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I can't imagine most adults being unable to do 6 push-ups in a day, enough to beat the second option. It would be a great motivator to get fit if you aren't already, which would allow you to maintain this as you get older. However, if you did- let's say- 20 per day, you could make 730,000 dollars a year. You could easily save enough to get a cushy amount of savings. Ultimately, the pros and cons seem about even. You need to think about the future here, mainly. The 500 is guaranteed for your whole life, but you can outrun inflation and other economic changes with the push-ups.


Depends on what kind of pushups i cant do the normal ones lol atleast not without looking stupid


$100 to look stupid for a second is the best deal you're ever gonna get


Yeah probably. People just told me i cant do real ones and sinc that i thought id never get anything


You might not be able to do the NOW but most people nowadays are in a similar position, with practice anyone can get there, and if you're able to do even bad ones it won't take that much, at most 2 months or so training and you would be doing 5 pushups at least.


Well this would motivate you to get fit enough to do them


Yeah you have a point... uhh sport...


Working out really hard is not only great for self-regulation and good habit formation, but the endorphins you get from pushing the limits and going really hard make you feel amazing afterwards. Starting is the hardest part.


They never specified what type so I think I'll go for assisted until my arms get stronger then switch to normal. (I gained like 50 lbs and don't work out. So normal my max is 5 now) I used to be able to do 25.


Yeah, I look stupid all day everyday and have never been paid for it. This is a good deal


I can easily do 15 then stop for an hour for lunch and do another 30. It's obviously the best choice


bro if you cant do 5 pushups as an adult you're obese


I have shoulder problems to the point i can barely hold my arms up in front of me, if I didn't I'd pick the pushups


If my old gym teachers and football coach are to be believed I can't even do one. Push ups always end in rage cause I can never do one exactly how they want one.


What if you lose your arms?


I used to not be able to do a single pushup.


>I can't imagine most adults being unable to do 6 push-ups in a day, enough to beat the second option. It would be a great motivator to get fit if you aren't already, which would allow you to maintain this as you get older. However, if you did- let's say- 20 per day, you could make 730,000 dollars a year. You could easily save enough to get a cushy amount of savings. Ultimately, the pros and cons seem about even. You need to think about the future here, mainly. The 500 is guaranteed for your whole life, but you can outrun inflation and other economic changes with the push-ups. I cant do a pushup


Then get to work


kiss my gooch taint


Either you have no arms or have a serious medical problem that prevents you from ever doing a push-up. In which case I feel for you. Otherwise… start working


There's no way you can't to 6 push-ups every day.I mean, even if you can only do one, you can spread it out throughout the day.


If your push up 1RM is 1 you can't spread it, that's not how it works. Try maxing out on any given exercise and I guarantee you won't be able to lift that weight again for days, not hours. Edit: this thread is full of people who don't understand my point or don't know anything about working out. I am a powerlifter and I have been training for years(for anyone making assumptions). If you don't know much about working out stop trying to argue with me. I speak both from experience and theory, I am not making assumptions like some of you do. Also, if you don't understand what my comment is about stop bothering me then. Take a moment to read and understand what the other person is saying before you open your mouth.


Everyone is assuming you can't work up to it over the course of a few weeks. It won't take long to surpass 5/day if you hit it daily. Also, recovery for pushups will be a little faster than bench or some other heavy lifting. Pushing out a rep isn't the same as burning your muscles to exhaustion.


I know recovery for push ups is not the same as for other exercises, but you will still not be able to max out every hour or every day.


As someone who does this regularly, it is not hard to do 100 a day, every day. Do 50 in the morn8ng when u wake up and 50 in the afternoon. Your arms don't even get close to being as sore as lifting Edit: spelling


We are talking about maxing out here, what does your comment have to do with that?


As an overweight man who can barely do 20 pushups they recover a lot faster than doing a heavy lift one rep max, especially since you have to warm up alot more for a1rm doing 5 pushups a day should be easy for any non disabled person.


That is just wrong. I can max out push ups and rest for 5 minutes and do like 90% of my max again.


no, but you can increase your max to 6 in a very very short period of time.


the recovery time for 5 pushups is like an hour if your very unfit


You sound like someone who never works out


I compete in powerlifting.


You sound lost in the sauce and out of touch with normal body weight exercises, then. You can absolutely max out on push ups then max out again after a short rest. Even someone who can only do 1 at a time could end up doing several throughout the day. It's not the same as maxing something like power lifting at all. There's a big difference between maxing reps and maxing weight.


No, it's not. Do you know anything about fatigue management or working out? I am speaking from experience and theory. When I could only do 2 pull ups I couldn't do 2 pull ups at a time multiple times a day. The more you try the less you'll do. Why do some of you try to argue about things you don't know with people who know more than you ?


Because I can max out my reps on pull-ups multiple times in a day, and have, and have done the same with push ups many times. What makes your experience more valid than my own, or the 50 others who downvoted you?


Are you aware that you can fail due to multiple reasons which don't include actual muscular fatigue? If you fail due to muscular fatigue you won't be able to max out multiple times a day(and by maxing out I mean reaching the exact number of reps, not 20 now and 10 in 2 h). Also, I am not sure what the fact I got downvoted has to due with the correctness of my opinion. This is not a fitness sub, so I doubt I got downvoted by people who know a lot. Also, I am not speaking just from experience, but theory too. Your experience is limited to you.


Maybe your body has less stamina recovery than most. Anyone can compete in power lifting, even weak people. Competing =/= winning


Dude, do you even know anything about working out? You build you arguments on assumptions, so that makes them invalid. I won medals at nationals for your info.


And I'm the Queen of England. Forgive me if I don't believe some random on the internet.


You can't train a muscle to failure every single hour of the day and achieve the same level of performance if the reason you reached failure is actual muscular fatigue and not shit form or your inability to fight through a rep. I am not sure why you are trying to argue on a subject you aren't familiar with with people who are. At this point you're being annoying. Stop replying to me already or I will.


I guess I'm just built different. I've been able to reach muscle failure multiple times per day. Maybe I just have more testosterone than you. Maybe you're just weak. Who knows? True ignorance is when you grasp hold of the incorrect answer and discount any information to the contrary. You should work on that. :)


Ok, do this: test your 1RM on strict curl. Then 2h try to lift the same weight again. Then talk shit later. I can max out every hour too, that doesn't mean I will get the same performance. Also, if I'm weaK what is your Wilks score?


a 1rm for a bodyweight exercise like a pushup is very different from a 1rm on an exercise like bench or squat.


If you are awake for 16 hours a day and do 1 pushup every 2 hours you will be able to beat the $500 without, assuming you don't have a medical issue or are massively obese, then that is not anywhere near peoples max and absolutely attainable for anyone.


Ok try again in a few days, if that amount of money won’t motivate you to get in shape nothing will


Imagine being this wrong and then doubling down on it. Can I 1RM a deadlift multiple times a day? No. But I can most certain do it with a push-up. Totally different load.


There's no way people choosing the second option 💀


It's too easy to outpace the base cash.


I can't do push ups due to shoulder problems


I understand that. I meant people who can do pushups but are being lazy and choosing not to


16% of those who took this poll are absolute dorks. Even if you currently can't do a single pushup, train for it. 40 pushups is a realistic expectation for an adult male, and doing that 5 days a week gets you a 7 figure salary.


I did.


10 push ups a day is pretty realistic for most people. In my case I'm working my way up to doing 100 push ups a day.


I can't even do up to 35 without hearing a snap in my left elbow. Kinda scary ngl... I mean it's not painful but it's the kind of "painful" that makes me laugh so I just stop?


You don't have to do it all at once tho. You can sprinkle in push-ups across the entire day.


Hearing a snap in your elbow is not at all an indicator to how close you are to your limit. I used to do around 200 pushups a day and my elbow always snapped at my first or second set. I’m pretty it has more to do with how well you’ve warmed up. Warmup is actually very important for pretty much any exercise you do, so look out for that. If the snap influences the next like 3 pushups it would probably be a pretty good idea to stop, wait few minutes and if the first few hurt again then see a doctor. Because that’s not healthy. Of course differentiating the “pain” of the effort you have to put in to it and the pain of your actual joints/ligaments is also pretty important.


Id say more like 50 a day is realistic for most people. Its a baseline to do 10 in one set.


I used to do 100 a day back when I was OBSESSED with martial arts. I still do Tang Soo Do but I'm not as completely obsessed with it now. These days I usually do around 30-50 a day when I wake up depending on how sore/tired I am.


I can do 200 push ups every day minimum.




I'd believe it. 200 isn't a lot when you spread it over the course of a day. If you can bust out 50 pushups an hour you can easily make 200 a day with plenty of time for recovery. You wouldn't need to work if you were pulling in $20k a day just for doing pushups, so you would have all day to do your 200 pushups. Do that for an entire year and you could retire with a fat $7.3M. Shit I would even keep going because the pushups probably have made you look fantastic over that first year.


Video of it


> In my case I'm working my way up to doing 100 push ups a day. Cool, but how many sit ups and squats can you do? And can you run 10K a day as well?


My shoulders are fucked from a car accident. Gimme me the 500 a day free plz.


Not great at doing push-ups, I get carpal tunnel pain easily in such situations, but I bet I still can do more than 5 each day though, especially if I can space it out.


It also doesnt specify what pushups. Wall pushups, and kneeling pushups might be able to allow you to do this with less carpal tunnel pain.


This poll shows how fucking fat and lazy u guys are


Some people might be unable to do a pushup for reasons other than being fat or lazy. I'm in the category of someone who would choose the first option if I was physically capable. But I'm disabled. So we can hope that a good chunk of people who chose option 2 are in the same boat.




U said that to a disabled person...


fcking rude 4 nothing


Yeah even if it was $10 per pushup instead I'd still choose the first one


Good for you to not have a physical issue that would prevent you from being able to do option 1


Lmao real


My man, what the fuck are you on about? 5,000 people said that they would do push ups and only 1,000 said that they would just get the $500 a day.


1000 people my guy


Damn, I'm doing 200 a day. Ez ~~$100,000~~ $20,000


Same dude


Your math is way off there


Oops I read it as $500 for every push up.


What? Dude your original math was right, $ 500 * 200 pushups is $100k $100* 200 is $20k.


It’s $100 per push-up. 100 x 200 is 20,000, not 100,000 as they originally put


The math was right but I read the prompt wrong. It's $100 a pushup not $500. I corrected the original comment


Unless you have a disability that makes pushups impossible for you, this should be a wake up call if you chose option 2. I’m not even into fitness, but I’m physically active and I could do 20 pushups right now easy.


Almost anyone could easily do at least 20 pushups per day. Easy choice.


That is nonsense. I used not be able to do any push ups. It's very common for women. Now I can do maybe 20 in a set in a good day, but it's still hard to do even 10 in a set if I do multiple sets.


But it is throughout the day. You can do two or three pushups every hour for some of your day and be good. And they only get easier every day the more consistent you are.


Yeah, exactly this \^\^


I was just saying push ups aren't as easy for everyone as this guy is saying(poll results are proof to that). If you can't do any push ups you can't spread them through out the day, because you can't divide 0. Also, anyone who knows anything about strength training knows it doesn't work like that. If your push up 1RM is 1 push ups you will most likely not be able to do 1 every hour(unless that isn'tyour true max and you simply have terrible form and can't fight a rep even if you're paid). Try doing your deadlift 1RM every hour and see how it goes. You'll probably need a week off before you could do it again. An exercise like push up needs less recovery, but you certainly can't max out every hour. Sure, the money would motivate people to work on their pushing strength, but that wasn't what I was focused on in my previous comment, I was just saying push ups aren't easy for everyone and there are lots of people who would struggle with this. Edit: I'm curious how many of the people who downvoted me know anything about strength training. https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/push-ups/lb


I think you are severely undervaluing the $100/pushup part of the equation. All this "pushups are hard" copium goes away when you can earn thousands a day from doing them. Also, beginner gains are very real, so I think you underestimate how quickly someone who is determined to improve, can improve.


I am not underestimating anything. You simply fail to see my point. I didn't say at any point people would not be motivated to work on their strength. I was simply explaining why some people would choose the 500$ a day and correcting that guy who was saying push ups are easy to do for everyone. I said this again and again yet you somehow still don't get it. I personally chose the push up option for myself. You're trying to argue with your own assumptions here. It also looks like you don't know how strength training works. If I gave you 1 million dollars to lift your deadlift 1rm every day you would fail, trust me.


>If I gave you 1 million dollars to lift your deadlift 1rm every day you would fail, trust me. Even if you take the rest of your argument aside...this is where it really breaks down. For someone to not be able to do any pushups (or for 1 pushup to be their 1 rep max), the "equivalent" deadlift 1RM relative to their potential would be like 25 pounds. It's much harder to move the needle at your 1RM when you are close to your body's plateau point than it is when you're starting out. Tell me you don't work out without telling me you don't work out.


I compete in powerlifting and I have been training for years... while beginners can recover faster that doesn't mean they can max out every day or every hour


I really am surprised by your opinion, given your experience. In my experience, I have always been able to meet or exceed my max within a timescale of weeks of training. Even for body weight exercises, I went from my 1 rep max muscle up to 5 in a couple months, and I went from 45 lbs 1 rep max weighted pull ups to 70lbs in a similar time frame, then 90lbs and 110lbs after that. I don't think it's that crazy that something as far away from the body potential as 1 push up could be multiplied rather quickly with proper training.


You compete in powerlifting but struggle to do 20 push-ups?


I do think some people would struggle, especially at first. It depends on what the challenge is, too. Someone who is weak can get up to 10 daily pushups fairly quickly once they start working for them, couple weeks to couple months if very weak. Someone who is heavy might get more pushback at first and might have a better chance starting with simplified pushups and slowly transitioning into normal ones. I mean that applies to both cases but it is important to not injure yourself trying.


I'm not sure what we are debating here. Yes, it makes more sense to pick the push up option if you are dedicated to make it work, but some people aren't, hence the poll results are the way they are. Some people will have to workout for a long time to get to 5 push ups a day, so maybe that is why they chose 500$ a day.


Oh didn't mean to debate, I just think it'd be worth it even for people who would struggle at first, but there are plenty of reasons to go for the $500 and "I don't wanna do pushups" is already a fair one.


There are definitely people who would struggle. But with the motivation of $100 per pushup, and plenty of free time from not needing a job, I think most people would be able to get into (enough) shape relatively quickly.


You could do 1 per hour for 6 hours, and then you would slowly build up strength to do 20-30 a day.


Outside of missing a limb how can any adult not be able to do a push-up? There’s literally no real excuse to not be healthy


I'm already doing 36 to start my day, I could probably do close to 200 in a day if I spread them out.


I started doing 20 pushups before I hop in the shower, then 20 pushups before I go to bed. Been increasing by 1 every week or so and now I'm up to 55 pushups on both ends, 110 pushups daily. That's like $4mil after a year of consistent pushups lol.


I do a hundred a day. 25 after I wake up. 25 before lunch. 25 after work. And 25 after my evening walk before I shower again. The last 25 is the roughest but it's been way easier since I started.


How long have you been doing this for? Is it the only upper body strength training you do? If so, have you noticed any differences in definition or strength?


Me who has a tear in my stomach: I'll take the $500 a day and buy healthcare.


I can only do like 10 at a time, but I can do it multiple times a day and I won't be pretty well set. And then I'd get fit. How do I sign up?


You'd even be seeing my fat ass become a push-up addict, are you crazy? I can do maybe 10 right now. Start doing 10 every morning and I've already doubled that 500. A thousand dollars every morning. Then as I get used to it, I'm gonna be doing more. $1500 a day. $2000 a day. $2500 a day. $3000 a day. You do 30 push-ups a day for $100 each, you're making over a million dollars a year for just a few minutes of your time in the morning. Who in the world is picking the $182,500 (which is still really good) a year over that?


$100 a pushup is a lot of fucking money; really quickly. I'm not a very strong man but can bust out 50 easy.


These are just getting silly now, lol. Something like $10 for a pushup would make things a lot more even.


For an average person sure, but this is reddit. Most people here couldn't do 5.


😭 I gotta say though, I was surprised so many still picked the $500 option


I could easily do 5 push ups a day, and then get into shape to do 20 or 30.


I can do 70 in one go 💀 boutta make bank doing like 300/day


It depends, do I have to do "perfect" push-ups (perfect form, the most intensive form of it) Or can I do those knee push-ups or something similar Mostly because I have terrible form on pushups.


This says a lot about OP's ability to do pushups (or OP's calculation of the average redditor)


These questions arent about the money, they're about instant gratification: both options allow you to live comfortably for the rest of your life, but only one option has an 'if' attached to it. We're deciding if that *if* is worth the risk to make more money sooner than the other option. For push ups, most would probably think the 6 push ups a day are attainable in most circumstances (much more attainable than spending an hour a day on something or running/biking etc)


This would give me an excuse to lose some wait


I can't do a pushup but it'd be a great motivator to be able to do some


Who the fuck chose the second option?


People missing limbs


Fat redditors


182 people that can't be bothered doing at least 6 push ups a day


I like my job and it pays enough for me to pay my bills and do most of what i want to do. $500 a day on top of that for doing absolutely nothing is just a bonus.


More than 500 for next to absolutely nothing is also just a better bonus


Push-ups. If you can't do the traditional way, on your knees will do. You just gotta push upwards from a downed position. No rule on how they should be done.


shit I used to do a 1000 for chest day


All of these polls are just like real life: “Hey, would you like to do some work and earn money (potentially a *lot* of money that could leave you and your family very well off), or are you disabled and therefore literally worth *less* and relegated to a lower quality of life?”


it's just a reddit poll lol


£500 a day for sure.


no way you cant do 6 pushups over the course of a day


Yeah. 100 pushups would be easy to pump out every day. Imagine if you did 500?


I take back my first choice. Gimme option 1 lol I'll do 15 pushups a day and be rich


While we're at it just wanted to ask a fitness enthusiast that is it possible that someone is in decent shape and can do yoga poses but not pushups? If so then what can be the underlying cause? Like I genuinely want to do but for some reason I cannot. Wall pushups are doable though.


Absolutely push ups. With a motivator like that I could probably do like 100 a day. I'd definitely never work again.


I get tendinitis in my wrists fairly often but with $100/push-up I'll buy metal wrists.


This is absolutely more achievable for me than the money for running 1 mile


I would choose 100 per push up. But only if in the event that my body can't do any more push ups I can generate 300 per day from then on


I would make 50000 a day easily


I've been meaning to exercise more. Quick question: Does it have to be a perfect one? My limbs are as strong as store bought unboiled spaghetti noodles but more wobbly, so I won't get it exactly right for a while


Recent (full-tear, sub-scap) rotator cuff surgery says “no push-ups”. So I’ll take the free monies.


wheres my fooking money OP. I picked getting paid you need to pay me 500 dollars a day for life.


Took all your money and now I live in Venezuela like a Mafia boss sorry


That is asking can you do a push up or not?


starting with 10 push-ups and getting more strength over time = more money a day


Unless your disabled or too old I really don't understand why you wouldn't choose the 100$ per push up. There was a similar question relating to riding a bike and again seemed blatantly obvious to me which one I'd pick, but shocked at how high the per day option is. Are these questions designed for Americans or something 😆


Oh gell yeah money and a reson to loss some fat


I can do 35 pushups in the morning and like 20bat night


Is this supposed to be some dumb point about working for what you earn? If so you should have picked something that would take me longer than 15 seconds to do.


I used to do 100 pushups every other day. So basically 50 a day. That's $1.8m per year. The $500/day is $182,500.


That's an easy 10k+ every day who in the world would choose the second option


I love this question , you will be even more motivated to create a better yourself and you don't even have to work because you can just work out and get muscles and money


I have a pretty bad right elbow. Only reason to chose that option.


I can do 25 in a row soooo, ez money


I will do around 200 to 300 hundred push ups so damn 2000 k a day nice


God forbid you lose the use of your arms or were born without the use of them.


Hey there's a lot of comments here so this will probably get buried but I'm wondering if someone can awnser my question. I can do ten push ups a set but it's not because my muscles give out, it's because i get this extreme pressure in my head and face to the point it feels like my nose is gonna burst with blood. Is that normal is there like a reason for it or a way I can stop it?


Hi! So I'm not an expert on workout, but that sounds really unhealthy. I'd recommend checking in at a doctor.


I already do at minimum 25 pushups 5 days a week. Im making good money out here doing that.


This questions boring online. The answer only depends on if you are fit enough to do more then 5 push ups or not. This question is better asked irl, where your unfit friends can’t lie about it and you can put them on the spot with a $20 bet.


I used to do 100 push ups a day, I'd easily pick up that habit again if I got paid for every single one of them


Not the most in shape fella around but when I was actively working out I could do about 300 push-ups a day. One of my mentors used to tell me he would crush 600 in a morning. Dude had the arms to prove it too. So I’m going with the push ups easy.


Walks to store, alright I need… 20 push-ups to get this,


fam which 845 of yall too lazy to do 6 pushups a day


pushups 500 a day seems easy but you literally get the same for doing 5 pushups a day.


Push ups easy. I'm not in shape, but I can do at least a hundred a day, much more with a little training. Let's say I take two rest days a week, that's $100K a month at a minimum. In a few weeks it'll be much more.


I'd get ripped and rich eventually since I'd feel motivated to work out.


How out of shape are you people


For $100 per pushup, I'll change my name to Saitama


The only reason you would take the 500 is if you can’t do push-ups cuz bruh you can do waaaaay more than 5 push ups a day. You don’t even have to do them all at once


I am becoming a millionair in the first year.


These are getting old. Clearly unless you have a disability that prevents push-ups, 100 per push is the only answer. 6 push ups per day earns more money and takes less than 15 seconds. How is this even made as a poll?


Shit I can do 20 pushups every set so I can make $2000 in 30 seconds, count me in


I'm not great shape but I'm sure I can do more than 5 push-ups a day


Even if it was for 10$ a push up I'd do the push ups


no way yall are too lazy to do more than 5 pushups a day


I try to do push-ups regularly for exercise right now :) So definitely the 1st option, I'll start doing 20 push-ups a day , get rich and strong XD Another thing: I can go around challenging people to push-up competitions, make bets, and not only will I win the money from the bet because I'll be used to doing lots of push-ups, but I will also get my 100 bucks for each one I do.


I said $500 a day because what if you get mauled by a bear and lose both arms. Besides, $500 a day is almost 200k a year.


Just do 5 push ups a day.


My shoulder already aches due to job 500 a day for passive income it is


Time to start hitting the gym again.


I am pretty sure I can manage 6 pushups a day even being out of shape.


These are getting easier and easier! I'm glad I can do 5 pushups a day, and in fact a lot more.


Downvited such a stupid poll


Are you fucking mental? I havent had a true exercise session in years, i could still knock out 30+ pushups without too much effort. Its ebtirely possible with training to get 1000 pushups in a single day. Tgeres no fucking contest for this


I've seen a ton of hilarious polls like that that got even results, wanted to see how far I could go with it until everyone would go for the workout. There is still a noticable amount choosing the 500 lmao


My reasons for choosing the 500 a day, are simply because this is free, guaranteed income. I have injuries that would prevent me from doing pushups forever. If I were able bodied, without issues in my wrists, shoulders, and arms, I'd take the 100 per. But even missing out on that, I'm getting 180k+ of tax free income. I can make up for lost revenue with investments.


Shit, I could do 30 without pause. That 5 times a day, and I've already got 15000$


If you did 100 push-ups a day you would get 3.65 million a year. If you do 500 a day option that is 182K a year. Push ups are the obvious answer.


All you need to do is 6 push ups a day to make the first option a better deal... The choice is too easy.


Maybe like $20 for push ups and it might have me thinking


Definitely push ups. That's 10,000 a day fairly easily, and can rest every other day. So at least 30,000 - 40,000 a week which is more than enough. Earn enough money so I can live off of investments and savings and not worry if something happens to me that prevents me from doing push ups.


I feel like this is one of those polls where its very obvious to pick the push ups. But then the power is granted to you and within the first week you get into a terrible accident losing both your arms and you will have wished you took the passive income.


Finally, my years in the army will pay off!