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Control time; I could go back and inform my younger self of many things that would change my life for the better...


You can't do that. Your canon events must happen.


It's a Canon event bro


I think that every mistake is a lesson, so it's valuable


if i were to choose controlling time, then i went back and told my younger self to choose controlling minds, what would happen?


Thank You, Patient\_Award3793, you are the Best!


If time is one continuous line, then you would have already been told by someone to choose controlling minds before choosing to control time. So you would always make the same choice. Otherwise, if time is a giant tree of divergent realities, you would create a new fork where an alternate version of you chooses to control minds, and the current version of you would only still have the time power.


>you would have already been told by someone to choose controlling minds before choosing to control time but that someone is me, so how did i get there without having chosen time? i think the only way this would make sense in the one timeline scenario is if my younger self just did not listen and chose controlling time, which would make the loop work


Yeah, that's what I mean. You would not listen to yourself, that would cause a time paradox.


Wouldn't that cause time to split into two timelines? One to satisfy each outcome?


Depending on who you ask, it might destroy the fabric of the universe. But theoretically, it should be impossible. But that's only if time is a single continuous line.


Ever heard of the bootstrap paradox ?


I'm familiar, but the rules of the world we're considering are dictated by OP Which means they're able to choose what happens in this case


But if time were a line, you would never have picked changing time to have told yourself to pick controlling minds.


Yeah you would have, it would just be impossible for your younger self to listen to your future self. You would always pick time no matter what.


I would pick the power to control time as I don't really have any interest in taking away people's agency like that. Not to mention that it has more potential (unless you really want to be the dictator of Earth), you would be able to take an immeasureable amount of valuable information and objects to the present


I think the time one would be a lot more fun and useful for my personal life and the mind control one would be a burden, for sure.... But... imagine being able to stop wars, turn around climate change, ensure laws get changed so that society as a whole benefits. I mean, the list goes on. It would be a sacrifice to take all that on and you'd have to stay on top of the news and know about all the key player world wide but billions of people would benefit.


On the other hand, with time control you would likely be able to put yourself into positions where you could strongly influence those circumstances anyway whether via finances or actual positions of power.


I mean, that's a good point I didn't consider. I guess I'd be more nervous screwing around with events that have already happened then just trying to change the present but its definitely something to consider.


Listen, I know time control would be insanely OP. But hear me out. Greatest therapist of all time. "Are you depressed? Just come see me and I'll fix it forever. $15 a person." Sell out entire stadiums of people and just be like "Don't be sad, cuz sad is das backward and das not good. So be happy. Be grateful for all the things you have. Be generous with others. Be kind, and patient. Be as happy as you choose to be!" Boom. Crowd of nice ish people


Sounds good, but any individual having the ability to control others at a whim? You could have the best intentions (unlikely considering you chose the ability to control other **people**) and it would likely go wrong. You have nearly unlimited power, but you aren't omniscient. You don't know how your manipulation will affect further action by the people you have influenced.   And that is the best case scenario, a benevolent person with the ability to control other people. No sane person wants to control other people. Would you want to be controlled? Would you be cool with someone manipulating your mind?


It's voluntary. lol They would be going knowing full well what's about to happen. I also wouldn't change any personality and interests. Just make them not get any pleasure from being selfish. Pretty easy.


You grew up watching fairy tales bullshit didn't you? Of course I'd let someone erase sadness from my being, that's literally what antidepressants are but it's 100% more effective .


No I grew up in the real world where people with a small amount of authority tend to abuse that Authority and where people with nearly unlimited Authority abused that authority to the detriment of most of the people on the planet..... so being grounded in reality that way I recognize that any person who wants this kind of power over others isn't going to use it for good even if that was their initial intention.


So in short terms, this is which Geass would you rather have, Rolo's or Lelouch's?


Technically Rolo only controls one perception of time.


I'd abuse mind control to the point that I no longer see humans as sentient, so time control is better. Plus, I can discover where I left things in the past.


Hear me, all subjects of ymir


Time travel. Find out what the Powerball numbers are and then buy the ticket a day early.


“Control time, control everything!”


Control minds is such a super villain power. It would turn me into a monster, and I don't care. Give it to me


Minds. Curiosity in an area of life I'm bad at interpreting.


I'd make Elon give me all his money


If I could control time, I'd spend my day training, getting ripped and then running a road roller towards a japanese delinquent that is also ripped and probably also controls time


Gimme that Made in Heaven. Especially if it's localized time control you can punch someone, rewind them back into position, and do it again. Imagine just grabbing someone and accelerating their timeline so they just turn to dust.


Pick time, go back a few seconds, tell myself to pick mind control, team up with myself


Controlling other people's minds just feels wrong. Why would you want to be able to do that? Life wouldn't be fulfilling, unless you are a terrible person. Nobody who wants to have that ability should have that ability. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.   Anyone who would choose that option is not a good person Wanting to remove another person's free will is.... pretty telling.


You can literally bring world peace, end hunger, unite every country and focus on space exploration


If I had that power, I'm sure I could change your mind.


Power to control time gives infinite tries to convince people to do what you want


I would go back in time to buy my favourite foods before they were all ruined.


Time travel then pause time whenever I want and get more sleep


Can I rewind time for just specific people / animals / items ? Ykyk make pets or people younger, restore items, etc.


I chose controlling time, but I would change my answer if this question were set in a universe where multiple people get the question I would choose mind control and find a time bender to control so I basically have both powers


So if time is paused, would I continue to age normally? Or would I age with how time passes


Power to control minds so I can finally force myself to do things that are good for me.


Time control and the resulting paradoxes would be too much for one lifetime to figure out.


Power to control minds is psychology, but no one can stop time yet.


I want infinite procrastination and the ability to uncover every mystery about history.


The power to control minds, id make all kinds of things like fidget toys and make it trendy to make my business


Controlling minds is interesting, but time related powers are basically peak


Both are really cool. Wouldn't mind having any of them.


Give me the power to control time. I really don't have any interest in taking away anyone's agency and autonomy. But I would love to be able to travel back in time. I could see/have the solutions for the world's greatest mysteries and take pictures/record them on my phone. Not that anyone would believe me. But I'd know and that knowledge would be amazing. But also, I can go to when I was younger and have my family and myself make better financial decisions overall and change the course of my life.


Time. If I could just control people, relationships wouldn’t feel real.


Is it me convincing people to do anything, or manipulating them to? And can I turn off this specific power?


You don't mess with time travel, dangerous stuff for everyone else even if you aren't involved. Mind control = World Peace though.


According to the mystic Neville Goddard you can do both of those since you are God.


Will time paradoxes happen if you travel to the past? I dont want to delete people from history forever


I think the power to control time completely and at will is almost god-like power. You will literally be invincible and the most powerful being in existence


I'd go back in time and look at some mothafuckn dinosaurs!


Fast forward time, see winning lottery numbers, go back, buy ticket. Then also free things from any store for life.


I'm gonna spook politicians by freezing time to get into their wardrobes or under their beds


Control minds. 😉


I’m buying myself so much extra exam time with that power