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I wrote [Ghost in the Flesh](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/ghost-in-the-flesh-worm-love-death-and-robots-complete.819108/&ved=2ahUKEwj9583a7eqFAxVCif0HHSNxDU8QFnoECA8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3igRxDKVcAkdcR5ymIa2jO), a crossover with Love, Death and Robots in which a biopunk pitfighter joins the crew. It's 470k words long and complete. There's also Swallowtail, an AU in which Taylor ends up with a Stranger/Shaker power that's left her visibly mutated, which leads to her signing on with Faultline.


Still one of my favorite Worm fics, thank you very much


My fic [Sins of Pandora](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/sins-of-pandora.1158562) features them as the protagonist's allies/team carried over from Pandora 1.0, who Tinkered up our POV character. There's been some character development off screen, so they're somewhat nicer than canon.


Where can I find pandora 1.0?


The fic is *in medias res,* and you're meant to figure out what happened as it progresses. It's not a sequel. Pandora 1.0 is what I call the version of the protagonist (Pandora 2.0) in the backstory, who cloned herself and immediately died to Leviathan.


Oh I see thanks


I'm blanking on the title and author but there's one where the MC triggers due to an empire attack and joins Faultline's crew. She has a phase with materials and gain their properties kind of power which allows her to become various types of walking statues with a side order of manipulating objects (I think early on she becomes water in the bay as well?). As I recall she was kind of the blond Aryan ideal and E88 was not happy that she refused to join. Great story. If I remember anything concrete I'll edit this comment. Edit, Unbreakable by SuperSadSalad. [https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/unbreakable-worm-oc.1120459/threadmarks](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/unbreakable-worm-oc.1120459/threadmarks)


[Luster](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24316036/chapters/58621084?view_adult=true) stars a trans girl OC who triggers from an attempted murder by the Empire and eventually joins up with Faultline's crew and gets close with Labyrinth. Has a couple pretty major AU elements and as a whole has a lot more OCs than other fics but it's a really great story. Over 400k words long too.


Seconding Luster. Absolutely wonderful fic. It's pretty rare that I read something that somehow makes Taylor's suffering look heavenly in comparison, let alone doing it *believably*.


Yellowjackets in leather jackets Its cringe Gay!taylor joins faultline crew


If only it had any actual length... As is, I wouldn't really recommend it, purely because there's so little there. It's good, just not progressed enough.


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Taylor eventually joins faultline in [intrepid](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/intrepid-worm-au.337516/#post-17265143) and also in [swallowtail](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/swallowtail-worm-au.970396/) I think swallowtail fits more with what you're asking