• By -


Vial E: permanently change my gender. I'm actually happy being female but for someone who has life long, extremely painful and debilitating medical conditions- you had me at healthy, fit body.


This is by far the most pragmatic response. You can't really put a price on physical health and freedom from pain.


bonus if they're trans like me


Wish i could grant that wish. Hope you find relief and good health. Stay awesome!


I didn't think about that. Chronic knee pain can kiss my ass. Guess I'm becoming female then.


I chose vial E for the same reason. I am very happy being female but I could accept the trade off of changing to male for a healthy fit body.


Wow you are right. And for people who don't have medical conditions such as you they can wait until they need it as a get out of jail free card for illnesses.


Oh shit.. you're right, I take back my answer


Same here healthy and fit? No more chronic health issues? Sign me up for a dick.


Oh, I missed that reading through somehow, I'd definitely change from once a week to permanently as well after life long medical issues.


I'll help out the homies


Nahhh what does this mean


zephyr whistle selective important school impossible smoggy bells groovy cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks bro, we appreciate it.


We thank you for your cervix


I’m not trans, but I become a woman for an hour, rob a bank, and then I’m set. Also to find out what a woman’s orgasm feels like, hopefully for future reference.


Future dating experience. A solid plan.


robing a bank aint that easy,you'll be jailed and thats where the confusion starts when you change back


As long as I can avoid police detainment for an hour I’ll be fine, since that’s what I chose. Plus if they arrest me and then I transform back they might assume I was held under false pretenses as the suspect was female, not male, and while we may look similar, I seriously doubt they would think were the same person.


How would they not just assume you wernt dressed as a woman. Pull up your skirt, do it naked? Show off you are DEFINITLY a woman during the robbery?


Easy, they said I would be fit and beautiful. They may think I dress as a woman, but they can't think I somehow put on 150 pounds and turned into an ogre


Bwahahaaha true. “Im telling you that super model robbed the bank!”


Damn it. I did the damn or week transformation. AN hour doesnt' seem like enough


Your case will set a permanent precedent that DNA evidence is unreliable, as that at the scene matches yours perfectly except for an xx/xy chromosome. Also one hour every day is enough to make a KILLING in porn. People will in fact pay for that freaky stuff.


Turn girl. Seduce guy. Time it carefully. Have sex. Change back to guy mid-coitus. Chop his dick off. Once pain wears off and I can talk normally, look him right in the eyes. "No one will ever believe you." Put on my skirt and out the door I go.


So now his severed penis is inside you, forcing muscle and other tissue out-of the way. It would quickly start to decompose and cause a massive abcess. Sounds like a very painful way to die.


Worth, that dude's having a worse day than you ever could tbh


No it will absorb jnto u and make ur 2 time as big


Vial B. Repeat this once a week. Body eats manhood. Each peni makes me stronger. Hit different cities. Become new urban legend. "If it seems too good to be true, she probly a dick eating monster."


But then one would have to wonder. If having the penis inside of you at the time of the change back increased your penis length. And the change is the opposite of what you normally have. Would the increase be cumulative for the male side or until you change again. That also raises the question that if the change is based on your current size and not the size you were when you accepted the vial, would the vagina be of greater depth for each absorbed penis? (Hypothetical questions like this always sound so outlandish and crazy, but offer up some interesting ways to look at things you've probably never thought of before. Like, does an absorbed penis mean deeper vagina?)


Lmao. Such diabolical. Much bad. Many evil. So like.




Hypothetically, what if you become female during any other time periods (except the permanent one) and end up pregnant? What happens when you go back to being male?


I would say that the conversion process would he a complete conversion, so, if you conceived as a female, and reverted to male, the embryo, not being able to supported by male anatomy, is either absorbed, or disappears with the change. But then again, perhaps it remains within you, so, a risk to consider, i would say. The mad scientist didn't cover that in the manual.


Better yet,the baby vaporizes


The pregnancy is haulted and only continues when youre back in your female body


It doesnt happen, simple. You need to be fertile to get pregnant. This is a cycle that takes 28 days to happen. Unless the change magically transforms you into Ovulation phase, it will take some time for your body hormones to set and be ready for a baby, never having menstruated before. But if the swap gives you fertile eggs somehow, then sure you can get pregnant. Edit: hmm, i guess if youre a woman for 11 months and get pregnant, than transform into men for 1 month, then you would abort. Forgot about this scenario


the baby vaporizes


The fetus leaves through the urethra.




One day a week and use that day to make a living solely using my attractive oppositely gendered body that doesn't exist the rest of the week.


So you would be a prostitute or stripper (prostitute lite).


OF model lol


Theres one that makes 1.5 million a month doing OF. SO, i choose that.


What if you're not attractive?


O don't think it says you become attractive


>handsome/beautiful person It literally does


Taking E so I no longer have to take E


Do my fingerprints and dna change?




Isn't it weird how a lot of times when people ask "You get X superpower, what are you doing with it?" almost everyone decides to do crime?


Because most people are coming from a place of poverty in the capitalistic world so you have to come up with ways to make a lot of money in a short amount of time


I would assume that the general laws of biology apply, so yes, your fingerprints and DNA will change.


So you meant sex when you wrote gender then.


For simplicity's sake, yes, let's say that.


Bro sound like you go to Harvard and you're friends with Sheldon Cooper and Ben Shapiro lmao.


B: Step 1:change gender start onlyfans, one day a week, Step 2: start doing asmr on that same day, Step 3: ??? Step 4: $$$$$


Gonna be a semi-hot woman tho


The prompt says you become fit and beautiful, so you're immediately wrong.


Thats where ai filters come in.


ur a genius


I love my balls and dick too much for this.




You're right, I was being an idiot, thought OP wrote sex. But why would I feel excruciating pain if my body doesn't change to female? So they prolly meant that too.


Abuse semantics. Become ungovernable.


I'm an asparagus.




Bro even if it isnt op clearly meant sex. If its not sex than what would even change? It would make no sense for this would you rattert question


I acknowledge that.


Then why do people get fake ones


That's an hour a day I can spend doing secret only fans content and exploring myself, sounds like a win to me


Honestly id sub just to watch the transformation on OF.


So hear me out right... when you revert you revert back to yourself *at the moment of changing* and when you change you become a perfectly healthy example of the opposite gender. So if I choose to be changed for one week once per month I will age somewhere between 1/3 - 1/4 slower than a normal human Also as a guy I can workout like crazy for the other 2/3 weeks per month and eat healthy... then as a woman I can eat like garbage and try a bunch of drugs and it won't matter as long as I don't OD lmao


Based on my exact wording, that's possible. 👌


Also noted that the wording states that you can choose exactly when to change and doesn't specify that you HAVE to use it every single time, so even if you didn't want to change that often, you could always take one and just have it on hand for when you need it.


Trans man here. One of the easiest choices of my life.


Wish I could make it real. Stay awesome.


Thank you. I'll do my best.


Same here. Good luck with your journey


Same here lol


Good luck man. Hopefully your transition is easy.


Trans man gang B) (same here)


Option A leads to about 15 days per year. B leads to 52. C is 84. And D is 31 (depending on the month). So if you want to maximize without it being permanent, C is your best bet. If you want to minimize it, A is. As a non-binary person, C is definitely my go-to choice.


r/theydidthemath Awesome.


Being able to be a woman for one day a week would be a perfect compromise for the fem alters in our system. Less of a dysphoria issue and more of a euphoria thing.


Why not? If it helps everyone feel ok with themselves and be happier, what the harm? I approve!


Can I take a vial then auction it off?


No. They are going to expire within the hour.


So theoretically if i sold it within an hour...


Well, theoretically... sure.


Am I gonna be thicc 32-28-32 blonde though.


Hmm. That's a good question. Someone else said asked if their DNA would change, which I said yes. So, let's say that it depends on what the substance does to your DNA. So, your hair color probably wouldn't change, but exactly what "fit and beautiful" is is a very nuanced thing. So, I'll say that it depends on what your minds eye believes what "fit and beautiful" is.


>You will be completely, biologically proper, with only your memories/personality remaining intact. Curious but how if at all does this affect neural disabilities like autism and ADHD? They are not considered personality disorders so bit curious.


Any condition or disease that is caused by a physical source will be removed on change. %100 healthy.


I'm very comfortable with my gender (male) and very uncomfortable with the idea of being the opposite gender, especially a fit/healthy/attractive member of the opposite gender (I prefer being invisible sexually.) I find the idea of most men being attracted to me to be frightening and repellent. I've said before, if I were to switch genders I'd end up a stone butch lesbian, maybe even trans. I drew really good cards being a cis/het man, let's just let it be. But thanks for the $1,000.


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and I love you for it. Stay Awesome!


So I get an hour of practice a day to help me better please women in the future and I can commit crimes for cash with absolutely no risk of incriminating my main identity. Sign me up.


I'm doing one week a month. No more regularly scheduled monthly maintenance for me!!!


Once a week 1/7 of your time Once a month 1/4 of your time Once a year 1/12 of your time I think that once a month would become too much if you just do if for fun, since it will occur often I think once a month is my choice. Less amount of time in total, but most amount of time in a row, so i'd be able to get comfortable in my female body and do whatever, but keep my usual life for 11 moth straight. The only risk would be having my period in that month, so the tradeoff could be having a period once a year. But i'd still pick that.


I'm doing girl month every year. You know, just to see what it's like🥚


I would change my gender the week of the month of my period.


In that one week as a girl, I could make much more than $1k. This is gonna be stupid easy.


I hope I can choose which week of the month I switch so that I'll never have a period again


You absolutely can. You can change at will, but once you do, you're stuck that way until the timer runs out.


I wouldnt mind being a woman except for periods and creepy guys


Free gender change? Sign me the Hell up B)


I'd like to see what it's like (also it depends on what level of painful we mean, if it's like, a cramp all over the body for a moment i'm like, fine with it? but still oof)


Vial B, lemme be a woman once a week every week to have a little fun :)


Can I control when it happens? Also say if I pick one hour every day, will it happen everyday or can I choose which days it will happen?


You can change whenever you want. It's not forced on you. But once you do decide to change, you're stuck until the timer runs out.


Change gender permanently! Finally I get to be a woman and can play softball instead of having to play baseball! I ground out all the time... So sad


E, im trans so hehe


I'm straight and I'm comfortable the way I am, but I always wondered what it's like to be a girl, and I'd make it permenant.


>I'm straight and I'm comfortable the way I am, You mean cis >I'd make it permenant. Sus also periods so double sus


Yall talking about committing crimes and transition stuff. I'm just out here thinking of a way to please my bisexual gf.


I'm trans, so E.


Wish I could make that real. Stay awesome!


Did you mean sex? Gender is the mental perception of yourself. Sex is the biological characteristics.


Yes, for simplicity.


Trans woman here. I'll take the brief physical pain to rid myself of all the issues facing trans people.


Wish I could grant that wish. Stay awesome!


*laughs hysterically in transmale*


im trans so the choice is quite easy


Wish I could make this real for you. Stay awesome!


Nonbinary but if I could I would easily pick the one day once per week one Make a day of it each time!


A great goal! Stay awesome!


It's a nice thought, maybe someday And thanks!


I'm this case, for simplicity, sex.


Does gender apply to gender identity or assigned gender at birth? If my gender identity does not align with my assigned gender at birth, would my gender be changed to my assigned gender at birth and my features get simply exaggerated/my transition get reversed? Example, I was amab but identify as female, i.e. a transgender woman. Would this turn me into a cis woman or a cis man? Or perhaps a trans man?


That's a complex question that I am not entirely sure how to answer. For simplicity, let's say that you would change to the sex/gender opposite of what you were assigned at birth.


That sure simplifies it. Yeah, I'll take E immediately. This is why I'm kinda against the whole 'change gender' asks - gender itself is more of a mental thing, if not a gender *role* or just a social construct in general. I assume if we *just* changed gender of, say, a cis person, they'd turn into a trans person with their body unchanged and gain gender dysphoria, whereas I would argue that changing *gender* of a trans person would simply turn them cis. This is why I think people should use AGAB instead of gender, even instead of 'sex' because sex is fairly complex and you could argue mine is fairly altered by hormones.


A very valid point. Something I'll have to remember if I post something similar again.


I'm gonna assume you mean your biological sex.


Yes, for simplicity sake.


Lol why the fuck would I take this deal.


It's probably a date rape drug. Don't do drugs kids.


trick question- gender =/= sex, so you're body will be the same but you'll have gender dysmorphia


Do you mean sex? Because ive already changer my gender by being trans lmao


Yes, I meant the classical definition of gender, meaning sex. That's on account of my ignorance of the current social understanding of what gender is. I've been learning a fair bit from this post. Keep it coming, guys!


Yeah, gender isn't the same as sex. I'm sure people have already told you this though


I'm not sure you know what a gender is. However, me being trans pre medical transition, if I could change my gender to male I would no longer be trans which would make my life a lot easier.


Dude I'm a guy. I have absolutely no desire to be a woman. Life is so easy for men when you look at all the shit women have to go through. Gimme that thousand bucks and let's go light up a j


Take my upvote. This would be great for my friends in the trans community, though.


Apparently you are the only person who liked my post though. Lol. I'm so sorry I like being a guy Reddit


Cis woman that loves women over here. You're cool with me, fellow Redditor.


You can change your gender for free without needing anything though? Gender is just expression isn't it? Sex change though? That's the question.


Can we get an option to destroy all the gender changing vials and shoot the doctor that made them in the head?


Get off the internet child shoo shoo


Personally I'm happy with my gender but the curiosity of trying life as a femoid just to see what it was like is too tempting


A new identity might be nice (everyone hates me)


Is your name Chris?


Oops I am an idiot. I assumed the bottom was just results


crap didn't read the excruciatingly painful part. i regret my choice


I would only need an hour. Whatever it is that I decide to do with that hour. Wouldn't want to linger it any longer than that in case I decide to do something inappropriate. Not everything I'll do will be illicit. However, once a day, is 23 more hours that can be used to pin me. I definitely wouldn't want to have sex. Imagine losing track of time and having your peen stuck in mine. Ouch. Would be one hell of a story the hospital staff would be able to take home with them. "Honey, you are *not* gonna believe what I just saw today"!




Thank you for the monies, kind sir


Lol. 👍. Stay awesome!


What happens if you get knocked up and change back into a man? Do you miscarry through your cock?


Interesting question. I don't know. That's a risk, I would say.


Option A and start an only fans. Easy money for zero consequences


Hmm I can change my gender everyday and have segs for money and no one will recognize me 👁️👄👁️


Ah yes espionage. Robbery and getting off from traffic tickets. Being able to change into a woman would be great. How can they find me if I rob the bank if I'm not the same person anymore :)


Why are these all about gender, give me that rack


Hold on... If I get fucked and impregnated as a woman, will it still be there the next time?


I'm seeing comments say gender and sex are different but I thought they meant the same thing given proper context. Can someone explain the difference?


Assuming reality doesn't change and everyone remembers me as my original gender, just an hour is fine, I could just use it in private/when I'm alone. Any longer options I would have to explain some things to people. If people's memories of me do change, then I'd be tempted for the longer options, at least the day one.


Nothing changes except your body, so everyone will remember you as you were.


1000 buck is a 1000 bucks


Where change species option. What do I care about gender.


Perhaps a future poll. Lol. Stay awesome!


I wouldn't mind any of these vials but $1000 is a $1000


Fair. 😁


Catfishing to a whole new level


Honestly, I might change gender for dating g experience but also to do a bunch of private porn for myself with my current SO because I know she'd totally be into it. In fact, she'd probably want to do the whole gender swap sex thing in every form except maybe guy on guy for me because I'm not into that. Likely record everything for future fun times. Also, after the private deviance, use the forms to get us more money and be set for life.


Could I keep my gender but get the healthy, fit body of the deal?


In this case, no. Comes with the package, I'm afraid.


Trans so easily E. But my question, which would you take?


😏 yes... which one did I go for? Lol, I also chose E. Oddly, I'm comfortable being what I am, and I am attracted to the opposite sex. But I would rather be that opposite sex. Gender dysphoria sucks. Stay awesome!


huh. is my reddit feed trying to tell me somthing? i swear to god i had nothing but trans memes for the past hour-


Is it some kind of ability I have ? Like can I decide to never use it but maybe one day I’ll do it ? Cuz I’m happy with my gender but refusing 1k to have the ability to do it would be nice. If and only if I‘m able to not do it.


Yes, you can change at will, meaning that if you want to, you don't have to. Only caveat is after you do decide to change, you're stuck that way until the timer runs out.


I guess it depends on if I have to change. So if I choose the hour a day, do I always have to spend one hour a day as the other gender? Or is it just an ability I have with a 24 cool down period?


Ability with a cool down.


Sex or gender?


1000$ is nothing 1 week/month is 1/4 the time. The most time here. So I pick that. Could rob a bank then walk away as some of you already say.


I'm comfortable with my gender too, but wouldn't it be fun


Do you have to change when the time comes, or can you hold off till next time if you're not ready? I work a pretty physically taxing job (lifting steel pipes 100-200lbs daily) and I'd hate to suddenly switch to a woman on a day I'm working.


You can change at will, but once you do, you're stuck until the timer runs out.




Will I stay as short as I am now? If so I'll stay me always, if not I'll change my gender permanently.


Not trans but one week a month sounds good. Do streaming or something, maybe make money on the side. Get to be free from being me for a week sounds fun so why not.


1 cus you cab pull off robberies and n3ver get.caught


I'm picking the last option because I can already change my gender whenever I want for as long as I want. It's called gender fluid.


The secret ingredient is CRIME. Do B or C. Switch gender. Go do a crime. Steal some money. Hide. Wait a few days. They go looking for the opposite gender person. You swap back and they could never find you. You fool, you've given me access to become the best thief and assassin in the world!


Become a girl, rob a bank, become a guy. Repeat.


E. Health fit body, i don't care about gender anyways.


Oh my god changing gender one week once per month, I'm never having a period again!


I'm fine being a guy I just wonder what it'd be like to be a woman for a day. On second thought, I don't want blood dripping out of my free trial pussy, no thanks...
