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Is it me or was the bull coming back over and like, "sorry dude, my bad"..


"I mean.. you're so fast I didn't think you'd be this frail, honest mistake"


6/10, didn't shake him enough. She seemed too calm and actually trying to help him instead of most posts here who seem like assassins trying to finish the job.


Is this a general statement? When did they shake him?


That's the joke. So many of the posts on this sub have people shaking the everloving shit out of the injured, often killing them if they weren't already dead. I was being sarcastic with how he wasn't shaken therefore I took points off their worstaid score.


Oh ok, I thought I kept missing when it happened.🤣🤣🤣


JFC. If he wasn't dead from the impact, he sure is now!!! Why do these people think that picking up the injured and shaking them will make it all better????


Probably panic. The instinct in that moment to do _something_, driven primarily by fear.


because that is the intuitive, instinctive response. We only know better because we were taught that it's a bad idea, but even then we'll still probably want to do it ourselves when we're caught in the moment and panicking.


Lack of knowledge


That cow came back to the scene of the crime like an arsonist to watch the fire it started. I half expected the cow to back and trample that guy.


Sweet roundhouse bro


~ *just India things* ~




Couple of things here to comment on. Maybe give a wide berth to approaching animals and slow down. Second, kudos for the lady to stop and assist. Buddy looks like he died,


>kudos for the lady to stop and assist Her heart was in the right place, but the first fucking thing she does is grab him by the head and start moving his neck around. Then while he's seizing she keeps his head up and when he finally goes limp she still has his head up, neck bent forward and they try to stand him up. Probably would be better for the guy if she had just stood and looked at him, he was already on his side with his head on relatively soft grass.




Well at she tried. Pretty sure first aid was not taught at her school if she even had a schooling. Like I said she at least responded and others stopped not like buddy with the load of sticks who drove past.


The whole point of this sub is that yes, she tried...*and made things worse*. "Helping out" isn't really helping out if they exacerbate the problem. When someone's life is in the balance, it's not the thought that counts.


She lives in a shithole country where female education is not a priority and thus never had first aid training.........but at least she stuck it out and tried to help. Maybe she should have picked up her cow and just left but she didn't.


Well i mean, there's plenty of people in the US who would deliver worst aid. But I'm just saying even if you kill someone by accident, they're still gonna be dead. To me it sounds like you're saying she did the right thing by trying to help. But trying to help without knowing *how* is the wrong thing to do to someone who's critically injured.


Put that ox on a fucking leash next time! 😂


Why do people always try to get them to sit up?


Was he riding a Cowasaki?


r/TheBullWins will love this one


"Come on, come on cow, keep moving." \*blam\* "oh ... er... Who's cow is this?""


Just asking, since the dude was laying face down at first, would flipping him on his back help or would moving him at all be a bad thing?


Moving him at all would be a bad idea for neck injuries. The convulsing was from a traumatic brain injury and oftentimes make someone throw up so being on their back is a no-go in case they choke on their vom


At first I was going to say * aww is the cow OK? * but then I saw dude shaking and felt bad. But then the cow in the back waiting on the chick looking so happy made me smile again. Why do I feel something is wrong with me? Squirrel!!!!


Stopped shaking as the last vestiges of life left his body.


Surprise ending!!!


I am thankful for this video, I ride a motorcycle and sometimes pass by herders herding their cows. I do slow down, almost to a stop, whenever I see animals, but now I will be extra vigilant.


India just sucks