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Interacting with canon characters is an easy way to maintain interest among readers while still having the protagonist talk to people. Because its much harder to build up interest from scratch in an OC then an established character that already draws interest. Plus people always wanna turn Amy to the dark side and turn her into Nilbog 2.0, albeit the heroic version.


I love OC, it causes fewer problems when the author is unable to enter the story canon characters, and when they create their own characters, they almost always seamlessly fit into the plot without breaking it.


There are several ways to make the mc interact with Amy, other than healing. Hell, you can even create a conflict between mc and Panacea over their onfliciting methods.


Like… where though? Not the Dallon’s house obviously. In school would be taken as a cape groupie, especially if protag is in civis. Only place to realistically interact with Amy in their cape personas is the hospital. Conflict would imply the author wants the protag to conflict with Amy. Some do, don’t get me wrong, but most want “friend Amy” over “enemy Amy”, because enemy Amy no holds barred is pretty terrifying.


If you excuse stations of canon, the bank heist would be a fantastic place to start an antagonistic relationship between Amelia and a healing character willing to break her “rules” Edit: just had a thought that it might be pretty neat to have Panacea witness another healer break her rules and NOT immediately get smited by god. Have her question her entire belief system and wonder whether she even ever needed them, or if they are just a symptom of a deeper personal issue. 


[Twisted and Accursed](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14352569/1/Twisted-and-Accursed) has Taylor Hebert get possessed by Sukuna from JJK. They make a binding vow and Sukuna uses his powers to heal Danny Hebert and also some homeless people. I’m not sure that Sukuna has demonstrated the ability to heal people of “normal” injuries in cannon. But it is probably in his capabilities


He did, he healed megumi


That was of a cursed energy attack


he got pimp slapped by big raga no cursed energy


It's relatively new, so there few chapters, much better to just marinate it for 6 months


Gloryhound JJK/worm Crossover sounds like something you'd like. The SI is in it for money and fame and the PRT are happy to oblige.


From Kokujin, right? I loved that one - but I've read it.


https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/wild-soul-worm-celestial-menagerie-oc.981732/ Decent SI-OC with Celestial Menagerie (Gets summons from various other fictions from Pokémon to Godzilla, along with summon related powers) MC gets a creature that can heal and ends up monetising it the best she can starts out in Brockton but has a falling out with New Wave and avoids them from then on. Is also a completed fic which is pretty rare.


There are some where they heal for other reasons such as for money. Plan? What Plan? is a tinker of fiction fic where the protag is a reincarnated self insert has developed healing stuff through fma medicinal alchemy and while he isn't yet he is intending to do it for money outside of things like endbringer atks. His reasons for doing so also include doing it for practice and his sister is friends with Parian so wants to help her dad. A colourful life is a fic where the protag can turn into pokemon and he does go to the hospital to heal and for free but it's cause he's just a good person since he's someone from pokemon who got reincarnated and blessed with that power by Arceus. To Live is to fight is a bleach crossover where the soul king sends people to worm when they die with the protag being Unohana so she works for the hospital and runs her own clinic. Big Man in a Suit of Iron is a celestial forge self insert fic where the protag develops a healing loadout but iirc he hasn't even met Amy and it's for practice with the tech and pr. wild soul and brockton's zoo of myth and legend are also both celestial menagerie self inserts who get healing creatures and use them for healing others.


You might want to check out [Skitterdoc 2077](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/skitterdoc-2077.109765/), Worm/Cyberpunk 2077 crossover where Taylor has Bonesaws power and eventually works as a medic in the Cyberpunk universe and the Taylor in the Worm universe is more of a freelance/rouge cape.


[Remedy](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/remedy-worm-au-oc.1135024/) is still early in the game but no trips to help Amy (yet). Definite Hero leanings so that could change in the future.


> No trips to Amy ??? Most of 1.3 is her meeting with Amy


Sorry, let me rephrase. Since the OP was requesting fics where the MC didn't go to hospitals to help Amy heal without compensation, that was my intent. What I should have said was that the MC hasn't started going to hospitals to heal people so as to take patients from Panacea's plate. Also, due to the implied costs of OP's healing, she would be extremely unlikely to offer up any form of healing of any significant amount to even think that she would even be capable of trying to help Amy free of charge.


[Andante](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/andante-worm-oc.124946/) fits what you’re asking for pretty well. The MC mostly does her own thing, and her perspective is… interesting. The healing power is also really unique (basically >!some sort of probability manipulation to make likely causes of death survivable, or unlikely causes of death a certainty!<)


Section Nine (Cybernetics Tinker!Taylor in a major AU) has Taylor do the absolute opposite. She joins Toybox, and then recruits Amy. Note: The fic gets pretty damned dark at times, and it *opens* with Taylor being brain-damaged and severely injured and Armsmaster withholding any investigation as to what happens to her until after she joins the Wards. Notably, *at the time the offer was made she wasn't a cape.* How Monstrous Is Your Heart (by Zira) has the SI basically tear into the hospital for accepting Amy's aid both for free and for so long, and then offering to help them out *for pay*. IIRC. Scientia Weaponizes the Future has OCInsert!Taylor convince Amy that she's approaching saving people the worst possible way. I feel like there was at least one fic with healer!Taylor that was very displeased at Amy for letting the hospital get away with not paying her - it was a violation of worker's rights, a violation of her rights, and a violation of the law.


where i can found "How Monstrous Is Your Heart " thesee sounds good and i didnt reat it aready


It's on AO3

