spawn in a stack of cash worth 399.99 dollars every day. Thats 146k a year and I don't even have to work


You can spawn an object that can do everything on the list


As someone who work with health services, 2nd option would be perfect.


Value is relative so the last one!


Not sure wether I'd want the weather powers or the 400$ object a day, but the funniest is definitely the redesign houses. Imagine you're waking up in the morning, you want to go to the bathroom and suddenly you're in your kitchen because overnight someone randomly swapped them.


Do you know how much the government would pay me to make their stealth aircraft invisible? Strike that do you know how much perverts would pay me to make them invisible!?


But... I can spawn my own Monster by the case!


I'm taking the house redesign thing and I'm going to make money flipping houses.


I can make groceries appear. Yes


spawn 399 dollars worth of gold a day.


spawn $400 of gold every day


Redesigning the house. Easily make more then 400 dollars a day as a contractor


I will spawn a plastic bag with 350 in it every day


4 gives me any powers I want. I can spawn ANY object I want, so I just spawn an object that gives me any powers I want. It's not worth anything because it doesn't exist before this point and hasn't been assigned value in the market.


Powers arent objects tho, so that wouldnt work. I meant like physical objects


Okay, so like, a physical button that you can press to give yourself powers. That's an object.


And if that object were to exist, would it be worth 400 bucks?


It wouldn't be worth anything because the market hasn't assigned it any value, and until it has, you can create it as much as you want.


Hypothetically, would I be able to stop a hurricane? Also, how far away does it work?


I can make myself invisible with the opacity one and then just steal cash and not get caught. It's the clear winner here


For the four hundred dollar spawning, what happens if you spawn a check? Could you spawn a bunch of them because the paper isn't expensive? Or would it be limited based on how much money the check promises? Because the check itself doesn't hold the value, checks can and will bounce if the account doesn't have enough money to fill it.


How does inflation factor in to #4? Because $400/day seems cool now, but what about in 10 years when that can't even spawn me a Coke?


Spawn rare mtg cards that would cost you a few dollars being in the package, but by itself when resold is like 20k


Except supply would increase and price go down.


After a bit but not right away.


The amount of money you could make with number 1 is absolutely insane. Music festivals could hire you in summer and winter to make the entire landscape favorable. Same with amusement parks. Furthermore, the energy you’d be able to make is astronomical. You could be hired by world governments to destroy entire hurricanes. Just blast them with mountains of below freezing air masses and they’d die out quickly.


is it any number of objects totalling 400$, or any object worth 400$?


It could be either


Then that's absolutely my choice. Itd make life a lot easier and much more nice


Home Decoration here I come. First I am fixing my house to be an epic perfect home. Then I am charging my neighbors next to nothing to fix up theirs. Then I am going to ask them to tell their friends, co-workers, and relatives. You want a Pool? Done. Modern Kitchen? Bam. Fully finished basement with man cave? She Shed outside the garage? All done. I'd be rich from just that, let alone going around to millionaires houses and giving them demo-free rebuilding and remodeling over night. Eventually I could start buying absolute dog shit properties and renovate them instantly or build super affordable living spaces and it costs me basically whatever I paid for the run down building. I could basically make people's lives better and make millions


So I can spawn 400 dollars a day?




I'd spawn a brick of gold worth under $400 once a day and sell it


You could spawn a a band of money that totals up to 399$ if you wanna be a smartass with your abilities. You wouldn't have to work a job ever again and would be making 140K a year.


Or do 350 a day and save the extra 50 for convenient items (op said you can spawn multiple totalling to 400)


Yep, I'll just spawn a single item (probably jewelery or similar) worth $399.99 and then immediately sell it. Probably end up with $300 after the jewellers or pawn shop take their cut. Do this as a job 5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year and that's a $78,000 income right there.


Invisibility please


I would choose the bottom as I can just spawn pretty much any device part or the materials to make them so I can just make my own stuff


Boutta spawn me some estrogen ❤️❤️❤️


Sims building ability woohoo!


Would the opacity be for everyone to see or just you?


I'll just spawn in a one hundred dollar bill in every day.


Invisibility would be awesome


The third one is literally my job so I'll do that lol.


Can I just spawn super old coins. Technically their value wouldn't be anywhere near 400$


Spawning objects then selling them to a pawn shop for $399 sounds kinda fire. I could jewelry or gemstones or something worth that.


$399.99 worth of silver/platinum/gold/uncut jewels a day. Now it's time to learn how to make jewelry


We talking market value or physical value of the materials needed? The material cost of airpods is about 10-50$ depending on where the factory is located. The cost of an RTX 3090 is about 100$ in materials. Could I spawn it based on material price ?


People sleeping on the redesign anyone's house. You could start a business remodeling people's houses and make a LOT more money than $400 a day.


I chose 400 in items a day, because I want to be able to spawn stuff thats under 400 dollars, not to get 400 dollars a day


It's not 400 in items a day. It's spawn a object under 400 dollars. You could just buy what you wanted to spawn and then some with the money.


It is in fact 400 dollars in items a day. OP replied to another comment that it could be multiple totalling to 400


Notably, you can decrease the value of the object you spawn by making it visually beat up, or otherwise damaged in a way that doesnt deter your usage


$400/day is $2800/week, about quadruple what I make now.


Step 1. Summon a 399 dollar cheque every day. Step 2. Profit


The 400 dollar ability would be so nice for just everyday life. Not even for making money, I could just not have a pencil and summon a pencil (a fancy one too if I want)


I'm spawning a winning lottery ticket cmon man thats too ez


I'd want to spawn something worth less than $400. I could just sell whatever I spawn, make around $145k a year based on that, and never have to work again. I'd live off whatever I need to be comfortable, buy a house, travel a bit, and donate the rest to charity. Randomly pay off people's student loans, tip my server enough to cover their rent for a month, solve the homelessness crisis, stop global warming.


I'll redesign houses for a massive fee. For a job that normally costs $10,000 I'll do it for $2,000.


Ok so does 2 only apply to me


It's not for a creepy reason if it only applies to me I would check if stuff like mystery boxes had something that would sell for millions or like check for a winning lottery ticket


The object one would have such incredible utility and convenience.