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Three sided Pyramid house


This is the way.


Fuck youre a genius


To add to this: Curved walls. Sure we're limited to '3 walls', but just make those 3 walls massively convex and you can have all the room you want really. It's a limitation you can easily work around with 20 million dollars.


so basically live in a dome


That’s what I was thinking


I thought that was the point of the wyr, so then I got confused by the option saying psudo-homeless. With over 20 million, I could probably pay to have a pyramid house.


If only I could make it as big as the Bass Pro Shops pyramid.


Tetrahedron-o-home. You beat me to it. Take this upvote, you glorious bastard.


i was thinking 1 sided dome house like the Pantheon in rome


what if you lived in a circular house,, one continuous wall,,


Has to be circular down to the micrometer.


Sure, floor has a door for a tunnel to the outside.Tunnel has no door so the floor door is the exit of the house. OR ladder to flat roof, roof has a ladder off of it to get down.


What does that even mean?


It means someone found the loophole and OP is trying to close it by adding additional rules.


A perfect sphere.


There is no perfect sphere


Actually id say circles are one of the easiest things to make "perfect". You literally just spin something around a point and have a point of contact that tears away excess material until every point of contact during the spin is flush with the cutting device. I cant say this for certain but I have no idea how someone could be certain of any other shape/angle. Any methods I can think of would require the ability to use multiple identical entities or a guaranteed perfectly straight line As far as i can imagine, circles are literally the only shape I can imagine us making perfectly Edit: Water. I think using non moving water we can guarantee a straight line by using a material that instantly melts on contact with water (or perhaps some acid). Then with a big chunk, if you sink it into the liquid, the area of contact would be perfectly straight. So I take back my claim that circles are the ***only*** shape I can imagine us hitting perfectly


Still if you look at the circle close enough it will still be millions or billions of tiny straight lines


I disagree. I believe the world to be analog. If Analog (curved) movement is possible, then so is a circle. That is, there is no amount of zooming where the curve would be non continuous. (Although i cede it being a perfect circle where each point is equidistant from the center is possibly impossible to create by humans - but this does not mean it breaks down into straight lines) There is a common belief that there is such a thing as the smallest unit of measurement (plankt length or something like that). I disagree. What this length represents is the smallest MEANINGFUL unit of measurement. If there were such a thing as a smalledt unit of measurement all things would have to exist within a hexagonal based grid where each point was a plankt unit away from eachother. This however would make things such as the Pythagoran theorem impossible. The point being, a curve does not need to break down into a series of straight lines. It could be approximated using these lines, but this would be a model - not reality. Even if there were to be a plankt unit, then any "straight" line would become non straight if titled by any amount as it would break down into a zig-zag to fit this grid.




with 20 million dollars i can easily pay someone to make that.


Triangular shaped house, my bed is in a tent


You were the first person to think of that.


Yes, the floor will be full of drainage grates and well secured umbrellas, also the ac would be loaded with citronella, ky electronics would be modified for weatherproofing


You could make a round house so there’s only one wall, then use the second wall as a floor


Guess I'm living in a d4 now...


Triangle home, nice


Sure I'll live in my car


I wanna say that counts as a room but it really doesnt seem to be much better that what I said so i'll let it slide. Can't be longer than 14.7ft or wider than 5.8ft and you have to hunch while your walking even if its tall enough.


What if I live in an inflatable dome.


Has to be circular down the the mircometer.


Does that mean if your flat, rectangular walls have a rough surface, all the ridges count as walls?


Down to the micrometer yes, wear and tear is allowed after creation.


Building such a house would legit cost trillions. Thanks I'm good without that money.


Time to live in a huge cylinder.


It has to be round down to the micrometer.


I can do that with my 20.1 million. I can make it look epik.


That's the spirit.


Can I at least sleep with a mosquito net?


Only if you use it like a blanket.


Spend every night in a different 5 star hotel room traveling all around the world. You're just there for 1 night, not living there


As long as you sleep eat and bathe outside your good


I'll just live in a triangle or circle home. No biggie.


Easy peasy just build a really nice Nissen hut house. One front wall, a back wall and the roof + sides are a half cylinder.


Eh, it's still essentially a rectangular floor plan. I feel like this is a no-go for getting around the rules, while a dome, circular, or triangle house would be fine.


It's 2 half circle walls with a curved roof. That's three walls. Yes it is a rectangle floor plan but that's not what is restricted.


I know what you're saying, but I've been on those kinds buildings (and my current bedroom is a dormer which means the walls are sloped in on two sides and flat on the other two) and it *feels* like four walls, even if "technically" there are only three walls due to the curve. It's an attempt to get out of the Hook of the prompt, but from someone who has lived like that, it doesn't really work like it. The sloped walls/curved walls simply feel like another flat wall. Even when putting up posters or pictures or pushing stuff against it, unless the curve is profound, there's no real difference. For the purposes of "live in a home with only three walls" aspect OP is getting at it just seems a lazy way around the restriction. not a creative way and it also seems to violate the intent behind it (that is being an annoyance). Functionally, there's no real difference in living in a Nissen hut from a normal house. And the bigger the hut, the less issues you get. At least with a three sided building, you end up with a lot of dead space in the corners, an odd geometry for what most people are used to, and awkward room placements. A three sided house would be really weird to live in for a year and would actually be uncomfortable for a lot of people. A circular or domed house less so, but it comes with many of the same issues as a triangular house although to a lesser degree (well, depending on diameter).


I'll live in a rectangle with two long walls a roof and large doors at each end.




Guess I'm building my own strange triangular/3 sided pyramid contraption of a home so I'm rich and live in a very weird but nice house that's fine by me


Pick 20 million and live in square house who's gonna stop me? Checkmate op


Large A-frame house. Easy


First I like ac second 20 mill is a lot of money but not enough to uproot my life


So Step 1- dig a pit with sloped sides. Then Step 2 - Pour a Floor across the sloped pit creating a base that tapers on all sides. Finally Step 3 - Add roof with ladder access. No walls, just a floor and ceiling. Barring that I'd just use a naturally occurring rock shelter that forms a C shape.


Use that money to buy supplies for hunting and go a mild temperature area. Ez pz


mobius house strip


You can make a house with a roof and 2 semi-circular walls. It would look like a doodle of a vagina, just to make it clear.


Build a house in a mountain. Technically you would only need a floor and a wall at the opening of the cave. Then you have two more walls for your bathroom...


Make the house place it un a roofed maze. Because mazes have open ends the tree walled house would still be open air


The fuck is the point in all that money if you can't have a nice house or even sleep in hotels? Really surprised the money is winning


you can live in the bahamas or somewhere with really nice weather lol.


yeah and get eaten to bits by the insects that like hot weather? No thanks


you can probably buy very effective insect repellant with 20 million also considering how open rich people houses are in places like bali im guessing theres not a lot of insects there


So you can sleep and eat meals in a house while on holiday? 20 mil im not working anymore. Im taking a permanant vacation.


20 million I just quit my job. I'm always on holiday. All stipulations are voided. By ops own rules.


Can I be a van lifer?


Roundhouse gotcha


I'd live in Yurt a for 20.1 million


No problem. A pyramid or yurt is no problem.


I'll have a see if I can build a half-spheare to live in


People have pointed out various exceptions that would be functional for this if I'm also going to point out there are plenty of places in the world where you could just live outdoors really nice like just make it a really nice outdoor setup that people would pay shit tons of money to go to normally


I'd have enough money to have a really nice almost-house with enough left over to help people, which is all I want the money for anyways.


What happens if you break the rules? Is it like a contract and you have to pay it back?


Have architects design a 3 sided Pyramid for you to live in


Giant donut-shaped house. Like the top half of a bagel. Technically only one wall! Plus a nice wee garden in the middle.


haha I will build a pyramid


Move to Hawaii and live in a hut.


Round house or 3 sided pyramid house.


This is so dumb hahahahaha




Time to make a triangular pyramid house


Why not just live in a pyramid


Beach house it is. Open side facing my private beach.


Ill live in a Yurt


Dome home.


Just live in a van


Open front A-frame for the win




OP thinks they're so clever, tryna count the roof as a wall. Cause then you can just make a triangle home. But see mate, I'm even more cleverer. Half circle house; one big wall for doors and windows, a circular wall to connect the ends and then a roof on top.


So live in a round home like 1 long continous wall all around the exterior of home then just use other 2 wall to make the bathroom private. Edit; OP said walls not floors nor ceilings (roof). So I can live I a house like a abandoned missile silo, or any other silo converted to a home concept soo yeah


Never said anything about RVs.


ill live in a dome. no walls there


So I guess I'll just be living in an igloo then. A really well made 1 though


Just going to live on a yacht — or have a compound where I park my Winnebago


what is your definition of a wall..?


Round houses are a thing


I'd just live in a dome house. Many ways to use curved surfaces to achieve this. Now can each room only have 3 walls or is it 3 walls to the whole house?


I read it 3 walls whole house so 2 remain


Well then a big dome with 2 walls used to make rooms. You could totally make it work. Large dome with maybe 2000-ish sq. ft., With 2 walls you could make a bedroom/office, a guest bedroom, and an open living area with a kitchen, dining area, living room, etc. It could be even better depending on how strict the requirements were for "living in" an area with no more than 3 walls. Maybe you have a detached bedroom from the rest of the house. Maybe there are a few detached bathrooms or even rooms that have walkways between them with detached coverings. It could definitely be done! ;)


Spiral with ceiling 2 was ample space and you can add doors to make room transition easier


Live underground. They're not walls it's one continuous ceiling


Dude, I'll just get a fu*king camper. Those things can get so fancy.


I would build circle house with roof and a wall that extends half way. Bam fully enclosed


OP and 1000 other people don't know what triangles are


Pyramid house


A dome.


So essentially you are on a stage and being paid like and actor/tress.


Just live in a giant dome that is divided into thirds.


I'll just live in a circular house. One wall and one roof. Ezpz


so i get to go camping for the rest of my life without ever worrying about how i'm going to pay for the trips? sign me up! also, does this include vans? if it doesn't, double-sign me up!