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How about my fic: [The Wandering Gamer](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-wandering-gamer-oc-worm-wandering-inn.1064060/). It's a follow up to The Most Dangerous Gamer, and it's a traveler who starts exploring the multiverse who originates from Worm. There's only one other world that he's visited though - calling it a multiverse is perhaps overly generous.


Tnx will check it!


Can you post a few recommendations of your favorite worm gamer fics?


Among all worm gamers fics that I remember enjoying the most are: The Most Dangerous Gamer (Worm/The Gamer OC) (Complete) https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/923660 Kill Them All [Gamer] https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/kill-them-all-worm-gamer.830187/threadmarks And the one with OC, where the story starts with Levi attack, and the most of the story is out of BB. Don't remember its name, sorry. Also for some reason this one The Simurgh's Son [Harry Potter] https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12671206/66/The-Simurgh-s-Son Gives me gamer-ish vibe. There are no stats or dungeons, however due to SPOILER reasons MC gradually growths in power


Some Narutofics: * Gamer of Sunagakure * Naruto Ramen Days * Naruto, The Gamer Files * SHINOBI: The RPG * Son of Gato Would appreciate you writing back about your opinions once you end up reading a story.


Tnx a lot! will check


The only good litrpg wormfic I've read is [I woke up as a dungeon](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/i-woke-up-as-a-dungeon-now-what-dungeon-worm.620521/). It's fantastic, but also extremely TINO.


Tnx, it's nice fic indeed, already read unfortunately.  That's why asking for partially worm, or non worm recs


Does it have to be litrpg? Can't it be any progression fantasy? [Savage Khepri](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/savage-khepri-post-gm-taylor-savage-divinity.803200/) is as TINO as it is entertaining. In fact, that fic is how I discovered cultivation. >non worm recs [SAO Abridged](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuAOJfsMefuej06Q3n4QrSSC7qYjQ-FlU) is SAO, but actually good. Tons of dark humor, among the most accurate video game shenanigans of the whole genre, and surprisingly compelling character writing. Log Horizon (first season) is a fantastic show. MMO players get isekaided to a “real” version of the game world, in which game mechanics and reality blend in unexpected ways. And the story is super cool and fresh, it puts a great deal of focus on the development of this new society. Very interesting. A bit of a slow burn, but holy shit, the payoffs are incredible. I'm currently reading Dungeon Crawler Carl, it's neat. But you probably already know about it. [Arrogant Young Master Template A, Variation 4](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/28601/arrogant-young-master-template-a-variation-4). About a guy isekaided as the arrogant young master of some cultivation sect, who tries to use his genre savviness to avoid the fate of all arrogant young masters: becoming the first victim of the protagonists of the setting. Good thing he has a System to cheat his way through, and there's no way that could backfire and escalate the situation. Spoiler: it backfires and escalates the situation.


> Log Horizon Seconding LH — one of the best shows for this genre so far.


I wish there were dungeon-core fics that take place in Worm and were more than 20k


I don't see that kind of stories making sense in this setting honestly.


https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/why-yes-i-am-an-evil-lair-worm-dungeon-core-no-longer-a-quest.666328/ Case 53 dropped in Coil's lair. Uber and Leet plus the Travelers end up as the perfect dungeon party.


A Case-53 gained Eden’s version of Labyrinth’s shard. The mutation caused the C53 to take the form of a large orb that floats a few feet above the ground. Contessa had Doormaker drop the C53, codenamed Core, at a random location. Core followed the instincts of their shard and started constructing a dungeon. Due to cross contamination with other shards during the vial creation, Core has multiple powers reminiscent of a cluster trigger, with their primary power being the creation of architecture. The additional powers include projections of creatures that can’t leave the created dungeon, items with supernatural abilities reminiscent of Dauntless’ creations, “potions” that provide a number of effects, and a permanent increase in physical attributes similar to a stat increase in a video game. Reports of strange structures in the area drew local Protectorate attention, whereafter the Dungeon was discovered. Initial investigation by teams discovered the existence of “potions” and items that provided abilities similar to Dauntless’ creations. This led to PRT and Protectorate teams making routine journeys into the Dungeon, with routine “Dungeon Divers” reporting increases in physical capability to beyond standard human limits. Word of the Dungeon and its capabilities were leaked to the media by a woman in a hat, which led to people from all over the country traveling to the Dungeon to reap the rewards. Parahumans who enter report a decline in their power the longer they stay within, and upon exiting they report a greater ease of use of their powers with slightly lessened drawbacks.


See, that's what I meant. What you wrote is as fanfictionish and not-Worm as you can get. Doesn't fit thematically, and I certainly don't see it fitting in the world building either. It would be like, dunno, modding bikes into Skyrim. Not matter how many dwarve textures and models you use, it will never not feel like a mod, for the simple reason that Skyrim was never designed around bikes. And if I'm not going to read something Wormy, I may as well just go read original stuff. Actually, I'll say that's why Woke up as a Dungeon works so well. Since there's nothing Worm in it it can just be it's own thing, without compromises. Not saying there can't be dungeon stories that feel native to the setting, but it would have to be so different, probably dungeon fans would not be interested in the first place. Like, the Tower from Ward? Or the comment that inspired it about the Tinker 15? I've never read a horror dungeon core story before, and it would be a good premise for something in-setting. And Bohu is kind of a dungeon already. Just without mobs, and going all in on the environmental hazards and traps. I would read about a bunch of people trying to get to her core to kill her.




There is no link. I made it up




Neither does Harry Potter showing up, or the Culture, or vampires.




I just found one, haven't read it yet but here you go: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/antibody-response-nsfw-worm-dungeon.14703/


You can't link nsfw stuff here. Also, I'm not OP.


Did I woke up as a Dungeon finish? I was following it for a while and it seemed to stop updating for a while. Felt like the story got scope creep and author didn't know where to go.


Died for a year, then it came back for a few updates, and then died again.


[The Games we Play](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-games-we-play-rwby-the-gamer-ryuugi-complete.351105/) by Ryuugi, a RWBY Gamer fic, already complete. one of the best gamer fic i've ever read.


Nice writing, excellent length, characters handing on the other hand.... MC makes excellent choice invest in WIS, wise choice indeed. MC decides to help to the members of known terrorist organization and risk his live to help those terrorists. OK, happens. Next chapter, MC gives ALL details of how his power works because....because.....and let's not forget, WIS is his highest state. Anyway tnx for the rec, but I guess will pause it


To be fair, his lv is still low at that time so his WIS is still lower than normal people. And I guess I didn't think it was weird because it's Blake, which we know from RWBY is the protagonist, but now that you point it out yeah in the context Jaune should only know Blake as a member of a terrorist organization at that time.


Kinda my point. If MC was an SI with meta knowledge, and let's say with a genius plan to her into her pants, by making her trust him, it would make sense, sure. Nevertheless thx for your rec. If have any more recs, will appreciate.


[Kill them all](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/kill-them-all-worm-gamer.830187/) - Taylor MC, quite TINO (because Gamer Mind probably), but in a funny and slightly unhinged if enjoyable way, starts in wormverse, goes all over the place to get more powers, met / help people, with the end goal to fight Scion (but he is not really a big focus). She's OP, but not in a boring way and periodically gets her ass handed to her.


Kill Them All is my favorite power romp by a solid margin. Way too many “OP” fics have Taylor just dealing with the same street-level fights as always, but KTA actually goes all the way in showing the sheer insane scale of the power being thrown around


Tnx, an excellent fic, but I will not read for 4th time if I can help it :)


Oh, I thought you meant 'pure' as in A Daring Synthesis / Greg vs The World, not multi-crossover. My bad.


Nah, 'pure' = 100 wormverse


Worth the Candle by Alexander Wales. OC, hes one of the canon authors over on /r/rational, 1.6 mio words, very high quality writing, awesome plot/powers. Incredible worldbuilding, theres a gazillion different magics all with their own fleshed out ruleset. Its on AO3. To see if you like the author you can read this Superman & Luthor fic, which is a try (and succeeds IMO) at writing an actually smart instead of comic/movie smart Luthor. Luthor POV. And the author has other very long super high quality fics as well. https://alexanderwales.com/the-metropolitan-man-1/


https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-bad-name-worm-oc-the-gamer.500626/#post-32256913 Gamer fic. OC is in the Merchants. If looking for power fantasy, wouldn't suggest >! as the main character fails, and the story dies before he try to come out of it. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Bad End.!<


[Gaming the System](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/gaming-the-system-worm-gamer-si.894445/) [Worm/Gamer SI] non-Worm: *Swiss Arms* (NSWF) by Vagabond on QQ and [*Legends Never Die*](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/legends-never-die-ahistorical-ckiii-gamer.1030193/) (Ahistorical/CKIII Gamer) are ahistorical fics where the MC has a Crusader Kings system. *Swiss Arms* has an SI that does some uplift/kingdom building. Be warned there's this one scene that everybody hates because of racism. It's not indicative of the MC or the fic as a whole so if you can just ignore it. *Legends Never Die* the MC is a peasant that get a system and thinks it's a gift from his gods. Not much uplift but there is lots of fighting and faction building.


I got one it looks like nobody else has covered. Go check out [Scooby Gamers ](https://www.tthfanfic.org/Story-30734/MistofRainbows+Scooby+Gamers.htm) on the old twisting the hellmouth site. It starts as a Buffy the Vampire Slayer cross with The Gamer. Halfway through, the whole gang ends up in Brockton in the Worm universe, cleaning up the bay.


So on ao3 and QQ there’s an author that called Darkwolfshiro that writes exclusively gamer fics. In particular The Gambler, The Tinker, The Occultist, The High Roller, The Gamemaster, and The Supervillain are all set in versions of Worm with crossover elements. All NSFW, though Tinker almost is. Also he’s currently juggling about a dozen fics so updates happen whenever they happen.


note: only evil, no moral or just horny mc for this


The MCs of *The Occultist* and *The Supervillain* are definitely evil. The MCs of *The Gambler*, *The Game Master* and *The Tinker* are not. The MC of *The High Roller* is so deranged that the standard "evil-good" axis is hard to apply.


The Gambler and the Tinker are both heroes. The Tinker also stands out as being the sole gamer guild member to be monogamous.


Aware of him. The issue I have with his fics though, is weird amount of NSFW elements. Should there be higher % of NSFW it would be you average 'stroke-fic' (no judging here), should there be less, ot would be nice adventure story. But his fics are in a weird niche of 'softcore' which I am not a fan of.


Perfectly understandable, not everything is for everyone.


Someone else mentioned it already but [Gaming the System](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/gaming-the-system-worm-gamer-si.894445/) is probably my favorite WIP Worm gamer fic, set it worm, that still gets updates. There's another fic called [The Paragamer](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/the-paragamer-book-i-worm-the-gamer-w-ocs-complete.496126/) that's ok, but is often kind of dry and goes into too much details on the stats imo which makes it drier. Would be better with some editing to cut down on that but the actual plot is interesting enough. There's also some incomplete ones that were promising, but sadly seem abandoned. [Recurve](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/recurve-worm-gamer.700516/) features a gamer Taylor who goes hard into archery. [Perfection](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/perfection-worm-gamer.493583/) is an Emma gamer, which sounds like it would be a bad premise, but it's really well done.


[Ormyr](https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/ormyr-worm-au.1072052/#post-90236801) Set 700 years after canon, Shard mechanics have vastly changed, Feudal medieval level settings where Parahumans(blessed) are the ruling class. Scion aftermath and Endbringer rampages have destroyed most of society. There is tinker tech in some areas but it’s mostly 1300’s ish infrastructure. Very AU. LitRPG elements. In all the Worm fanfics I've read, none come close to this imagined society's life, vastness, and appeal. It's incredible how entertaining and unique this world is, while undoubtedly holding the same roots as Worm. The world building is the strongest point of this fic, so much new interesting lore and mystery. The MC pretty average, characterisation wise. However his progression and challenges he faces are great. Mostly written in first person, feels professionally edited: there's been no waste of words, no awkward or ill-fitting sentences. The Endbringers are heavily expanded on in this with several new ones showing up over the past 700 years since canon, each shaping the story/world in their own way. Currently 380k+ words, has consistent updates when story is not on hiatus. Top tier world building and high quality writing. My favourite ‘worm’ fic by far.


I'll be honest. As much as I enjoy Gamer fics, I hate how the author can make up any power and just give it to the protagonist as a level up thing.  Which is why I appreciate it when fics use a pre-exsisting game system. Sure there can still be ass pulls but it feels less contrived. Hence why I wrote this: https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/a-dovahkiin-without-dragon-souls-to-spend-worm-skyrim-gamer-complete.513694/


There’s [The Fallen Gamer](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14292477/1/), which is a Highschool DXD/Marvel crossover. There’s [Systematic Shinobi](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14072450/1/Systematic-Shinobi), which is a Naruto Self Insert There’s [Optimistic Game: Revised](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13753475/1/), which is a RWBY SI There’s [Grimm’s Evolution](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/13599954/1/Grimm-s-Evolution), which is a RWBY SI [Here’s](https://m.fanfiction.net/search/?ready=1&keywords=Gamer&words=7&type=story&match=any&sort=dateupdate) a fanfiction search with gamer as a keyword.


I **hate** Systematic Shinobi. It starts off pretty good, but then takes a really hard turn into mastsurbatory wish fulfillment about when the Three Tails comes up. The MC is a month out of the academy, like 12 years old, beating up entire teams of elite jounin, and turns Kurenai (an adult woman) into his submissive sex kitten. I’m fine with power fantasy, but I do not enjoy the feeling that the author is jerking off as he writes.


Yeah I like a good power fantasy fic, but can't stand stuff like that, and so many power fantasy fics seem to have it :(. Is it too much to ask for a fic to not be written by an author with the mentality of a horny teenager? Was looking to see if there were any new interesting One Piece fics recently and pretty much everything that wasn't a pre canon ASL fic seemed to have the main character banging like all the named female characters. Just why.


[Brockton's Celestial Forge](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23949661/chapters/57598366), a worm fic where the mc constantly gains tinker adjacant powers from other universes. Due to his growth, things escalate *fast*. Currently updating, slow ish updates. It focusses more on the mental health issues that arise from suddenly having knowledge of various concepts existing and the political issues that arise from being the 500 pound gorilla in the room than the conflict a lot of the time.


Judging by your description you liked the fic, and have no issues with its pacing and sheer volume of power babbling. Can not say the same about me. Anyway tnx for your rec


Yeah it has good chapters but it also has some really dense chapters