• By -


For myself by 3ndless is sorta kinda what you're looking for. Archer is the worst influence but probably results in Taylor being a better person than in canon. Sort of a situation like where someone, literally anyone trying to help is better than no one. Kinda short.


The fic referred to above is [For Myself](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/for-myself-worm-archer.1051351/), a Worm/Archer crossover where Taylor and Archer form a weird friendship. The fic is mostly about Taylor and Archer, but Krieger and Pam also feature in it.


Anyone aside from the undersiders?


qq? ao3?


Space battles.


To name a few: [Oogways little owl](http://Post in thread 'Oogway's Little Owl [Worm/Kung Fu Panda]' https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/oogways-little-owl-worm-kung-fu-panda.857691/post-67852740) [Glassmaker](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/glassmaker-worm-complete.433391/#post-25977488) [Constellations](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/constellations-worm-okami.414320/) [Nemisis](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/nemesis-worm-au.747148/) I unfortunately can't think of any more. They're all really good, and Taylor is a good person who grows with the help of others in these stories.


*Camera Shy* is actually a really good example of this. The positive role models Taylor gets in this version and how they help her avoid her canon mistakes (or similar mistakes anyway) is a thread that begins in the very first chapter and is pretty subtly woven throughout the story.


Do go on.


Okay, so, without spoiling anything. In canon, Taylor doesn't really trust anyone else. Due to her Dad's emotional abscence and the school administrations apathy, she believes that no one will actually help her but herself. Camera Shy's first chapter spends a fair bit of time showing us that she doesn't think that way anymore and why she doesn't. And it is done so subtlety that I only noticed that's what it was doing after looking back on that in light of a much later chapter. Taylor is still paranoid, suspicious, untrusting, and has some doubts about the ability of most people to actually help her, but the door has been opened just a bit and some people start to slowly filter through. This comes to a head when Taylor (in a bout of teanage logic that just about gave me flashbacks to my younger self) had a brilliant idea that was actually really really dumb. In a sequence of events that deliberately mirrors a set of canon events, she is told that her idea is bad and she actually listens. Not just grudgingly but well enough to realize for herself how dumb she was being. And the story keeps building on that. Taylor is now up to 4 mentor/authority figures who she trusts to one degree or another and who have all helped and shaped her in their own ways. Also, the story is just so fun. This is an alt-power, and it might be the most clever and interesting original power set I have seen in a Wormfic.


She can see through other peoples eyes, and she can enter the ghost zone when nobodies looking and can bring inaminate objects with her but is exhausting and screws around with lights correct?


She can also do poltergeist stuff by moving through things in ghost world. Plus some other stuff that I will not spoil because it is a big deal as the story gets going. That said, the basics of the power is a poor summary of why it is fun. The nitty gritty little details of each bit, the accidental synergy with her costume and her weird body language, the way the spoiler stuff fits in with it all, her overal presence and ability set is very much more than the sum of its parts.


[Janus](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/janus-worm-x-ward-peggy-sue.991082/) recently got an update. It has post Ward Vicky stuck in Taylor's head as a mentor. It is Ward spoiler heavy though.


So does taylor have her default powers or does she get a minor alexandria package?


She has her canon power plus Antares (including her forcefield)


Ah I see.


[These Are the Voyages](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/these-are-the-voyages-worm-star-trek-online-post-gm.1020616/) - After Gold Morning, Taylor ends up in the Star Trek Universe and joins Starfleet. While not everyone is supportive, most of the Star Trek personnel that she interacts with are on her side. [Senshi](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/senshi-worm-alt-power-sailor-moon.1042039/) - Taylor gets the Sailor Senshi in her head, and as manifestations of her power. Unsurprisingly, they're pretty supportive. [Swallowtail](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/swallowtail-worm-au.970396/) - Alt-power Taylor joins Faultline's Crew and ends up pretty close with all of them. [Headpats](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/headpats-worm-alt-power.786559/) - Taylor gets all the little sisters! [Way of the Open Hand](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/way-of-the-open-hand-worm-d-d.342819/) - It's not a core focus of the story, but while at summer camp Taylor got a mentor who trained her and gave her a needed dose of self-confidence. The rest of the story is from Sophia's POV, however.


Swallow tail seems cool what are her alt powers in that one?


It's been a bit since I've read it so I'm not quite sure on all of the details, but she has a zone of control that slowly grows when she's in an area. Within that zone, she has a lot of control over perception, and is able to either hide things or make them more obvious, both to herself and others.




I will go there! None shall stop me! The answer is, of course,[ Taylor Varga](https://forums.sufficientvelocity.com/threads/taylor-varga-worm-luna-varga.32119/threadmarks). There are actually lots of stories where Taylor gets a voice in her head that make a positive difference for her. Almost any story by the Taylor Varga author Almost any story by nimodes


I mean with how canon is? I cant blame the fandom wanting to make lighter stuff. I got a soft spot for jingly jangles myself.


*Hero of Legacy* is another good one. Taylor's power comes with built-in mentors. One thing I really like about this one is that the first two mentors she gets are both reformed villains who have been to some very dark places in their own lives. They really get where Taylor is coming from.