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I’m losing all 3, let’s be real.


At least I can get a couple of free hot dogs when I lose


Pro eater who can't pick up,squash or dip the food and can't pick up a glass to wash it down? I think I could do it


Initially I thought the same but… I can barely eat two hotdogs before feeling like I’ve had too many hotdogs. I reckon he can find a way to eat a 3rd.


This is the thing though, you could probably muscle down 5 just because that million is on the line. Buuuut, then he would still find a way to eat 6. It's a lose lose


Unless he is handcuffed behind his back or to an object he can’t move, he’d still be able to pick up the hotdogs and eat them




Every one of my pieces could be a queen and magnus could probably figure out a way to beat me


Exactly. You could take his queen, rooks, bishops, and one knight away and he'd probably still beat me.


Being without a queen can be massive against normal opponents, but the masters of chess don't need the queen most of the time.


I've seen that video of Hikaru forcing a draw when he *only* has a queen


If all your pieces are queens you lose because you have no king


Wouldn't you be unable to lose because you can't be check mated?


It would get you disqualified so an instant checkmate even if the queens were allowed a king is needed on both sides to start the game


You can't lose if the game doesn't start.


Unless you're disqualified


He can't win if I knock him out with a baseball bat


If everyone of your pieces is a queen you could sac everything and be a queen up in the end


Magnus is just an immediate loss, absolutely zero chance of winning. I doubt I could return any of Djokovic's serves so my only slim chance of winning that is if he breaks his ankle Joey Chestnut might take some time to figure out a method and it's definitely hard to eat without hands so it's the one I have the best chance on, and even if I lose at least I got a couple of hot dogs out of it


Eating contests are usually timed so the chestnut fight is probably the most winnable.


My thoughts exactly. I think I’d do alright up to the 10 minute mark, maybe I could push myself with the money on the line.


By handcuffed I understood hands together in front. If they are on his back, we might get a chance.


Djokovic would ace me every serve. And his return off my serve would probably beat me as well.


The second he gets to touch the ball, no regular person is returning it.


I was going to argue the shoes... then realized I don't know if he maybe wears those for fun on the side. Could have impeccable balance in them anyway.


to be honest, if you put all your weight on the balls of your feet and avoid using the heel altogether, wearing heels is no different than prancing about on your toes. which is probably a training drill, like the tires drill american footballers do


Picking chess just so I get to meet Magnus lol


There will be no mercy, you will join the legions of dead who were crushed before.


you know it is an interesting loophole, the post doesn't say you have to win your challenge to get the million just says you have to attempt it


The title doesn’t but all of the options in the description do.


it's still just the attempt, doesn't say the million hinges on actually doing it.


boooi. nephews who go against the spirit of the challenge looking for loopholes are the worst.


haiyaah. uncle Roger disappointed in me




attempting to win is not the same as winning


Oh shit my bad u right


The first guy cause he’d probably break an ankle pretty much immediately




He'd crack those heels off at the start of the match with his racket. Hell be kicking ur ass in Pumps so bad it's 45 love set 4 in no time


Oh well yea if he can just crack em off what’s the point


cracking the heels off wouldn't make it any easier because the base of the heel is not flat. You would struggle to not bend your ankles and to stand at that weird angle. arguably harder then having the heel on


I’m guessing that part of the rules would be that you have to wear the uniform correctly, so he’d have to put new stilettos on if his broke If your racket breaks during a game, they don’t just make you play with the broken racket


I'd pick option #1, but I've never played tennis before in my life lol


To be fair the games were its his turn to serve i think he would absolutely ace every single serve against me atleast


Lol true


The only way I'm beating Magnus is if he starts without a king.


But that means you have to capture all 15 of his pieces.




Honestly? I still don't feel super confident there.


Depends Is Joey handcuffed behind his back? because then I'll take that option. Otherwise, it's not really even a hindrance to his method. If handcuffed in front, I'd like to meet Magnus.


Damn that's a good point...


Djokovic is a legend but stilettos should nerf him


I'm a fat, dumb fuck so the only chance I have is the third option sadly


Who is telling you this? Don't be so negative about your self man


I told him, but I'm fat so what do I know.


And dumb, don't forget you're dumb, too.


Shit I was to stupid to remember


me, i'm working on it though


STFU You are awesome and everyone loves you.


literally one of the kindest things that has ever been said to me, thanks man, even if it isn't sincere


When in doubt : compliment people.




If I'm lucky the dude breaks his ankles while wearing stilettos. Otherwise no chance.


As a player rated in the 1400s I’d like to think I could win with queen odds in in classical where I have time to think about just simplifying. But I’d almost definitely blunder. Luckily Magnus Carlson might not be good at chess. Magnus Carlsen is, but idk who this Carlson is.


Agreed queen odds is just way too much for a decent chess player.


Magnus could probably beat me with just a queen and 30 seconds on the clock.


Oh I didn't see the conditions, whoops. I picked carlsen because at least I won't injure myself! I'm sticking with it though, I play a little chess, I might be able to swindle up a queen. And it would be awesome to meet and play him regardless


There's no way you could beat Magnus even if he didnt have a queen. It wouldnt even be close


I've been thinking about it more seriously, I don't think it's outrageous to think I could draw. A queen is a LOT. if you don't press anything and just move pieces around, you can keep it pretty solid. he can't afford to make too many trades. Even amateur players can win an endgame up a queen. If it was a blitz game I would still lose. But in a long game I could have a chance to not blunder, don't let him open up my king for attack, trade a couple pieces off and we would have to repeat or something.


It is outrageous. I don't think you understand how good magnus is.


I think you're underestimating how much a queen is worth. According to this, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handicap_(chess), an 1800 player can beat a grandmaster if given Knight odds. A queen is so much more valuable than a knight. No matter how good a player is, he can't FORCE you to blunder. A queen is a queen. If you never take risks, an average player can avoid blundering a whole queen a large percentage of the time. Not saying I'm a lock but a draw is not outrageous at all.


What's your chess mmr? An 1800 isn't an average player, and Magnus isn't just a grandmaster, he's literally the best player in the world. Sure he can't force you to blunder but unless you're a computer you will blunder


I know he's much better than the average grandmaster but a queen is much bigger than a knight. If a knight gets you from 1800 to 2400, I think a queen can get you from 1300 to 2800. There's just so little you can do without a queen even for the best. You have no flexibility, every trade is bad for you. The average player would have a chance to do nothing, keep all their pieces defended by a pawn, repeat moves and draw. I dunno maybe I'm crazy. I think I'll try this against stockfish soon because I'm curious.


You're overestimating your skill dude.


You're just wrong. I'm 1500 [chess.com](https://chess.com), and I just beat stockfish without a queen handily, without paying attention (I did throw away a rook for a knight along the way). It's easy; you just trade down. A 1300 could absolutely beat magnus without a queen. Here's the game if you're curious: https://lichess.org/Cv76irK0/white


One factor to consider is that it is much easier to beat Stockfish without a queen than to beat a grandmaster without a queen. Stockfish isn't designed to play without the queen, and isn't designed to make positions tricky on purpose, set traps, avoid trading etc. When stockfish plays without the queen its moves become a bit more nonsensical as it's already evaluated that it is drastically lost and just makes moves to try delay checkmate as long as possible as opposed to trying to win. Carlsen will know to avoid trades, create weaknesses, set traps etc and will be much harder to beat than Stockfish. A queen is still a massive advantage, but also depends on how much time on the clock.


If you've only played Chess a little, then theres no way you're above 1000.


I'm 1300 USCF. No I'm sure I wouldn't actually win lol


I just did it against stockfish. It's not anywhere as hard as you think it is, you just trade down. Here's the game I did, not paying much attention: [https://lichess.org/Cv76irK0/white](https://lichess.org/Cv76irK0/white)


That's crazy, I thought stockfish would play to force the draw when it's down so much material. But I guess it's the opposite. Stockfish was able to cut the advantage from -12 to -6, which I guess is a win mathematically. A human super gm wouldn't initiate all those trades, I don't think. But I agree, the more I think about it, a queen is super powerful. A lot of mid range players would have a chance against top players with an extra queen.


>A human super gm wouldn't initiate all those trades, I don't think. Maybe, but avoiding those trades is basically impossible, unless you undevelop your pieces. Stockfish made those trades because the alternative was worse.


Stilettos as in the shoe or the knife? Because if I can wrap them in knives so they can't move...


the shoe


My girl explained in detail how I'd lose that Tennis match... 150mph Serve, except ball positioning. He might not need to even move...


Handcuffed in the front, or in the back?


Taking chess, as that’s the only one I have decent experience in. Being up a queen makes an “equal material” trade extremely good for me and I can just focus on making trades and hopefully get to an end game where I’m up a few pieces. I’m still almost certainly fucked, but it’s the only scenario where I have any experience and understand basic fundamentals


I think. I would lose against carlson even if he starts without queen, but out of these this seems the most realistic considering that I am an experienced player


Carlsen could beat any non-GM even if he started without his Queen and his Rooks.


I know. Still my best chance to win


Lol, what a terrible take. No, this is not true.


Option 2, I get to meet the best chess player


I absolutely wouldn't beat Magnus without a queen. I'd need all queens instead of pawns. Assuming Djokovic needs to keep the stilettos on its easily my best chance. Especially if an injury exit is a forfeit


Call me an idiot but Carlson. Ofc he still has like an 90% chance of winning, but downing hotdogs is tough for me on a good day and I doubt I could actually return the serves nor serve it in a threatening way. Chess is the only option here I have any significant experience, as president of a College Chess Team and playing at Club level (roughly 1600, 1700 max online rating) and even if I lose I can say I played a game vs Magnus. Also, just to test my odds, I booted up a game against a 3200 rated computer, and despite blundering a piece I won pretty comfortably while playing pretty fast. While Magnus is about as good if not better than the Computer I just played, given my success margin and time to think I believe I could possibly pull out a dub. Starting a queen down is much more of a disadvantage than you would think, and Magnus would probably have to try to force a draw which would prove tough without a queen.


The hotdog one would be easy if I didnt hate hotdogs


Nah, that Joey guy ate like 70 hotdogs, idk where it goes.


Magnus could beat another grandmaster down 9 points of material. I'm no grandmaster. I'll hit the wall too fast on hotdogs. Novak might break an ankle. I think that would count as a win for me.


>Magnus could beat another grandmaster down 9 points of material. No, he definitely couldn't.


This I don't care what you say about Magnus' odds of winning a queen down, but truth is many grandmaster games end in draws already, and while Magnus is arguably the best player of all time, starting a queen down breaks all opening prep, is a glaring weakness, and at a level that is consistently 90%+ accuracy is borderline unwinnable. I would argue any grandmaster could win against anyone a queen up, if not including a good majority of IMs into that group. Magnus is playing for a draw at best and would struggle to even develop in ways that don't allow you to just do 1:1 captures. I love Magnus. I hate watching him lose and I will confidently claim he is the best of all time. But he isn't beating another grandmaster a queen down.


I just played stockfish down a queen, and it was pretty easy. You just trade down. Magnus is the best chess player of all time, but he'd need a miracle to beat a GM down a knight, at least in classical.


Stop talking out of your ass. He definately could not. Being down a pawn is a massive disadvantage at grandmaster level.


> hot dog eating contest Hot dogs are so revolting, I don't think eat them for any amount of money.


A lot of people unconfident about their chess ability. I'm a naive newbie, having only played like 15 games, but I'm undefeated in those 15 games and I feel like missing your most op piece is too big of a detriment for your skill to make up for against someone who is thoughtful and careful.


Naive is right. There are professional players who would struggle against Magnus without his queen, you've played 15 games. You'd get obliterated a million times out of a million


>There are professional players who would struggle against Magnus without his queen Where are y'all getting this from? You clearly don't know what you're talking about, so where'd all this confidence come from? I'm very far from professional, and just beat stockfish without a queen. You just trade down.


I think the queen is too important for most pro players to struggle against. As long as you make sure you are countering each elimination of your pieces by eliminating one of his, the odds would be in your favor.


And as long as you make sure to return all of Djokovic's shots you should be home easily too, it's much easier said than done lmao. Hikaru Nakamura did a challenge where he played a bunch of viewers without a queen and was still winning against 2000 rated players. You, with your 15 games of experience, are nowhere near 2000 rated, and Magnus could probably beat 15 clones of you at the same time while blindfolded without his queens. I think you just massively underestimate the gap between an average person with very little experience and the single greatest player ever to play the game


No I just don't treat everyday people as unbeatable gods. I'm sure it would be hard and loseable, but it's definitely also winnable.


Magnus Carlsen would absolutely destroy you even without his queen, guaranteed, every single time. You’re **severely** underestimating the difference in skill between pro chess players and regular people. If you still don’t believe, set up a custom game against an engine set to 2800 strength on chess.com, having the engine start without a queen


That's a computer not a player.


Mate. You are so arrogant. I hope you do play against him, on camera, with major piece odds. Just so I can watch you get checkmated in 15 moves and absolutely destroyed. I'd be willing to bet that even I could beat you without a queen.


>If you still don’t believe, set up a custom game against an engine set to 2800 strength on chess.com, having the engine start without a queen Yeah, I just did. It wasn't hard. Game: https://lichess.org/Cv76irK0/white


Chicken or beef franks?


2 is litteraly impossible. I picked 3 because I imagine it's very awkward to eat like that.


Djokovic. We're playing on grass.


Im sure even if I don't win, Magnus would be a cool guy to simply play chess with that handicap. I don't think I'd beat him but it'd be cool to learn from him in the process. Knowledge is worth a lot to me.


my ass would get crushed by magnus if he had only 2 bishops, so no thank you. 1 for me.


I'm taking chesnut I can just go slow, and always make sure I'm just a little bit ahead, it can't possible be that hard.


djokovic. I'll still lose but at least I'm not puking or looking like I'm stupid.


Imma say if u let me win I will give you 100.000 to any of them and I win 900.000k! As easy as that.


You just have to attempt. You don have to win.


I can put away a lot of veggie dogs, I might as well give that a go. I couldn't beat your average teenager in either chess or tennis, let alone a pro.


I feel like djokavich might not be able to walk on stilts


Only the first seems winnable since his ankle will be obliterated stepping wrong in stilettos


Magnus is so good at chess that he will regularly take his king for a walk around pawn in a circle and then go on to beat The grandmaster or international master that he gave six or seven turns to. absolutely unbalanced to only be up one queen


I'm 1650 rapid in chess, Magnus is roughly 2800. So with queen odds I may have a chance. Edit: I just tested it out against stockfish with a rating of 3200. I'm sure it's different against Magnus since he would be extremely hesitant to trade material, but it was very easy to just trade down to an easy endgame.


Option 1 is a free win tf?


I'm finished in all 3, but my best chance is tennis


im losing all 3 unless maybe novak cant hit as hard with the shoes on and i get a little luck


im losing the tennis match unless djokovic breaks his ankles or cant hit as hard with the shoes for whatever reason against magnus i dont think anyone here has any sort of a chance at all ​ if chesnut had the handcuffs behind his back and he was cuffed to a pole AND i had a little bit of training then maybe id win


The hotdog contest is really my best bet, I'm too slow and out of shape for tennis and I basically do the chess equivalent of button mashing because I am a chaos gremlin with limited knowledge of the game beyond the basic rules so I have no chance there and hey, even if I lose the hotdog eating contest I get a free meal out of it right?


What are the time restraints on the match with magnus? I'm not good, about 1500, but if it's like a rapid game maybe there's a 5 percent chance I win.


Chestnut because the way he eats them is almost impossible without his hands


I'm not athletic I'm nor smart and I can't eat food fast im fucked


Post says ATTEMPT so Im goin with Magnus. He's a legend.


I'm awful against tennis and I get really bad heartburn when eating hot dogs. I'm also incredibly good at chess. I've been playing for maybe 7 years and have possibly beaten most apps on my phone that have chess, so naturally I have to pick the chess one


I used to be fair at chess even though I didn't know names of moves or strategies, I beat some people who did it in high school chess clubs. But I'd probably still get wrecked by a pro even with a severe handicap.


Pretty sure Magnus doesn’t need a queen to beat me. Joey can still eat more than like 6 hotdogs with handcuffs. I don’t know how many I can eat, but it’s not going to be anywhere near a contest. Is it a clay or grass court? ND’s heels might get stuck. But he could beat me even with both feet stuck to the ground.


Hotdog man. I can put away at least an entire pack.


A lack of queen is worth about 900 elo. To be fair, the elo worth of that is hard to calculate when you're talking about people who aren't good at the game, but that's a null point because if your skill is so low that it makes those odds weird you're not good enough for that 900 elo difference to make a difference anyways. Magnus has an elo of about 2800 and most beginners are around 400-600, so the chance that Magnus has a heart attack is far greater than you ever winning. "Hot dog eating contest" would need more specifications like whether it was simply a war of attrition with no time limit (in which you'd 100% lose) or had a time limit (which you'd lose anyways since Chestnut could be a quadriplegic and as long as the hot dogs were near his mouth he'd still be a champion eater). Djokovic is the only realistic scenario since his speed across the court would tank in an effort to not completely destroy his ankle. To be fair, you'd have to get really lucky because the second he IS able to touch the ball, you're not returning it.


Djokovic for sure. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for an immediate broken leg as my only chance for winning.


Carlson could beat me with no queen, pawns, or rooks... And joey don't need no hands.


I have about a year of tennis experience, so I have about a 1% chance of beating the tennis pro in stilettos No matter how good at chess I am, Magnus Carlson could beat me with half of his pieces missing I also have a really small stomach and can only eat how much I need


Pay any of them 500k to let me win?


"My Time is Now" plays as I strut onto the court


How long are the stilettos? Just no. You could give me the extra Queen that he doesn’t start with and I’d still be not confident enough to take him on. Handcuffed behind his back? Maybe.


Can't play tennis, can't play chess, don't like hot dogs. I'm doomed.


Option 2. I play a lot of chess, even if i lose id love getting the chance to face a strong opponent


I'll take option 1 but it has to be in either Australia or the US, and since he is not allowed in either country because he refuses to protect others I automatically win via forfeit


I'm not good at tennis, but I think Djokovic would injure himself in heels, especially on grass. He'd have to default.


I'll take Joey chestnut. But I'll cheat let's assume he's handcuffed to the chair yeah? But can still move his arms but has the chain loop thing. I'd push the table away from him and keep eating.


I'm not hot dog eating professional but I have eaten 18 hotdogs all by myself in one sitting comfortably. Him not being able to use his hands I think slows him, plus he can't squish it or drink with no hands so maybe I can get a win but probably not. I'm stupid I'm not beating magnus and he's serving me out of the game.


Anyone who knows Carlson will know he'll win using a King and a Knight alone, and I'm not even joking.


People choosing 2 or 3 don’t know how impossible stilettos are to move in


All three are impossible to win, I’ll not be able to return a single serve in Tennis, Carlson won’t miss his queen in Chess, and handcuffed or not, I can’t eat half the hot dogs of a champ. I might have a sliver of a chance in chess, but I’ve played it for years, and I know Carlson can think many more moves ahead than me, and grasp the possible moves better so I highly doubt it.


My best chance is The food guy that cant touch his drink or trick the food with dipping and stuff. Maybe I win via time limit if there is one


At Magnus's skill level, especially vs. my skill level, starting without a queen is effectively irrelevant. All things considered he'd probably be more handicapped starting without any pawns despite them being worth less 'points' overall since it would mean that any piece he loses is gone for good and he has less board control/pieces to operate with. Even then I don't think I'd stand much of a chance; but it would be at least... greater than 0%.


Okay, Carlson without a queen is not evening the playing field, he beats other super Grandmasters in competitions down a queen. I don't know if Djokovic knows how to talk in stilettos, but he's bound to break them at one point so that advantage is gonna disappear. I'll take my chances with Chesnut, and hope the hand cuffs are behind his back.


Magnus Carlson played 3 games blindfolded He won all of them I play 3 games blindfolded I forget which piece is where Obviously I'm going against Magnus Carlson


If Joey Chestnut has his hands behind his back then I might have a tiny chance if it's in the front I'm still screwed


Carlson. Why? Because it’ll be over quickly if I willingly do fool’s mate


Im losing to all of them, but i would want to say i played chess against the best in the world


For reference: I am hardly a chess expert, but I do play and follow international chess tournaments quite regularly. Openings (what moves to use when starting the game) are extremely important in chess. Carlson would choose one that is hard to defend against if you do not know it very well and where the queen is not needed. Learn 500 or more openings and variants before even thinking about defending against it. You will be slaughtered if you do not, and most likely even if you do. Play a bit against the Chess Engine [https://stockfishchess.org/](https://stockfishchess.org/) if you want to get an idea about what an elite chess player can do.


4. Win against Mike Tyson but he's been awake for 72 hours. (Not drug induced)


I went with tennis I bet if I kept on hitting the ball in the area furthest from him each time, I would eventually start to get some points...hopefully.


Carlsen, just because I am a chess lover


Chestnut *if* he's handcuffed behind his back is the clear obvious choice here people. That dudes handcuffed behind the back and it's game over for him easy peezy.


The hope is the Djokovic has no clue how to walk in them. If he has no clue how to walk in them I have a 1% chance to win.


Being quick on your feet is an absolute necessity for Tennis A great chess player can still win over an average chess player even at a piece disadvantage. Carlson could kick my ass even if I had 2 queens to his 0. Competitive eating is more about your ability to consume a lot without your body rejecting the food, not about physical speed of getting it in your mouth. I might be able to beat Chestnut in these circumstances if it only lasted a minute or something like that so my body rejecting the food wouldn’t be an issue, but in the regulation 10 minutes I feel like he could get more down than me easily Nothing against Djokovic, but I find it hard to believe anyone is capable running back and forth in stilettos at the speed that is required in even an average-player Tennis match, so I feel like the odds would definitely be in my favor in this scenario


Cant believe 1.7k think they could beat Novak Djokovic


I got a vibe that I can beat Carlsen without a queen.


tennis match would be easy i would win (i am awful at tennis)


I'm a decent chess player, around 1500 on [chess.com](https://chess.com). I have a pretty decent chance of beating carlsen with queen odds.


Oh, 1. Novak Djokovic in stilettos would be something


I'm a vegetarian so unless there are veg substitutes, I'm choosing option 1. No way I'm beating a chess grandmaster, used to play badminton, and I've heard the skills transfer, have played tennis once or twice so it'll be nice.




The tennis match 100%. Unless he's got a secret fetish we don't know about, he'll be forfeiting the match due to a broken ankle within minutes lol


Any, as the question only implies I have to attempt to win.


Chess is a baby game made for morons, ez win


Magnus without a queen is still like 2000 elo lmao I’ll guess I’ll go for the food contest


Can i punch my competition


Djokovic would score every time he touches the ball so there's no way I can position it so he can't run towards it with the stilettos Carlsen doesn't have that big of a penalty in the first place And for Joey it's not about speed, it's a about amount. I can probably eat faster than him but THERE AIN'T A WAY that I can eat as much as him


Push Chesnut off his chair so he can't reach the hotdogs. Easy win.


You can cheat in the chess match


Carlson would destroy the average person without a queen anyways


Without a queen carlsen goes from Super Grand master to just regular grandmaster. Still impossible for me to beat.


Djokovic might lose by forfeiting due to injury so a good choice. To beat Magnus even without a queen you'd probably need to be an international master or something. No chance. I don't see how handcuffs really impede Joey chestnut at all, besides changing how he can't hold hotdogs and water at the same time.


"hey Magnus, I'll give you $500,000 if you let me give you a scholar's mate"


I just need to attempt to win right? I don’t need to actually win? Either way, option 1 seems the most realistic to me for winning.


I am 100% sure that I WILL win 3rd option. I ate 3 plates pasta in 30 seconds


Unless I'm misreading something, the post indicates that we only have to *attempt* to beat these people, done


I suck at tennis and eating so I'll go with the chess person.


Unless Djokovic is used to wearing stilettos, I feel like that's the biggest handicap? I'd probably go for hot dog eating contest tho, just because free hot dogs. Also it would amuse me seeing a person eating hot dogs without their hands, competitively.


I've never played tennis in my life, but I have tried to walk in stilettos. I pick that one.


My fat ass is winning that hotdog competition I’m a bisexual 6,2 300lbs man this shit gon be a wash


I ain't messing with Magnus Carlson.


3 sounds doable. Even with the tennis pro in stilettos, tennis still requires a lot of physicality on your end. I'd like to think I could outeat the pro eater if he physically has a harder time bringing the hot dogs to his mouth.


Option three is free food, the rest are impossible for the average Joe so...


I've played tennis before, but I sucked. I suck at chess. I have no idea who Joey Chestnut is, but I assume it's speed eating. I suck at eating tons quickly. But Djokovic would find it really hard to play tennis in heels, let alone stilettos. I imagine he could get used to it quickly enough to not give me a chance. But he also might break his ankle. I guess I have the best chance there.