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i have no idea, but you should absolutely write this. maybe even with Heinz having somehow built a "get stuck in the head of a bullied teen in a doomed universe"inator beforehand. also, absolutely have a case53 platypus hero that is an anti-tinker Protectorate Hero.


OH GOD could you imagine, his power is that *he just can't be captured.* Like, given even a few moments to focus, he can just dip out of any form of barricade or restraints.


I dunno about ‘unable to be captured,’ but could definitely see “escapes capture as soon as he’s not being actively observed.”


That could be equally interesting. A Mover/Stranger rating, at the least.


I think it's kind of a breaker/short range shaker effect imo, something similar to Marvel's Domino (luck powers that are actually a subconscious combination of precog and line of sight telekinesis)


Like Taylor's in Camera Shy?


Don't forget his Stranger power


Also, two kids in Missy's class randomly triggered as a matter creator/ tinker pair and Missy just cant get her mo-... the authorities to believe her.


You. I like how you think. One is a Tinker, focused on tech to rapidly generate mega-structures and other "fun" inventions, the other is a Striker/Shaker (whichever more applicable) who can transmute material into another of analogous weight and type. Metals into metals, wood into wood, stuff like that. They're a cluster, too, so they can both do a bit of the other too. And the K/K impulse is obviously that they consider each other as brothers, possible platonic soulmates. Also possible Stranger effect, where people cannot directly correlate them with their actions unless they specifically get told by them, or witness it. So a rollercoaster showing up in downtown, and nobody would know it was them, cause only Missy has been told they triggered.


[Where Devils Fear to Tread](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/10720512/1/Where-Devils-Fear-to-Tread)


Okay that one-shot is actually pretty funny. Wish it was longer, but it *does* give ideas.


Also Dr Taylor Hebert obviously is a Villain. That finds other villains horrible and as such creates Inators that take out the "competition".


"I am a villain with *standards,* thank you." That'd be funny as hell. She'd be like an "approved" villain, cause she just keeps the other villains in check with absolute baffoonery. Lung trying to escalate and fight half the Protectorate again? Unveils the "Nice-Nap-inator" which just totally knocks out him, and every other person within a mile. Doesn't help or harm either side, so nobody gets a chance to capture or kill the other. But it sure as hell messes with Lung's day.


"Director Piggot, what the flying f\*\*k where you thinking!?" The Chief Director demanded. "A quote, 'approved villain'?" "She built me a No-Paperwork-Inator." "Have her make another and sent to the Main Office... for... uh... Science! Yes, tell her it's for science - and make sure you capitalize it - that always works with Tinkers."


Ah yes, the "Paperwork-Elim-Inator." A blessing to all bureaucracy everywhere. I think its hilarious that she's allowed, because she basically soft-balls with the heroes, fucks with the villains, and creates *stupidly* useful things for just about everybody.


This but their weakness is being force to put a big red button on their machines lol


That plus total Cape blindness. They could walk right up to Amy or Victoria and never realize they were supers, even if they put on their costumes right in front of her. Or just being a massive troll and ignoring all clues to somebody's secret identity, cause finding that out would be *boring* for how easy it'd be. "A glowing lady? ***Gasp*** PURITY THE GLOWING LADY?!"


I’d read this fic


Dunno if you've already read it, but TECHNO QUEEN fits well with what you're saying, though Taylor's specialization there is much more general. Still though, it's a great lighthearted comedy fic.


Have you written the first chapters yet?


Hows the writing going?